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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1953)
FOR SALE NEW MACHINERY J-D Model 50 and 60 tractors. J-D Model R, MC and D trac tors. Farmhand loaders and snow plows. Nc, 220 Letz grinder. Tractor spreaders. Duncan manure loaders. USED MACHINERY 1943 B J-D tractor. 1939 B J-D tractor. F20 IHC tractor. Used Farmhand. 4-Wheel John Deere spreaders. 3—14” Moline plows. Used discs, plows, etc. 10A hammermill. J-D-D batteries, oil and greases. Comfort covers to fit all J-D . tractors. Harry R. Smith Impls. Near Corner 4th & Fremont Phone 562 O’Neill FOR SALE: James way hen wa terers at Leidy’s, ONeill. 37c FOR SALE: 160-acre imp. Holt county farm; 2,700-acre Holt ranch; two 320-acre farms, with two sets of improvements, adjoining, may be bought to gether or separately. — Col. Ed Thorin, O’Neill, ph. 454-J. 36tf FOR SALE: Used Crosley freezer £100.—Jacobson’s, O’Neill. 37c FOR SALE: 40% Cattle Range Feed. $108 per ton. Fall deliv ery. Price protection against advance and decline.—Corkle Hatchery Warehouse, O’Neill. 15tf FOR SALE: Two male toy ter rier puppies, $15 apiece. —Mrs. John Zahradnicek, Atkinson. 37-38p60 FOR SALE: J. D. 37 A, good 6-ply tires, equipped with Baker ° lift, excellent condition; Case plow, hi-speed hydr. pull type on rub. 2-16’s has plowed only 20 acres; 1950 7-A Bear Cat mill, good as new; ’52 2-door Chev., 7,000 actual miles. Bar gain prices, hurry! 12 miles north, bVz west, 2% NW of O’ Neill.—Wilbur Smith. 36-37pl80 SCHOOL BUILDING AT PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., JAN. 17 — 1:30 P.M. LOCATED 2!& miles north and 5 miles east on Opportunity road, district 171 building, 16’x24’ with 8’xl6’ lean-to, fair condition; also two toilet out buildings. Sale on premises. Marvin Clouse Secretary Holt Rural School District 17 35- 37c225 STOP CHOLERA in poultry at once. Get Sulquin at Leidy’s. 37c FOR SALE: Several well located building lots. — R. H (“Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. 22tf FOR SALE: Used Gravely gar den tractor at Leidy’s. 37c FOR SALE: Insurance of all kinds. — See R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner, phone 106. 39tf FOR SALE: Cottonv/ood lumber 2x4’s 6 to 14 ft.; 2x6’s 6 to 16 ft; sheathing 6 to 12 in. wide up to 14 ft. long, $65 per 1,000 ft.— James Sobotka, Inman. 36- 41pl.60 FOR SALE: An upright piano, practically new. — Ed Early, O’Neill. 33tf SEED FOR SALE t Alfalfa - Brome - Clovers Milo - Sudan WE ALSO have early open pol linated com, good germination. We have new blue grass strip pers for sale. BHC root worm spray — Koinzan-Jochum Seed Co.. Elgin. ltf BUSINESS FOR SALE: Cafe & Ice Cream Store. 2 ice cream . machines, cafe seats 32, good going business, forced to sell because of health.—For terms see or write Ted Greer, Burke, # S. D. 36-37p85 .ACREAGE FOR SALS: Or trade, 1 mile east of Atkinson, close to highway, electric wired. Mail c’o^e to house. See—Mrs. Mary Niezgocki, Atkinson. 36p USED CAR B-A-R-G-A-I-N-S 1—1948 Pontiac Streamliner 2 dr. sedan, hydramatic “8”, shell gray. 1—1951 Mercury with overdrive, clean. 1—Stu debaker pickup with stock-rack, good condition. 1 —1943 Frazer 4-dr. 1—1951 Ford tudor, radio and heater. I—1947 Pontiac “8”, 2-dr. Tor , pedo. NEW 1_1953 Pontiac, standard trans. • 2-dr., dark green, deluxe. Wm. Krotter Co. of O’NEILL Phone 531 35* FOR SALE: Improved 320 acre farm, 2 miles west of O’Neill, » the estate of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Way man.—See Ed Way man, O’Neill. 37-40pl25 s'OR SALE OR TRADE for corn: Hereford bull calves or year lings.—S. R. Robertson, phone 6F11, O’Neill. 26rf FOR SALE: 2 tons of fertilizer, 10-20 and 8-32, at Leidy’s. 37c I FOR SALE: 50 choice purbred Spotted Poland-China boars. —Harmon Lichty, 3 Vz miles south of Creighton on highway 13 22tf GET VIGORO for your lawns now at Leidy’s, O’Neill. 37c FOR RENT: Improved ranch. 12 miles south of O’Neill—Cotton Repenning, Chambers, Nebr. 37p35 FOR SALE: Well improved 1,100 acre ranch on Eagle creek. — George C. Robertson, O’Neill, Nebr., phone 534. 27tf FOR SALE: Electric stock tank heaters at a bargain.—Leidy’s. 37c Bargains in Used Cars, Pickups, Jeeps 1949 Chevrolet M>-Ton pickup 1949 Willys 4-wheel drive pickup 1946-48 Jeeps 1941 Chevrolet tudor, good con dition 1947 Ford Tudor 1951 Kaiser, like new 1949 Kaiser deluxe, tops 1948 Frazer New 1953 Kaisers-Henry J’s - Willys Cars Also New Willys Jeeps and Pickups SAVE MONEY Outlaw Impl. Co. West O’Neill, Nebr. 36-37c FOR SALE: Grill type hen feed ers at Leidy’s. 37c FOR SALE: 400 bushels oats. — Jim Ruther, Page. 37-38p60 FOR SALE: 160 acre farm, well improved, on REA, pasture, farm ground, alfalfa, located 5 miles from O’Neill.—Freeman Knight, O’Neill. 36tf FOR SALE: Jamesway chick wa terers at Leidy’s, O’Neill. 37c FOR SALE: 7-foot, 2-wheel trailer. Good shape, $45. Phone 511-J or see trailer 3 blocks south of city library. 37p35 FOR SALE: Two white Eskimo Spitz pups, male and female.— Phone 420, O’Neill. 37nc Used Cars & Trucks 1950 Buick Sedanette. 1950 Chevrolet Club Cpe. 1950 Ford 2-dr. del. 1949 Chevrolet F.L. 4-dr. 1946 Ford 2-dr. special $495.00 SEE US FOR A NEW TRUCK 1947 Chevrolet 1 Vz -ton W.L.B. 1905 Studebaker Vfe-ton. 1951 Chevrolet ^-ton, 4-spd. The above listed trucks are m good condition and will furnish many miles of reliable service. Midwest Mtr. Co., Ltd. O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 100 FOR SALE: Used gas stove at a bargain.—Leidy’s, O’Neill. 37c FOR SALE: Jersey cow to fresh en soon.—Werner Poessnecker, Atkinson. 37p35 FOR SALE: About 600 pounds of Colorado soft coal in bin. What will you offer? —Inquire The Frontier. 37c Used Car Specials 1949 Ford fordor, equipped, 6 wheels and tires 1948 Chevrolet 2 - dr., radio, heaters, good tires. 1947 Chevrolet 2-dr., equipped 1951 Kaiser 4-dr., radio, heater, only 13,000 miles 1948 DeSoto 4-dr., equipped 1947 Hudson club coupe, just overhauled 1939 Chevrolet 2-dr. 1946 Ford fordor COME ON in and see us. These cars are going to be sold be fore February I. 1953 DESOTO and 1953 PLYMOUTH SEDANS Now on Display SMITH MOTOR CO. PAUL SHIERK. Mgr. -’hone 562 — O’Neill MISCELLANEOUS HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING FARM & COMMERCIAL American Kitchens White Water Heaters (Next door Asimus Motors) : Phone 399 — O’Neill TRADE IN YOUR old kerosene refrigerator for a Servel gas refrigerator at Jacobson’s, O’ Neill. 35c >EE Ralph Simpson for your electric wiring. Formerly with Lester Electric. ltf HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO BUY one of the newer pre war homes in O’Neill. Excel lent material and construction. Located less than three blocks from the stop light and two blocks from the schools. Two bedrooms, living room, dinet^, kitchen, bath and plenty of closets on ground floor. Has unfinished second floor large enough for two bedrooms. Full basement that is dry and light. Unattached garage. For full particulars and appointment to see this fine home, write box 105, O’Neill, Nebr. 37c L Guthmiller RF.PAIR SHOP Half-block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. Jacobson’s . . . O’Neill Repair All Makes of WASHING MACHINES EXPERT Body - Fender REPAIRING COMPLETE up - to - date shop, equipped and experienced for all makes of cars. Also paint ing, spot work, glasses install ed. Free estimates. 24 - hour wrecker service. WICH’S BODY SHOP 219 Douglas St Phone 211-W Long Term L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS'N 4% Federal Land Bank O’Neill, Nebr. Lyle P. Dierks, Sec.-Treas SEE ME for insurance—the most for your money!—Ed Thorin, O’Neill, phone 454-J, box 646 Maytag in O’Neill IT’S JACOBSON’S, located next to O’Neill Nat’l Bank. Exclu sive Maytag sales and service. JACOBSON’S 112 So. Fourth — Phone 415 35tf MONUMENTS of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen of the J, F. Bloom Co. . . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer. — Emmet Crabb, O’Neill, phone 139-J. 37tf WE HAVE inquiries for farms and ranches. Let us have your listing.—Thorin & Reynoldson Auction Service, O’Neill. 8c SEE BILL BOWKER REALTY * FOR YOUR real estate and in surance needs.—Phone 52. 27 tf FOR BRIGGS & STRATTON, Lawson and Clinton engines service and genuine parts call at Vic Halva’s Electric Shop, O’Neill. 41tf WE NEVER SLEEP A PHONE CALL brings us on the run. Phone 404-W J. V. MOTOR Jim Atkinson - Vernon Strong Used Car Parts, Car Repairing Electric & Acetylene Welding North 7th O’Neill, Nebr. 9c80 INCOME TAX SERVICE WE WILL be pleased to assist you with filing your income tax returns for 1952 R. H. (“RAY”) SHRINER Real Estate — Insurance Phone 106 35-37c _ COMPLETE Auction Sales SERVICE! FARM and ranch auctions a spe cialty. Licensed real estate broker. Insurance of all kinds. ED THORIN, Auctioneer O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 454-J 24tf WANTED MAN WANTED: The Frontier has an opening for a young man in the mechanical depart ment. Must have mechanical aptitude and be eager to learn No phone calls or letters: ! please. 37c WANTED: Cows to winter. — Vh miles east of Page, Laur ence Johnson. 36-37p60 INCOME TAX FOR assistance in filing your re ports call on— Geo. C. Robertson Office Pho. 534 O’Neill, Nebr. 34-41c WATCH and jewelry repairing, crystals and Ronson lignter re pairs while you wait. — Clift Jewelry, O’Neill. 29tf WANTED TO BUY: Late model wrecked cars.—J-V Motor Co., O’Neill. 21c WANTED: Blue grass seed. We buy in the rough or will do custom threshing. We also buy, sell and clean alfalfa and clo vers. — Koinzan-Jochum Seed Co., Elgin, phone 132J. 26tf SALESMAN WANTED Experienced farmer, mechanic or heavy equipment operator, preferably 40 years old and married to represent national concern locally. Must have car and be able to travel within 100 mile radius of home. Ref erences required, drawing ac count when qualified. Good commissions and bonus. Write W. T. HODGE Hydrox Industries Box 1341, Dallas, Tex. stating qualifications and phone number. 34-37p242 J-V MOTOR, O'Neill, buys iron and metal. No. 7th St. 13ctf FOR RENT FOR RENT: We now have avail able a 3-room furn. apt., close in. — A. E. Bowen, O’Neill, phone 322-W. 37c FOR RENT: Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co. 47tf FOR RENT: 3- room apartment, modern. Reasonable. — Tony Asimus, O’Neill. 35tf FOR RENT: Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. 47tf FOR RENT: Partly furnished 4-room apartment with bath, heat, lights and water includ ed.—Phone 537, O’Neill. 37-38c FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O’Neill. 28tf FOR RENT: Newly decorated 3 room upstairs apartment with bath and private entrance. — Mrs. Joe Bazelman, 704 E. Ev erett, O’Neill, phone 263. 37-38c CARDS OF THANKS WE WISH to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our relatives, friends and neigh bors for the many acts of kind ness and expressions of sym pathy shown us at the time of the loss of our little one. We especially wish to thank Rev. L. R. Hansberry, those who furnished the music, the pall bearers, those in charge of flowers, those who sent food, the ladies who assisted in serv ing, the neighbors who helped with the chores and removing the snow from the yard and road and in other ways. Your kindness is appreciated more than words can say.—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Green, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harvey. 37p50 WE ARE sincerely grateful to friends and neighbors for their many kind acts of sympathy during our sad bereavement. Our appreciation cannot be ad e q u a t e 1 y expressed. — Mrs. Jake B. Pribil and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Pribil, Mrs. Russell Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs. Frelent Pribil, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomlinson. 37p50 I WISH to thank all my relatives, neighbors and friends for the gifts, cards and letters which I received during my stay in Clarkson Memorial hospital and for the many Christmas gifts. My parents also wish to extend their thanks for all the kindnesses shown to them. 37c —DUANE PINNT I WISH to thank all my rela tives and friends fo,r all the cards, letters and gifts they sent me while in the hos pital. Also those who visited me. It all helped to make the time shorter and the stay more pleasant. — Adolph Sedivy. \37p50 WE WISH to thank the friends ahd relatives for their kindness and sympathy dur ing our bereavement at the loss of our son and brother, Clinton Smith. — Mrs. Kate Smith, Gordon Smith, Esther Boies and Claude Smith. 37p50 Ranch, Town Dwellers Exchange Residences— CHAMBERS—Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert Hoge and family held a farm sale at their place south east . of Chambers Wednesday, January 7. A large crowd at tended in spite of the icy roads. Satisfactory prices were received! The Hoge family moved last week to the house which had been oc cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hilligas and daughter in the east part of town. Mr. Hoge will be employed at the James Platt service station Mr. and Mrs. Hilligas have moved to the Hoge farm, which they will operate. * Attend Rites for Brittell Infant INMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brittell and daughter, Mrs. Anna Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach and girls attended fu neral services for Danny Dee, in fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brittell of Norfolk. The rites were held Sunday at Neligh. Other Inman Neyrs H. E. Wilhoit and son, Doug las, spent the weekend in Lin coln visiting in the Wm. Oster berg home. They returned home Sunday accompanied by Mrs. Wilhoit and Gary, who had spent a couple of weeks in the Oster berg home. Mrs. Marye Hartigan and son, Pat, spent Saturday in Lincoln visiting Mrs. Hartigan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Cary. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark and family of O’Neill spent Thursday evening visiting Mrs. Clark’s mother, Mrs. Violet Sholes. Stevie and Tommy Slusher of Valentine spent the weekend vis iting in the home of their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wat son, while their parents were in Omaha. LeRoy Moore of Merriman spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reid and son of Royal spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGraw. Mrs. Minnie Hansen of Creigh ton is spending some time in the home of her son and daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen, and family. jvir. ana Mrs. ivieivin ;smitn ana daughter of Page were visitors in the home of Mrs. Anna Smith Sunday evening. The WSCS met last Thursday afternoon at the church. Mrs. L. R. Tompkins led the devotion als. During the business meet ing a nomination committee was appointed. Mrs. J. LaVerne Jay of O’Neill was a guest at this meeting. Lunch was served at the close of the afternoon by Mrs. Milly Coventry and Mrs. Jennie Crosser. Pfc. John Bohn is spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Bohn. Mrs. Albert Reynolds and Mrs. A. N. Butler went to O’Neill last Thursday afternoon where they received the lesson on preparing food for the locker for the ex tension club. Mrs. Ira Watson and Mrs. James McMahan were in O’Neill Monday evening where they at tended the meeting of the hospi tal auxiliary. Miss Deritha Smith of Norfolk spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smith. Mr.*and Mrs. George Geary, jr., of Amarillo, Tex., spent a few days last week visiting Mr. Geary's father, G. H. Geary, sr., and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kelley of Fairbury spent the weekend vis iting Mr. Kelley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kelley. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hutton of Neligh spent Sunday visiting Mr. Hutton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell and family have moved here from Page. They are living in the E. E. Keyes home in the south part of town. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith and Marvin of Pendleton, Ore., came Tuesday, January 6, being called by the death of Mr. Smith’s brother, Clinton Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Benash and twins of O’Neill spent Sun day visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Siders and Mari lyn. n.arry oawyer oi Stuart spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sawyer. CELIA SIDELIGHTS Officers of Sandcreek town ship held a board meeting at the David Keidel home north of Stu art Wednesday evening, January 7. Other members present were O. A. Hammerberg, James Dem ing and Road Boss George Hitch cock. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. George Keidel and son, Dick, Mrs. George Hitchcock and children, Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg and Linford Sweet. Lunch was served the group. Warner Poessnecker was a last Thursday afternoon visitor at the Hans Lauridsen home. Robert Hendricks took Leon Hendricks, Naomi Nelson of O’ Neill, Donna Strope of Venus and Marvin Strong of Chambers to Miltonvale, Kans., Monday, January 5, so the young folks could attend school. He returned home Tuesday, January 6. Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg at tended the Woman’s Society of Christian Service meeting in the Methodist church Wednesday af ternoon, January 7. Mrs. Harvey Wahl had charge of worship ser vices. Mrs. Fred Dunn was in charge of the lesson on “Modern Samaritans.” Division IV, Mrs. C. E. Spence, chairman, was hostess. The regular business meeting was held. Sunday dinner guests at the Lawrence Smith home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chaffin and ; family and Carol Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks, Markita and Arlin, and Shirley Colfack were Sunday dinner guests at the Percy Anderson home in O Neill. The Atkinson Country Wom en's club' met at the Ora Yarges home in Stuart for the January 8 meeting with 13 members pres- j ent. Hostesses were Mrs. D. F. i Scott, Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg, | Mrs. Fred Zink, Mrs. Merrill Smith, Mrs. Winifred Steck and Mrs. Ora Yarges. Roll call: “A Place of Interest You Have 1 Seen or Would Like to See.” Five dollars was given to the march of dimes. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Robert Fullerton February 12. Mr. and Mrs. Parker Wilson of Franklin, Tenn., came last Thurs day for a visit at the Alex For sythe home. Mrs. Mark Hendricks attended an extension leaders’ training meeting in Atkinson last Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and sons, Denton and Dennis, visited the Joe Hendricks family Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Beck were Sunday dinner guests at the Duane Beck home. Bernard Stems was an over night guest of Bob Pease Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott visit ed the H. O. Stevens home Sat urday afternoon. George Hollingshead of Long Pine, American Sunday-school Union missionary, held preaching services in the McKathnie school Sunday afternoon. He will hold services there at 10:30 Sunday, January 18, and they plan to start a Sunday-school. Everyone is invited to attend the services. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer berg were O’Neill visitors Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson and Larry, Don Ahlman and Jim Lauridsen were supper guests at the Hans Lauridsen home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and Dennis visited Mr. and Mrs. Du ane Beck Wednesday evening, January 7. Ray Pease spent Sunday with his father, R. M. Pease, in O’ Neill. i-'aui r ocKen visueu uie cuu nie Frickel boys Sunday after noon. Mrs. Charles Dobias and sons, Roger and Rodney, were Sunday dinner guests at the D. F. Scott home. P. W. Kilmurry was a Sunday supper guest at the Frank Kil murry home. John Roth and brother of Ne ligh are wiring the Emil Colfack home and other buildings for REA. Markita Hendricks was an ov ernight visitor at the Emil Col fack home Saturday. Denton and Shirley Colfack were last Thursday evening sup per guests at the George Beck home. Around 40 persons enjoyed an oyster supper Tuesday evening, December 3’J, which was given by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hend ricks at the Mark Hendricks home. The evening was spent in visiting and singing songs. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel and family were Thursday eve ning, January 1, visitors at the William Coleman home. Alex and Herman Frickel were new year’s day dinner guests at the LeRoy Hoffman home. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Scott and family were supper guests at the D. F. Scott home Monday, December 29. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott vis ited Mr. and Mrs. George Beck Saturday afternoon, January 3. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken and family spent new year’s day with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Fock en and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fundus and family were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Joe Hendricks home. Mrs. Stanley Johnson was a Monday afternoon, December 29, visitor at the Milton McKathnie home. Pledge $10 for March of Dimes — CHAMBERS — The Women’s Society of Christian Service met Thursday, January 8, at the par lors of the Methodist church with 18 members answering roll call. The business meeting was con ducted by the president. It was voted to give $10 to the polio fund and $10 to supply ask ings to be sent to the Philippines, This will be used on a jeep for rural youth work. The ladies al so voted to pay $1 per member on a vacuum cleaner for the church. The devotionals were led by Mrs. R. K. Platt and the lesson was presented by Mrs. John Win termote, assisted by several of the members. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Keith Sxton and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter. The next meeting is on Jan uary 22 at the home of Mrs. Clair Grimes. James Curran, Wife Are Surprised— Guests at a surprise party for ; Mr. and Mrs. James Curran on their 42nd wedding anniversary Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Taylor and children, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Karel, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O’Neill and Gene, Mrs. Blake Benson and Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ernst and family, Mrs. Fan nie Ernst, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sterns, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Yant zie, Mrs. Celia Grutsch, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNulty and La Don na, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Claussen and Miss Bonnie Schmidt and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Smith and boys. Lunch of sandwiches and cake was served. Hospital Aux Meets— The St. Anthony’s hospital aux iliary met Monday evening at the hospital. During the meet ing, blankets were passed out to the members for binding. Among the 50 present, Page Chambers and Inman were well represented. After the meeting a lunch was served. The next meeting is scheduled for February 9. Clifford Mott, Wife Visit Redbird REDBIRD—Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Mott of Morningside, Sioux City, visited in the Ray Wilson home Wednesday, January 7, en route to the Charlie Gifford home to visit Mrs. Mott s sister, Mrs. Robert Young, of Washington. The Motts lived on the McKen zie place years ago. Other Redbird Newt Cpl. Virgil Wilson was a sup per guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tuch and Linda of Verdel on Tuesday, January 6. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull enter tained at a card party in their home Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wilson, Mrs. Ray Wilson and Bruce Schollmeyer went to Omaha Fri day to spend the weekend with the Jack Darnell family. Ray Wilson returned home with them Sunday. Jim Yocum of Clay Center came to spend the holidays with the Frank Wyant family. He will remain indefinitely to help the boys with chores while Frank is a patient at the Lynch hospital. Mrs. Clay Mashino and chil aren were dinner guests recent ly of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Yusten, near O’Neill. New year’s dinner guests of the Clifford "Wells family were Mr. and Mrs. Billy Wells, Mr. and Lee Wells and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wells and daughters and Shirley Slack. Howard Oberle and Frank Carsten held a township meet at Ray Wilson’s Monday, January 5, in place of the Scottville hall as Ray was unable to be out. Many from here attended the Courtney-Eiler wedding dance in Lynch Monday, January 5. Mrs. Faye Pinkerman recently called in the Ray Wilson home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kaasa and Gaylene were new year’s guests in the Harold Potter home north of Lynch. Mrs. Jack Darnell and daugh ters, Norma and Doris, of Omaha visited recently in the Junior Wilson home. Mrs. Lee Wells and daughters of Lynch stayed with Mrs. Floyd Kaasa and Gaylene the first of last week while Floyd was in Sioux City. New year’s eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crawford and Pam ela were Mr. and Mrs. Swede Sedivy and Harlan, Mr. and Mrs. Gay Hull and Gaylene and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Staples and Wayne. Ray Wilson recently accom panied Mr. and Mis. Jack Dar nell to Omaha where he visited a few days and consulted an eye specialist while there. Doris and Helen Halstead vis ited several days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Halstead and Mary at Page. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Daniel of Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Merriman spent Sunday in Picks town and Wagner, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Judge of At kinson were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Minton. Mr. and Mrs. Orville McKim spent Sunday in Stuart visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williamson. They were accompanied by Mrs. Jasper Hitchcock of Atkinson. Gene Seger returned to Wayne State Teachers college Sunday af ter spending the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seger. Mr. and Mrs. William Perry were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Per ry at Emmet. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Dimmel of Winside were Tuesday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Car roll W. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parks, sr., of Ainsworth were Sunday eve ning supper guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn Parks. Mrs. Teresa Murray returned Thursday, January 8, from Long Pine after spending two weeks there visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Murray and helping to care for their new baby. ivus. itresa oreiner was non ored on her birthday anniver sary Sunday at a family gather ing in her home. Among those • present were Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary and family, Don Breiner and Mr. and Mrs. William Mur ray. Paul Moseman returned Sun day, January 4. to Lincoln where he attends the University of Ne braska after spending the holi days with his parents. D. E. Nelson, Ira Moss and H. L. Lindberg drove to Lincoln on Sunday to attend a statewide meeting of the Nebraska boards of education and school superin tendents. Cpl. Thomas Ressel will leave Friday to report for duty at Camp Carson, Colo., after spend ing a furlough here with rela tives. He has recently returned from Korea and will remain in the U.S. for the present. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson and Mrs. Mary Phoenix of Ar mour, S.D., spent from Sunday until Tuesday visiitng in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Peter sen and Pamela. NOTICE OF ANNUAL TOWNSHIP MEETING The annual Township meeting: of the Legal Voters of Paddock Township, Holt County, State of Nebraska, will be held on Tues day, January 20, 1953, in the Township Hall at 1:30 p. m., for the transaction of such business as may lawfully come before said meeting. FRED LINDBERG, , Township Clerk Good Cattle Run Today • There'll be a good run of real good cattle offered here today (Thursday). There will be two registered Hereford bulls, young ones, in the offering. Dick Tomlinson has consigned 54 head of quality Herefords. including 16 stock cows, 34 coming 2-year-old bred heifers, 1 herd bull. 3 coming 2-year-old dairy heifers. There will be several carloads of both steer and heifer calves and yearlings. One consignor is bringing 100 head of steer and heifer calves, all carrying the same brand. • Today's sale will see around six hundred head of cattle in the ring — the best lineup of really good cattle in a number of weeks. There 11 be around eight hundred head of hogs, including several hundred feeders. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET PHONE 2 — O'NEILL Phone 415 . I Thursday Star Special Used Servel REFRIGERATOR Regular 175.00 Value • FEATURING an across-the-top freezer, this 8-cu. ft. gas model will assure some family beyond the range of electricity many years of dependable refrigeration. Thursday Only.149.95 ...... _ • MIDWEST FURN. & APPL. Phone 346-J West O'Neill ★ THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL . ★ Save $10 * • on * „ PLATFORM ROOTS 4 We overbought for the Xmas trade. Now you can save on any Platform Rocker of your choice. 3 PRICE RANGES 39.50 — 49.50 — 59.50 4 Choice o£ colors in friezes, tapestries and plastics. 27 ROCKERS TO CHOOSE FROM , —