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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1953)
Sooth Fork Cash Awards Total $337 Hie 212 South Fork 4-H club dosed the 1962 year’s work and reorganized for the coming year at the meeting in the home of Bobby Gartner on Friday night, January 2. During 1952, this club earned a total of $337.75 in prize money. At the Stuart Tri-County fair, they earned $35.25; at Holt coun ty fair at Chambers, $165.25; at the O'Neill calf sale, ,$61.00; from the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, $38SO; from Holt County Here ford Breeders’ association, $19.25. Hie remaining amount was earned L y - - - by Donald Strong is special awards on his purple ribbon baby beef. This has been the club’s best year of work. Special Ak-Sar-Ben ribbons awarded the club include: Joellyn Backhaus—two blues, one red, ! one white, one pink. Jeanene Backhaus—one blue; Kenneth Backhaus—one blue, one white. Gary Holcomb—one blue, one red, one white. Gale Holcomb—two reds. Don ald Strong—one white. Marlene Ermer—one blue, one red. Lois Strong—two reds; Jennie Halsey —one red. one white. Darold Er mer, one blue, one pink. First, second, third and fourth place all-around exhibitor rib bom went to Gary Holcomb, Gale Holcomb Joellyn Backhaus and Darold Ermer in that order. Officers elected for 1953 are: Jennie Halsey, president; Ken neth* Backhaus, vice-president; Jeanenne Backhaus, secretary; Marlene Ermer, assistant secre tary; Lois and Demaris Strong, music leaders are Gale Hol qomb, Bobby Gartner and Lois Strong, recreation; Gary Holcomb, news reporter; Demaris Strong, assistant news reporter. Keith Halsey was elected his torian; Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hol comb, leaders for the axi.. >«.ar. Mr. and Mrs. Backhaus and Mrs. Halsey will be assistants and Jeanenne Backhaus will be a jun ior leader. The members selected their projects for the coming year and then enjoyed a recreation hour. Mrs. Gartner served lunchaf ter the recreation period. The next meeting will be on February 6 at the Backhaus home when an installation serv ice for the new officers will be held and new members will be received. LYNCH NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Wiimer Crawford and children spent Sunday, De cember 28, at the Don Angel home east of here. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Greene and son of Lincoln spent several days visiting at the parental Buss Greene home here during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Siebel of Omaha recently called at the Guy Keller home. They also visited the lat ter’s parents, the Richard Mars ions. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jehorek returned home Saturday, January 5, from Omaha where they took their daughter, Maxine, to her school work there. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nemic of Spencer visited with Mr. and Mrs. Vince Jehorek Saturday, January 3. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mamott and son of Grand Island called at the Vince Jehorek home Tues day, December 30. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Schinost and Mr. and Mrs. George Sedlacek of Butte visited at the Lettie Sedla cek home Thursday, January 1. Dr. J. A. Guttery, Warren Pre cott and Mrs. Lulu Van Meter were Thursday, January 1, 6 o’clock dinner guests at the Fred Wurtz home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spencer left Friday, January 2, for their work at Cheyenne, Wyo., after a week’s visit here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Lee spent new year’s day at the Elmo Barnes home. Mr. and Mrs. William Stouffer spent new year’s day at the Lloyd Spencer home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pinker - man and son, Larry, of Merri man, Mrs. James Soukup and son of Harborton, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Don Egan of Ashby recently j visited at John Pinkerman’s and Vince Jehorek’s here and at the Marion Borrall home in Butte also relatives in Holt county. They returned to their homes on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Koscan and family of Butte were new year’s day guests at the Wallace Courtney home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalkow ski and Larry visited at the George Svatos home in Lake An ! des, S.D., on new year’s day. I Ewing News Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pollock re turned home Sunday from Oma ua aLer spending the week there. JacK Pruaen, ulen Tuttle and Fred jjuIiwiu were nonored guests Sunaay evening of the Up per noom club ana Live Wires, me teenage bunday-scnool class or ooys and girls of the Ewing Lwletnouist cnurcn. Ray bedivy, a member or the club, conducted me devotional period. This was fodowea by a program of musi cal ana vocal numbers anu clev er sKits pertaining to army life, 'me girls who participated in this part of tne evening’s entertain ment wrere Joellyn Eacker, Jeanne Yveike ana Bonnie Jo Jefferies, all members o,. the Live Wire class. Miss Marcia Gibson was the pianist, in concuisiun, a social nour wim games and contests was enjoyed. Refreshments were | servea oy Mrs. Ray bedivy, Mrs. Ralph Eacker, Mrs. Harold Harris an^ Mrs. Robert Tams. The hon ored guests will leave January 20 I fur the armed forces. Mrs. Grace Briggs is back home again after spending the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Vaughn, at Omaha. Other guests at the Vaughn home were Mrs. Briggs’ son and dauhter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Briggs, and family of Oklahoma, City, Okla. i Mrs. Rena Libby is assisting at the home of Mr. and Ml’s. Dur ward Loughfrey. During the holidays Mrs. Rena Libby visited at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Libby, and family. A family get-together was held at the Edgar Jensen home on Sunday, January 3, to celebrate Mr. Jensen’s birthday anniver sary. Dinner was served at 1 o’clock. In attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crosley of Center, Mr. . and Mrs. Emil Dryak and family of Verdel, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jensen and family of Meadow Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Jensen and daughter. Ann Mane, of Ewing. Mrs. Archie Tuttle and Mrs. Willis Rockey were shopping in O’Neill on Wednesday, January 7 Mr. and Mrs. Max Pofahl left Saturday, January 3, to return to Chanute Field, 111., after spend ing the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pofahl, and other relatives in the Ewing vi cinity. Mr. Pofahl is in the air force. Mrs. Duane Jensen entertained at a 6 o’clock dinner on Tuesday evening, January 6, the occasion being her husband’s birthday an niversary. Mr. and MIrs. Wayne Fry and daughters were guests. Miss Alta Lou Miler, a teacher in the grades of the Ewing public school, stayed with Mrs. Erna Lofquest last week while driving was hazardous. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies en tertained the following guests at dinner Sunday, January 4: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn of Ewing, Mrs. Jack Porter, Mr. and Mrs. j Roy Stevens, all of Clearwater. Don Cameron of Omaha was an overnight guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies Monday, January 5. Mr. Cameron is an ex-army buddy of Mr. Boies’s. Mrs. John Tomjack and chil dren, who spent the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tomjack and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawk and family have returned to their home at Melbeta. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks, Mer ton, Mary Alys and Sandra were 6 o clock dinner guests at the home of her sister and brother in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spittler, on new year’s eve. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs spent new year’s day at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Turay, and family. The Thursday Bridge club was entertained January 8 in the af ternoon at the home of Mrs. Lyle Dierks. Scorewinners were Mrs Grace Briggs and Mrs. Maud Brion. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. Cora Wicox of Madison is a guest at the home of her daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Angus. New year’s eve dinner guests at the Lionel Gunter home were Mr^and Mrs. Verle Gunter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Cary, Mrs. Earl Van Ostrand, Florence and Iris, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cary, Eeola ana Xsila. mr. ana Mrs. Julian Sojka and son, '“Butch,” entertained Mr. ana Mrs. Durward Loughrey and family to a turkey dinner on new year’s day. Miss Verdean Trautman of Her ricK, &.D., anu Mass Avis Armfield of Jamison spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Les le Cary last week. Mr. ana Mrs. Keith Schweigert ana family ox Dallas, S.D., were overnignt guests on Tuesday, De cember 30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tams. Mrs. i>chweigert ana Mrs. Tams are sisters. Tne Cub scouts met at the home of Brion Colfack on Tuesday evening, December 30. After the opening oi the session in charge of Mrs. Clarence Hahlbeck and Mrs. Clifford Hahlbeck, time was spent in memory work. On ad journment the boys enjoyed a taf fy pull. Guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Bomer and family were Rev. and Mrs. E. H. Butler and family of Council Bluffs, la., and Mrs. Ruth Morckly of Iowa City, la. Mrs. Jessie Angus had as her | guests on new year’s day her sis ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoag of Orchard. They aiso remained overnight due to the snowstorm. Mr. and Mi's. William Spence and Lyle spent Saturday at At kinson visiting with his mother, Mrs. G. E. Spence, and her son, C. E. Spence, and family. Mrs. Wilma Eppenbach and Mrs. Eula Eppenbach accom panied Robert Eppenbach to In man last Thursday to attend the funeral services for Lyle Clinton Smith, which was held at the Inman Methodist church. —■ - -- —- ■ .... —_ . _ LEGAL NOTICE (First publication Jan. 8, 1952) John R. Gallagher,, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION ESTATE NO. 3880 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, January 6, 1953. In the Matter of the Estate of MARY E. ROGMAN, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of William W. Griffin as Admin istrator of said estate, and will be heard January 28, 1953 at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge (County Court Seal) 36-38c (First publication Jan. 8, 1953) NOTICE OF REFEREES SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale directed to me by the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court, wherein Ada Cox is plaintiff, and Lottie Linnaberry, et al., are defendants, being Case No. 14817, to sell at public vendue, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 in Block 41 of Riggs Addition to the Town of O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, 4 I will offer said above described real estate for sale and will sell the same to the highest bidder for cash on the 11th day of February, 1953, at the hour of one-thirty o’clock, p.m., at the front door of t^e Courthouse in the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, when and where due attendance will be given bv the under sized. Sole Referee. Said sale will remain open one hour. Terms of sale are 20% of bid to be paid at time of sale, and balance in cash upon confirma tion and delivery of deed from Referee. Dated this 2nd day of Jan uary, 1953. John R. Gallagher Sole Referee _ 36-40c (First publ. January 8, 1953) NOTICE OF SUIT TO: Oren C. Sammons; O. C. Sammons; J. L. Spears; William Liermann; Herman A. Liermann; Herman Lierman; Herman Lier mann; Mae Liermann; May Lier mann; Charles L. Liermann; Charles F. Liermann; Hulda Liermann; Hulda Lierman; R. C. Ruben; Ruby C. Rubin; Ruben C. Ruben; C. E. Barthel; G. C. Bar thel; Grover Barthel; Louis Bar thel; L W. Barthel; C. W. Bar thel; Carl Barthel; Carol Barthel; The heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of Carl Barthel, deceased, real names unknown; Thos. Clawson; Edw. Carroll; Dora Moss; Roy Therkelsen; J. E. Mul ligan; Clarance Moss; Matilda Moss; Maggie Moss; Aldaro Bow ers; Nettie Carpenter; Sophia Carroll; Etta Ott; Sarah Root; Lizzie Thompson; Jemie Haw kins; Jemie Arno; Burl Padget; Fred Ives; Thos. Curran; Laura Pierce; Chas. Fidler; Jno. Har deasth; Hayden Snow; Florence ^ A. Anderson; All persons having or claiming any interest in Lots One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine in Block Twelve of Amelia, Holt County, Nebraska, real names unknown, defendants. You and each of you are here by notified that on the 31st day of December, 1952, Oscar W. Peterson and Rose A. Peterson as plaintiffs filed their petition in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you as defendants, the object and pray er of which is to quiet and con firm the title in them, the said Oscar W. Peterson and Rose A. Peterson, as tenants in common, to the real estate hereinabove specifically described, as against you and each of you, and to secure a Decree of Court that you have no interest in, right or title to, or lien upon said real estate, or any part thereof; and for general equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 16th day of February, 1953. Dated this 31st day of Decem ber, 1952. Oscar W. Peterson and Rose A. Peterson, Plaintiffs, by: Julius D. Cronin, Their Attorney 36-39c . Chambers News Mrs. Wilbur Gemelke of Stan ton is visiting a few days this week with her sister-in-law and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Neils Mik kelson, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Starr of St. Paul spent Friday with his moth er, Mrs. Nellie Starr. Mrs. Esther Wood accompanied her daughter, Mrs. Les Hanna, to her home at Lincoln for a short visit. Sunday dinner guests in the L. V. Cooper home were Arnold, Ma rie and Erna Zuelke, Hattie Tib bets and Genevieve Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neilson and Mrs. Holloway spent Sunday in the home of the Misses Edith and Mabel Kinney near Elgin. The following went to Clear water Tuesday, January 6 to give blood to the bloodmobile: Mrs. John Honeywell, Mrs. Anna Al bers, Mrs. Lyman Covey, Mrs. Mark Gribble and Mrs. Kenneth La Rue. Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Anna Albers were Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sexton and Nadine Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harley and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik, Myron and Pamela. Mrs. Dick Brion and boys of Neligh spent several days recent ly with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walter. Mr. Brion came Sunday, January 4, to take them home. Norman Walter left Monday, January 5, for St. Louis, Mo., where he attends Concordia sem inary. He spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walter. Lyle Walter and daughter, Ar dith tok Vivian Walter back to Hampton where she is teaching in a parochial school. She spent the holidays at home. Mrs. Ralph Eacker Joins Society — EWING—The Women’s Society of Christian Service held its first meeting of the new year on Wed nesday afternoon, January 7, at the parlors of the Methodist church. Mrs. John Wunner opened the session with the devotional pro gram. The lesson was presented by Mrs. R. G. Rockey. In a short business session in charge of the president, Mrs. Henry Fleming, routine affairs were discussed. (Mrs. J. L. Pru den acted as secretary in the ab sence of Mrs. Waldo Davis. On adjournment the hostesses for the afternoon, Mrs. Andrew Olson and Mrs. Anna Pollock, served refreshments. A center piece representing the new year, flanked by candes, was used and the theme was carried out in oth er decorations with the colors green and white predominating. Mrs. Ralph Eacker was a guest and 'became a member of the So ciety. The Frontier for printing. r- ~ . Mrs. Kenneth Braasch Reelected Leader— The Hoosier Hot Shots reor ganized for 1953 at the home of Bill Mullens on Friday, Jan uary 2. The officers for the coming year are: Mrs. Kenneth Braasch, leader; Mrs. Bill Mullins, assist ant leader; Ned Mullins, presi dent; Gary Braasch, vice-presi dent; Ellen Havranek, secretary. Marty Mullins, song leader; Do lores Tunender, news reporter. Lunch was served including sandwiches, cake, pickles and pop. Our next meeting will be held at the John Tenborg home Fel> ruary 6.—By Dolores Tunender, news reporter. Venetian blind*, prompt deli-e ery. made to measure, metal or wood, all colors.—J. M. McDon ald's, O'Neill. r * • • . where enormous competition between Big Packers and Order Buyers is my assurance of FULL MARKET PDICE! ti/bM tittle MdtZeS r-*" vUNION STOCK YARDS COMPANY OF OMAHA _ # MARCH OF DIMES BENEFIT ALL COFFEE sold in our Cafe between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., on Saturday, January 17th, will be 10-cenls per cup. and all proceeds from the sale of coffee will be con tributed to the 1953 March of Dimes. WE ARE pleased to lake this opportunity to help in the fight against dreaded polio. Tom Tom Cafe VAL & JOYCE DARLING, Props. — O'NEILL — .... ■ 11,1111 . IaAi&L i . I Wfestinghouse DISHWASHERr Dr. Fisher, Dentist In the Bishop Block—Norfolk Office Phone: 610 Res. Phone: 2842 . . UNCLE SAM GIVIS flcbertt Sweet (beam flutter HIS HIGHEST HATING . •. WHAT "U. S. GRADE AA” MEANS TO YOU YOU ARE SURE of getting the fin .* est butter produced when "U.S. Grade AA” appears on the package. This stamp of government approval means that the butter has been care fully tested and laboratory checked by an expert grader from the U.S. De partment of Agriculture; — for flavor . for aroma ... for color and texture. j i ( < < No more dishpan hands for me! Not on your life! : My Westinghouse dishwasher does all our dishes in a jiffy, completely automatically, and gets them so much j cleaner, so much faster! Thoroughly washed in water s much hotter than human hands can stand, and rinsed 3 and dried without ever being touched by hands or, soggy drying towels, my dishes come out sparklingly clean, germ free, giving the whole family added health protection! Yes, with my Westinghouse dishwasher, it’s ( fun to do dishes! 5 r I See the Several Models of the Westinghouse Dishwasher Now on Display at | Dr. Rex W. Wilson, M.D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Offices, 128 W. Douglas St. O’Neill Phones: Office 138. Res. 158 W. F. FINLEY. M.D. O O'NEILL First National Bank Bids. OFFICE PHONE: 28 WE NOW HAVE the EQUIPMENT to RECAP 700x17 and 750x17 Tires with the new GOODRICH MUD & SNOW TREAD FOREE TIRE & SUPPLY Phone 289 West O’Neill For You Feeders who want t l *’One of the finest supplement* for growing stock we've ever used.” say cattlemen. And they're right? LASSY 22% is a great 2-in-1 supplement—rick in both PROTEIN and MOLASSES SUGARS that steers need to develop fast.. . finish into market-topping an*-1 mats. In addition, there's plenty oI minerals, vitamins and other boor and meat building nuuienu that stretch grams and roughages cuu feeding costs to a minimum. It's easy so feed Cost is low. Stan feeding LASSYi 22% today. See us for a supply. SHELHAMER FOODS k # U jl ALL-FOAM LATEX MATTRESS , and matching foundation Regular Value $149 We Challenge Comparison! Compare this set with the same foam latex luxury you’ll find NOW ONLY elsewhere at much higher prices. Yes, from its fine long-wearing covering to its full-depth foam latex cushioning it is truly a QQ JZA Twin Size value without equal! WWaVW COMPLETE SET The Matching Foundation is especially built to give "stabilized - ^^ 17 n o* support” to the foam latex mattress. It is your guarantee of more 11 111 l|ll T* Ull Oize luxurious sleeping comfort! lrWelW COMPLETE SET SEE IT! TRY IT! ENJOY IT TOD AY!... AT Midwest Furniture & Appl. Phone 346-J__•_West O’Neill