9 • Ewing News • Mies Dorothy Harlan of Tilden was a guest at the home of her graodmother, Mrs. Caroline Sand ers, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hixson and family of Long Pine drove to Ewing Sunday to spend the day with her sister, Mrs. Leland Welke, and family. The Forum group of the United Presbyterian church met at the annex Thursday evening. Alice Shrader presented the lesson on “Christian Principles.” This was followed by an election of officers with the following results: Lee Fink, president; Richard Napier, vice-president; Mrs. Dale Na pier. secretary and treasurer, and Mrs. Wendell Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies entertained a number of friends at a € o’clock dinner Monday evening, February 2. Turkey with all the trimmings were served. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGuire and son of Clearwater; Adeline Carl, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rotherham, Mrs. Wilma Daniels, Mrs. Roy Wright, Arthur Ruroede, all of Ewing, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan and son of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Vleck of Neligh were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies on Friday. Don Ruroede, who left January 20 for an enlistment in the armed forces, has been sent to Ft. Leon ard Wood, Mcy., for his basic training perici. His address: Pfc. Donald A. Ruroede U.S. 55327122, Batery C, 93rd FA Bn. 4th Platoon, Sixth Armored Div., Ft. Leonard Wood., Mo. Bonnie Beth Dunaway, 3-year ojd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Dunaway of Hastings, spent the weekend in Ewing at the home of her grandparents, Mr. arid Mrs. Earl Billings. To celebrate Valentine week in the class of Future Homemakers of America, names were drawn for a “heart sister.” A Valentine box has been placed in the room and each day clues which may lead to idenity will be dropped in the box as to whom this secret sister might be. Names for the “heart sister’’ will be revealed at a Valentine party Friday after noon. Miss Fern Pruden is the advisor of the chapter. Mrs. Benjamin Larsen was hos tess to a large group of friends at a party at her home Friday after noon. Games and contests were in charge of Mrs. Rudolph Johnson of O’Neill. Refreshments were served. The Thursday Bridge club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Earl Billings on February 4. All members were present. Score winners were Mrs. Grace Briggs, Mrs. Perry Saiser and Mrs. R. G. Rockey. A Valentine atmosphere was given the party by using Val entine score cards, favors and the luncheon served. The Band Boosters club met last Thursday at the school. Last minute preparations were made and committees were appointed for the box social to be held on February 12 at the school. All proceeds will go to the fund for the new band uniforms. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hamilton and daughter, Gloria, spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hamilton at Creighton. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hamilton accompanied by Mrs. Elmer Grim attended a dance at Creigh ton last Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hamilton and family attended a family gathering at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Boel ter at Creighton on Sunday, Feb ruar 1. The occasion was in honor of Mr. Boelter’s birthday anniver sary. The Allen family from North Platte spent the weekend at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Walter. Kemp and family. Recent guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Walter Kemp and family were -the Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Nabholz of Firth. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Spittler, Richard and Rosalie, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk and daughters were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan and family. Mrs. Nell Komer accompanied Mrs. Ada Secrist and her son, Everett Secrist, to Sioux City on Friday. Everett Secrist of La Cross, Kans., is a guest at the home of his mother this week. Mrs. Ernest Norwood accom panied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Jacobsen, and Mrs. Gus Suhr were OWeill visitors on Sat urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Norwood were 6 o’clock dinner guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Wal ter Kemp and family on Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tomjack had as their guests on Thursday their daughter, Mrs. Leslie Her ley, and daughter of Clearwater. Mrs. Clarence Schmiser and children spent Friday with her aunt, Mrs. Del Huston at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Peterson. Mrs. Peter Paulson of O’Neill was also a guest. _____— Hans Peterson and sons, Allen and Elwood made a business trip to O’Neill on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lofquest and family of Wisner were guests at the home of his mother, Mrs. Edna Lofquest, on Sunday, Feb ruary 1. Hazel Ruby and Elsie Chase had as their guests last Thurs day evening Miss Elizabeth Eg gleston and her niece, Mrs: Claude Burnett of Rapid City, S.D., and Miss Vina Wood. The evening was spent informally. Refreshments were served. Miss Ina Bennett recently ac companied her brother and sis ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett to O’Neill, where all were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Morrow and family. Callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Archer on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Thramer of Omaha. ivir. ana mrs. Alien .toiiock ac companied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sturbaum, left on Tuesday morning. February 3, for Beaumont, Tex., where they will spend a two-weeks vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nini to make the acquaint ance of a niece and granddaugh ter, who arrived on February 1 at the Nini home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Huddleston spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Marquardt. Mr. Huddleston is in the armed forces and is stationed at Ft. Randall, Tex. They have a 10-day furlough and are spend ing the time at Laurel with his parents and Tekamah with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Marquardt. Miss Minnie Neiderheider was a guest on Monday, February 2, at the William Wulf home. STAFF NAMED EWING—Members of the Wed nesday Youth club of the United Presbyterian church has the fol lowing staff: Rev. W. J. Bomer, director and teacher of the Bi ble; Mrs. W. J. Bomer, secretary; Mrs. Duane Jensen crafts instruc tor; Mrs. Wilbur Cpangler, senior choir director, Miss Vlanda Bid dlecome, junior choir instructor, and Mrs. Wayne Fry, pianist. Frontier for printing! Andersons in 1903 Mr. and Mrs. William A. And erson of O’Neill, who celebrat ed their golden wedding anni versary on January 25, are shown (above) as they appear ed on their wedding day. The Andersons were married in O’Neill and lived more than 4'J years on a farm 12 miles east of O’Neill. Uniformed Scouts Go to Church— EWING—Boy Scout troop 181 of Ewing begin the observation of Boy Scout week by attending church services of their choice on Sunday morning. Each was dressed in his scout uniform. Other scout officials were also in attendance at a church service. The Frontier for printing . . . prompt deliveries! OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS J Holt County Board of Supervisors j O’Neill, Nebr. Jan. 13, 1953 10:00 A.M. Holt County Board of Super visors met on this date according to Statute for the purpose of re organizing. Sterns, Waring, Clark, Cronk, Hubbard, Baten horst, and Frickel present. The meeting was called to or der by the County Clerk. The Clerk appointed Sterns and Clark a committee to ascer tain if the Bonds of the reelected members had been filed and ap proved by the County Judge. The Committee reported that the Bonds for these members had been approved. The first order of business was the election of a chairman. Mo tion was made by Sterns, sec onded by Hubbard that nomina tion and election of chairman be by ballot. Motion carried. War ing was appointed Teller by the Clerk. The ballot for nomination re sulted as follows: Cronk, 3; Frickel, 1; Sterns, 1; Batenhorst, 1; Hubbard, 1. The members of the Board then voted on the above names with the following results: Cronk, 4; Sterns, 2; Frickel, 1. Motion was then made by Sterns, seconded by Hubbard that Cronk be declared unani mously elected as Chairman of the Board for the year 1953. The Clerk then called for a vote on this motion and the mo tion carried. Cronk then took the chair as Chairman of the Board. The Chairman appointed the following committees for the en suing year. Court House — ciarx, aternb, Frickel. Finance — Hubbard, Baten horst, Waring. Printing—Frickel, Clark, Hub bard. Tax—Clark, Waring, Sterns. Bonds— Hubbard, Batenhorst, Waring. Bridge—Sterns, Clark, Frickel. Sterns. Road — Waring, Batenhorst, Settlement Co. Officers—Clark and Entire Board. Claims — Waring and Entire Board. Ins.—Frickel, Stems, Clark. On motion the Board adjourn ed until 1:00 P.M. O’Neill, Nebr. Jan. 13, 1953 1:00 P.M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by the chairman. Motion was made by Clark, seconded by Frickel that the fol lowing wage and machinery rental scale be adopted for 1953. WAGE SCALE Single Man_: 75c per hour Common Bridge Labor_ 85c per hour Foreman Bridge Workers_ 1.10 per hour Truck Drivers, Tractor & Grader Operators_ 85c to 1.00 per hour Experienced Operator or Mechanic r-1.05 or minimum wage of 150.00 per mo. during winter mos. Tractor & Operator_ 1.50 per hour Tractor Loader_2.50 per hour Exp. Drag Line Operator _ 1.10 per hour Truck and driver 3.00 per hour MACHINERY RENTAL Drag Line-12.50 per hour 100 H.P. Patrol_10.00 per hour 75 H.P. Patrol_. 9.00 per hour Cat & Scoop or Blade_ 12.00 per hour Small Cat & Scoop 9.00 per hour Crawler Tractor Leader with Bucket-10.00 per hour Sterns was appointed Highway Commissioner for the year by the Chairman. Sterns then ap pointed each member of the Board of Supervisors to take charge of his respective District. Motion was made by Frickel, seconded by Waring, that the Holt County Independent be de clared the Official paper for the year and that The Frontier and the Atkinson Graphic be desig nated to publish the Supervisors’ Proceedings for the ensuing year. Motion was made by Frickel, seconded by Sterns that Charles Richter be retained as janitor of the Court House for the coming year at a salary of $225.00 per month. Carried. Motion was made by Clark, seconded by Batenhorst that John Underwood be retained as janitor of the Annex for the coming year at a salary of $150.00 per month. Carried. Motion was made by Baten horst, seconded by Hubbard that Floyd Gettert be hired as Drag line Operator. Motion carried. Motion was made by Frickel, seconded by Waring that the following Bonds be approved. Motion carried. Blake Benson, Treasurer, Rock Falls Township. Gerald Waring, Treasurer, Iowa Precinct. David Adams, Justice of the Peace, Dustin Precinct. Elmer Trowbridge, Clerk, Verdigris Township. Ben Vonasek, Clerk, Willow dale, Township. Lyle Vequist, Justice of the Peace, Rock Falls Precicnt. Ray Slay maker, Justice of the Peace, Green Valley Precinct. Eli McConnell, Clerk, Atkinson Precinct. t'aui man, ireasurer, i?air view Precinct. J. W. Rocke, Justice of the Peace, Atkinson Precinct. Clarence Gokie, Clerk, Shields Precinct. Paul Hubei, Treasurer, Lake Township. E. J. Welton, Clerk, Josie Township. Roy Gannon, Justice of the Peace, Inman Township. Lawrence Tangeman, Clerk, Conley Township. Leonard Chaffin, Clerk, Dust in Precicnt.. Ray Wilson, Justice of the Peace, Scott Township. Marvin Rouse, Treasurer, In man Township. James E. Deming, Treasurer, Sand Creek Township. Tom Engelhaupt, Justice of the Peace, Shamrock Precinct. Chester Youngs, Clerk, Inman Township. Bernard Blackmore, Clerk, Wyoming Precinct. Ardell Curran, Clerk, Rock Falls Township. On motion the Board adjourn ed until January 27, 1953 at 10:00 A.M. RUTH HOFFMAN County Clerk FRANK CRONK Chairman O’Neill, Nebr. Jan. 27, 1953 10:00 A.M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of the meetings of Dec. 30 and Jan. 13 were read and approved as read. The Finance Committee re ported that all fees from the various offices for the month of December had been remitted to the County Treasurer as requir ed by law. The Applications and Securi ties of the following Banks were examined: First National Bank, O’Neill, Nebraska. O’Neill National Bank, O’Neill, Nebraska. First National Bank, Atkinson, Nebraska. Tri-County Bank, Stuart, Ne braska. I l Farmers State Bank, Ewing, Nebraska. First National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. Motion was then made by Clark, seconded by Hubbard that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the above named Banks have made application for the privilege of being desig nated as Depositories of the monies of this County, and WHEREAS, all of said Banks have deposited certain securities of the character and form as re quired by law, for the safety of any and all public monies de posited in said Banks by said County, or its duly elected and acting County Treasurer, and WHEREAS, said Securities have been deposited in escrow in the manner and form as pro vided by law, and WHEREAS, these Banks have agreed to abide by all of the provisions of the law with re spect to the deposit of public monies, NOW, THEREFORE, I move you that the above named Banks be designated and named as Depositories of the public monies, and that the Treasurer fo Holt County, Nebraska, be, and he hereby is, authorized and empowered to deposit the public monies now in his hands or here inafter to come into his hands as such Treasurer, in the above Banks in the manner and with in the limits provided and pre scribed by law, making deposits in the Holt County Banks first and only depositing the surplus that the Holt County Banks can not take care of in the First Na tional Bank of Omaha. mi_.1 _ , xiic duuvc rves>oiution on being put to a vote by the Chairman was declared carried. Motion by Stems, seconded by Waring that the following Salary and Expense claims be allowed and warrants drawn on the General Fund in payment of same. Glea Bowden, Jan. salary .150.00 Helen Engler, Jan. salary. 150.00 Alice L. French, freight & postage - 12.16 William W. Griffin, Jan. salary -158.33 John Grutsch, Jan. salary 216.66 John Grutsch, postage & mileage . 8.34 J. Ed Hancock, postage & ribbons _1_ 16.75 Esther Harris, Jan. salary .183.33 Ruth Hoffman, Jan. salary. 241.66 Holt Co. Extension Ser vice -198.78 Ira H. Moss, court costs for hearings _ 64.75 James Mullen, mileage .... 50.70 Wilma McClure, Jan. sal ary' -170.00 Louis W. Reimer, Jan. sal ary -325.00 Charle Richter, Jan. sal ary -225.00 Dorothy S. Socha, Jan. sal ary -150.00 Leo S. Tomjack, Jan. sal ary -200.00 Leo S. Tomjack, telephone bill _ 7.60 Leo S. Tomjack, jailor board fee _ 53.00 WTm. F. Wefso, Jan. salary .225.00 Jeaneen Daughhetee, Jan. salary - 74.83 Alice L. French, Jan. sal ary _300.00 Alice L. French. Institute fund _100.00 William W. Griffin, ser vices on Co. Board of Mental Illnesses _ 60.00 J. Ed Hancock, Jan. sal ary - 241.66 Mildred Hancock, Jan. sal ary - .135.00 Esther Harris, postage _ 3.60 Ruth Hoffman, postage & box rent _ 13.63 Ira H. Moss, Jan. salary, typist’s salary, postage, & box rent_270.27 James Mullen, Jan. salary._175.00 Nora Mullen, Jan. salary_175.00 Mabel McKenna, Jan. sal ary _140.00 Louis W. Reimer, postage & box rent _ 4.75 Arlene Ruroede, Jan. sal ary _ 150.00 Claresse Sullivan, Jan. sal ary _._183.33 Leo S. Tomjack, mileage 151.40 Leo S. Tomjack, conven tion expense _ 25.00 John J. Underwood, Jan. salary_116.54 Wra. F. Wefso, convention expense, postage, & mileage to Valentine_42.70 On motion the Board adjourn ed until 1:00 P.M. O’Neill, Nebr. Jan. 27, 1953 1:00 P.M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present except Frickel. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Motion made by Hubbard, sec onded by Stems that the follow ing claim be allowed and a war rant drawn on the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Fund in payment of it. Veteran’s Service Comm., Co. soldiers & sailors relief 600.00 Motion was made by Baten horst, seconded by Hubbard that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Road Fund in payment of same. Delbert Anson, operating patrol _ 250.95 K. L. Barthel, road work 404.00 Harrison Bridge, gas & oil - 9.89 Central Supply & Eqpt. Co., repairs _ 79.00 Clark & Mattson, diesel fuel & gas _ 63.75 Glen Cobb, gas, oil & re pairs -161.73 Continental Oil Co., gae & oil _ 142.09 Dankert Service, gas, oil, & grease- 312.61 M. J. Fagan, hauling cul verts _ 15.00 Fehrs Tractor & Eqpt. Co., repairs -23,28 Fehrs Tractor & Eqpt. Co., machinery rental_ 225.00 Fehrs Tractor & Eqpt. Co., machinery rental _ 221.08 Foree Tire & Supply Co., tire & tube _ 80.10 Gamble Store, Ewing, nails & cables_ 15.20 Gill & Son, set of chains 28.90 William Grunke, cutting trees & shop work_ 41.40 Highway Eqpt. & Supply Co., repairs _ 21.56 The Island Supply Co., hammer _ 2.10 Joe Kaup, Jr., road work 15.00 Wm. Krotter Co., Stuart, gas & repairs _ 3.53 Lookers, Inc., Zerex .. 45.18 Mentzer Bros., gas & oil... 6.76 Eli McConnell, operating patrol - 150.00 Nebr. Tractor & Eqpt. Co., repairs _ 49.37 Nebr. Tractor & Eqpt. Co., machinery rental_196.80 Page Oil Co., gas & oil_140.15 Rocky Imp., labor & re pairs _ 14.35 Art B. Sanders, shop & road work.. 206.02 Seger Oil Co., oil _ 7.13 Shelhamer Eqpt. Co., tire & tube, diesel fuel _ 221.44 Richard Smith, mechanic work _ 66.15 Standard Oil Co., kero sene _ 66.80 West Lumber & Coal, coal _ 24.24 Gamble Store, Ewing, 4 patrol tires_1_ 548.00 The Balbach Co., repairs 94.70 Boies Service, gas _ 36.66 Campbell Lbr. Co., lbr. & nails _ 41.07 Clark Bros. Transfer, freight - 3.37 Cobbs Manuf. Co., auto cert, holders _ 175.00 Conoco Service Station, gas & oil - 12.91 D-A Lubricant Co., diesel oil - 46.55 Verle David, road work 182.20 Fees Shop, shop work_44.25 Fehrs Tractor & Eqpt. Co., down payment on new motor grader_2000.00 Fehrs Tractor & Eqpt. Co., machinery rental_ 433.55 William Finch, road work 153.00 Floyd Frahm, operating cat _218.40 J. P. Gans, shop work _ 20.00 C. F. Gillette & Son, re pairs - 29.22 Henkle & Joyce Hard ware Co., cross bars & chains _66.76 The Island Supply Co., repairs _ 68.71 C- W. Kirkland, shop work _ 86.10 Lohaus Motor Co., repairs & labor _.._56.39 Marcellus Impl. Co., re pairs & labor_24.85 Mo. Valley Mach. Co., element & anti-freeze_164.90 Lyle McKim, road work — 195.25 Nebr. Tractor & Eqpt. Co., glass - 7.11 Niobrara Valley Electric Mem. Corp. _ 1.50 Ora Philbrick, road work 124.95 Fay Pickinpaugh, gas_ 63.39 Sargent Construction Co., repairs _t_ 25.00 Calvin Seger, repairing machinery _150.00 Melvin A. Smith, gas _ 11.79 r™™77' ■" . Richard Smith, road work 257.25 Sovereign Service Station, tire - 22.00 R. D. Stevens, road work 220.20 Burl L. Young, driving truck 16.58 West Lumber & Coal, lath 1.50 Motion was made by Clark, seconded by Batenhorst that the following claims be allowed and S warrants ordered drawn on the Bridge Fund in payment of same. Armco Dr. & Metal Pro ducts, culverts _ 1487.84 Campbell Lumber Co., nails, bolts, wire_ 320.90 Clark Bros. Transfer, haul ing charges_ 7.73 Horner Lbr. Co., washers & bolts _ 107.16 Wm. Krotter Co., Stuart, ?br. —- 50.40 William Siebert, bridge work -114.00 Anton Weichman, mileage 21.85 Joseph B u r d a, bridge work _ 92.15 Roy Ceams, bridge work 76.00 Floyd Gettert, mechanic work _ 61.60 Keating Impl. Co., re pairs __ 42.62 Earl Porter, bridge work. 77.90 Anton Weichman, bridge supervision _ 155.10 Wheeler Lbr., Br., & Sup ply Co., nails & Creo. poles - 91.98 On motion the Board adjourn ed until Jan. 28, 1953 at 10:00 A.M. RUTH HOFFMAN County Clerk FRANK CRONK Chairman .. , i • • ( : o C V . COMING REAL SOON! f-'"". 1 - Here’s Your Invitation to Our FREE FAMILY PARTY * * I — on — Thursday, Febr. 12 — 8 P.M. CHAMBERS HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM . • IT WILL be a big, clean, lively show consisting of high class vaudeville performances in person, and interesting motion pictures. There’ll be fun and entertainment for the whole family—so bring everyone. No sales talks. Evrything FREE! — Courtesy — HARLEY HARDWARE ... Chambers — • 1 -- -—-———'* Gladiolus We Have the Following Clean Bulbs: Variety Color Size 2 20 for for Beauty’s Blush Cream-Pink 3 .25 1.40 Betty Duncan _ Orange 3 .30 1.50 Friendship _ Pink 1 .30 1.60 Gene_Lt. Yellow I .30 1.60 Green Light_Green 3 .30 1.60 Manchu _ Orange 3 .30 1.50 Margaret Fulton _ Salmon 2 .20 1.25 Oct. Sunshine _ Orange 3 .25 1.40 Orange Gold _ Orange 1 .30 1.60 Red Charm _ Red 1 .25 1.40 4 I Rhett Butler _Scarlet 3 .25 1.40 Rose Charm_ Lt. Rose 3 .35 1.90 o Mixture — Contains dozens of the very Best Varieties 50 for $3.00 RALPH N. LEIDY • \ Free Glad Bulbs! with every $2 purchase of Salsbury’s Remedies during February, we’re giving 10 large glad bulbs of the best varieties. Ren O Sal—for more growth for chicks. Par O San—kills all germs in brooder houses. Rota Caps—get worms, but don’t stop laying. Sulquin—stops cholera and coccidiosis Hog Oil— -easy to use but gets hog worms. And HOG GAIN ■■■■■■■■■■■ mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm Will ncrease hog growth 25% with no more feed. With every 25 lbs. you get 100 large glad bulbs. LEIDY’S i" O’Neill Dollar lor dollar you r t v 'r beat a A GENERAL MOTORS MASTERIUECE So much more of Everything— except price! Measure the wonderful new Pontiac for size, beauty and performance against the finest and costliest cars. Pontiac is big—with its new 122-inch wheelbase and roomv comfortable bodies. Pontiac is beautiful—easily the most distinctive car on the road—with luxurious color-matched interiors. With Pontiac’s famous Dual-Range power train* you get more power than you’ll probably ever need—with a distinct saving in gasoline. But most remarkable is Pontiac’s price tag—just a shade above the lowest—and its wonderful reputation for de pendability, economy and high re-sale value. Come in and see for yourself that Pontiac offers much more of everything—except price! piwfjr or riATVRu At their lowest cost Completely New Dual-Streak Styling New Longer Wkeelbaee K P«itiae,a Great Dual-Range Power Train* Longer, Lovelier, Roomier Rodleo New One-Piece Pnnoramlc Wind shield and Rear Window Pontiac’s Wonderful New Power Steering* Spectacular New Over-All Performance *Optional at antra coat ENTER CM’S $194,MO BETTER HIGHWAY? AWARDS CONTEST WM. KROTTER CO. Phone 53!_._ O’Neill, Nebr.