The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 18, 1952, SECTION 1, Page 9, Image 9

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    Celia Soldier Sees
Ike While in Korea
Livingston Is Near
CELIA—Cpl. Gene Livingston
reports that he saw President
Elect Dwight Eisenhower when
he was in their camp recently.
His unit was stationed six miles
out of Panmunjan in Korea at
the time.
Other Celia News
Mrs. D. F. Scott attended the
Shakespeare club party and 1
o’clock luncheon at the home of
Mrs. Albert Lemmer Saturday.
John. Sicheneder came home
from camp Wednesday, Decem
ber 10, for a 20-day leave and
is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Sicheneder, and his
many friends.
Connie Frickel went by plane
to visit the Faye Puckett and
Paul Nelson homes Wednesday,
December It).
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schlotfeld
and family were Sunday after
noon visitors at the Paul John
son home.
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott, ac
companied by Mrs. H. O. Stevens
and Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg, at
tended the Atkinson Country
club Christmas party at the Rob
ert Martens home last Thursday.
Hostesses were Mrs. Paul Roth,
Mrs. Orville Siebert, Mrs. Rich
ard Crippen, Mrs. Herman My
ers, Mrs. Oliver Anson and Mrs.
Robert Martens. Mrs. Helen
Kreymborg of O’Neill, home ex
tension agent, was a guest, also
Mr. Scott, Mr. Siebert and Robert
Martens. A new member, Mrs.
Louis Siebert, and her husband
v/ere present. Grab bag and
mystery sister gifts were ex
changed. A collection of seven
dollars was given to an orphans’
home in Omaha. The next meet
ing will be with Mrs. Ora Yar
ges of Stuart January 8.
Linford Sweet spent from last
Thursday through Saturday
shingling the roof of the Lawr
ence Smith home. Conrad Frick
el helped shingle last Thursday
and Mrs. Frickel visited Mrs.
John Storjohann of O’Neill
and E. M. Stewart of Phoenix
were Wednesday evening, De
cember 10, visitors at the Hans
Lauridsen home.
Hans and Jim Lauridsen were
Butte visitors Wednesday, De
cember 10.
Mrs. D. F. Scott attended Iris
club noon dinner at the home of
Mrs. Ivan Dickerson Monday,
December 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKath
nie and son, Darrell, were Fri
orsday evening visitors at the D.
F. Scott home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Arp and
Judy of Butte were dinner guests
at the Emil Colfack home Wed
nesday, December 10. The men
butchered a hog in the afternoon.
Mark Hendricks, Russell Hip
ke and Roy Vandersnick helped
saw wood for Leonard Chaffin
last Thursday.
Carl and Harold Colfack of
O’Neill visited their brother,
Emil Colfack, and family Tues
day evening, December 9.
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lauridsen
and Jim Laumridsen were O’
Neill visitors Saturday.
Mrs. William Coleman was a
Wednesday, December 10, visit
or at the Hans Lauridsen home.
Denton Colfack was one of the
FFA boys who went to Sioux
City Wednesday, December 10,
by chartered bus, to visit the
stockyards and packing plants
there. Fifty-one boys and men
made the trip.
Mrs. Mark Hendricks and Mrs.
Robert Hendricks spent Friday
with Mrs. Omer Poynts.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Staples
and son of Ainsworth spent Mon
day evening, December 8, at the
Joe Hendricks home.
Shirley Colfack was a supper
guest at the P. W. Kilmurry
home Wednesday evening, De
cember 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Colfack
and family and Carl Colfack and
Thursday Dec. 18
Cecil B. DeMille’s Masterpiece
Color by technicolor. Starring
Hedy Lamarr, Victor Mature,
George Sanders, Angela Lans
bury, Henry Wilcoxin. The great
est love story since the begin
ning of man and woman!
Adults 50c; Children 12c
Fri.-Sat. Dec. 19-20
Big Double Bill
Starring Robert Stack, Joy
Page, Gilbert Roland, with Vir
ginia Gray, John Hubbard, Katy
Jurado. The thrilling adventure
of flashing steel and deadly
horns, tempestuous, action-filled
— also —
Wild Bill Elliot
Filmed in glorious sepia tone.
Peggy Stewart, House Peters. He
rode into Kansas with a price on
his head . . . revenge in his heart
. . . wanted by the law and the
Adult 50c; Children 12c. Matinee
Sat. 2:30. Children under 12 free
when accompanied by parent
Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Dec. 21-22-23
Co-staxring the new popular
screen personality, Aldo Ray,
with William Ching
Spencer Tracy (he’s Mike) Kath
erine Hepburn (she’s Pat) in
The laugh-packed love story of
a Broadway lug and a lady!
Whatta romance . . . he’s a big
city sharpie and she’s a babe
with blue-blood. You’ll call it
the comedy of the year!
Adult 50c; Children 12c. Matinee
Sun. 2:30. Children under 12 free
when accompanied by parent
Wednesday Dec. 24
Family Night
Starring George and Bert Ber
nard with Robert Hutton Cathy
Family Night, $1.00; Adult 50c;
Children 12c
* 4
son, Harvey, of O’Neill visited
the Emil Colfack home Friday
evening. Others who helped
Emil celebrate his birthday an
niversary that evening were Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Schlotfeld and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford
Arp and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Kilmurry and daughters
and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith
and family were Saturday visit
ors in O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Smith
visited the Lawrence Smith fam
ily. Merrill helped with the
Mr. Blomenkamp and Mr. Fast
of Butte wired the new rooms
being made on the Joe Hend
ricks home last Thursday.
Mrs. Joe Hendricks and Nina
visited the Bud Reisers home in
Butte and Jack Staples home in
Butte Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Smith
were Sunday afternoon visitors
at the O. A. Hammerberg home.
Mrs. Phipps was a dinner
guest at the Mark Hendricks
home Sunday and visited Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Hendricks in
the afternoon.
Frances and Charles Chaffin
spent last Thursday night at the
Mark Hendricks home.
Denton and Dennis Colfack
visited the Clarence Focken boys
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Terwilliger
and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Smith and family went to Picks
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks
and family were Sunday dinner
guests at the David Rahn home,
town and Yankton, S.D., Tues
day, December 9, and also visit
ed the site of Gavins Point dam.
They visited Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Smith at Osmond on the way
Vivian Thurlow spent Sunday
with Markita Hendricks. Shirley
Colfack visited the girls in the
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Scott,
Patty and Phil of Butte and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Dobias and
sons, Roger and Rodney, of Stu
art were Sunday afternoon and
supper guests at the D. F. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck
were Butte visitors Friday.
Mrs. Alvin Heiser and son,
Gerald, and Mrs. Duane Beck
spent Wednesday, December 10,
at the home of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Dobrovolny.
Clarence Focken took a car of
young folks to O’Neill to hear
the “Messiah” Sunday afternoon
in the school auditorium.
Harold Colfack and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Colfack and family of
O’Neill were Sunday evening
visitors at the Emil Colfack
Alex Forsythe helped O. A.
Hammerberg put in a cement
feeding floor in his cow barn on
Husbands Entertained—
The Contract Bridge club in
vited the husbands to a Christ
mas party which was held Sat
urday evening. The group had
dinner at the Town House and
then returned to the home of Dr.
and Mrs. O. W. French to play
bridge. The winners were Mrs.
C. E. Lundgren and Dr. J. L.
Emmet News
Mr. and Mrs. James Foreman
and sons, Byron and Craig, were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and.
Mrs. Frank Foreman and chil
Donna and Derold Perry were
supper guests of their great
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Newton, Wednesday, De
cember 10, in honor of their
birthday anniversaries.
The Church of Epiphany in Em
met will hold a Christmas party
on December 21, at 7:30 pm., for
all the children in the Emmet
community of school age and un
der are invited.
Mrs. William Newton visited at
the Dean Perry home Wednes
day morning, December 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Harden Anspach
; spent Sunday afternoon at the W.
I P. Dailey home.
Donna and Derold Perry treat
ed the Emmet school district 20
to ice cream cones after school
in honor of their birthday anni
versaries. They also received
many gifts.
Mrs. Gilbert Fox and daughter,
Barbara, spent Saturday after
noon visiting at the Dean Perry
Mrs. Gilbert Fox nd daughter,
Barbara, called at the Cecil Mc
Millan home Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Charlie Abart and Mrs.
Agnes Gaffney spent Friday, De
cember 12, at the Charlie Skopec
Mrs. Gilbert Fox and daughter,
Barbara, called on Mrs. Geary
Enbody Saturday afternoon, De
cember 13.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Clouse of
O’Neill were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Luth spent
Saturday evening visiting Mr. and
. Mrs. Wayne Fox and children.
Mrs. Charlie Abart and Mrs.
Agnes Gaffney spent Monday,
December 8, at the Fritz Brock
' man home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bates and
children spent Sunday visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bates in O’
Mrs. Joe Ramold received a
phone call from her son, Andrew,
who is stationed in Colorado on
Thursday evening, December 11.
Jack O’Connell arrived home on
Tuesday, for a 15-day furlough
from the armed forces. He is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. John O’Con
nell of Emmet.
Miss Norma Lou Foreman was
a Sunday dinner guest of Miss
Maureen Murphy in O’Neill.
Mrs. Alvin Kloppenborg enter
tained at a Christmas program
and box social Wednesday eve
ning, December 10 at her school
Miss Mabel Perkins and Dick
Heiten of Ainsworth visited Mr.
and Mrs. James OConner and
Tom Perkins on Friday, Decem
ber 12.
I *
Gets Yule Furlough—
S/Sgt. Jack Moler arrived on
Sunday, December 14, to spend
a 30-day furlough with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moler.
Sergeant Moler has been sta
tioned at Eglan A.F.B., Florida.
At the end of his furlough, he
will return to the same air base.
Christmas Program
Follows Meeting —
The Wesleyan Service Guild
met Monday evening, December
15, for a Christmas dinner at the
M&M cafe. After dinner the
members returned to the Metho
dist church parlors for a short
business meeting which was con
ducted by Mrs. J. L. Sherbahn,
the president.
A Christmas program followed
the meeting. The following mem
bers of the junior choir sang
“The Angelus Bell Song:” Jay B.
Munsell, Konnie Kurtz, Lorna
Marcellus, Joan Booth, Larry An
derson, Sharon Marcellus, Char
lotte Estenson, Konard Smith,
Perry Dawes, Betty Rodman,
Karen Bridge, Judy Smith, Da
vid Stuessi and Mardell John
son. A pageant, “The First Christ
mas,” was presented by this
group under the direction of Mrs.
Wallace Smith, Mrs. Harold Se
ger and Mrs. Clay Johnson, jr.
The next meeting will be held
January 19 with Mrs. Esther Har
ris as hostess and Miss Viola
Haynes and Mrs. Helen Kreym
borg as the leaders.
To Visit Sons —
Mrs. Mabel McKenna will leave
the last of this week for Omaha
where she will spend Christmas
with her son and daughter-in
law, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McKen
na and family. Another son,
Gene, of Cleveland, O., will join
them there for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dumpert and
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sauser
were Sunday visitors in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Ven
teicher and family at Clearwater.
Mrs. Anson Heads
Ewing Star Chapter—
EWiliNG—The following offi
rers for the Jephthah chapter 85,
Order of the Eastern Star, were
elected Tuesday evening, Decem
ber 9, at a regular meeting: Mrs.
Vera Anson, worthy matron; Wil
liam Spence, worthy patron; Mrs.
Henry Fleming, associate matron;
John A. Wood, associate patron.
Mrs. Harriet Welke, secretary;
Mrs. R. G. Roc key, treasurer; Mrs.
Wilbur Bennett, conductress; Mrs.
Waldo Davis, associate conduc
Cradle Shower —
A cradle shower was held Fri
day evening at the home of Mrs.
Leo Culhane for Mrs. Lyle Green
and Mrs. C. H. Stone and infant
son, Danny. The guests spent
the evening playing canasta. The
two honored guests opened their
gifts and then a lunch was served
by Mrs. Culhane.
Mrs. Miller Feted—
Mrs. Albert Miller was honored
on her birthday anniversary Sun
day. Among those present far
the birthday dinner were: Mr*
and Mrs. Orville Miller and chil
dren, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Miller
and sons, Mrs. Duane Miller and
Kenny, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller
and family and Mr. and Mrs*
Frank Gehlsen and Cathy. Sun
day afternoon callers were: Mr*
and Mrs. O. G. Cromwell of
Creighton, Mr. and Mrs. Marrin
Johnson and Carol and Mr. and
Mrs. D. A. Baker.
The annual meeting of the
stockholders of the O’Neill Civic
club will be held on January 6th,
1953, at 8:00 p.m. in the Golden
hotel dining room.
33c Secretary
at the
H Conducted By
Ladies Aid of Christ Lutheran Church
« lit
| 1 1 - _42-7628
I Large Two Quart Size
Corn Popper
Makes corn popping a plea
sure! Beautiful polished alum
inum with year guarantee.
Add Color to Your Yard
Outdoor lights
7 weatherproof, independent
ly burning lamps. Plastic coat
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ty fuse. i
Use a Star—Top the Tree
Color Point Stars
Top your tree with this elec
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points give off red “neon ef
fect.” 2V2-ft. cord.
1 ^53.3,3,1
Sturdy, All-Steel Type
Tree Stands
No need to cover this beauti
fully enameled red and green
stand. Fits up to 3 Vs” tree
Brighten Up Your Tree
Noma light Sets
Includes 7 lights that burn,
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on plug.
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Spark Holiday Decorating
Tree Garlands
A little added silver sparkle
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sel garland. Fireproof too!
A Gift for the Whole Family! CORONADO Table Model I
9.95 Down
Mahogany veneered radio—with
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Changer. 5' speaker.
8-Light Set—Outstanding ■ t
1.19 Value S
I 77c I
Buy these eight B
£ glowing multi- B
1 colored lights for JB
your best tree fl
£ ever. Handy clips B
W on each socket. B
G.E. Christmas Tree Lights, C6 Series. ■
G.E. Tree Lights, C7'/i Multiple type. fl
G.E. Outdoor Tree Lights, C9Vi Series...
\ With Cracker and € Picks
Regular 2.10 Value
^MiftTheUJaiiTheqAkedtl ^
i Equatherm Unit Assures Perfect Toast
For better toast, give a CORONADO
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Now ... in Three Radiant Colors
Brilliant gold, blue and red
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The whole family will enjoy better coffee
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Brand New Style! Ranger Qualityl
D"n 24*5
Reaay-made woven Soron
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j 13.1216
Hammers Extensions Drill Sets
2.98 1.98 21.95
ARTISAN 16 ounce. Pol- Smartly designed, Cummins Perm-Alig*
ished vanadium steel chromed extension fits electric drill plus 30
head and sturdy white 1 '/a to 2" tail pipes. accessories for sand
hickory handle. Keeps bumper dean. ing, polishing, etc.
Expertly Made to Last For Safety and Beauty
20" Artisan Saws Auto Spotlight
3.65 13.95
10 pt. panel saws with strong 'Appleton” sealed beam light
steel blade that is hardened, spots road objects, street signs
tempered and taper ground. and house number*. Left hand.
i ' * ; * ■ ' . . L J. ,i l i;^. ; mi-mnii’"—
• •