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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1953)
Future Subscribers KNIEVEL— Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Knievel of Ewing, a daugh ter, weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces, born Friday, March 27, in a Nor folk hospital. FISHER—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fisher of Niobrara, a son, Lyle Henry, weighing 7 pounds 4 ounces, born Wednesday, March 25. They also have a daughter,. LaVon Alene. Mrs. Fisher is the former Miss Alene Babcock of Creighton. JOHRIN— Mr. and Mrs. Ben nie Johring of O’Neill a daughter, Sharleen, weighing 6 pounds 10 ounces, bom Monday, at 3:15 p.m. (March 23, in Sacred Heart hospit al, Lynch. Mrs. Johring is the former LaVonne Walters of O’NeilL NEAL—- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Neal of Minneapolis, Minn., a daughter bom Tuesday, March 24. Mi's. Neal is the former Jacquelyn Snyder daughter of Mrs. Harry Snyder of Atkinson. The Neals have bne other child—a boy. DAVID—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph David of Lynch, a daughter, Shel ley Ann, weighing 6 pounds 31 ounces bom Thursday, March 26. in Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. VESELY—Mr. and Mrs. Leon Vesely of Monowi, a son, bom Sunday, March 29, in Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. Too Late to Classify FOR RENT: Three-room apt., up stairs, private entrance. May be seen after 3 p.m. — Ralph Stowell, 322 East Adams, O’ Neill, phone 527-LJ. 48p35 FOR SALE: Rubber tired tractor spreader, $125; good F20, $350; F20 reversed tractor sweep, $550. John Deere overshot stacker, $100; 2 - 16 Hispeed tractor plow, $75.—G. O’Con nor, 8 miles north, 5 east of Atkinson. 48p40 CARD OF THANKS THANKS to all my neighbors, friends and relatives for all the help given to me and my family during my stay in St. Anthony’s hospital; also for the many cards sent me and to those who visited me. They were all appreciated more than one can tell. Thanks so much. 48p50 —HARRY SCOTT F'OR SALE: Choice red clover seed, new crop, clean, state tested, 40c lb.—John J. Dvor ak, 2 Ms mile south of Atkinson. FOR SALE: Purebred Angus bull, registered, 4-yrs.-old, pa pers furnished. Would hold to suit your date for breeding. — Merwyn C. Nelson, Wausa. Nebr., phone 24F03. 48-49c70 LOST: Saturday forenoon, gold ring with jade set, downtown O’Neill. In white box. Also another setting. Return to The Frontier office for reward. 48p65 WANTED: Married man for farm work. Separate house, elec tricity, etc. Must have exper ience in handling livestock and tractor farming. Top wages, steady job.—Bert Armbruster, Stanton, Nebr. 48-50cll5 FOR RENT: Four-room apart ment with bath, partially fur nished. Heat, lights and water furnished.—Phone 537, O’Neill. __ 48tf CARD OF THANKS I WANT to thank my friends and relatives for the cards and letters and their visits during my stay in the St. Anthony’s hospital and since I have been home. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated. — MRS. LOIS B. ADAMS 48c CARD OF THANKS WE SINCERELY appreciate the kindness of our friends and relatives and express our deep est gratitude to each of you for your thoughtful and helpful deeds and for the many cards and letters, also the beautiful floral tributes to our dear hus band, son and brother.—Mrs. Melvin Steskal, Mr. and Mrs. John Steskal and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright and fam l]y- 48p50 RUTHER — Mr. and Mrs. Je rome Ruther of Page, a daughter, Patricia Marie, born Tuesday, March 24, in Our Lady of Lourdes hosoital, Norfolk. SLATTERY — Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Slattery, Middlebranch, i a son, weighing 9 pounds 1 jounce, born Wednesday, April 1, ! in St. Anthony’s hospital, O’ Neill. GALLAGHER—Mr. and Mrs. j Robert Gallagher of O’Neill, a j daughter, Joyce Marie, weighing 7 pounds 9 % ounces, born Fri | day, March 27, in St. Antnony’s hospital, O’Neill. Mrs. Gallagher is the former Dorret Richards of Atkinson. They have one other child. GREENSTREET—Mr. and Mrs. Keith Greenstreet of Lincoln, a son, bom Thursday, March 26, Mr. Greenstreet is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Watson of Amelia. MATTES—Mr. and Mrs. Ste phen T. Mattes of O’Neill, a son, S y v i n Francis, weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces, born Sunday, March 29, in St. Anthony’s hos pital, O’Neill. GALLUP—Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam P. Gallup of O’Neill, a daughter, Regina Ann, weighing pounds 314 ounces, born Tuesday, March 31, in St. Anthony’s hos pital, O’Neill. Mrs. Gallup is the former Leora Weyhrich. This is their first child. EPPENBACH — Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eppenbach of O’Neill, a daughter^ weighing 8 pounds 1214 ounces, born Tuesday, March 31, in St. Anthony’s hos pital, O’Neill. Mrs. Eppenbach is the former Dorothy Davidson. They have one other child. Sick & Injured O’NEILL — Allan Van Vleck went to the Veterans hospital, Grand Island, on Tuesday for a checkup. . . Paul Moseman, sr., had a checkup while in Lincoln Monday. . . Danny and Richard Porter are recovering from the chickenpox. Bob Porter contract ed the disease this week. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Porter. . . Sally Herley, 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Herley, is recovering from the chickenpox. . . Preston Jones was ill with the flu over the weekend. . . John Gilstrap was ill last week with the flu. . . Mrs. Milton Suiter submitted to a major operation recently in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Nor folk, and is reported “good.” LYNCH — William Boehmer fell from a ladder last Thursday at the Prescott blacksmith shop and has been laid up with a very lame hip since. . Clayton Thom son dropped an anvil on his foot on Friday at his garage east of town. He has been quite lame. . . Mrs. Eugene Lechtenberg of Butte has been recuperating at the Bernard Webber home after hospitalization at the Lynch hos pital. . . Guy Mulhair is on the sick list. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wi ley took their two sons, Larry and Wayne, to Grand Island on Wednesday, March 25, for a checkup at the polio hospital there. ROCK FALLS — Mrs. John Schultz and Mrs. Floyd Johnson took Trudy Schultz to a doctor last Thursday. She had a bad throat condition. They were back for a checkup Saturday morning , and she was “improved.” . . . Norman and Barbara Taylor have the chickenpox. . . Mrs. ; Clara Woidneck plans to be home i from the Lynch hospital for Eas- { ter. CHAMBERS — Miss Arlene Potter will return to Bryan Me morial hospital, Lincoln, for a final operation immediately after school is dismissed. She was bit- , ten by a dog February 8 and has had considerable plastic sur gery done. She was released from Bryan Memorial in mid-March. DELOIT— Mrs. Louis Pofahl is still a patient at the Neligh hospital. Her condition on Friday ] was “good.” . . Mrs. Fred Stearns j is convalescing at her home fol- , lowing her stay in an Omaha hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Steams were in Tilden for a checkup last Thursday. AMELIA— Mrs. William Fry- * rear submitted to a major opera tion recently in Our Lady of ] Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. . . Mr. , and Mrs. Bemie Kennedy visited their daughter, Colleen, while she was a recent patient in Luth- , eran hospital, Norfolk. CHAMBERS—Mrs. C. V. Rob ertson returned Tuesday, March 24, from Plattsmouth where she had spent several days helping care for her sister, Mrs. William Sprandel, who was seriously ill. . . . Rec. L. R. Hansberry is suf fering with brucitis in his right arm. . . Ed Harvey returned home last Thursday from St. Anthony’s hospital where he had been a patient since Saturday, j March 21. .. Harry Scott returned home from St. Anthony’s hospital | Friday after spending several weeks there receiving medical care. VENUS — Charles Montgom ery, jr., is in good condition in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. . . Marlin Rokahr was recently dismissed from the Lutheran hospital, Norfolk. PAGE—Mrs. Jerome Ruther and baby girl are getting along fine in Our Lady of Lourdes hos pital, Norfolk. EWING—Mrs. Joe Knievel and baby girl are getting along fine in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. ATKINSON—Mary Ann Kah ler was recently dismissed from the Lutheran hospital, Norfolk. CELIA—Dennis Colfack miss ed a few days of school on ac count of having mumps. Mock Wedding Shower Feature Amelia—Mrs. b. w. Waldo was hostess to a prenuptial show er honoring Miss Beverly Small of Hopkins, Mo., a former Amelia resident. Luncheon was served to about 80 guests. A mock wedding provided en tertainment for the crowd. Mrs. Loyd Waldo, and Mrs. Harold Waldo were the bride and bride groom. Mrs. George Fullerton was the preacher, Mrs. Lawrence Bar nett portrayed the “weeping mother”, and Mrs. Harold Fuller ton the “consoling husband” to Mrs. Barnett. Phyllis Fullerton and Connie Barnett were ring bearers. The bride received many gifts. Other Amelia News Mr. and Mrs. Bill English, from Winner, S. D. visited over the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Mamie Sammons, and her broth er, Frank Pierce. On Sunday they were all guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott. Mrs. Asa Watson, Nancy, Joyce and Sharon were also guests for dinner. Mrs. Frank Pierce has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Char les Bligh and Mr. Bligh in Val entine, since Friday. Raedee Wickham came from Valentina to stay with her grandfather, Frank Pierce. Mrs. Ralph Rees, Mrs. Julia White and_Mrs. Etta Ott were O’Neill callers Friday. Asa Watson and daughter, Beth, went to Omaha Saturday to take some furniture down for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tibbets. Mrs. Emma Lindsey and Flor ence, and Mrs. Julia White visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Jim Snelson at Long Pine Sunday. Mr. Snelson is in very poor health, having been ill the past six weeks. Cub Pack Meets— EWING—The Cub pack met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Black Tuesday evening, March 24, for. a regular meeting. Mrs. Clarence Halhbeck and Mrs. Rob ert Tams, den mothers, were in charge. Roll call was answered with new information learned, this week about the Hawaiian Islands. The evening was spent making cigar box ukeleles. Tues day evening, March 31, a pack meeting was held at the Church of Christ. The Webelos badges were presented to the cubs. At Walker Home— EWING—The Young Matrons pinochle club met at the home of Mrs. John Walker on Tuesday evening, March 24, with Mrs. Frances Shaw the assisting host ess. All members were present and Mrs, Richard Edwards be came a new member. Score win ers were Mrs. Kermit Jefferies, Mrs. Arthur Kropp and Mrs. R. H. Shain. The traveling prize went to Mrs. Gail Boies. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bartos, Linda, Marvin and James Bartos, Stanley and Lorraine of Ewing were Tuesday evening guests in the Freeman Knight home in honor of the birthday anniver sary of Miss Lee Bartos. Mr. and Mrs. Murel McClure entertained Mr. and Mrs. Orville Paxton and Larry of Stuart in their home Sunday evening. 13 Registered Herefords Offered • There'll be 13 head of registered Hereford bulls in range condition offered at the sale today (Thursday). This is a top set of 2-year-olds, consigned by Ray DeLanty of Onawa. Ia.. just like the Herefords brought to O'Neill three weeks ago by Mr. De Lanty. There'll also be an outstanding set of good first - calf springer heifers, Herefords. some are dropping calves now. Also expected are several nice batches of steer and heifer calves, and the usual run of butcher stock. Probably 400 head of cattle in all. • The hog sale will precede the cattle sale, as usual. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET PHONE 2 _ O'NEILL COMING APRIL 15-16-1H8| Choice Selection OF EASTER CANDY GILLIGAN’S REXALL DRUG Phone 87 _ O'Neill We Give S&H Green Stamps Hospital Notes SACRED HEART (Lynch) Admissions: Miss Ellen Adams, Fairfax, S.D., major operation, improving; John Bainbridge, Bristow, medical, unchanged; Mrs. William Blitzkie, Spencer, medical, satisfactory; John Cer veny, Naper, medical, unchang ed; Mrs. Joseph David and baby girl, Lynch, good; Robert H. Johnson, Bristow, medical, un changed; Gerald R. Kirwan, Bristow, medical, improving; Mrs. William Larson, Lynch’ medical, satisfactory; Fred Lude man, Naper, medical improving; Mrs. Charles Schmitz, Bonesteel’ S.D., major operation, good; Mrs. Anna Stahlecker, Naper, major operation, improving; Charles Teaquist, Spencer, medical, satis factory; Mrs. Leon Vesely and baby boy, Monowi, good; John Wentz, Naper, medical, good; Mrs. Henry Woidneck, O’Neill’ medical, good. Dismissals: March 24 — Mrs. Fay Pinkerman, Dorsey; Norman Lee Beem, Butte. 26—Walter Tschirren, Niobrara; Mrs. Eugene Lechtenberg, Butte. 27 — Baby Joseph Obermire, Atkinson. 28— Mrs. Bennie Johring and baby, Sharleen LaVone, O’Neill. 29— Mrs. Curtis Ellwanger, Butte; Mrs. Jannettie Nelson, Center; Mrs. Gordon Kirsch, Lynch; Cari Asimus, O’Neill; Mrs. Wilbur Reiser, Spencer; Mrs. Hannah Streit, Lynch. ST, ANTHONY'S (O'Neill) Admissions: March 26—Linda Doty, Butte; Elsie Doolittle, Am elia. 27—Mrs. Robert Gallagher, O’Neill. 28—Jerry Lee Babutz ke, O’Neill; Mrs. Geary Enbody, Emmet; Mrs. Rose Sell, O’Neill. 29— Mrs. Stephen T. Mattes, O’ Neill; Mrs. Jim Regal, O’Neill. 30— Mrs. Dave Widtfeldt, O’Neill. 31— Mrs. William P. Gallup, O’ Neill; Mrs. Frank Eppenbach, O’Neill; Mrs. Dale Revell, Star. April 1—Mrs. Thomas Slattery, Middlebranch. Dismissals: March 25—Connie Sholes, O’Neill. 26-—Harry Scott, Chambers; Ed Harvey, Cham bers; Junior Earhart, Elgin; Mrs. William Luben, O’Neill; Peggy Degan, Hamburg, la. March 28— Lynda Doty, Butte; Sam Fuhrer, O’Neill; Elsie Doolittle, Amelia; Mrs. Blanche Mashino, Lynch; Mrs. William White and baby girl, O’Neill; Mrs. Geary Enbody, Emmet. March 29 — Jerry Lee Babutzke, O’Neill; Mrs. W. S. Devall, O’Neill; Carol Fuhrer, O’Neill. 31—Mrs. Gladys Steskal, Inman. On Tour with Choir — Mr. and Mrs. Dewight Harder received word from their daugh ter, Miss Lois Harder, that she re cently returned to Hastings from a 12-day tour with the college choir. She will arrive home today for spring vacation. LEGAL NOTICE (First pub. April 2, 1953) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF THE AP PLICATION OF CLINTON J. GATZ, GUARDIAN OF ED WARD E. GATZ, a Minor, FOR LICENSE TO SELL REAL ESTATE. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. Now, on this 1st day of April, A.D. 1953, this cause coming on to be heard before the under signed, D. R. Mounts, Judge of the 15th Judicial District in and for the County of Holt and State of Nebraska, upon the petition of Clinton J. Gatz, Guardian of the person, estate and property of Edward E. Gatz, a minor, praying for a license to sell the undivided right, title and inter est of Edward E. Gatz, a minor, in and to Lots 7 and 8 in Block 28 of the Original Town of O’ Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, for the reason that it would be for the benefit of said minor that his interest in said real estate be sold and the proceeds thereof put out at interest or invested, j Upon consideration whereof, j and it appearing from said peti- J tion that it is necessary, and would be beneficial to said mi nor, that his interest in said property above described be sold, and the proceeds thereof put out at interest, or invested; IT IS ORDERED that the next of kin of said minor, all all per sons interested in his estate, ap pear before the district court of Holt County, Nebraska, on or be fore the 5th day of May, A.D. 1953, in the courtroom, in the courthouse, in the City of O’ Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, at the hour of 10 o’clock a.m. of said day, then and there to show cause why a license should not be granted for the sale of said minor’s right, title and interest in and to said real estate, in ac cord with the prayer of said pe tition. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy hereof be published for three successive weeks before said day of hearing in The Fron tier, a weekly newspaper print ed, published and of general cir culation in Holt County, Ne braska. By the Court: D. R. MOUNTS District Judge. __ 48-50 (First pub. April 2, 1953) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF CHARLES E FARRIER, DECEASED THE STATE OF NEBRASKA TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of fi nal account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this' court on April 21, 1953, at 10 o clock, A.M. Entered this 30th day of March, 1953. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 48-50 O’NEILL LOCALS Susan and Michael Tari of Col ome, S. D., are spending this week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike London, while their mother is visiting in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Mellor. Their grandaughter, Rosemary Grenier, accompanied them. Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Klein were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lashmettand Karen of Bassett Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray spent the weekend in Cody at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. McCoy Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ray of Loveland, Colo., were also pre sent. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson of Armour, S. D., spent a few days recently in the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rohde of Colome S. D. , came Tuesday to get her two sisters at St. Mary’s academy. They will spend the weekend with them at Colome. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Langan and Mrs. Matt Hynes went to Colum bus Monday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Joe Langan and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hynes. Paul Moseman, jr., will arrive home to-day (Thursday) to spend the Easter weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mose man, sr. He is a student at the j University of Nebraska, Lincoln. I o Mrs. Billie Marcellus returned to Stuart to the home of her par ents after spending several days in the M. B. Marcellus home Mr. and Mrs. Silas Lyman of Laramie, Wyo., spent the week end in the home of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mr^ Joel Lyman. Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. ad Mrs. H. S. Moses were Mr. and Mrs. F. Irvine Moses and Mr. and Mrs. Art Auker, all of Wayne. »« . —...»****«**»***«««*****«****t*M*«*««M***»»««i,;;;;;;****4 n * ♦•» H *' _ . ;; I <^9Zf QtMCM'A savs the Bimnv- FREE I iirrective Sft J A — * H 1 H H Thurs. .. « Delivery u H pr; xx * n. o • b service :: y Sat. 1 ° I April Phone I | 2* 3> 4 No. 593 | (I KRAFT I III VELVEETA I ii 121*^* ^.83c I |i 111 MAYBELLE I II 0 LFO I i K V b b V ■ GOLDEN VALLEY «-02. Cans ■ 3 Lbs. 59c I PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 for 63c I H| .. .. fi CEEDI CSC I BAKER'S SHREDDED ! a „ - I CQCOANUT 8 oz cell. 27c 11 :j I ■■ ■■ ■ W I N W I SUNSHINE KRISPY 112 u>. Cello. | CRACKERS.2-lb- box 43c I!, • 11 oiifMMr^yr I ICE CREAM SPECIAL I DRESSING I Pints 23c Quarts... 45c 11 “ 1 I Qt Jar.43c I Vz GAL. VANILLA, Bulk_89c R | I Serve a Swift's Premium ! HAM 1 this S<Mten. k Tenderized | or Pre-Cooked j WHOLE or HALF f PURE FRESH | GROUND BEEF Lb. 35c f U.S. GOOD | STEAK :. Lb. 69c j RING I BOLOGNA • - lb. I fronts QUARTERS 1 Per Lb.35 C i —— -— — ..«■ > OUR FAMILY FRUIT COCKTAIL ...2 No. 303 cans 45c I . GOLDEN VALLEY I APRICOTS.No. 1\ can 29c I GOLDEN VALLEY — Crushed PINEAPPLE.2 No. 303 cans 47c I OUR FAMILY ORANGE JUICE - 2 46-oz cans 59c I OUR FAMILY — Golden I CORN.3 No. 303 cans 55c I OUR FAMILY CATSUP.3 12-oz. btls. 55c f HARDING’S I BUTTER .Lb. 67c | CURTISS MARSHMALLOWS.2 pkgs. 33c I EASTER EGG DYE.Pkg. 9c | PINK or WHITE GRAPEFRUIT..fO for 49c I - *« ^———-- - i. • natiumer—.. | COMPLETE STORAGE | ■ A#|tf pq CAf^ll ITICC Rates: $7.50, $10.00, $12.50 Per Box Yearly | ! LUvAtK I AvILI I I tv Lockers May Be Rented Monthly 3 ♦: | 1 >» ♦* NUTRENA HOG & CATTLE FEEDS 1 CHICK STARTER CALF STARTER PIG STARTER I NUTRENA HAS A FEEDING PROGRAM FOR ALL THREE § Buying the BEST FEED will actually COST YOU LESS! : Nutrena Chick Starter Crumbles witb Livium will give you both Higher Liviblity and | i Faster Gains! I This Week - 2gc PER CWT. DISCOUNT - on Chick Starter | WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF HOG AND CATTLE FEEDS I j Crushed Rock Salt... ..89c cwt White Blocks.ggc ea. | | EGGS | SHELHAMERS I POULTRY II | CREAM I SMPER ¥ftltKET I HIDES I