The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 18, 1952, SECTION 1, Page 7, Image 7
Santa Coining to Inman Tonight Yule Vacation Will Start Friday . INMAN — The Inman public school’s annual Christmas pro gram will be presented at 8 p.m. today (Thursday). It will be a 90-minute program. Santa will appear with a sleigh full of can dy. The yule vacation begins Fri day at 3 p.m., for Inman’s 105 pupils. Classes will be resumed Monday, December 29. New Year’ day will be a holiday. Gifts will be exchanged in the school Friday afternoon. Other Inman News Ralph Herald Sholes of Emer son spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Violet Sholes. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Tompkins and family of Omaha spent the weekend visiting Doctor Thomp kins parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tompkins. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mossman left Friday for Santa Ana, Calif., Where they will spend some time visitng their son and daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mossman. Paul Bittner accom panied them to Omaha. . Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins and family were Dr. and Mrs. Charles Tompkins and family of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tompkins. Gordon Sholes and Graydon Hartigan of Mellette, S.D., spent the weekend visiting in the Vio let Sholes and Marye Hartigan homes. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Mossman of Leith, N.D., came Monday to visit in the home of his brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson. It has been 29 years since he had seen his sister. Miss LuElla Watson of Atkin son spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wat son. The RLDS held an all-day meeting Sunday with a basket dinner at noon. LeRoy Moore of Merriman spent the weekend with his par . ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller and Mrs. David Morsbach spent Fri day in Neligh visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crosser and sons. Ernest Trowbridge left Thurs day for Texas where he will visit relatives. Harlan Moore returned Tues day from Ft. Bliss, Tex., where he has been separated from the army. He is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moore. Several from here attended the performance of Handel’s “Mes siah’’ Sunday at the O’Neill high school auditorium. Miss Carolyn Watson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson, was a member of the chorus. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bergstrom and daughter of Worthington, Minn., came Sunday to visit Mrs. Bergstrom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes and to attend the fu neral of Miss Emma Taylor in Meadow Grove on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Paulsen and family moved Sunday from Ne ligh to their new home west of the junction of highways 20 and 275. Mr. Paulsen is employed by James Gallagher. Mrs. Arthur Tomlinson enter tained members of the YM club Tuesday at her country home. Dinner was served at noon and the afternoon spent socially. Mrs. Elmer Krueger was hos tess at a party on Wednesday, De cember 10, at her country home. Mrs. Albert Reynolds demon strated various Stanley products. Lunch was served at the close of the afternoon. Arbutus Rebekah lodge met Wednesday evening, Dec. 10, at the IOOF hall. A Christmas par ty and gift exchange was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Mildred Coventry and Mrs. Rosara Kopecky were in charge of the entertainment. Lunch was served by Mrs. May Watson, Mrs. Gertrude Youngs, Mrs. Harvey Tompkins and Mrs. Grace Thomsen. The WSCS held its annual Christmas party in the form of a tea at the church last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Karl Keyes was in charge of the devotions. Mrs. James Coventry was in charge of the program. A box was packed and send to Mother Jewel’s home at York. Refreshments were served at the close of the after noon by a committee composed of Mrs. Verle David, Mrs. Ralph Moore and Miss Elsine Krueger. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wolfe and sons and Mr. Wolfe’s brother of Gillette, Wyo., visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nielsen and family Tuesday af ternoon. Marks 10th Anniversary— JoAnn, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Rex Wilson, was honored on her 10th birthday annivers ary Sunday afternoon. The group of fifth grade girls attended the theater matinee and then re turned to the Wilson home for refreshments. Due to illness, the vocal recital scheduled by Miss Nancy Beha on December 9 was postponed until after the holidays. Miss Beha is a student at Xavier col lege, Xavier, Kans. LEGAL NOTICE (First pub. Dec. 18, 1952) John R Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate No. 3747 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF MICHAEL CUR RAN, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on January 7th, 1953, at 10 o’ clock, A.M. LOUIS W. REEMER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 33-35 DELOIT NEWS The farm bureau met Tuesday evening, December 9, at Adolph Bartak’s. Willis Thurber, county agent from BurwelL, was present and planned 4-H clubs. The next meeting will on January 6 at the Charles Bartak home. Pie will be served. Mr. and Mrs. R. Tomjack, Mrs. Jewell and Mrs. John Bauer and daughter, Nina, were O’Neill shoppers on Monday. Joan Thiele is employed at the new O’Neill hospital. The Christian Mothers of St. John’s held the annual Christ mas party at the church base ment on Sunday afternoon. A number of ladies attended a party at the Ewald Spahn home on Wednesday, December 10. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson visited their daughter, Mrs. Har old Mlinar and family at Emmet on Sunday. Workmen have finished the modem improvements at the Al vie Parks home. The HEO club met Thursday at the Werkmeister home. Mrs. E. L. Sison became a member. Next meeting will be January 8, with Mrs. Claude Elliot. A group of ladies attended a party at the Charles McDonald home on Monday. A little boy, several months old, has come to live with Mr. and and Mrs. Leo Mlnarik. A Mexican program was given at the Tutle school Thursday eve ning. Joan Bauer is the teacher. Mrs. Elayne Reimer visited at the Lynn Carnes home near Ne ligh oh Saturday. Mr. Carnes has been ill for several weeks. illh ^l> 4 Mrs. Ronnie Hemenway and son were Orchard visitors one day last week. Clearwater Creek club met on Wednesday, December 10, at the M. Fredericks home. Games and a Christmas gift exchange pro vided entertainment, HOME ON FURLOUGH William Murphy, jr., of Camp Atterbury, Ind., was called home due to the illnes of his mother. He arrived Sunday for a 10-day furlough. CDA Present Christmas Program — The CDA held their Christmas party Tuesday evening in the KC hall with 73 members present and Father O’Sullivan and Fa ther Carl as guests. The party began with a 6:30 turkey dinner, followed by a presentation of several dance numbers by one of Mrs. W. D. Melena’s dancing class. The six little girls were: Roberta Becker, Patty Heerman, Marlin Vitt, Kathleen Weier, Marilyn Benda ' and Patty McKenzie. They were costumed in green satin dresses and silver hats. Mrs. L. A. Beck er accompanied them on the piano. After the program the mem bers played cards. Prizes were won by Mrs. Joe Jareske and Mrs. T. M. Harrington. The door prize was won by Mrs. Joe Sobot ka. It was a dressed turkey. At 10 o’clock Santa Claus made his appearance and passed out the gifts that were under the Christmas tree. ONO in Session— The ONO club met Monday evening at the M&M cafe for dinner and then returned to the home of Mrs. Deraid Graham to play cards. The prizes were won. by Mrs. Robert Yantzi and Mrs. Francis Hickey. Mrs. Yantzi al so won the all-cut prize. Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Mace, jr., were Tuesday evening callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Sparks. - THURS., DEC. 18 | THRU 1 _ SAT., DEC. 27 | _ _ ___ _ ^_____A CHRISTMAS FREE! FREE! FREI ^ 3.000 REAL FRESH ORCHIDS TO BE GIVEN AWAY!! 11.000 TO BE GIVEN AWAY EACH DAY THURS.. FRL & SAT. I SO COME EARLY AND RECEIVE YOUR PRINCESS ALOMA I ORCHID. FLOWN DIRECT FROM HAWAII TO YOU!! 51 GAUGE — 15 DENIER KRAFT NYLONS cr. I MIRACLE FIRST QUALITY Pair «5*^C * WHIP Qt. rlc/t nr * PITTED DATES.2 lbs. 39c UA 2V QP OLIVES ... Qt jar 69c STOKELY SWEET PICKLES.Pint 33c STOKELY'S APPLE or GRAPE JAMS 212-oz. jars 35c PILLSBURY Pkg. HOT ROLL MIX.29c FROSTEE DESSERT.. 2 pkgs. 27c --- f STOKELY'S No. 2 Vi Cans k Fruit Cocktail 3 for $1 1 STOKELY'S 14-Oz. Btls. CATSUP. .. 2 for 39c LIBBY'S No. 303 Cans PUMPKIN _ 2 for 25c I PASCAL Ocean Spray 1 CELERY CRANBERRIES I Wat Lb. 29c Lb. 1 SEEDLESS Large Valencia f GRAPEFRUIT ORANGES I 10 for 49c 1 q each ( Red Triumph- •? W^XED 1 r Arriving Friday Morning m POTATOES 2.891 3 FREE Cudahy READY-TO-EAT HAMS One HAM to be Given Away Each Day, Mon., Dec. 22, through Wed., Dec. 24. Nothing to Buy Just Come In & Register WALNUTS or MIXED NUTS COMO TOILET TISSUE 4 rolls 23c BON - TON FLOUR 3.29 50-Lb. Sack 3 lbs. J1 OVER CHOCOLATE 100 SYRUP FREE 2 rans 35« Pieces of Grocenes to be CRUSHED | PINEAPPLE ’ Join the Fun! m », 0 Win a Prize! 4 Can! 99C I Cudahy’s Ready-to Elat LB. ■ HAMS 49c f Whole or Shank Ends 1 fi 18 Lbs, and Up_ ■ ^ Fresh Solid Pack P|. U.S. Good Lb. I B 1 OYSTERS 79c ROAST _ 59c | ; PORK or BEEF HAM I Heart Li 45c Hocks J, 25c CUDAHY RIVAL SLICED f BACON 3 lbs 98c } HEY KIDS! SANTA CLAUS -lA All Popular I / BRANDS O COFFEE > ■ I I SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON ==*f=*=^ 10 LBS. «f CANDY * NUTS CAKE MIX 3 pigs. 79c ★ , Plenty of Parking Space ★ * * 0 WILL BE AT THE NEW OUTLAW GROCERY TURS., DEC. 19, and FRL, DEC. 20 FROM 3 TO 7 P.M. SO PARENTS COME ON < DOWN AND BRING THE KIDS! FRFFM gifts for all rntE<* THE KIDS! \