Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1953)
(jf • Chambers News Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beed of Lincoln came Friday evening and spent until Sunday, December 28, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beed and family and her fa ther, George Porter. Mi's. Anna Albers returned De cember 14, from a week’s visit with her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Albers, and son at Hastings Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harley and boys drove to Hast ings and brought her back. Mrs. Fred Catron left Sunday, December 21, for Lawndale, Calif., i to spend Christmas with her 1 daughter, Mrs. Joyce Stone, and ] family. ] Henry Brown was a business < visitor in Ainsworth Saturday, < December 20. < Patricia Olson went to her home i in Norfolk Tuesday, December : 23, to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford < Olson. Russell Miner of O’Neill spent some of his Yule vacation with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Whitaker. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grimes and Bonnie of Eaton, Colo., spent the Christmas holidays with his mother, Mrs. Genevieve Bell, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter, and other relatives. Attending the telephone meet ing in Amelia Saturday, Decem ber 20, from the Chambers vicin ity were Lyman Robertson, Lloyd Gleed, G. H. Grimes, H. L. Holcomb and E. R. Carpenter. Mir Raymond Beed attended the Christmas program presented by the pupils at the school taught by her daughter, Joan Beed, near Stuart on Friday, De cember 19. /"I 2 _ — XT- 4ma n Anvvt a An VJCIIC V ; Friday, December 19, from Eddy vlile where she is teaching. She is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John ; Nachtman, and brothers, George and Edwin. Richard Harley returned home Monday, December 22, from Bil oxi, Miss., for the holidays. He is spending his vacation with his wife and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harley. Miss Ada DeHart and pupils of district 120, south of Chambers, held a Christmas program Fri day evening, December 19. Over 60 friends and patrons were pres ent. Following the program pie and coffee were served. Rev. and Mrs. L. M. McElhran. and family and his brother, Rev. Cliff McElheran, left Sunday eve ning, December 21, for Three Hills, Cana., to spend the holi days. Pvt. Robert Scott is home from Korea to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott. Pvt. Harold Young arrived on Sunday, December 21, from San Diego, Calif., to spend a 10-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Walter, Cpl. and Mrs. Raymond Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Peltzer and Wayne Smith attended the fu neral services for Mrs. Clara Peltzer at Stanton on Friday, De cember 19. Burial was at Sny der. Mrs. Peltzer was Ruben Pelt er’s and Mrs. Walter’s mother. She had been ill for several months. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Fees, jr., and ; Cherilyn arrived Sunday, Decern- | ber 21, from Greybull, Wyo., to j spend the holidays with relatives. < They spent Sunday night at the Edwin Walter home. Norman Walter, who attends a seminary at St. Louis, Mo., is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wal ter. Chailes Atkinson came from McPherson, Kans., where he at tends school, to spend the holi days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Atkinson, and fam iiy. Mhry Taggart, student at the University of Nebraska school of nursing, Omaha, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Taggart. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik and Pamela spent Sunday, December 14, visiting his sister, Miss Em ma Shavlik, at Elgin. Miss Phyllis Kiltz came Satur day, December 20, from Janes ville, Wise., to spend the holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kiltz. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thorin spent Sunday, December 21, in i Page with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnson. Frank Froelich's Entertain Daughters— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froelich entertained their three daughters and their husbands for the holi days. They are Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wanser and four children of Holly Springs, la., Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald of Ft. Scott, Kan., and Mr. and Mrs. William Montgomery of Omaha. The Mc Donalds also visited his mother, Mrs. Marie McDonald, and the Wansers also visited his parents, the Buv Wansers of Page. Coyne Daughters Home for Holidays— Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Coyne had as their guests for the holidays their three daughters, Dr. Nadene, now of New York City, and the Misses Mary Kay and Veronica, both of Chicago, 111. Doctor Coyne left Tuesday for the New York institute of physical medi cine and rehabilitation of New York university, Bellevue Medi cal Center. The Misses Coyne left for Chicago Saturday. Mrs. Schultz Entertains Family — Mrs. Florence Schultz ente tained her daughters and sons and their families at Christmas dinner. They are Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hiatt and children of Om aha, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schultz of Atkinson, and Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and children. The Hiatts arrived Wednesday and left Sunday. Tea for Omahans — Mrs. H. J. Birmingham enter tained at tea Friday in honor of her Christmas house guests, Mrs. Ed Latta and ’daughter, Miss Elizabeth, both of Omaha. Dinner Party — Tuesday, December 23, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froelich and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Campbell were hosts at a dinner party for both families and relatives at the Town House. The Frontier Want Ads bring 11 results! Miss Jacqueline A. Russell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Russell of Page, became the bride of A/3c Duane B. Sukup, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sukup, also of Page, on Monday af ternoon, December 22, at the Methodist church in Page.—O'Neill Photo Co. _ Rock Falls News - ■— Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins were guests Saturday evening* December 20, at a holiday dinner in the Don Hynes home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Smith and boys were guests at Henry Ve quist’s Saturday evening, Decem ber 20. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and famiiv were dinner guests at the James McNulty home Sunday. James Curran and Blake Ben son visted Ray Wilson in the Lynch hospital Tuesday, Decem ber 23. Rita, Janice and Tommy Ve quist were supper guests at the Henry Vequist home Thursday, December 18. Mr. and Mrs. James McNulty and La Donna were supper guests at Lyle Vequist’s Sunday, Decem ber 21. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and Lynda were guests at Louis Browns Sunday evening, Decem ber 21. Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and Ardell were guests Tuesday evening, December 23 at Blake Benson’s. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sterns and. Don visted at the Don Hynes home Thursday evening, Decem ber 18. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Claussen vis ited the Don Drickeys near Spen cer all day Sunday, December 21. Miss Lynda Hynes stayed from Thursday, December 18, until Saturday night, December 20, at the George Calkins home. Mr. and Mrs Bill Claussen were guests of the Roy Margritz fam ily Tuesday evening, December 23. Another surprise party was held Friday evening, this time at the Roy Margritz home. The sur prisers included Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran and daughters Mr. and (Mrs. Albert Sterns and John Richardson. They got there in time for supper and spent the evening. Mrs. Albert Sterns and Don visited Nel and Gladys Davis on | Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Margritz and girls were Sunday dinner guests in the Walter Sire home Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran and girls, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Margritz and girls, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O’Neill Wednesday afternoon, December 17. A party was held Tuesday af ternoon, December 16, with Mrs. Floyd Johnson. There were 10 guests. Mrs. Rudy Johnson was the demonstrator. A lunch was served. Don and Alden Breiner, Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and Linda j Johnson went coyote hunting 1 Saturday and bagged une. Tlie Valley club met at Floyd Johnson’s Friday evening, De cember 19. Guests included Don and Alden Breiner, Roy Johnson, Mr. and - Mrs. Lowell Johnson. High score was won by Mrs. Frank Schultz. Low ccore was held by Don Breiner and Mrs. Lowell Johnson. Recent guests at Floyd Johnsons were Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rakes, Helen and Peggy. Stationed on Largest Army Base in Alaska— CLEARWATER — Pvt. Harlan D. Good, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Good of Clearwater is serv ing at Ft. Richardson, the larg est army installation in Alaska. Troops based Ft. Richardson are part of the security force along the northern frontier. Although the climate of south ern Alaska is relatively mild, Ft. Richardson units receive thorough winter training. Good entered the army last June and was stationed at Camp Pickett, Va., before receiving his present Alaskan assignment. A 1949 graduate of Neligh high school, he was engaged in farm ing before entering the service. STUART NEWS Merle Thurlow who is with the air force at Bryan, Tex., and La vern Thurlow, also with the air force and stationed at Denver, Colo., are spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thurlow and family. Mrs. Mary Henning, Mr. and Mrs. John Henning and family of Atkinson were Christmas dinner guests of the Gus Ohermire fam ily. Jean Obermire accompanied her grandmother, Mrs. Henning, to Atkinson that evening and re turned home Sunday. Mt. and Mrs. Lawrence Slay maker, sr., of Atkinson were din ner guests of Mr.' and Mrs. Law rence Slaymaker, jr. Naval Aviation Cadet Jerry Henderson of Pensacola, Fla., is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hen derson. x-vx. uon rox, wno nas com pleted nine weeks of training in mechanical school at Ft. Sill, Okla., and has spent the past two weeks with his mother, Mrs. Mabel Fox of Newport, was ac companied to Omaha Saturday by his mother and sister and Miss Ruth Nachtman. From there he left for California for assignment to duties overseas. Frank Hamik, jr., of Ft. Hood, Tex., is spending his furlough and the holidays with his parents before leaving for overseas duty. Rudolf Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Berlin Mitchell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Evan Garwood and Bonnie were Christmas dinner guests of the Charlie Mitchell family. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Porter of Bassett were evening visitors at the Berlin Mitchell home Thurs day, December 25. Miss Ruth Nachtman spent Christmas day in the Mabel Fox home at Newport. Lt. and Mrs. Rex Coffman of Ft. Sill, Okla., spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coffman. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith and family of Omaha came On Wed nesday, December 24, to spend Christmas and the weekend with her father, Henry Fuelberth, and her brother and sisters. Mrs. Smith is the former Ethel Fuel berth. Misses Lucille Mitchell and Vesta Mitchell came from Omaha Wednesday, December 24. Lucille had been visiting in Omaha and Vesta, who attends school in Om aha, will spent 10 days with homefolks. John Obermire and Miss Bilie Ruther of Lincoln are spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Obermire. Miss Marguerite Smith left for Coatsville, Pa., Thursday, Decem ber 25, where she will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frater and son. Mrs. Frater and Miss Smith are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Art Kraft and daughter of Scotsbluff are spend ing the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Herrick and family. Mrs. Anna Smith and Donnie of Dunbar are visiting the Ernie Smith family. Mrs. Art Kraft of Scottsbluff and daughter and Mrs. G. W. Herrick visited with the Walter Smith, jr., family on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Timmer mans had their baby, Lois Ann, baptized Sunday, at St. Boniface Catholic church. Cpl. Edmund Kaup of Lack land airbase and Pvt. Duane Ackerman of Shepard Field, both in Texas, came Tuesday, Decem ber 23, to spend a 15-day fur lough with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaup and Mr. and Mrs. Clem Ackerman. - _._ ★ Our hearts and voices are * filled with best wishes for all . our friends. »* I I WICK’S BODY SHOP Marlin Wichman — OWNER — Phone 211-W Wesi O'Neill ATTENTION! - ATTENTION! 1 Railroad Car Shortage WE HAVE been sending about one-half of our Hogs by Rail road to the West Coast. This is why our prices on top Hogs are so high! WE MUST order the freight cars in advance. Please drop us a card (or telephone collect) on Monday telling us of the bunches of Hogs you are going to bring. This will give us an idea of how many cars to order. Hogs this week went by Pullman Truck (160 ea.) BUTTE LIVESTOCK MARKET HAPPY NEW YEAR! A. C. & BILL HANSEN a \$4ien the bells ring out at the stroke of midnight, may they ring in one of the best years of your life . . . with good health and abiding happiness for you and your family.. • with success for your highest ambitions and fullfillment of your most cherished desires. O'Neill Notional Bank — Member FDIC — I • ijiitte foj*' Happiness “ Outlaw Impl. Co. Asimus Motor Co. New Deal Oil Co. TONY ASIMUS Phones 316 and 304 DR. H. L. BENNETT VETERINARIAN — O'NEILL — DR. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE. OPTOMETRIST Permanent Offices In Hagenslck Bldg. O’NEILL, NEBR. Phone 167 Eyes Examined . Glasses Fitted Office Hours: 9-5 Mon. thru Sat. ELKHORN FLOWER SHOP n 405 E. DOUGLAS ST. O’NEILL, NEBR. Night Phone 530W Day Phone 579 We Telegraph Flowers Flowers For All Occasions I _ ANNUAL MEETING MONDAY, JAN. 5 - 7:30 P.M. AGENDA: ELECTION OF OFFICERS ARRANGEMENT FOR SQUARE DANCE CLUB Everyone interested in either of the above meet at Legion hall. O’NEILL SADDLE CLUB IMPLEMENT BUSINESS Foi IMMEDIATE SALE John Deere implement Store in Platte Valley, also handles Farmhand and Frigidaire Appliances. Located in rich irrigated, wheat and ranching area. New build ing, 48x80, on U. S. Highway 30 in Paxton, Nebraska. Grossed over $100,000 last year. Must sell by January 15th to take advantage of a similar business opportunity. Terms can be arranged. KENNETH HANSEN, Owner Phone 112WPoxton, Nebraska IE R. H. SUER 5T Rents Plate Glass Wind & Tornado, Truck & Tractor, Personal Property Liability GENERAL INSURANCE Livestock REAL ESTATE. LOANS, FARM SERVICE, RENTALS Automobile O'Neill —:— Phone 106 Farm Property LADIES' LUXURIOUS 8-pc. Dresser Set Original Price 24.95 Wonderful gift for an anni versary . . . wedding ... a birthday . . . for St. Valen tine’s day. Now i/2 Off! HOMEUTE X, CHAIN Sfl' FOR FASTER, EASIER CUTTING 4 HORSEPOWER More power per lb. than any other saw Butte Legion BALLROOM Tues., Jan. 6th BUTTE. NEBFL Two Fine... , Gift Items J NOW.. % Toy Truck With automatic tail gate . . . the little fellow can ride it about the room. ! Original Price 7.50 Now V2 Off! Several Miscellaneous Other Items i REDUCED to Clear: m ■■■■■ inn— >. Ik GILLIGAN’S REXALL STORE PHONE 87 — OPEN EVENINGS 1 > • * 1 I %.....1 t',;? ,, ^ You’ve heard about it. You’ve seen it advertised in national magazines ... in the Saturday Evening Post, Country Gentleman and Farm Journal. Now' see it in action... here! Yes, let us show you why the famous Homelite Chain Saw is the easiest, fastest, most dependable saw to use for all types of wood* cutting operations. Come in and see it and arrange for a demonstration MELVIN JOHRING ‘ * O'NEILL — PHONE 5-F-120 Your Local Authorized Homelight Dealer