DOWN MEMORY LANE . This panoramic view of the village of Page was photographed in 1 909 and was loaned to The Frontier by Mrs. N. D. Ickes, sr. Page res idents can iden tify many familiar landmarks. .Camera faces northeast. Mildred Boska Weds Melvin Long SPENCER—The United Evan gelical Lutheran church at Spencer was the scene of a wed ding on Sunday, February 22, when Miss Mildred Marian Bos ka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boska of Spencer, be CONSIGNMENT SALE 60 Reg. Herefords ■ AT AUCTION Atkinson, Nebr. Tuesday, March 24 2 O'Clock P.M. ha Connection With Our Regular Auction 2S Bulls: Mostly strong ages. Erom yearling to 4-years-old. KB registered and guaranteed. 90 Females: Mostly cows, some with calres at foot. Ages from 3- to 9-years-old. An opportunity to buy Reg istered Hereford breeding stock at bargain prices — all consigned by local Sandhills breeders. Atkinson Livestock Market Atkinson. Nebr. came the bride of Melvin J. Long, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Long of Lynch. Rev. Wilford Henning officiated at the double ring ceremony. Mrs. J. M. Pucelik of Spencer played the wedding march and accompanied Willis Johnson of Osmond as he sang “Because and “The Lord’s Prayer.” For her wedding the bride chose a white ballerina length gown. The lace bodice featuring a peter pan collar fell into a tiered skirt of nylon net over satin. The long sleeves ended in a point at the wrist. The finger tip veil fell from a juliet cap. She carried a bouquet of red roses. The maid-of-honor was Miss Irene Boska of Kansas City, Mo., sister of the bride. She wore a ballerina length gown of red net over blue satin and a juliet cap. She carried a bouquet of yellow carnations. The bridesmaid was Mrs. Earl Moody of Lynch, sister of the bridegroom. She wore a baller ina length gown of blue net over green satin and a juliet cap. She carried a bouquet of white car nations. The bridegroom wore ms navy uniform. The bestman, Gary Dean White of Lynch, a nephew of the bridegroom, wore a blue-grey suit with a white carnation bou tonniere. Earl Moody of Lynch, brother-in-law of the bride groom, served as second attend ant and wore a brown suit with a white carnation boutonniere. The ushers were Pfc. Ramon Boska, brother of the bride, who is stationed in New Mexico, and Willard Landholm of Bristow, brother-in-law of the bride groom. They also lighted the candles at the beginning of the ceremony. Mrs. Willard Landholm of Bristow had charge of the guest book and Misses Phyllis Whet ham of Omaha and Mary Whet ham of Spencer and Mrs. Loren j Whetham of Butte were in charge of gifts. % Following the ceremony a re ception was held in the church basement for 150 guests. The three-tier wedding cake was baked by Mrs. Robert Whetham, sister of the bridegroom. It was decorated in the bride’s colors of red and blue and topped with a miniature bride and bridegroom. Mrs. Whetham also cut the cake during the reception. Mrs. Wil liam Hanbek poured and Misses Betty Hanbek and Rita Hanbek served for the reception. Mrs. Thomas Boska chose a blue crepe dress for her daugh ter’s wedding and Mrs. Ray Long chose a green crepe dress for the event. Each wore a pink carna tion corsage. The bridegroom is a graduate Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Long . . newlyweds.—O'Neill Pholo Co. <2.- ... . . .. -.. .— of Lynch high school. He worked I on his father’s farm until 1950 I when he enlisted in the navy. Since then he has been stationed in Japan twice, returning the second time to the States on February 2- At the present time he is stationed at Moffett Field, Calif. The bride is a graduate of the Spencer high school and has been employed in Spencer since then. The couple will reside near Moffett Field after their return to California. Hosts in Dinner Parly— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans en tertained at a dinner party in their home Friday evening. Fol lowing dinner the evening was spent playing pitch. Those Pfes_ ent were Mr. and Mrs. William McIntosh. Mr. and Mrs. John Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray, Mr and Mrs. Ed Verzal and Mr. and Mrs. John Stuifbergen. ■ ' ft < . iMR. STOCKMAN!' Buy Your VACCINES Here! • • * ALSO « « • o ] Bk 1° • ° ° Dehorning Paste — Stopper Powder Scours Remedy for Calves Dehomers — Syringes — Needles Balling Guns — Worming Powders Rex-Eme for Chapped Teats | Branding Fluid — Tattoo Ink 1 j ENVELOPES_100 for Only 27c ° LOSE WEIGHT SAFELY! Now - I Price USE THE ELKAYS 0 Ann Delafield Plan MOTH CRYSTALS Safely- lose up to 5 pounds Only.39c | GILLIGAN’S Rexall Drug We Give S&H Green Stamps Open Evenings Phone 87 o ° ° ---'-cr --3> O O ° o° Now in Louisiana Pvt. Ralph H. Sholes (above), son of Mi-s. Violet Sholes of Inman, has been assigned to the 37th infantry division in training at Camp Polk, La. He is in company G, 148th infan try regiment. Private Sholes, who was drafted from Holt county January 20, 1953, is re ceiving his basic training at Polk. Prior to his induction he was employed by the tele phone company. Family Gathering— The sons and daughters of Mr. 1 and Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson gath ered in their home for a family dinner on Sunday. They were Mr .and Mrs. Henry Bruhn and granddaughter, Rae, Mrs. Shirley Roby and son, Terry, of Niobra-, ra, Mr. and Mrs. William Turner and granddaughter, Susan, of Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and son, Bill, of In man, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tom linson of Spencer and Mrs. Mary Tomlinson and son, Larry. One son, Ralph Tomlinson of West Point, was absent. ---. I The P-TA is sponsoring a bake sale at Ralya's store Saturday. March 21, to obtain money to maintain and supervise Ford's park this summer. Those living north, of Douglas are urged to contribute. 4^ To Iowa— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froelich drove to Holly Springs* la., to visit their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wanser. Legal Notices (First pub. March M, 1953) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 3900 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, March 12 1953. In the Matter of the Estate of John P. McManus, Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Mary McManus and Edward C. McManus as joint Adminis trators of said estate, and will be heard April 8th, 1953, at 10 o’clock A.M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 46-48 Lynch News Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hansen of O’Neill spent last Thursday vis iting their daughter, Mrs. Wil liam Mulhair. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hammon and family spent last Thursday evening at the Frank Hammon home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Counts and son were Spencer visitors Friday. Lloyd Cranford of Omaha spent several days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Frank Cranford. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bjornsen and family of Sioux City spent the weekend at the Nata Bjorn sen home. They also visited rel atives at Spencer. Mrs. Inger Levi returned home Sunday from a several days’ stay in Norfolk. The Boyd county first quarter ly meeting of the Farmers’ Un ion was held at the Lynch Amer ican Legion hall Friday evening. Darrell Puckett of Pender, from the Seventh district, was the speaker of the evening. Lunch was served. The D. C. Duke family of Crofton moved to the farm re cently vacated by Carl Frisch, northwest of Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Klasna of Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cihlar of Dorsey visited at the Louisa Cihlar home here Satur day. Pvt. Ray Revell and wife are visiting at the Clyde McKenzie, sr., and Emmet Revell homes this week. Private Revell is due for overseas duty following his furlough and Mrs. Revell plans to remain at the parental Clyde McKenzie, sr., home. Leonard Streit of Wichita, Kans., visited his mother, Mrs. Hannah Streit, here last week. He also visited the C. C. Court ney and Edward Streit homes while here. Mrs. Blake Benson of Rock Falls visited relatives here last 1 week. ! Mr. and Mrs0 Harold Smikel < and Miss Ramona Wiley return ed to their homes in Segmour, Mo., Saturday, March 7, after a : few days visit writh friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wilson moved to th£ farm vacated by the Fredrich family and wiil work for Andy Classen. Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Lee and family spent Friday, March 13, : at the William Stouffer home. Randy Counts spent several days with his aunt at Bonesteel, S.D., this week. Mrs. Charles Gifford of Holt county visited with relatives here Sunday. Donelda Hammon of Butte spent the weekend at her parent al Frank Hammon home. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hammon and family spent Friday at the Ed Johns home. Mrs. Ray Counts and Randy spent last Thursday visiting rel atives in Butte. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zach and family of Osmond visited relatives here last week. Leo Kalkowski, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Kalkowski, has now been transferred back to South Carolina after taking special training at a New York base. Calvin D. Spencer of the navy is here for a furlough with friends and relatives. He is sta tioned at Lackland base, Tex. O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox, ' Lyle, Gordon, Raymond and Carol went to Lincoln Friday where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Cary and Mrs. Fox’s broth er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meyers. They returned Sunday evening. * Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gustafson and children of Lincoln spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dawes. "There's NO frost to DEfrostl A brand-new kind of refrigerator freezerC ., '! “Full-width frHzir-frMZM (tor** 42 pound* #and*/uicMr* • First with fully perfected automatic [defrosting! Genuine 42-Ib. home freezer and extra-size refrigerator combined. Freezes ice cubes twice as fast. New Lift-A-Cube trays serve them one at a time or by the trayful. So convenient that 72% of all space is in fingertip reach! See it now! • 3 door shelves (1 for eggs) • Sliding alu- 9QQ QC minum shelf • 2 Hi-Humidity roller drawers • Tail-bottle zone • 5-year protection plan EASY TERMS Sunday evening guests in the lome of Mr. and Mrs. George stuessi were Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Robert vurtz and Mr. and Mrs. Reed Jerley. The evening was spent ^laying cards and a lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Gale Dierberger spent the weekend in Seward visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Dierberger. Mr. and Mrs. James Adams of Lincoln spent the weekend here ousting her parents, Mr. and I Mrs. Frank Clements. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coenen were Saturday guests in the Her man DeGroff home to help Mrs. DeGroff celebrate her birthday anniversary. The evening was spent playing pinochle and a late lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bauer of Ewing spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clements. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Smith at Chambers Saturday evening. Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Price Monday evening were Betty Jane, Marie and Gene Schneider. The P-TA is sponsoring a bake sale at Ralya's store Saturday, March 21, to obtain money to maintain and supervise Ford’s park this summer. Those living north of Douglas are urged to contribute. 46c U 1 O I With your Easter suit . NEW, STRAW BRAID 5 !! ° • 0 l. So expensiv-looking . . . the rough woven straw! So very, very becoming A /-v ... in the wide array of sailors and /I W bonnets you'll find at Penney's! See -JL • ^ them! o o Acetate-and silk blend . . . CRISP FABRIC FOR 0 EASTER! 12.75 Spring's new fabrics ij whisper as you walk, fj feel crisp to the touch! h For example, this lus- I trous acetate - and - silk I dress with the smart | yoke treatment, softly I ’ full skirt . . . it's just one 3 from Penney's selection! (\ 12-20. II } J .