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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1953)
Eagles Prep for Rugged January Boast .302 Rating on FG’s Basketball drills were resumed at O’fieiii nign on Monday, De cember 39. Tne squad win work out each day in preparation for the heavy January schedule, which opens with fielign here next Tuesday night. Tins con • test is to be followed by two more dome games on January 9 tand January 13 with Spencer and Ainsworth providing the com petition. These three home games will Jhe followed by the annual Holt county tournament to be played 1 on the O’JNeill court on January JO through January 23. In five preholiday games, the Eagles have averaged 50 points per game compared to 38 for the opposition. They have outscored Aheir opponents 250 to 190. in uaeir eariy season games only the two returning regulars '.from last year, Dave Eby and Gary Buckmaster, have started all games. Four different com o bin&Uons have been used as a .starting lineup. This reflects the keen competition for posi tions. Gary Buckmaster and Dave JEby have led the OHS scor ing, with totals of 74 and 45 re epectiveiy. The team as a whole has an overall field goal per centage of .302, connecting on 81 of 268 attempts. In the free throw department the Eagles have hit 88 of 151 trie® for a percentage of .583, ac cording to Coach Paul Baker. Mrs. Andersen Rejoins Club — AMELIA—The Merry Matrons club held its Christmas party at the home of Hazel Ott with Mrs. Eta Ott as cohostess on Thurs day, December 18. Twenty-one members and two visitors were present. Names were drawn for mystery sisters for the new year. After a pro gram of games, gifts were ex changed. Mrs. Edith Andersen re joined the club. The January meeting will be „ held at the home of Georgia Ann ° Withers. r • Frontier for printing! Zink Family Flolds Yuletide Reunion STUART—A family reunion was held Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Keidel when the children of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zink gathered for Christmas dinner. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zink of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zink and family of Wewela, S.D., Mrs. P. H. Stech and children of Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley SI ay maker and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. James Allyn and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zink, all of Stuart. A telephone call from Mrs. Mary Jane Pear son of Washington, D.C., who was unable to attend completed the family circle. Mrs. Charlotte Keidel and Da vid Keidel were also present for the turkey dinner with all the trimmings. The group also en joyed a Christmas tree and gift exchange. . - l Letter to Editor Nixa, Mo. December 26, 1952 Editor, The Frontier: I want to congratulate you on the progress The Frontier has made in the past few years. I think it has'been very great, in deed! I would like to thank Romaine Saunders for all the pleasure and kick I get out of reading his Praineland Talk column. I am not personally acquainted with Mr. Saunders but I am fam iliar with many of the episodes and places he writes about. Yours truly, P. H. WALDRON WINS TURKEY CHAMBERS—Mrs. L. F. Hol loway won a dressed turkey in the radio turkey contest based on whether the true spirit of Christ mas still lives. Her entry, in less than 25 words, stated- that she would be 90-years-old before Christmas and had seen many changes, but “firmly believed the true spirit of Christmas abides forever.” Mr. and Mrs. Ned Allendorfer and Mrs. June Lane of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Allen dorfer were Friday evening din ner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Allendorfer. Burl Crew Poses in Front of New Engine i __ -these eight men brought to O’Neill and bed ded down for the night a big new diesel locomo tive, which Monday afternoon made its maiden journey on the Ferry Junction (Sioux City) to • O’Neill branch line, supplanting a steamer. Front row (left-to-right): Roy V. Johnson of O’Neill, who is in charge of the roundhouse; D. G. Han sen of Lincoln, who is foreman of engines for the Burlington’s Havelock division; C. A. Holt of Sioux City, a veteran steam engineer on the O’ Neill branch who will be regular driver on the new locomotive; M. H. Thielbar of Sioux City, brakeman; back row—Andy Davis of Sioux City, veteran brakeman; D. M. Quimby of South Sioux City; A. R. Johnson of Sioux City, veteran con ductor who has been coming to O’Neill since 1906, and R. C. Hackney of Lincoln, roadmaster. —The Frontier Photo. Ewing News Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwards and daughter left Christmas eve to spend the holiday weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Edwards, at Irwin, la., and her mother, 'Mrs. Dora Shipp, at Harlan, la. They returned home Sunday evening. Mrs. Caroline Sanders was hostess to a family party on Christmas day at her home. A 1 o’clock dinner was served. Guests were Mrs. Bernice Har lan and Dorothy and Charles of Tilden; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Berg strom and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sanders and children, all of Ewing. Mrs. Harlan and son, Charles, returned to Tilden in the evening. Miss Dorothy re mained with her grandmother un til Sunday. Guests at the Thomas Eacker home for Christmas dinner were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker, and daughter, Joellyn, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fuller and family of Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis at tended a family party Christmas eye at the home of Mrs. Davis’s sister, Mrs. Homer Barton, at Or chard after the party, they ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Walter Austin to their home at Plain view to spend the night and Christmas day. Weekend guests at the Albert Larson home were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pahl and family of Oakland, accompanied by Mrs. Donald Starr and daughter, Elizabeth, of West Point. Mrs. Pahl and Mrs. Starr are daugh ters of Mr. and Mrs. Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson were hosts at a family reunion at their home on Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer and family, all of Ewing; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Palii and family of Oakland, Mrs. Donald Starr and daughter of West Point. Mr. and Mrs. John Latzel en tertained at a family Christmas day dinner. Present were their daughters and sons-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. August Theile and fam ily of Clearwater, and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Kaczor and children of Ewing. . Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maben, Mr. and Mrs. Verge Cratty, all of Clearwater, wer^ dinner guests on Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wulf. On Christmas eve Mr. and Mrs. Wulf enjoyed a visit from their grandson and wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Maben of Grand Island. Mrs. Wilma Daniels and fam ily entertained the following guests at dinner on -Christmas day: Mr. and Mrs. George Jef feries and Bonnie Jo, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Muff and family of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright and family of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mabel and daughter, Netalee, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies. Netalee, who is a student at St. Mary’s academy at O’Neill, stayed for a longer visit at the Jefferies home. Miss Marylou Bergstrom of Pasadena, Calif., visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Berg strom, by telephone on Christmas night. Miss Bergstrom, former ly employed at the Ewing Co-Op creamery, went to California last summer. Mr. and (Mrs. Robert Dunaway and children were overnight guests at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Billings, on Friday. They were enroute' to their home at Hastings after spending Christmas in Omaha with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Wunner re turned home Sunday from Stan ton where they had spent the holiday weekend with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Billings went to Clearwater on Christmas day* to observe the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester* Kimes. Mrs. Rose Bauer and family were guests on Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies. Cpl. William Shiffbauer is en joying a holiday furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Shiffbauer. Corporal Shiffbauer was to return to Ft. Sill, Okla., on December 31. Mr. and Mrs. L. A: Hobbs en tertained at a family dinner on Christmas day. Guests were their daughters and sons-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Turay and daugh ter, Nancy, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yelli and children, and Mr. Hobbs’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Roudybush. Mrs. Roudy bush, who has not been well re cently, is staying at the Hobbs home. Miss Anna Van Zandt and Mrs. Florence Butler were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tom jack on Christmas day. Mrs. Frances Shaw, Mrs. Flor ence Butler and Miss Anna Van Zandt attended a party at the Ralph Tom jack home on Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson had a family get-together on Christmas day. A no-host din ner was served at 1 o’clock. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Allan York and family and Mr. and Mrs. Greer Clark and family, all of Stanton; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wilson and family of Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Olson and fam ily of Clearwater. Christmas day dinner guests at the Lee Spittler home were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk and daugh ters, accompanied by his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Decker of Omaha; Mrs. Nel lie Komer of Ewing, and Richard Spittler of Omaha. J. B. Spilttler went to Wisner on Christmas to spend the day with his son, King Spittler, and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan and son, Patrick Lee, were guests on Christmas day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gragge, at O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Decker are guests at the home of her broth er, Ray Funk, and family. STUART NEWS Mrs. Wilfred Seger accom panied Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bazelman of O’Neill to New port on Sunday, December 28, where they visited at the Oliver Gilg horpe. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zink of Lincoln came Wednesday, De cember 24, to spend Christmas and the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zink and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Engler and Jimmie came from Columbus Wednesday, December 24, and visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Engler until Friday. Mrs. Edwin Engler and son, John, visited with the John Schmit family in O’Neill on Mon day, December 29. Mir. and Mrs. Sam Grace and family of Norfolk visited Satur day and Sunday, December 27 28 at the home of her parents, Mr.* and Mrs. Mahlon Shearer. Their son, Bobby, is staying with his grandparents for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Fox of Columbus brought Mrs. Hattie Fox, who has been visiting at Bellevue and Columbus, here Sat urday, December 27. She went to Bassett on Monday for an ex tended visit there. A Miss Kathy Seger of O’Neill spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks. Christmas dinner guests at the Edwin Engler home were their children and grandchildren. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Engler and Jimmie of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. John Schmit and family of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Straka and family of Atkinson, Miss Helen Engler of O’Neill and John Engler of Carthage,^Mb. —-==^-. Visit at Lincoln — INMAN — Mrs. H. A. Sny der of Unman accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dodd to Lincoln Sunday, December 21, where she visited in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Dodd. She spent Christmas and new year’s there and plans to return January 4. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Tielke and family moved to a ranch near At kinson Tuesday. tfK&if-. ®rm W 'iri]lt'Mj;<1 aMp Jm W JIHHPBBBSBK^M^^v^ jflMPIBBRiPiwt JfeJBr*. t p'.p-ja ^BT Mr ^ vflr .^ ”y^ m ZJ WA JMI ^r m * g/ g f / ^j8||B| < HOTEL ] ( ] ] ] t 1 S8r®'H AK^ J| 1| I I ■ 9i II I I L*mki mB9' ^^B_■ B B I B ki ^BlB IB » jjj^ w pgSB| BHBHBBBflBBflMriMHBBBBBlQHHBHR»VQBHlMH ( « m--—m Year bring you every promise of good health and happiness ... and leave you with each promise richly fulfilled. I May each day unfold new opportunities for warm friendship and solid achievement • • • and each month be a milestone in your steady forward march to better things. May 1953 prove one of the brightest pages in your memory book . . . because of !what it did for you . . . your loved ones • • • | your country . . . your world! f 4th Street Market Prices Effective Wed., Fri., Sat., Sun. Morn JELLY " f Cf Musselma- 12-Oz. Jar_JL Eatmore CRANBERRIES_Pkg. 35c CELERY HEARTS Pkg. 25c Washed, Red Ponliac— POTATOES _100 Lbs._. DILL CHIPS — Ma Brown Old Fashioned_Jar LARD - 2 Lbs. 23c I Sirongheari— DOG FOOD_4 Cans 39c Golden Ripe— BANANAS aa, 2 Lbs. ~yC MINUTE STEAK _ZITLb. 75c AMERICAN CHEESE_Lb, 53c Blue Tag— GREEN BEANS-4 Cans 95c Gerber's— BABY FOOD- 6 Cans 49c Baker’s CHOCOLATE CHIPS Pkg. 19c Treasure Bay— OYSTERS * Per Can ..._ f C We Buy Eggs.Open Sun. Moms ‘ 320-ACRE Ranch Auction DUE TO ILL HEALLTH of Mrs. Berner, I have decided to move to a different location and will otter at public auction my 3 20- acre ranch, located 9 miles west and 2 miles south of Chambers, Nebr., OR 25 miles south, 3 miles east and 2 miles south of Atkin son, Nebr., on — Wed., Jan. 14th — This sale will start at 1 P.M. on the premises — Description of Real Estate THE LAND THIS FINE UNIT, located in the socalled West Chambers Valley, is very well grassed and features excellent quality hay. All 320-acres, except for improve ments, are in hay and pasture. Place is fenced and cross-fenced. Woven wire on 80 acres. THERE ARE 4 WELLS and 2 windmills. Place is fenced so it can be arranged for hay or pasture—any amount of either. THIS RANCH is very nicely improved, adequate sheds and outbuildings in above average condition. This is an excel lent small ranch for anyone desiring a good home and a small, profitable ranch unit. THE IMPROVEMENTS IMPROVEMENTS include an 8-room, 1^2-story house, semi-modem, with 3 bedrooms, built-in cabinets. Place is . signed for REA which is expected soon. Milk house, 10x14; cow bam, 16x52, with stanchions; calf shed, 10x16; chick en coop, 14x20; broder house, 14x16; stock barn, 20x24; garage; granary, 8x12; 1,000-bu. capacity steel grain bin. SMALLER DWELLING, 14x20, will be sold separately from ranch and other improvements. THIS RANCH is located 1 mile from rural school, 2 miles on good-graded county road to gravel highway. Tele phone on premises. Mail route past place. I Legal Description NWI/4 and Wi/2NE!4 NE%NE% NW%SE all in Section 2, Township 25, Range 14 _West of the Sixth P.M., Holt County, Nebraska & ’ Terms of Sale Twenty-five o.fc* Qo^pHce .o U on » Charles & Tacy Berner OWNERS MIKE SHONKA, Burwell, Nebr., and KEITH SEXTON, Chambers, Nebr., BROKERS C0LLicEense™ucUo^NeiH’ KEI™ SEXT°^ Chambers, _ Clerk