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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1953)
PAGE 10—THE FRONTIER. O'Neill. Nebr. Thun.. Apr. 2. 1950. ,i<9 As. a nhH FOR SALE FOR SALE: Well-improved 1,100 acre ranch on Eagle creek. — George C. Robertson, O’Neill. Nebr., phone 534. 27tf FOR SALE: 15 bu. Cossack al falfa seed, 25c lb.; some prai rie hay. —Melvin Johring, O’ Neill, phone 5-F-120. 48p35 FOR SALE: I have removed a 14x22 lean-to (room) from my house, good plaster, oak floor, easily moved; also a 10x12 wash-house, neaarly new. —O. L. Caskey, % mile east of Mid dlebranch. 47-48p80 FOR SALE: Used radio for 1950 Plymouth.—Wich’s Body Shop, West O’Neill. 48c Used Car Specials 1949 Chrysler, fully equipped, new tir°s. Bargain. New York er model. 1948 Plymouth 2-dr., radio, heat er, seat covers, good rubber. 1948 Ford tudor, radio, heater, good rubber. 1948 Chevrolet 2-dr., radio, heat er. 1946 Plymouth 2-dr„ heater, very good rubber. 1947 Hudson club coupe. 1952 Firedome “8” 4-dr., demon strator. 1950 Buick Special, equipped. 1949 Chevrolet 2-dr. 1948 Ford club coupe, radio and heater. 1941 Chevrolet club coupe. 1942 Chevrolet 2-door. 1942 Ford tudor. 1940 Ford tudor. 1951 Ford %-ton pickup. 3941 Chevrolet 2-dr. THESE CARS ARE PRICED TO SELL. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER! Now on Display! 1953 Firedome V-8 DeSoto. 1953 Plymouth 4-dr. SMITH MOTOR CO. PAUL SHIERK, Mgr. Phone 562 — O’Neill SPECIAL: Three years Country Gentleman free with a year subscription to the daily World-Herald at only 3 cents per day. — M. W. Ellenwood, Atkinson. 45-48pl25 FOR SALE: Two used Hoovers, upright, reconditioned, ready for use.—Biglin Brothers, O’ Neill, phone 38. 48c FOR SALE: 1947 Ford tudor with heater and new paint.— Wich’s Body Shop, West O’ Neill. 48c USED CAR B-A-R-G-A-I-N-S 1—1948 Pontiac Streamliner 2 dr. sedan, hydramatic “8”, shell gray. 1—1951 Mercury with overdrive, clean. 1—Studebaker pickup with stock-rack, good condition. 1—1943 Frazer 4-dr. 1—1951 Ford tudor, radio and heater 1—1947 Pontiac “8”, 2-dr. Tor pedo. NEW 1—1953 Pontiac hydramatic “8”, 4 - dr., deluxe with power steering. Wm. Krotter Co. Phone 531 O’Neill FOR SALE: A beer tavern at Winnetoon. —Phone 1778, Nor folk. 47-48p66 FOR SALE: Colorado grown on ion sets; fresh bulk and pack age garden seeds; Griswold Gro Coated hybrid seed com. —Coyne Hdw., O’Neill. 46-49c SEED FOR SALE Alfalfa - Brome - Clovers Milo - Sudan WE ALSO have early open pol linated com, good germination. We have new blue grass strip pers for sale. BHC root worm spray.— Koinzan-Jochum Seed Co.. Elgin. Itf FOR SALE: 4 - room modem house, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room and bath. In good neighborhood, 4 blocks south of New Outlaw.—Phone 441-J, O’Neill. 47-48p9C FO& SALE: 7-room Atkinson residence, with bath, located across from high school, mod ern, stucco, 2 lots. — Janet Bradshaw, Atkinson. 46-49pl30 FOR SALE: Alfalfa seed, Dakota 12, and white blossom sweet clover seed.— Guy Beckwith, Emmet. 47-49p85 FOR SALE: A trailer, two-wheel, seven-foot. Good shape. Call 511-J or see trailer 3 blocks south of city library. 48p35 FOR SALE: 1941 Ford tudor with a recently rebuilt 1947 motor and also with radio and heat er.—Wich’s Body Shop, West O’Neill. 47-48c FOR SALE: 50 choice purebred Spotted Poland-China boars. —Harmon Lichty, 3^> miles south of Creighton on highway 13. 22tf j FOR SALE: Registered Angus bulls. —Geo. Hutchinson, Al bion, Nebr., phone 2503. 45-52 FOR SALE: Several well located building lots. — R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. 22tf ! FOR SALE: Insurance of all kinds. — See R- H. (“Ray”) Shriner, phone 106. 39tf BARGAINS Bargain Prices—10% to 25% Off on Everything. New Massey - Harris tractors, combines, discs, manure load ers, drills, plows, mowers, ma nure spreaders, cultivators, com planters, rakes, windrow ers. Kelly - Ryan elevators, rakes, discs, manure spreaders. Ferguson tractors and mounted machinery of all kinds. Duncan manure and dirt loaders, also haystackers and grapple forks. Kaiser, Henry J and Willys new cars. Willys 4-wheel drive pickups and Jeeps. Used Cars — Jeeps — Pickups Machinery Soecials for This Week: New 14-in. plows.. $150 New 15-ft. discs _ $175 Used 1948 Jeeps, good ones $495 Used 1948 Willys pickups _ $695 i947-’48 Chevrolets, Fords and Kaisers __$595 to $650 We Trade for Most Anything We Undersell Them All Outlaw Implement Co. West O’Neill, Nebr. 48c FOR SALE: Reg. Hereford bull, coming 4-years-old, good ser vice.—Cecil Miller, O’Neill ph. 9-F-2. 47-48p60 New Machinery Tractors, 40, 50, 60 and G. Plows of all sizes. Model B and LL grain drills. 2 and 4-wheel manure spreaders. 10 and 12-ft. hay rakes. Flexible harrows. Ezee Flow fertilizer spreader. Farmhand loaders, heavy duty. Farmhand manure loader. U S. Royal and Firestone farm tires. J-D-D oil and greases. Used Machinery 1949 B John Deere tractor. 1943 B John Deere tractor. 1941 B John Deere tractor. 1939 B John Deere tractor. 1936 A John Deere tractor. F20 IHC tractor. No. 52 John Deere plows. IHC 4-wheel manure spreader on rubber, near new. No. 730 John Deere lister. 4-bottom 16” J.D. plow, Powrtrol. IHC No. 182 lister. 999 corn planters. 290 tractor planter, J.D. Harry R. Smith Impl. Phone 562 O’Neill FOR SALE: Cash. 1951 Pontiac Chieftan deluxe “8” 4-door se dan. Low mileage. —Phones 7472 or 8221, Atkinson. 43tf FOR SALE: 10x12 brooder house. —Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. 45c FOR SALE: We have in stock for sale the Ezee Flow and Gandy fertilizer spreaders. We carry 8-32-0, 0-19-9, 10-10-0, and 10-20-0. We also have 33.5 and 21-0-0 nitrogen.—J. F. BRADY COMPANY, Atkinson, Nebr. 48-50c FOR SALE: Holt county grown Madison vetch seed. Reason able.—C. H. Stone, 495-W, O’ Neill. 46tf FOR SALE: Pioneer hybrid seed corn, all varieties and kernel sizes. Five bushels or more de livered. Call or write: Edgar De Hart, Chambers, Nebr. 48-49c65 MISCELLANEOUS HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING FARM & COMMERCIAL American Kitchens White Water Heaters Next door Asimus Motors) of O’NEILL Phone 399 — O’Neill tf EXPERT Body - Fender REPAIRING COMPLETE up - to - date shop, equipped and experienced for all makes of cars. Also paint ing, spot work, glasses install ed. Free estimates. 24 - hour wrecker service. WICH’S BODY SHOP 219 Douglas St. Phone 211-W HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf MONEY TO LOAN: I am back at my office and have Eastern money to loan on farms and ranches, also on city property. —See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 48tf L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. I CAN make loans on city resi dence or business buildings and make them on monthly payment plan.—See or write R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 48tf WE NEVER SLEEP A PHONE CALL brings us on the run. Phone 404-W J. V. MOTOR Jim Atkinson - Vernon Strong Used Car Parts, Car Repairing Electric & Acetylene Welding North 7th O’Neill, Nebr. 9c80 SEE Ralph Simpson for your electric wiring. — 359-LW, O’ Neill.ltf A REAL BUY THE Jacob M. Serck Concrete Products Factory at Spencer, Nebr. This business includes a good 8-room home, thrity-two acres of ground, and outbuild ings. Money making gravel pit on the premises. Jerry Brown, Realtor 0417 Norfolk Ave., Norfolk, Nebr. 48-51c FOR BRIGGS & STRATTON, Lawson and Clinton engines service and genuine parts call at Vic Halva’s Electric Shop, O’Neill. 41tf : Jacobson’s . . . O’Neill Repair All Makes of WASHING MACHINES _ J-V MOTOR, O’Neil], buys iron and metal. No. 7th St. 13ctf Long Term L-O-A-N-S Fre-Fayment Frivneges I ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS’N 4% Federal Land Bank O’Neill, Nebr. Lyle P. Dierks, Sec.-Treas. WEAVING: Custom weaving. Hand loomed rugs for sale. For prices call or write Mrs. Elmer Krueger, Inman. 44-48pl35 Maytag in O’Neill IT’S JACOBSON’S, located next to O’Neill Nat’l Bank. Exclu sive Maytag sales and service. JACOBSON’S 112 So. Fourth — Phone 415 33tf WANTED HELP WANTED: The Frontier will have opening soon for bookkeeper; also is anxious to find correspondent for city of Atkinson. 48c HELP WANTED: Combination bookkeeper-sales lady needed immediately. Permanent posi tion. Good working hours, con ditions, close-in. Ask for Mr. Jacobson.—Jacobson’s, O’Neill. 47c WANTED: Serum pigs.—Call or write Dwaine Lockmon, phone 3741, Stuart. 42tf WANTED: Interior or exterior decorating and painting; also paper hanging.—Joe Bazelman, O’Neill, phone 263. 45-48c WANTED: To trade, almost new 3-bottom 14-in. plow for 2-. bottom 14 or 16-in. plow. — Henry W. Cook, O’Neill. 47-48c70 WANTED: Blue grass seed. We buy in the rough or will do custom threshing. We also buy, sell and clean alfalfa and clo vers. — Koinzan-Jochum Seed Co.. Elgin, phone 132J. 26tf WANTED: Garden plowing. Call Frank Eppenbach or Alvin Vorce, O’Neill. 48-49p60 WANTED: Custom work, plow ing, discing, ’dozer work, base ment digging, grading, back filling.—C. D. (Con) Harmon, ph. 560-W, 615 Everett St., O’ Neill. 46tf WANTED TO BUY: Late model I wrecked cars.—J-V Motor Co., I O’Neill. 21c -- WATCH and jewelry repairing, crystals and Ronson lighter re pairs while you wait. — Clift Jewelry, O’Neill. 29tf FOR RENT FOR RENT: Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. FOR RENT: Two heated sleeping rooms with private bath and entrance. Close in.—Inquire at Bright’s Red & White Store, O’Neill. 46-48c WANTED TO RENT: Alfalfa and hay land for cash or share. Will bale or stack.—Jim Corkle, O’ Neill. 41-52c FOR RENT: Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co. 47tf FOR RENT: Unfurnished 3-room apartment with kitchenette, bath. Nice.—Hagensick Ladies Wear. 47tf FOR RENT: Heated upstairs office room; also room 16 ft. x 21 ft., first floor.—Elmer Ha gensick, O’Neill. 46tf FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O’Neill. 28tf FOR RENT: Furnished one-room apartment. Close in.—Pat Gal lup, 117 North 5th St.. O’Neill, phone 427-W. 44p45-48e FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms.— Marip Salisbury, 129 E. Clay, O’Neill, phone 324-W. 45-48pl00 FOR RENT: A modern house. For information, phone 1, O’ Neill. 47tf CARDS OF THANKS WE WISH to express our heart felt thanks to our friends and relatives who assisted in so many ways during the illness and following the death of our husband, father and grandfa ther. Special thanks to Rever end Grosenbach for his com forting words; also to the la dies of the Wesleyan Methodist church for the music, singing, and the lunch which they served the many relatives. Your thoughtfulness will never be forgotten.—Mrs. Thomas W. Harding, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harding and fam ily, Mrs. Edna Huebert and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs and family, Mrs. Lois Hartman and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harding, jr., and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Harding and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Harding and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Havens and family, 48p50 WE TAKE this opportunity to thank our friends for their many kindnesses at the time pf the death of our brother, John P. McManus. Especially do we wish to thank you for the masses, cards, letters and flowers. —THE McMANUS FAMILY WE WISH to express our sincer est thanks to St. Anthony’s hospital staff, Doctor Brown and the many neighbors and friends who sent letters, gifts and flowers, and for the nice things they did for us and for your prayers during Mrs. Lu ben’s illness. MR. AND MRS. WM. LUBEN 48p50 I WOULD like to take this means of thanking my friends and relatives for the cards and let ters sent me during my stay in St. Anthony’s hospital; those who visited me there and since I came home, and those who assisted with the chores and work while I was gone. Your kindness is truly appreciated. 48p50 —ED HARVEY LOST & FOUND LOST: A man’s Bulova wrist watch Sunday night between Chevrolet garage and McDon ald store. A keepsake of a de ceased relative. Reward. If found notify The Frontier. '_48p50 Celia News Celia Homemakers extension club met with Mrs. Perry Ter williger Wednesday afternoon, March 25, with 17 members pres ent. Mrs. Leonard Chaffin was voted in as a new member. Be lated valentine gifts were dis tributed. Lessons on safety and emergency treatment were'given by the leaders, Mrs. LeRoy Hoff man and Mrs. Mark Hendricks. Ten dollars was given to the Red Cross. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Hans Lauridsen on April 22. Frank Kilmurry, Emil Colfack and son, Dennis, Duane Beck and Lawrence Smith helped brand and dehorn cattle for O. A. Ham merberg last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendricks and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ernst and family of Miltonvale, Kans., attended Center Union church at O’Neill Sunday morning. They were dinner guests at the Clar ence Ernst home. TV JT t-. , -, ^**0. ricuiK. xviimurry ana daughters, Mrs. Merrill Smith and P. W. Kilmurry were Wed nesday, March 25, visitors at the 0. A. Hammerberg home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ernst and family of Miltonvale, Kans., came last Thursday to visit their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendricks, also rel atives and friends around O’ Neill. They returned to their home Sunday afternoon. Venetian blinds, prompt deliv ery, made to measure, metal or wood, all colors.—J. M. McDon ald s. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks and family visited Mr. and Mrs Omer Poynts Saturday and brought them home with them to spend the night and Sunday. Byron, Raymond, Barbara and Dean Obermire were Saturday visitors at the Hans Lauridsen home. Byron and Raymond were supper guests of Bobby Knud son. Bobby Knudson visited the Al fred Shaaf children Wednesday evening, March 25. Hans Lauridsen and son, Le Roy, and Bobby Knudson were Butte visitors Saturday. The young people’s group of Wesleyan church entertained the older members of the church with a party at the Mark Hend ricks home Friday evening. Buddy Focken helped Alev Forsythe Friday. Denton Colfack helped Frank Kilmurry Saturday. 3nk Clarence Focken and son, Bud ay> helped Joe Hendricks put in 2.chimney Friday. Clarence and Billy worked Saturday. Mrs. Alvin Heiser and Shirlev Dobrovolny helped their sister Mrs. Duane Beck, paper a few iays the first of the week Mr. and Mrs^ Jack Winings I and son were Tuesday evening j 24. visitors at the £fe i rerwilhger home. j * Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hahn of Polk were March 21-22 weekend guests at the Ray Pease home. Mr. and Mrs. Lytle of Polk came, too, and visited Mr. and Mrs. E. White and family. On Sunday, March 22, all were visitors at the Pease home, also Mr. White’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Terwilli ger and son were Sunday, March 22, visitors at the Ray Dister haupt home. Mrs. D. F. Scott and daughters, Dorothy and Mrs. Gene Living ston, were Friday evening visit ors at the O. A. Hammerberg home. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Mitchell and family of Butte were Sunday dinner guests at the Emil Colfack home. Jim and Hans Lauridsen at tended the Niobrara Hereford as sociation sale in Butte Tuesday, March 24, and purchased some cattle. Bill Obermire hauled them to the Jim Lauridsen ranch. Mrs. William Coleman was a visitor at the Hans Lauridsen home Friday afternoon. Sunny Side 4-H clubs met at the Celia school Friday evening for the regular lessons. Mrs. Joe Hendricks and Connie Frickel o are the leaders. Lunch was serv ed. Dick Schaaf was an overnight visitor at the Emil Colfack home Monday, March 23, Bobby Knud son. Tuesday night, March 24. Connie Frickel was a Wednes day morning, March 25, visitor at the Mark Hendricks home. Mr .and Mrs. Lawrence Smith and family visited the David Rahn family Friday afternoon. John Ross and son, Edward, were Brunswick business visitors Tuesday, March 24. Sunday afternoon and suppei guests at the John Ross home were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ziska and family and Mr. and Mrs. Hans Braun and family. Mr. and MrS. LeRoy Hoffman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel and family and Alex Frickel enjoyed an oyster supper at the Ray Pease home Sunday evening. Sunday dinner guests at the Hans Laurirsen home were Mr. and Mrs. Louie Lauridsen and family, also Jim Lauridsen. Both families spent the afternoon at the Jim Lauridsen home. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks and family were supper guests at the Leonard Chaffin home ora Monday evening. Markita Hend ricks spent the night with Fran cis Chaffin. o Soldier Wins Lighter in Field Competition STUART — Don Myers took Pvt. James A. Batenhorst to Omaha last Thursday. Private Batenhorst is reporting to Camp Stoneman, Calif., to be assigned to overseas duties after spending a short leave with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Batenhorst. He recently received a letter of commendation from Walter L Doerty, commanding officer, Ft Riley, Kans., for being the honor graduate of his field wiremen class. He had an average score of 94.5 percent. He also received an engraved cigarette lighter. Private Batenhorst was em ployed by Northwestern Bell Tel ephone company before entering the service. Mrs. John Walker of Ewing and Mrs. L. R. Suttcliffe were Monday afternoon callers in the Frod Grage home. ----— i — , 1,420-Acre Improved Holt County Ranch i Known As the Dalton Ranch THE HEIRS of the John Dalton Estate will offer at public auction, on the premises, the following described 1,420-acre Dalton Ranch, situated 1 6 miles north, 4 miles east, 1 mile south and 2 miles east of O’Neill, Nebr.; OR lYl miles south, 4 miles east, 1 mile south and 2 miles east of the .Spencer, Nebr. , hydro dam, on — WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8TH Sale Starts at 1 P.M. THE LAND: APPX. 1,100 ACRES OF PASTURE All good hardgrass pasture that will carry a lot of cattle. Lots of natural win ter protection. Plenty of water in form of spring-fed creeks. Springs open the year - around. Buffalo and gramma grass. Good fencing. Lots of timber along creeks and around springs. 40 ACRES OF ALFALFA Good stand. Soil is well adapted to alfalfa in this field. 105 ACRES OF FARMLAND Some of this would be ideal for addi tional alfalfa. 130 ACRES OF RAYLAND This is excellent hardgrass hayland. I Through the years this has proven one of the best pieces of hayland in north ern Holt County. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All of Section 1 ; North Half of the North east Quarter, Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, all in Section I 2; Township 3 1 North, Range 1 1 ; South west Quarter of Section 7, West Half, West Half of the Southeast Quarter, South Half of the Northeast Quarter, all in Section 6, Township 31 North, Range 10, all West of the Sixth P.M., Holt County, Nebr. THE IMPROVEMENTS: 8-ROOM DWELLING Modern two-story house. Downstairs bath. Semi-basement. Large fenced-in yard. Large elm shade trees. REA on Place. ONE-CAR GARAGE Nearly new. DOUBLE CRIB 2 LARGE POULTRY HOUSES 2 LARGE CATTLE SHEDS SOLID BOARD FENCE Serves as excellent windbreak and forms two sides of corrals. Trees and hills provide excellent protection for wintering livestock. MACHINE SHED Brand new, 20x48-ft., metal covered. Sliding doors on both ends. 2 MED. SIZE HOG HOUSES LARGE BARN with Hayloft I TERMS AND CONDITIONS Twenty-five percent payment on date of sale; balance upon delivery of deed. Possession may be had upon approval of abstract. HEIRS OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN DALTON, mciasid COL. ED THORIN, O’Neill, Nebr. BILL BOWKER, O’Neill, Nebr. Licensed Auct. and Real Estate Broker Licensed Real Estate Broker # *