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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1953)
Future Subscribers CHRISTIANSEN—Mr. and Mrs. Norman Christiansen of Burwell, a son, Richard John, born Satur day, December 20, at Burwell. Mrs. Christiansen taught the Ce lia rural school last term and Mr. Christiansen taught the Hen dricks school at the same time. While residents of the Celia com munity they resided in a trailer house on the Celia school grounds. MULHAIR—Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mulhair of Lynch, a son, weigh ing 5 pounds 8 ounces, born Thursday, December 25, at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. The Mul hairs have three other children. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Johnson of Spencer are the maternal grand parents and Mrs. Mary Leverton of Spencer is the maternal great grandmother. SACKMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Er nest Sackman of Sedro Woolley, Wash., a son, Gerald Raymond, born Tuesday, December 16, at Sedro Wolley. Mrs. Sackman is the former Betty June Thomp son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivel Thompson, former Amelia residents. THOMPSON—Mr. and Mrs. Gene Thompson of Amelia, a daughter, Kaydene Mary, bom Wednesday, Dec. 24 at St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. The Thompsons have a son Ronnie. Mrs. Thompson is the former Donaldeen Dierks. PARKS—Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn Parks of O’Neill, a daughter, Peg gy Lynn, weighing 7 pounds 1 ounce, bom Wednesday, Decem ber 24. at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. •«— HOCANCAMP—Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hogancamp of Ainsworth, a daughter, Florence Jean, weigh ing 6 pounds, bom Thursday, De cember 18, in the Ainsworth hos pital. HOLLENBECK—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hollenbeck of ONeill, a daughter, Mary Josephine, weigh ing 6 pounds 6 ounces, born Thursday, December 25, in St An thony’s hospital, OWeill. WISEMAN—Mr. and Mrs. El mer Wiseman of Page, a son, Martin Elmer, weighing 6 pounds 10 ounces, bom Friday December 26, in St. Anthony’s hospital, O’ Neill. HOXSIE—Mr. and Mrs. Del bert Hoxsie of Chambers, a daughter, Linda Kay, weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces, born Monday, December 29, in St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. MITCHELL—Mr. and Mrs. Em erson Mitchell of Wichita, Kans., a son, bom Saturday, December IS. The Mitchells are known at Chambers. KORNOCK—Mr. and Mrs. Ben ard Komock of Page, a son, weighing 4 pounds 15 ounces, bom Saturday, December 27, in St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. McGRAW—Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGraw, formerly of Inman, a son, Mac Stephen, bom Friday, December 12. The McGraws have three other children, all boys. SOLDIER KILLED Sfc. Ernest F. Bates of Spring view was one of two Ft. Leonard Wood soldiers fatally injured on Christmas eve in a two-car col lision 14 miles east of Lebanon, Mo. Also killed was Sfc. Henry Smith of Wellington, Kans. ALUMNI WINS The St. Mary’s academy alum ni basketball team, a motley crew of yesteryear stars, eked out a 37-36 win over Coach Joe George’s 1952-53 SMA crew Tues day night. Bill Froelich hit 18 points for the victors. 1 Sick & Injured PAGE—All of the Page people who have been ill during recent weeks appear to be “somewhat improved.’’ The condition of Mrs. Munson Stewart, Leonard Heiss and C. A. Townsend, who suffered either light strokes or blod clots, is less critical. Mrs. Rollie Snell is much improved following a heart and nervous ailment. Mrs. Clarence Stewart is “somewhat improved” after be ing quite ill due to a heart and digestive disorder. . . .Mrs. Don ald Heiss and infant son, Donald Wayne, returned home Wednes day evening, December 23, from the ONeill hospital. On Thurs day afternoon, Mr. Heiss drove to Greeley to bring home their two small daughters, who had been staying with their grand parents, Rev. and Mrs. Carl Ray burn, for the past week. Mrs. Rayburn also accompanied them here and will assist with the care of the children and house work for a few days. . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cronk left Wednes day, December 24, for Grand Is land. From there they went by train to Del Rosa, Calif.,'to be with their son, Elwin Cronk and family after receiving word of the serious illness of Mr. Cronk. EWING—Mrs. Robert Tams is convalescing from a long illness at the home of Miss Mary Gokie . . . Mrs. Perry Saiser is ill at her home and under a doctor’s care . . . Mrs. Charles Kruntorad un derwent a major operation at the Antelope Memorial hospital, Ne ligh, on Friday. Her condition is “satisfactory.’’ . . Mrs. Roland Horde is a surgical patient at the Lutheran hospital, Norfolk. Her condition is reported “good.” . . Mrs. Wayne Fry, who was a pa tient at the Tilden hospital, came home December 20. . . Dr. J. W. Bennie of Clearwater was mak ing professional calls in Ewing on Monday. AMELIA—Tom Thompson fell on the icy sidewalks at Burwell Saturday and broke his arm. Mr. Thompson is staying at a nursing home in Burwell. . . Mrs. Ber nard Blackmore entered the hos pital at Ainsworth Sunday and submited to surgery Monday. . . Fred Watson entered the hospital in Atkinson Friday. He has been troubled with a severe cold. . . Evangeline Berry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Berry, has been a patient in the Atkinson hospital during the holidays. She suffered a throat infection. O’NEILL—Mr. and Mrs. A. W. ribbets went to Omaha Saturday morning where Mr. Tibbets en tered a hospital for major sur gery. Mrs. Tibbets will remain there for several days. . .Elmer Hinshaw has been ill with influ enza in his home. . . Clyde Street er submitted to a gall stone op eration early Tuesday at Grand Island. Near him were his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter, who returned to O’Neill late Tuesday night. LYNCH—Louis Birmeier was taken to the Lynch hospital on Wednesday, December 24. He is now convalescing at the George Kalkowski home. . . Mrs. Kate Fitzpatrick was dismissed from the Lynch hospital on Wednes day, December 24, and is conval escing at the home of her daugh ter, (Mrs. Mary Wade. . . Ray Wilson was dismissed from the hospital here Wednesday, Decem ber 24. ROCK FALLS—John McNulty, 84, a former resident of this com munity, was operated on for a ruptured appendix Monday, De cemebr 15, at the hospital in Hia watha, Kans., where they now live. James McNulty returned Friday evening, December 19, from Hiawatha and reports his falhei is “doing nicely." CHAMBERS—Lloyd Taylor is in Rochester, Minn., taking treatments for a lung trouble. He expects to be there about three weeks. . . Gleason Grimes return ed Saturday, December 3, from Clarkson Memorial hospital, Om aha, where he had been receiv ing treatments for polio. He gets around with the aid of crutches. Gleason will not be able to attend school this term. CHAMBERS—Gleason Grimes, who has been a polio patient at Clarkson hospital, Omaha, for several months, recently arrived home. Gleason is not entirely, well, but is on the road to recov ery and can now remain at home for his treatments. SOUTH OF STUART — Linda Gruenberg, 5-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gruen berg, was able to leave the At kinson hospital Wednesday, De cember 24, after recovering from an emergency appendectomy. CELIA—Ray Pease was quite sick the past week” with influ enza, but is now able to be about . . . George Beck was taken to Atkinson Memorial hospital Sun day for medical care. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S (O'Neill) Admissions: December 24 — Mrs. Merwyn Parks, O’Neill. 25— Mrs. Robert Hollenbeck, O’Neill. 26—Mrs. Elmer Wiseman, Page; Mrs. Bernard Kornock, Page: Irving Pappenheimer, O’Neill. 27 —Jaynell Ford, Atkisnon; Don na Lou Turner, O’Neill; Mrs. Gilbert Anderson, Chambers. 28 —Mrs. Elmer Wandersee, Cham bers; Mrs. Edward Flood, O’ Neill; James P. Gallagher, In man; Mrs. Delbert Hoxsie, Chambers. 29 — Mrs. Charles Stout, O’Neill; Mrs. Bill Miller, O’Neill; Margie Colfack, O’Neill; Harvey Colfack, O’Neill. 30 - — Billy Revell, Star; Arlene Miller. Spencer; Rosemary Lyons, O’ Neill; Helen Mary Musil, O’Neill. Dismissals: December 24 — Homer Asher, O’Neill; Mrs. Law rence and baby girl, Ewing; Mrs. Donald Heiss and baby boy, Page; Mrs. Dale Perry and baby girl, O’Neill. 25—Carl Beach, O’ Neill. 26 — Mrs. John Carr, O’ Neill; Mrs. Emmitt Thompson, Page. 27—Irving Pappenheimer, O’Neill; Mrs. Joel Lyman and baby girl, O’Neill. 28-— Jaynell Ford, Atkinson. 29—Mrs. Robert Thompson and baby girl, Amelia; Mrs. Merwyn Parks and baby girl, O’Neill; Pearlie Timmer man, O’Neill. 30—Mrs. Robert Hollenbeck and baby girl, O’ Neill; Mrs. Gilbert Anderson, Chambers. Remaining in hospital: W. J. Brown, O’Neill; Mrs. Edward Flood, O’Neill; James P. Galla gher, Inman; Mrs. Anna Geary, Neill; Mrs. Lillian Berger, O’ Inman; Mrs. Letha Morrow, O’ Neill; Harvey Colfack, O’Neill; Margie Colfack, O’Neill; Mrs. Mabel Gatz, O’Neill; Mrs. Del bert Hoxsie, Chambers; Mrs. Bernard Kornock, Page; Rose mary Lyons, O’Neill; Mrs. Bill Miller, O’Neill; Arlene Miller, Spencer; Helen Mary Musil, O’ Neill; Mrs. Louise Perkins, Chambers; Mrs. Art Reiser, Butte; Billy Revell, Star; Lor raine Smith, Chambers; Mrs. Charles Stout, O’Neill; Donna Lou Turner, O’Neill; Mrs. Elmer Wandersee, Chambers; Mrs. El mer Wiseman, Page. O’NEILL LOCALS Those who spent Christmas eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Graham and Mary were Mr. and Mrs. Deraid Graham, Junior Worth, Mr. and Mrs. Or ville Eppenbach and Mickey and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brewster and Gary. Gifts were exchanged and lunch was served. Christmas day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ep penbach and Mickey were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brewster and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Graham and Mary and Junior Worth. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser and family had as guests Sunday Audrey Plummer of Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kaiser and daughter, Shirley, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Weller and family, all of Atkinson. Audrey left on Monday morning by bus to Sioux City after visiting near Atknson since Chrismas day. Audrey and Herbert Kaiser are sister and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dumpert spent Christmas in Atkinson in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Cleary. Leo Valla has returned to Kansas City, Mo., after spending Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Valla. Leo does sur veying for the Union Pacific rail road at Kansas City, Kans. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lyons re turned to Pawnee, Okla., Sunday after spending Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lyons and Mrs. Chet Calkins. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dick. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hornback of Spencer were also present. Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Sherbahn returned to O’Neill Monday after spending the Christmas holidays at WTauneta with Mrs. Sherbahn’s mother, Mrs. McCallum. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ernst and family of Miltonville, Kans., are spending a few days here visit ing relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cole and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cole and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Anson and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anson and family spent Monday at the R. H. Strong farm near Chambers. Christmas dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert De Groff were Mr. and Mrs. Art Senn of Ericson, Mr. and Mrs Gerald DeGroff and family of 1 Amelia, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kel ley of Burwell, Mrs. Jessie Kel ley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krutz and family of Orchard, Mr. and Mrs Jack Blinn of Amelia and Mr and Mrs. Jay DeGroff and fam ! ily. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gross of Albion, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brunk of St. Edward and Mr and Mrs. Frank Gross of Lin coln spent Christmas eve and day in the home of Mr. and Mrs Leigh Reynoldson. Luber Rites Held at Lynch LYNCH—Funeral services were held Friday, December 19, for Charles H. Luber, 79, who died December 15. The services were held in the Metnodist church at Lynch, with Rev Marjorie John son officiating. A Paddock choir sang “Beautiful Garden of Prayer,” “Beyond the Sunset” and “Face to Face.” Charles Henry Luber was bom on December 28, 1872, at Forest Mills, la., where he spent his early childhood. In 1891 he came to Boyd county, where he lived with his mother and three sis ters and farmed north of Butte. In 1899 he was united in mar riage to Miss Loretta B. Lancas ter. In the same year they homesteaded on a farm north west of Butte where they resided for 34 years. In 1929 the family-( moved to Holt county where they" resided at the time of his death. To this union was bom nine children—four boys and five daughters—Mrs. Iva Femau, Mrs. Irene Johnson, Miss Mary Lu ber, Floyd and Lyle, all of Holt county; “Mrs. Hazel Fernau of Butte, Laurence Luber of Mem phis Tenn., and Elvin Luber, Pasadena, Calif. One daughter, Erlene preceded him in death. Besides his children he is sur vived by his wife one adopted son, Pvt. Marlen G. Luber of Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo; 16 grandchil dren; nine great-grandchildren; sister—Mrs. Maude E. Baldwin of Ola, Ark. Those attending the funeral from out-of-town were Mrs. Inez Nollkamper, Mrs. Harry Jaynes, Mrs. Joe Cahoy and Jack Jaynes, all of Gregory, S.D.; Mr and Mrs. Wayne Kinzie Mr. and Mrs. Charles Femau, all of Butte; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Harding, Miss Marion Classen, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Femau of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. J. Galbraith of Spen cer; Mrs. Jim ODonnal, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Femau, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Fish, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Fernau. Mrs. Rov Bar telson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis, * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis, Mr. -i and Mrs. Zibie Audiss, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mott, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Classen, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. John Fernau, Mrs. Lilli Fritz and Mrs. Minnie Coltran. •-—— Clarence Tibbets Burial at Chambers CHAMBERS—Funeral services for Clarence Tibbets were con ducted Wednesday, December 24, at the Methodist church in Cham bers with Rev. L. R. Hansberry officiating. A quartette composed of Ernest Farrier, Ray Hoffman, Stanley and Tom Lambert sang “Rock of Ages,” “Going Down the River One by One” and “Forever Abid ing.” Pallbearers were Hale Osborne, Donald Grimes, Lyle Cooper, Bob Melene, Duane Miller, Melvin Bell, Larry Tibbets and Rich ard Tibbets. Honorary pallbearers were Walt Richards, Wilson Smith Charles Spann, M. L. Sageser, Louis Neilson and John Walter. O’NEILL LOCALS A/lc Robert Clements ar rived on Tuesday from Lowery AFB, Denver, Colo., to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clements. He will return Fri day Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Reynold son will celebrate their 14th wedding anniversary on new year’s eve, December 31. They will entertain a small group of friends at the Town House for - dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Harden Anspach spent Christmas in Waco, Tex., with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mar sten. On Saturday they went to Houston, Tex., to attend the wed ding of Donald Gibson. Donald’s parents, Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Gib son, also attended the wedding. They left Tuesday, December 23, and took a short trip through the Ozark mountains before go ing to Houston. Herbert Kaiser and son, Ivan, drove to Omaha Friday on busi ness. Mrs. Kaiser and daughter, Esther, accompanied them to Fre mont where they visted Mr. and Mrs. Donald Olson and family and enjoyed watching television. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone are planning to spend new year’s day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Davis in Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. DeBolt spent Christmas in Gregory, S. D., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farrier. Capt. William Pettigrove left on Saturday for Farmville, Va.^ where he has been assigned to duty. Mrs. Pettigrove and daugh ter will remain here for an in definite time. Christmas guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Crabb were Mr. and Mrs. Verle Crabb of Wagner, S.D., Mr. and Mrs. Dorance Crabb and Miss Donna Crabb. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klinger and Dottie Lou Havranek were Wednesday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Psotta and Shirley of Pilger spent Christmas in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clements. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Petersen plan to spend new year’s day in ■/ Madison at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Andersen. Stanley Young, who is station ed at Omaha, arrived Christmas eve to spend the day with hi» mother, Mrs. Guy Young. He re turned Sunday. HAPPY NEW -YEAR ~yc Sheerest Greetings from VAL & JOYCE DARLING and the Staffs The TOWN HOUSE - The TOM TOM CAFE -Your Attention, Please The Town House will be open to persons with reser vations on New Year's eve. Dinners will be served to the public—including those without reservations—from 1 A.M. to 3 A.M. The Town House will be closed* however, on New Year's Day. . '■"■"* ™— Wins $150 Keepsake Diamond | . MRS. NOAL LONG... receiving beautiful KEEPSAKE | from William W. McIntosh of the McINTOSH JEWELRY HUNDREDS OF PERSONS signed our guest register during the Yuletide Season. Mrs. Long was the lucky recipient of the diamond. Presentation was made Monday in the McIntosh Store. Happy New Year Everyone MdNTOSH JEWELRY Phone 166 — O’Neill “Where Price and Quality Meet” ISfll 'll ■' i ■ ? Too Late to Classify WANTED TO RENT: Three or four bedroom house.—Phone 557-R, O’Neill. 35c CARD OF THANKS I WISH to thank all my friends for the cards and letters which they sent me during my stay in the hospital. They gave me a lift and I’ll always remember you gratefully.—ED MURRAY. 35p50 INCOME TAX SERVICE WE WILL be pleased to assist you with filing your income tax returns for 1952 R. H. (“RAY”) SHRINER Real Estate — Insurance Phone 106 35-37c I WISH to thank all my relatives, neighbors and friends for the gifts, cards and letters which I received during my 3 months stay in Clarkson Memorial hos pital, and for the many Christ mas gifts. My parents also wish to extend thanks for all the kindness shown them. 35p50 GLEASON GRIMES Used Cars & Trucks ! 1950 Buick Spec. 2-dr. I 1950 Ford Del. 2-dr. 1950 Chevrolet Spt. Cpe. 1949 Chevrolet 4-dr., FL. 1947 Chevrolet L.W.B., 1^-ton. 1951 Chevrolet, Vz - ton, 4 - spd. trans. — New Trucks — 1952 Chevrolet, 2-ton, 2-spd. 1952 Chevrolet, Vz - ton, 4 - spd. trans. Midwest Mtr. Co., Ltd. O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 100 routs UAf GPAIH m AKT WfAT*Ft HERE’S HOW: | CATTIE EAT, DRINK MORE tkh in molasses sogers, SWEET LASSy *»«•*#«»** *he ««***«• Make* cattle **#, drink mor*{ 2. STRETCHES FARM FEEDS SWEET USSY help* ««**« «*®« farm feed* better . • • °* ft*d «»h J. FAST, PRIME FINISH Podr*d with prof*#**. mtoenofa, **« Fomins and *»h** «**'*rl«*»» «** *.* ,o beef SWEET USSY helps predo<* « #hw Anbh that •eons tep mork:*< PrS<*** SEE US TODAY I Come to *»4 w M •****" **» SW«T USSY con help r» »«*• • or. monef •** \ Stop to today# SHELHAMJ® FOODS \_ _ I Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, January 2nd, 3rd jj < >♦ tt ♦♦ i ♦♦ n 1 g * ii 1 It ♦♦ ♦♦ It ♦♦ It H 1 i ♦t it ♦♦ !S ♦♦ It I i i I I I I ' ^ ^ SHELHAMER FOODS if o II Produce Phone 173 O’NEILL Grocery Phone 56 11 __ ♦* H O.F. GOLDEN G.V. JUNE I CORN S No, 303 cans 55c PEAS 3 No, 303 cans4SC I H • * T T .. ... ._...... 44 44 ♦♦ 8 NASH COFFEE 12-Lb. Can.$1,59 ♦♦ :: - :: O.F. ORANGE I JUICE 2 46-oz. cans 59c ♦♦ ♦♦ H O.F. GRAPEFRUIT S JUICE 2 46-oz. cans 53c li 8 O.F. STRAWBERRY 12-Oz. Jars I PRESERVES 3 for 83* H 8 KRAFT'S | VELVEETA 2-lb. box.89c ;♦ G.V. No. 2i/2 Cans B TOMATOES 2 hr 49* __ ! —————————in. ..■■■■mi——m———————— ►4 | I FAB 2 lge. boxes 49* S . ORANGES 3 lbs. 25c MARSHSEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT XL 53c CHOICE ^ MEATS CORN FED LLb> SIRLOIN STEAK 73c ASSORTED COLO CUTS Lb. 47c PORK LOIN ENDS Lb. 43c FRESH OYSTERS Pt 83c :: WE HAVE :: I AAVrnfk r nr^JT WE AHE equipped to handle your il LUimfcffjl tor IfrSHI PR25E®|ING - including wrapping & •; :: fcVVIlfaBlW ElEnII B FREEZING FOR YOUR DEEP FREEZER :: ♦; :: :: | WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF I POULTRY - HOG & CATTLE FEEDS LAYING PELLETS & CRUMBLES. BALANCER & PLTY. CONCENTRATES j 24% PIG & SOW MEAL & NUGGETS 40% HOG BALANCER MEAL & NUGGETS K TANKAGE — MEAT SCRAPS — BONEMEAL — LIMESTONE — BUTTERMILK I CUDAHY ALL PURPOSE MINERAL VIS VITA FOR POULTRY. HOGS & CATTLE | SWEET LASSY MOLASSES FEEDS SOYBEAN MEAL. PELLETS. CUBES NUTRENA "BEEF CAKE" PELLETS & CUBES — 22 TO 41% FROTEIN SEE US FOR PRICE & DISCOUNTS ON Vi & 1 TON LOTS JJ # j I: WE OFFER YOU A CASH MARKET FOR | CREAM - EGGS - POULTRY - HIDES J