I Future Subscribers O SKALA—Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Skala of Stuart, a son, Robert Leroy, weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces, bom Friday, March 20, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. STEVENS—Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stevens of Lincoln, a son, bom Tuesday, March 17. Mr. Stevens is a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Stevens of Page. CROSSER—Mr. and Mrs. El mer Crosser of Sheldon, la., ° a daughter, Nancy Ann, born Thursday, March 19. Mrs. Cros ser is the former Merle Leidy. The couple has a son and anoth er daughter. MAX—Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max of Page, a daughter, Linda Sue, weighing 8 pounds 7 ounces, bom Wednesday, March 18, in St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill, o The Maxes have three other chil o dren. Mrs. Max is the former Miss Margaret Farnsworth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Farnsworth of Page. Mrs. Carl Max, sr„ of Omaha has been as o sisting in her son’s home. WHITE—Mr. and Mrs. William J. White of O’Neill, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds0 11 ounces, born Tuesday, March 24, in St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. LOY—Mr. and Mrs. Richard Loy of Los Angeles, Calif., a daughter, Marie Louise, weigh ing 8 pounds 8 ounces, born Monday, March 16, in a Los An geles hospital. This is their see o ond daughter. Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Loy of O’Neill are in Califor nia at the present time visiting them. They are the parents of Mr. Loy. Merit Certificate to Harding Firm ° o Harding Creajnery of O’Neill has been awarded a certificate of merit for winning first place in their group for having bought cream from stations whose aver age score for 1952 was 93.87 per o cent. oThese awards were given out at the dairy conference held at the University of Nebraska agriculture college in Lincoln the first week in March. The state inspectors for the bureau of dairies and foods of the state department of agricul ture did the scoring of these cream buying stations. Each sta tion was scored several times during the year and an average score for the year was determin ed for each station. The creameries were divided into groups, according to the “ number of stations they have in Nebraska. Harding Creamery at O’Neill was in group I which consisted of creameries with 10 or fewer stations. Happy Homemakers at Dankerl Home— CHAMBERS — The Happy Homemakers’ club met Friday evening with Mrs. Don Dankert. Mrs. Harlan Dierking was co hostess. Twelve members answered roll call with a household hint. The lesson on “First Aid” was pre sented by Mrs. Peggy Smith. Dorothv Lambert gave a dem onstration on cork burning. A dessert luncheon was serv ed by the hostesses. o Substitute Teacher— Mrs. Emil Colfack has been substitute teacher in the Hans Lauridsen school recently. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE: Choice red clover ° seed, new crop, clean, state tested, 40c lb.—John J. Dvor ak, 2*4 mile south of Atkinson. 46-48p85 LOST: Sterling silver rosary at c 9 o’clock mass Sunday, March 22. Either in church or between church and post office. Reward for return to Nyla Jaszkowiak oi* Western Auto Supply store. 47c CARD OF THANKS THE chairrrien of the Guilds of St. Teresa, Helen and Marga ret wish to extend their thanks to the members of their re spective guilds for their dona tions toward our food sale; ] also a special thanks to those who helped so graciously. MRS. F. J. DISHNER MRS. LOUIS VITT MRS. GEORGE KLEIN 47c FOR RENT: Unfurnished 3-room apartment with kitchenette, bath. Nice.—Hagensick Ladies Wear. 47tf FOR SALE: 1941 Ford tudor with a recently rebuilt 1947 motor and also with radio and heat er.—"Wich’s Body Shop, West O’Neill. ' 47c40 Sick & Injured > EWING—Mrs. Frank Bollwitt, I who has been in poor health for < some time, suffered a heart at- . tack while attending the matinee at the Eldorado theater Sunday 1 afternoon and was taken by am bulance to the Antelope Memor ial hospital, Neligh. . . Marcus Snyder returned home from Ro chester, Minn., on Sunday where he had visited his wife. He re ports that Mrs. Snyuer is resting comfortably after the operation . and will be there three weeks. Her address is Colonial hospital, room 211 A, Rochester Minn. . - Mr. and Mrs. Leland Welke, Mi lan and Bobbie were Norfolk vis itors last Thursday. Bobbie had a physical checkup and was pro nounced “okay” after his recent appendectomy. . . Keith Gibson, who has spent the past two weeks in the Tilden hospital for treat ment of rheumatic fever, came home Monday. It is reported that he is making satisfactory pro gress but will be confined to his bed for a few more weeks. . . Mr. and Mrs. Robley Sisson, jr., took their 2-year-old son, Rob ley III, to Norfolk on Wednesday, March 18, for medical care. He suffered an arm injury when he released cthe wringer on the washing machine, catching his left hand and arm to the shoul der. His mother had stepped out side °to get a tub when the acci dent occurred. . 4 Mr. and Mrs. Don Pollock and family and Miss Eleanor Pollock, all of Neligh, spent Sunday at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pol lock. Mrs. Don Pollock is getting around on crutches, due to a broken bone in her ankle. . . Mrs Hazel Kimes and son, Dal, came home Sunday from Omaha where they had been since last Thursday," getting a complete checkup for Dal. While there they were guests at the nome of Mrs. Kimes’s sister and family. O’NEILL— Loren Keynoiason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Rey noldson is ill with chickenpox. Mary Jo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walker, is ill with chickenpox. . . . Miss Tillie Kestenholtz returned to he- du Kestenholtz returned to her du day after a three weeks pneu monia illness. . . . Jackie Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Nelson, is ill with chickenpox. . , . Mrs. Clarence Sauser was dismissed Sunday from St. Anthony’s hos pital. She was treated for pneu monia for two weeks. DELOIT—Mrs. Albin Thramer was able to come home from the hospital on Wednesday, March 18. She had been a patient in a Norfolk hospital. . . Scott Bow- 1 ers is “improving” at the Veter ans hospital, Grand Island. . . Mrs. Leonard Knapp was able to return from Ewing to her home after a long illness. . . Mrs. Myrtle Jewell visited a doctor in Omaha Saturday. . . Jimmy Dick Schindler is sick in a hospital and would like to hear from his friends. His address; White Me morial hospital, room 415, 312 No. Boyle st., Los Angeles, Calif. CHAMBERS — Ed Harvey was taken to St. Anthony’s hos pital, O’Neill, Saturday for med ical care. . . Henry Walter has been suffering with an infected tooth. . . Dean Elkins and Patri cia Olson are at the Olson place at Norfolk this week where they are assisting with the work. Mr. and Mrs. Olson are victims of the mumps. The Olsons are for merly of this community. EMMET—Mrs. Charlie Abart received a very painful injury when she fell on the frozen ground in their yard. One of her knees was skinned and she re received a bad cut on her right hand. X-rays were taken but no broken bones were found but she hasn’t been able to be up and around on account of her injur ed knee. AMELIA— Mrs. William Fry rear returned home Sunday from a Norfolk hospital where she had been a patient following major surgery. Mr. Fryrear and Mr. and Mrs. Orland Fryrear went to Norfolk Sunday to bring her home. LYNCH— Rev. Keith J. Cun ningham has been ill with a se ver case of the influenza. . . Dr. G. B. Ira was released from the Lynch hospital Saturday and is convalescing at his home here. CELIA—Mrs. D. F. Scott and daughters, Mrs. Charles Dobias and Mrs. Gene Livingston, visit ed D. F. Scott in the Bassett hos pital Sunday. REDBIRD — Mrs. Clay Masch ino is showing improvement. She is a patient in St. Anthony’s hospital. PAGE — Leonard Heiss, who suffered a blood clot on his brain three months ago, is slowly im proving. The Martez club members Tues day evening at the Town House for dinner which was followed by the playing of cards. The win ners were Mrs. W. J. Froelich and Mrs. Mabel McKenna. _i teS- JSWM \AAMXKMn ffl mmi Whether it's a business cord or e color catalog, be wpQ •ere to consult with us be fore you ploce v«“