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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1952)
She’ll Be Devoted 1 2 I Forever | If You Give Precious | furs i -n_ * ■ I The way to a woman’s heart . . . with an eye to a man’s budget . . . for those magnificent furs, costly as they look, | are most moderately priced for Christ mas giving. See our superb selection! i COATS g CAPES | Small Skin g NECK 1 PIECES 1 j J. A. (JACK) HOEHNE 1 of HOEHNE FURS j will be in our store ... 1 1 Wednesday, Dec .17 I • Until 3 P.M. Only |i • Monthly Payments | • Trade-Ins Accepted 1 * • We Rebuild Old Coats into | | Beautiful Ones | For HIM . . . Give EVERSHARP Fine Pen and Pencil Sets priced 3.75-10.00 PIPES_1.00 to 10.00 All types of smoker’s suplies including Tobacco Pouches, Lighters, Gift-Wrapped Boxes of Cigars, etc. BILLFOLDS - SHAVING SOAP For HER ... BATHROOM SCALES With enamel and chrome trim. GIFT STATIONERY 1.00 to 1.50 Outstanding quality, ideal for any lady in your life. TOILET SETS . . . PERFUMES Novelty Gifts, Figurines, Musical Powder Boxes Bubble Bath. Bath Crystals. 1 For the FAMILY . . . I SAFETY SNOW_Pkg. 25c Flameproof cotton, no home decoration complete without it! GIFT WRAPPING ENSEMBLE Complete, wrapping and labels for parcel post, Dennisons save time and trouble. Also ties and tags. FROST SNOWFLAKES Spray your tree. HOLLY_25c - 50c Cones and Christmas corsages. GOOFY BALLS .. Kids Love Em CHRISTMAS TAPER Red, green and white. XMAS GREETING CARDS All kinds, all prices, single or by the box. i! FILM Black & While — Color Flashbulbs, Etc. Men’s Travel Kits OLD SPICE STAG — SEA FORTH P :>xed Chocolates | At Choice Selection ★ 1 -Lb . to 5-Lb. Boxes Chambers News Mrs. Duane Carson and Patty drove to Lincoln Friday, Decem ber 5. * Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hoffman and children went to Omaha on Friday where they visited his sister, Mrs. Dan Custard, and family. Mr. and Mrs. David Thorin of Neligh visited Sunday in the Er nest Thorin home. Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell were Sunday dinner guests in the Clarence Knox home. Bert and Wesley Tibbetts of House, N.M., came Monday, De cember 8, to visit their brother, C. E. Tibbetts, and Mrs. Tibbetts. Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Johnson and family of Atkinson attended the basketball game at Cham bers Friday evening. They also visited her sister, Mrs. L. V. Cooper, and Mr. Cooper. Pvt. Vernon Schmidt has been transferred from Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., to Camp Beale, Calif. Mrs. Schmidt accompanied him. They took their trailer house in which they have been living while at Ft. Leonard Wood. While in New Mexico, the Schmidts had to purchase the water for their car and trailer house. Rev. L. M. McElheron and Rev. Ward Smith of Chambers and Reverend Clayton of Cedar went to Fremont Monday to at tend a day of prayer meeting. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Holcomb and boys were Sunday dinner guests in the Arthur Tangeman home. Mrs. Herman Cook and Mrs. John Wintermote drove to Grand Island last Thursday. Sunday dinner guests in the Herman Cook home were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sexton and Na dine, Mrs. Letha Cook and Mrs. Etta Kellar. Mr. and Mrs. Guais Wintermote and Carolyn and Mrs. Nellie Starr were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. John Wintermote. O'NEILL LOCALS Mrs. Ed Miller, Mrs. Wilton Hayne, both of Pierce, and Mrs. Roy Johnson visited Mrs. Wil liam Anderdson, who is ill in her home, Sunday afternoon. Dr. H. L. Bennett and Mrs. Donald McKamy drove Miss Bar bara Bennet to Sioux City Sun day where she took the train to Minneapolis, Minn., where she at tends Minneapolis Bible college. She was accompanied by Miss Dorothy Bennett, who will re main with her until Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. John Schorn and Mr. and Mrs. August Troshynski of Atkinson were last Thursday visitors in the Richard Minton, home. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Quinn spent Sunday in Atkinson visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Verzal. STATIONED IN GEORGIA . . . A/3c Henry W. Bruhn, station ed at Turner AFB at Albany, Ga., came home on leave the early part of November for 20 days. He visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bruhn of Niobrara, h i s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson of O’Neill, other relatives in Cheyenne, Wyo., and friends in Denver, Colo. Airman Bruhn enlisted in the air force Octo ber 13, 1950, at Grand Island. He received his training at Lackland AFB at San Antonio, Tex., and attended school for two weeks at Denver, Colo., be fore being assigned to Turner AFB, where he has been for two years. His address is: A/3c Henry W. Bruhn 27700480, Hq. 508 F.E.W., Turner AFB, Al bany, Ga. South of Stuart News Mr. and Mrs. Art Givens and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Givens and family arw x\x±. and Mrs. Herman Kramer and vamiiy enjoyed a card party nekt r ri day evening, November 2b, at me George Pongratz home at Hiu met. Thanksgiving dinner guests at the George Shald home were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruder of Atkin son, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janz in and family of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ries of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. George Shald and family were callers at the Her man Kramer home Sunday after noon, December 2. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wallinger and family enjoyed Thanksgiving din ner at the home of Mrs. Walling er’s mother, M!rs. Katie Papke. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greger and boys enjoyed Sunday, Nov. 30, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller, and family at Newport. Wednesday evening, Novem ber 26, callers at the Joe Krobot home were Mrs. Anna Krysl, Christina and Billy. Kenneth Hutton was a caller at the Joe Krobot home Thanks giving day. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hoffman and family enjoyed their Thanks giving dinner with Martin Miksch’s in Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Don Krysl and family enjoyed Thanksgiving day at Mfs. Krysl’s parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Joe Dobrovolny at Atkin son. A Thanksgiving dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Murphy and family was Mrs. Murphy’s moth er, Mrs. Frank Kaup, sr., of Stuart. Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greger and boys were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Marr of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Krysl and familyy and Steve Creslak. Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shald and family were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Blake and Rodney, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Blake and son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Larson, all of Springview; Mrs. Ethel Blake of Ainsworth and H. H. Haun and son, Orin of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Moon and Vaughn and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moon and family enjoyed Thanksgiving day at the Nor man Boettcher home in Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shald, Mrs. Wright Hitchcock and Herb Bit ney of Atkinson enjoyed Thanks giving dinner at the George Hitchcock home north of Stuart. Careless Smoker Starts Blaze — A careless smoker started a blaze in the show window at the D’Neill Drug store a few minutes before closing time Saturday night. Apparently the smoker flicked the ashes from his cigar ette, they flew into the window display and ignited the crepe paper. Upon discovery of the blaze, Mrs. Mary Hartigan, a clerk, and two customers extinguished it by pulling the paper out of the win dow and stomping it out on the floor. During the process Mrs. Hartigan’s dress caught fire, but was immediately put out. There was only slight damage to the show window, paint be ing scorched by the blaze. To Mark Anniversary— PAGE—Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snell of Page will be honored to night (Thursday) at a family din ner held at the Town House in ONeill in honor of their 45h wedding anniversary. Mrs. Snell will leave Friday for San Diego, Calif., to visit her daughter, Mrs. Jack Passmore, and Mr. Passmore. She will re main there for the Christmas hlidays. Mr. Snell will join them there in time for the holi days. SURPRISE! Nebraska weather has always been unpredictable, so some of the unusual incidents it pro duces should hardly surprise us. One Bellevue woman reported that a purple iris bloomed in her yard during the 80-degree temperature of the last week in October! Amie Mace, sr., of Chambers was a Sunday dinner guest in the Amie Mace, jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. John Ritterbush of Chambers were Sunday evening callers. 1 O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Ressel, Boyd Ressel and Miss Rosalie Summers attended the basket ball game starring the Globe Trotters in Omaha Friday night. Mrs. Echo Hanna of Wood Lake was a Sunday visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ralya Verle Ralya accompanied Mrs. Hanna to her home Sunday eve ning and returned here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw drove to Ewing Sunday after noon to visit Mrs. Clarence Shaw. Word has been received in Springview that Cpl’. Ivan Farlin is returning to the U. S. after serving 16 months in Korea. He has spent almost that entire time in Wonju as a mechanic. He will receive his discharge upon his arrival. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Philbrick and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Philbrick and family were recent dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Phil brick at Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmit, Melvin and Tommy of Lynch have moved to O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. DeBolt and Pat were Thanksgiving dinner guests in the Mrs. Sophia Lash met home in Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hoffman and sons and Miss Margaret Kramer, were Thanksgiving din- - nsr guests in the John Kramer home at Stuart. * . Frontier for printing! . JACOBSONS can solve your... Make it an electrical Christmas! Check This List: Hotpoini, GE and Maytag Electric Ranges Hoipoini and GE •' Electric Refrigerators GE and Sentinel Radios • . . from mantel size to biggest consoles. Clocks, Vacuums Light Fixtures, Washing Machines, Sunbeam Appliances Geneva Kitchens, Freezer Chests, Cabinets r Give Her \ WL: Dial your favorite recipe. Cor rect mixing speed at your fin gertips. Mixes, mashes, whips, beats, stirs, blends, juices, etc. A MIXMASTER will lighten her kitchen tasks. For the la dy who already owns a MIX MASTER, buy her an attach ment! FREE COFFEE AND COOKIES In Our Store Thursday, Dec. 18 Mrs. Verne Bowen Sunbeam's Homemaker . . will be in our store from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. She’ll be pleased to demonstrate the SUNBEAM line — from COFFEEMAKER to MIXMASTER! Join us for free coffee and cookies, won't you — next Thursday! x ■ GIVE HIM Cleaner Closer shaves in LESS TIME than it takes with soap-and-blade ^ , Other SUNBEAM Suggestions .* • TOASTER choose Maytag ^ * WmLhm "Wo.h#t "Wonderful "G#ntl# IHUFt] cloth#* Gyrafoom Urith PWS^WM to cl#anl" •ctionl" cloth#*!" JtCT| ; All over America, Grandmothers, Mothers, new homemakers—all Yl ! ^now what Maytag washers can ‘do! There are so many reasons why you’ll like this wonderful 'Maytag. Low in cost—big in j value, a genuine Maytag through and through. fill 12995 BBT j| EASY TERMS COMPLETE LINE OF 1953 HOTPOINT RANGES and REFRIGERATORS JUST ARRIVED . . . NOW ON DISPLAY FREE 10-Day Home Vacation JACOBSON’S will be pleas ed to install a Hamilton Au tomatic Clothes Dryer iri your home for 10 days . . . free . . . absolutely no ob- , ligation. All they ask is an invitation! THE ORIGINAL AUTOMATIC CLOTHES DRYER B 1 # p ! \ . 259.95 Come in foe a demonstration! Let us show you how Hamilton’s patented “Carrier Current” drying t keeps colors bright as new. Dries everything in your wash i sunshine sweet—without sun jading. No other method of drying is so kind to clothes, so easy on you! $1 Holds Any Item At Jacobson's f | j t : 1 ! | r ill ELECTRIC ALARM | FREE Gift Wrapping Until Christmas SUPER STRATOLINER i RANGE G-E "Speed Cooking" with every de luxe feature you could ask. Auto matic. Pushbutton electric cooking.