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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1953)
Future Subscribers LAMM—Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ramm of Stuart a son, Tommy, weighing 7 pounds and 8 ounces, born Wednesday January 7 at the Atkinson Memorial hospital. WORTH—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Worth of O’Neill, a son, Randall Alvin, weighing 6 pounds and 8 ounces, bom Sunday, January 4, in the Worth home. Mrs. Worth is the former Ruth Lindberg. This is their second child, the © first being a girl. LATZEL—Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Latzel, formerly of Ewing, a daughter, born Friday, Decem ber 19. Mr. Latzel is in the ma rines stationed in California, and his family is with hm. Mrs. Lat zel is the former Joanne Doud of Ewing. GESCH—Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gesch of Lincoln, a daughter, Jean Marie, weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces, born Wednesday, De cember 24. Mrs. Gesch was for merly E’lona Shavlik of Cham bers. This is the couple’s first child. KLINETOBE—Mr. and Mrs. Francis Klinetobe of Omaha, a son, Randy Jay, weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces, born Wednes day, December 24, in an Omaha hospital. Mrs. Klinetobe is the former Joan Gatz, daughter of Charles Gatz of Niobrara. Mr. Klinetobe is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Klinetobe of Page. The Klinetobes now have three sons. KOPEJTKA — Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Kopejtka of Camas, Wash., a daughter, Ladona Sue, weighing 6 pounds 5 ounces, born Tuesday, December 2, at Vancou ver. She is the couple’s first child. Mrs. Kopejtka is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dailey, 203 SE Franklin St., Camas, Wash. The paternal grandmother is Mrs. Anna Ko pejtka of Page. RAMM—ivir. andd Mrs. Gene Ramm, a son, Thomas Ander son, weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces, born Monday, January 5, in At kinson Memorial hospital. The mother is the former Dona And erson. GILG—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gilg of Atkinson, a son, Kevin John, weighing 6 pounds 8 ounces, born Wednesday, January 7, in Atkin son Memorial hospital. The mother is the former Katherine Kaup. FOCKEN—Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Focken of Atkinson, a son, Kenneth Alwayne, weighing 7 pounds 15 ounces, born Thurs day, January 8, in Atkinson Me morial hospital. The mother is the former Beulah Brainard. PIERSON — Mr. and Mrs. George Pierson of Denver, Colo., « «on. born January ©, weighing 7 pounds, Mrs. Pierson was Ser iously injured about a year ago when she was struck by a truck ;yhile crossing a street in Cali fornia. she is the romer L6Vlh& Kloppenborg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kloppenborg. VAN EVERY—Pvt. and Mrs. Dean Van Every of O’Neill, a daughter, Elizabeth Anne, weigh ing 8 pounds and 11 ounces, bom Thursday, January 8, in St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. This is their first child. Private Van Every is stationed in Japan at the present. Mrs. Van Every is the former Ivalyn Brady. SNYDER—Mr. and Mrs. Milo Snyder of Orchard, a son, weigh ing 5 pounds and 7 ounces, born Tuesday, January 13, in St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. Legal Notices (First pub. January 15, 1953) John R. Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 3881 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, January 13, 1953. In the Matter of the Estate of Lyle C. Smith, also known as Clinton Smith, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Gordon Smith as Adminis trator of said estate, and will be heard February 4, 1953 at 10 o’clock A.M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER, . County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 37-39c ■ 1 BOSN—Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bosn of O’Neill, a son weighing 9 pounds 4 ounces, bom Wednes day, January 14, in St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. This is the fifth child They have three girls and one boy. Sick & Injured O'NEILL—H. G. Kruse drove to to Sioux City Wednesday, Jan uary 7, to visit Homer Asher, who submitted to a major operation in the Lutheran hospital there. Mr. Asher was dismissed from the hospital Sunday and is re covering in his home. . . Joe Bar tos, who suffered an eye injury several weeks ago, went to Nor folk Friday for a regular check up on his eye. He is able to read the top three lines of an eye chart and he was allowed to re turn to his job as long as he avoids lifting heavy objects. He was accompanied by Mrs. Bartos, Karen and Mrs. Freeman Knight. . . . Mrs. Emma Martin has been confined to bed with the “flu” for several days. . . Clyde Street er returned Friday from the Vet erans hospital, Grand Island, where 4ie had undergone a major operation. . . William McIntosh was hospitalized during the weekend at St. Anthony’s due to a “strep” throat. . . Ardiss Ann Parks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parks, jr., has been ab sent from school the past week with the “flu”. . . Charles Hard ing, who was admitted to the Veterans hospital at Grand Is land two weeks ago, is reported ! as being able to be “up and j around.” It was thought for a ; time surgery might be required ; on his foot. He was visted re cently by Miss Tillie Kesten holtz and Mrs. James Donlin. . . Alan Van Vleck, a patient in the Veterans hospital, Grand Island, is “up and around.” INMAN—Mrs. Marye Hartigan accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hartigan of Page spent Thursday afternoon in Lincoln where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Cary. Mr. and Mrs. Cary figured in an auto accident near Lincoln on Wednesday, January 7, and Mrs. Cary is hospitalized with a fractured knee. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smith left Monday for Omaha where Mrs, Smith will re ceive medical attention. EWING—Mrs. Charles Krun torad is convalescing at her home in north Ewing from a ma jor operation which she under went recently at the Antelope Memorial hospital. . . Mrs. Perry Saiser still remains under a doc tor’s care at her home. She has been ill for the past two week . . . Gloria Hamilton is recover- i ing from an attack of chickenpox at her home. REDBIRD—Mrs. Dale Bessert was busy the past week helping her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Truax, sr., and Dale’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Bessert, who were all ill with influenza. . . ! Billy Halstead stayed with Mr. I arid Mrs. Leon Mellor last Thurs- ! day while his mother was ill with influenza. LYNCH—Henry Reslef, 77, of Scio, Ore., formerly .o| tiofth Of Lynch, is coriv&iejibiiig Si hii home, having broken his hip bone in a fall recently. . . Mary, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Marx, who broke her leg in a fall on December 27, is getting along “satisfactorily” at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. CHAMBERS — Mrs. Elmer Wondersee returned Monday, January 5, from St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. . . Lee Mitchell entered St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill, Saturday for medical care. . . Cliff Gillette was taken to St. Anthony’s hospital Friday for care of a leg injury. PAGE—Mrs. Melvin Colson of Royal took Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Peregoy and Mrs. Clifford Graves to Omaha Monday, Janu ary 5, where Mrs. Peregoy enter ed University hospital. The oth ers returned home Tuesday. CELIA—Mrs. Ray Pease went to Omaha Sunday, January 4, for a medical checkup. . . George Beck came home from Atkinson Memorial hospital new year’s morning. DELOIT—Mrs. Leonard Knapp is convalescing at the home of a relatives in Ewing... Mrs. Charles Kourtroud was a recent patient in the Neligh hospital. Miss Sharon Wagnon of Em met was a weekend guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moss. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S (O'Neill) Admissions: January 7— Mrs. Dean Van Every, O’Neill; Bev erly Anderson, Bristow. 8—Jerry Gokie, O’Neill 9—Michael Boter, O’Neill; Mrs. Woodrow Gaugh enbaugh, Inman; Clay H. John son, jr., O’Neill. 10 — William McIntosh, O’Neill; Mrs. Albert Boelter, Venus; Donald Wayne Heiss, Page; Thaine Lee Mitchell, Chambers; Clifford F. Gillette, Chambers. 12—Joe Scholimeyer, O’Neill; Gayle Spangler, Star; Clayton Goeke, Atkinson; Larry Scheinost, Spencer; Fred A. Grage, O’Neill. 13 — Mrs. Milo Snyder, Orchard; Eli Hershiser, O’Neill; Thomas Zakrzewski, O’ Neill. 14 — Wayne Green, Bart lett; Donnie Conway, O’Neill; Mrs. Ray Bosn, O’Neill; Mrs. Dale Nissen, O’Neill; Mrs. Mel vin Marcellus, O’Neill; Jim Re gal, Emmet. Dismissals: Mrs. John R. Gal lagher and baby boy, O’Neill; Mrs. Dale -Curran and baby girl, O’Neill; Thomas Joseph Drueke, O’Neill. 8 — Adolph Sedivy, O’ Neill. 9—Emmanuel Ring, Spen cer. 10—Michael Boyer, O’Neill; Jerry Gokie, O’Neill; Mrs. Char les Stout, O’Neill; Robert Dem ing, Stuart; Jerry Dean Childers, Chambers. 11—Clay H. Johnson, | jr., O’Neill; Mrs. Woodrow Gaughenbaugh, Inman. 13—Bev erly Anderson, Bristow; Lorraine Smith, Chambers; Mrs. Albert Boelter, Venus; Mrs. Dean Van Every and baby girl, O’Neill. 14 —L a r r y Scheinost, Spencer; Thaine Lee Mitchell, Chambers. Remaining m nospuai: w. J. Brown, O’Neill; Margaret Eggers, O’Neill; Mrs. Etta Geary, Inman; Clifford F. Gillette, Chambers; Wayne Breen, Bartlett; Donald Wayne Heiss, Page; Eli Hershis er, O’Neill; Milton B. Lawrence, Emmet; Mrs. Letha Morrow, O’ Neill; William W. McIntosh, O’ Neill; Joe Schollmeyer, O’Neill; Gayle Spangler, Star; Mrs. Lil lian Berger, O’Neill; Mrs. Ray Bosn, O’Neill; Donnie Conway, O’Neill; Mrs. Mabel Gatz, O’ Neill; Clayton Goeke, Atkinson; Fred A. Grage, O’Neill; Mrs. Oaie Nissen, O’Neill; Mrs. Lou ise Perkins, Chambers; Mrs. Milo Snyder, Orchard; Thomas Zakr ze.vski, O’Neill. SACRED HEART (Lynch ) John L. Bainbridge of Bristow, medical, unchanged; Ward Barnes of Naper, medical, good; Baby Darryl Ronald Borg of O’Neill, medical, good; Louis Birmeier of Lynch, medical, satisfactory; John Cerveny of Naper, medical, unchanged; Baby Deborah Dot ter of Niobrara, medical, good; Baby Douglas Galbraith of Spen cer, surgical, satisfactory; Mrs. Charles Gifford of Dorsey, med ical, improving; Miss Helen Hal bur of Butte, surgical, good; Mrs. James Hood of Butte, medical, good; Mrs. Bolena Holmberg of Bristow, medical, satisfactory; Robert Johnson of Bristow, med ical, satisfactory; Louie Kehn of Butte, medical, good; Mrs. Harry Luth of Butte, medical, good; Mrs. ter Jerry McClellan of Verdel, medical, improved; Mrs. Emil Mi canek of Lynch, medical, im proved; Mrs. Jannettie Nelson of Center, medical, good; Henry Pfeifer of Spencer, medical, good; Mrs. Joe Rihanek of Monowi, medical eoori; Mrs, Max Ross meier and baby boy of Bristow, good; Mrs. Ruth Statsman of Butte, medical, improved; John Truman of Bristow, medical, sat isfactory; Pamela Rihanek of Monowi, medical, good. Dismissals: January 7—Mrs. Allen and Baby Larry Joe of Spencer; Mrs. Fay Courtney of Lynch; Baby Pamela Ann Engel haupt of Spencer. January 9— Baby James Allen Davis of Na per; Gordon De Kay of Verdel. January 10—Mary Marx of Spen cer. January 1,1—Mrs. Leonard Havranek and Baby Debra Joe of Lynch; Baby James Mulhair of Lynch. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: January 6 — Gary Dean Philbrick, Stuart, medical; Mrs. Earl Schultz, Stuart, obstet rical; Mrs. Julia Samples, Atkin son, medical. 7—Mrs.” Fern War ren, Atkinson, medical; Mrs. Roy Gilg (Katherine Kaup), obstet rical; Mrs. Eugene Ramm (Dona Anderson), Stuart, obstetrical; Leona Bolen, Stuart, medical. 8 —Mrs. Don Focken (Beulah Brainard), Atkinson, obstetrical. 9—Frank Stanek, Atkinson, med ical. 1—Calvin Seger, Atkinsoin, medical. 12—Mrs. Mary Bonen berger, Atkinson, medical; Mrs. Melvin Andrus, medical. Dismissed: January 6 — Mrs. Jean Livingston, Mrs. Evan Gar wood, Mrs. Alfred Schaaf and son. 7—Mrs. Elmer Steskal and son, Mrs. Ralph Shald. 8—Mrs. Roy Disterhaupt and daughter, Mrs. Carl Schultz, Garry Dean Philbrick. 9—Mrs. Fern Warren, Mrs. Zeno Marshall, Mrs. Willard McKenney, Leona Bolen. 11—Al len White, Calvin Seger. Hospitalized: Dwight Raymer, Joe Krska, Baby Carol Frances McKenney. Teacher's Illness Delays Meeting— The Highland Pilots held a meeting Friday, January 9. The meeting was supposed to be held Thursday, but our teacher, Mrs. Livingston, was sick. No school was held that day. i All members answered roll call with a new year’s resolution. The following club officers were elected: Evelyn Sweet, president; Neil Smith, vice-presi dent; Charles Sweet, secretary; Alice Sweet, news reporter. The next meeting will be held January 15. Roll call will be an swered with the name of a flow er. —By Doris Smith, news re porter. Mrs. Schaffer Hostess— The MM club met Tuesday evening for a 7:30 dessert lunch eon in the home of Mrs. D. C. Schaffer. The winners were Mrs. H. G. Kruse, Mrs. H. L. Lind i berg and Mrs. L. A. Burg p s. The guests who were present were Mrs. L. A. Burgess, Mrs. C. E Yantzi, Mrs. L. F. Beckenhauer and Mrs. J. L. Sherbahn. Holiday Guests— Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Johnsor were New Year’s dinner guest; in the home of Mr. and Mrs Dave Jensen of Midway. Emmet News Mr. and Mrs. Bill Perry and children of O’Neill were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Perry and children. Mrs. William Newton spent Saturday afternoon visiting at the Dean Perry home. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dailey re turned home last Sunday eve ning after spending a few days visiting their son, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Dailey, and family at North Platte. Dean Perry and Ed Winkler were breakfast and dinner guests of Dean’s brother and family at Bird City, Kans., Friday, Jan uary 9. Mrs. Bill Kelly was a Wednes day night, January 7, guest of Mrs. Wayne Fox and family. The Emmet Methodist Bible study was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cole. Rev. and Mrs. Wallace B. Smith, Mrs. Emma Conard and Mrs. Ruth Enbody attended the meeting. Mrs. Elwin Rubeck and daugh ter, Cathy, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox and family. Mrs. Charlie Abart visited her sister, Mrs. Schultz, of Atkinson on Thursday and Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole at tended the Cattlemen’s conven tion at Kansas City, Mo., Friday. Miss Jeanie Cole was a guest of Miss Mary Lou Conard while her parents were attending the Cattlemen’s convention at Kan sas City, Mo., last week. Suzan Abart is spending a few days this week visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Char- I lie Abart. Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Claussen of O’Neill were dinner guests at the Charlie Claussen home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole attend ed the inauguration of Governor Robert B. Crosby in Lincoln last Thursday. Floyd and Don Butterfield were dinner guests of Mrs. Em pia Maring and sons, Oliver and Homer,, last Saturday, January Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCon nell visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex McConnell Sunday evening. Miss Sharon Wagnon was a guest of Miss Suzanne Moss of O’ Neill Sunday. Alvin Kloppenborg and Merle Foreman went to Gillette Wyo., Thursday night on a business trip. They also visited Mr. Klop penborg’s relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kluver. They returned home Sunday. Jerry Wanser and Jim Ryan of O’Neill were Sunday visitors of Jeff Wagnon. Rock Falls News Guests at Roy Margritz’s all day Sunday, January 4, were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Avery and Buddy, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Duhashek, all of Meadow Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Claussen were guests Sunday, January 4, at her nephew’s, Clarence Sig lers, at Butte. Bonna Margritz stayed Friday night, January 2, with Elaine Miller. Guests at Bill Claussen’s Mon day evening, January 5, for sup per were Mr- and Mrs. Earl Been and Delores of Ravinla, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Margritz and firls were supper guests Tues ay evening, December 23, it Bill Crawford’s. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Claussen attended a family reunion new year’s day at Claussen brothers. Guests at Roy Margritz’s new year’s day for dinner and supper included Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Mitchell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sire and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sire of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Slaymak er and family were guests at Al bert Stem’s new year’s day. Guests at Louis Brown’s Sun day, January 4, for cmner were Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hynes and Regina and Mrs. Nora Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Drueke and family were supper and evening guests at Louis Brown’s new year’s day. Guests at Levi Yantzie’s Mon day, January 5, evening at an oyster supper were Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and Ardell and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sterns. New year’s day guests at Bert Ott’s were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ott and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Curran and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Larsen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Danny Snyder and family. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson, Eddie and Timmie Benson visit ed Francis Curran Monday eve- | ning, January 5. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson were new year’s day guests at 1 Hugh Benson’s. Guests Saturday evening, Jan uary 3 at supper at Blake Ben son’s were Mr. and r.irs. Frank Nemic of Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters of Verdel, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benson, Miss Spauld ing of Waseca, Minn., Maurice Grutsch and Linda Johnson. Stanley Benson brought Du ane Pinnt home from an Omaha hospital. He is now recuperating. The Valley club met Saturday evening, January 3, at the Frank Schultz home. Guests were Mr. j and Mrs. Bill Steskal, Bonnie and Jean. High score was won by Floyd Johnson and Mrs. John Schultz.* Mrs. Bill Steskal and John Schultz held low score. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Holt of Madison were guests Sunday af ternoon, January 4, at the Floyd Johnson home. They purchased a registered redbone pup to take home with them. Guests at John Schultz’s Sun day afternoon and evening, Jan uary 4, were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schultz. Dinner guests at Floyd John son’s new year’s day were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rakes and girls, Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Johnson and Russy. Miss bpaulding oi Waseca, Minn., came Tuesday afternoon, December 30 to visit at Floyd Johnson’s. She returned Sun day, January 4, by car to Sioux City and took a train from there. The Pinochle Pirates met new year’s eve at Orville Miller’s. High score was won by Mrs. Lyle Vequist and Arthur O’Neill. Mire. Francis Curran and Chuck Felver held low score. The next meet ing will be at Chuck Felver’s on January 16. A dinner party was held at the Harry Lansworth home new year’s day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grutch and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz and children, Mr. and Mrs. James McNulty and La Donna, Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and Ardell Mrs. Celia Grutch, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Felver. During the ice skating in the afternoon, Joe Grutch fell and broke his arm. He also had a cut in his chin which required two stitches to close. A surprise party was held Fri day evening, January 2, at the Albert Stern’s home. The self invited guests included: Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and Ardell, Mr. and Mr. Francis Curran and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Claussen, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mar gritz and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O’Neill, John and Jean O’Neill and John Richardson. These surprise par ties have become so popular that anyone who stacks the dishes and lets things get comfortable is running a definite risk. Rita, Janice and Tommy Ve- ! quist stayed Wednesday night, December 30, at Henry Vequist’s ! The SNC club met Tuesday night, December 29, at Blake Benson’s. Maurice Grutch was a guest. Bill Claussen and Levi Yantzi held high score. Maurice Grutch and Mrs. Levi Yantzi held lotf. The next meeting will be January 18, at Wilbur Smith’s. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran, Betty ar«u Mary Jo were dinner fue9ts at the James Curran home J Uftday, January 4. Evening vis itors were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Margritz and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and Lynda were new year’s day guests of George Calkins’s. Mrs. Henry Vequist was a din ner guests at John Turner’s Mon day, January 4. On the way home she visited Mrs. Orville Morrow and famil.y. Guests at Wilbur Smith’s Sat urday, January 3, were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Taylor and children and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vequist. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Felver were Sunday, January 4, dinner guests at the Lloyd Ritts home. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Felver called at James McNulty’s Mon day, January 5. Orville Thorsen was in Vermil lion, S. D., Tuesday and Wednes day, January 6 and 7. James Moler of Hastings visited Mrs. Fred Ernst and famly and Dave Moler’s Wednesday, Janu ary 7. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ernst and family and Fannie Ernst were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Johring Saturday, January 3. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vitt and famiy were new year’s day guests of Mrs. Fannie Ernst. Guests on new year’s day at the Orville Miller home were Mr. and Mrs. Benny Wetzler, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Page of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wetzler of Gregory, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ott visited at Francis Curran’s on Monday,, January 5. Wed 50 Years— VERDEL—Mr. and Mrs. Hugo J. Dryak of Verdel observed their golden wedding anniver sary on Tuesday, January 13. Open-house was held from 3 to 5 p.m. at their farm home in Pisch" elville community. A family re ception was held in tne evening for the immediate family. Announcement UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, my offices will be closed on Saturday afternoons* The office will be clpen ; only until noon. ‘ DR. REXlT WILSON 128 W. Douglas St. O’Neill ——i DR. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE, OPTOMETRIST Permanent Office* in Hagenaick Bldg. O’NEILL, NEBR. Phone 167 Eye* Examined . Gla*»e* Fitted Office Hours: 9-5 Mon. thru Sat. TUNE IN! “Voice of THE FRONTIER” m • Monday J I io* • Wednesday j I •* • Saturday . 9:45 A.M. - 780 kc. HEAR GEORGE HAMMOND, one of | Nebraska’s topflight announcers, # bring y0u the O’Neill regional news thrice weekly in a concise, 15-min ute roundup of news and happen- ■ ings concerning persons and places | you know. | THIS PROGRAM or£GINATES ij IN OUR O'NEILL STUDIOS IN [j THE FRONTIER BUILDING * ISHELHAMER FOODS) | GROCERY PHONE: 56 O'NEILL PRODUCE PHONE: 173 H | ^Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat., Jan. 15th, 16th, 17th jj :: ^-- :: :: :: LARGE NAVEL 1 ORANGES 2 lbs. 25c ♦♦ :: ■"■ _— RUTABAGAS Lb 6c ♦♦ ♦♦ __ ♦ ♦ —^———-—^— t*M5gggaf f*%"* w*-" MARSHSEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT L° 49c | GREEN PASCAL CELERY Lb. iQc | ii ♦♦ ♦♦ M :: ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ I n ♦♦ ♦♦ | GOLDEN VALLEY—R.S.P. No. 303 Cans 1 CHERRIES 3 for 57c ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ———_ - :: SQUARE DEAL—PANCAKE 1 FLOUR 4 B> bag 39c 4 ♦♦ —.. . it KRAFT 5-Oz. Jar ;♦ CHEESE SPREADS 19c OUR FAMILY—GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 46-oz. cans 53c R _ ♦* 1 SQUARE DEAL FLOUR ” i I OUR FAMILY SALAD DRESSING i MINCED HAM lb. 39c tr S NECK BONES.2M9c S PORK ROAST.Lb. 43c 1 FRESH OYSTERS.Pi. 89c S BE J ROAST “D Lb. 59c | 1 WE ARE INSTALLING ADDITIONAL I STORAGE LOCKERS I # 1 p If interested in a locker, we will be in a posit-on to take care of si | you. Our yearly rental rates are $7.50, $10.00 & $12.50. Lock- H p ers may be rented monthly if desired. 3 I WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF POULTRY - HOG & CATTLE FEEDS g ifc_ | It’s time to think about a Good Chick Starter. Nu'rena has some- § f| thing new for you in a Chick Starter they say, “Now Better Than if g Ever.” I FOR YOUR LAYING FLOCK NUTRENA 15 & 20% EGG CRUMBLES 8 27% BALANCER CRUMBLES & 33% CONCENTRATE I FOR YOUR BROOD SOWS & FATTENING HOGS NUTRENA 24% SOW & PIG FEED. MEAL & NUGGETS lJ "CREEP 20" & "SHOAT 40" & 4C% BALANCER TANKAGE — MEAT SCRAPS — BONE MEAL — BI*AN — SHORTS NUTRENA "BEEF CAKE" — 22 TO 41% PROTEIN f! SOYBEAN MEAL — PELLETS & CUBES f: SWEET LASSY FEEDS — CRUSHED ROCK & BLOCK SALT EE ♦♦ | CASH FOR YOUR I CREAM - EGGS - POULTRY - 0