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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1952)
Merry Matrons Hold Special Meeting AMELIA—The Merry Matrons club held a special meeting on Thursday afternoon, December 4, at the home of Mrs. Edna Win nings. Fourteen members were present. Some quilting was done on the quilt and boxes were packed for the boys in service. I The Christmas meeting is to be held at the home of Hazel Ott December 18, with Mrs. Etta Ott as cohostess. Gifts will be ex changed and mystery sisters will be revealed. Names will be drawn for the coming year. The entertainment will be in charge of Eleanor Mohr and Ethel Han son. Other Amelia News Mrs. B. W. Waldo accompanied. her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Har old Waldo, to Omaha Friday. Mr. and Mi's. Gale Fix and family and Miss Peggy Prewitt of Scottsbluff viisted over Satur day night and Sunday at the home of Mrs. Alice Prewitt and Mr. ana Mrs. Elmer Fix. Sheila and Gaylen Fix stayed at the home of their grandparents for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Seger of At kinson spent Sunday evening at Ray Andersen’s. Mrs. Gertie Adair and Mrs. Stella Sparks were hostesses to a party Sunday afternoon. There were 14 present. A luncheon of sandwiches and coffee was served after the party. Mr. and Mrs. Ed White were dinner guests Tuesday, Decem ber 2, at Mrs. Julia White’s. Mr. and Mrs. Link Sageser, Mrs. Julia White and Cvirs. B. B. Adams of Atkinson were dinner guests Thursday at Ed White’s. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Krutz and family of Stanton and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shellhase of Atkin son were Sunday visitors at the home of their brother, Heinie Frahm, and father, Peter Frahm. Mrs, B. B. Adams of Atkinson visited Mrs. Julia White last week going to Burwell Friday, where she will visit a week be fore going to Aberdeen, Wash., to spend the winter with her son, Clark, and family. The Amelia Progressive club will meet for their Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Bertha Sammons on December 18. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Madsen and family recently called at Mrs. Prewitts. Rev, and Mrs. Luginsland and | Kenneth and Harry White at tended prayer conference at the Free Methodist church near Col ome, S.D., Saturday. Mrs. Grothe Marks 73d Anniversary— Mrs. William Grothe, sr., of Emmet celebrated her 73d birth day anniversary in her home Wednesday. Her seven sons and daughters—Mrs. Bert Henning of Atkinson. Mrs. Lou Prange of Stuart, Herman Grothe, William Grothe of Emmet, Mrs. Earl Farr, Mrs. Sam Banks and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson of O’Neill — were at home to help her celebrate the anniversary. Mrs. Grothe came to America from Russia with her parents at the age of seven. Shortly after their arrival they moved to Holt county and settled near Emmet. In addition to her seven children, she has 21 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Page High Honor Roll Told— PAGE—The honor roll at Page high school for the second six weeks period includes' Seniors: Ruth Parks, Ronnie Park, Jerry Terrill. nc Juniors: Joellen Kennedy Faye Ballyntine. B'^n’ HuSoT1 Bette “• Honorable mention: Hugh Tro shynski, Marian Heiss. S For a complete selection of toys wagons and bicycles, first go to: Western Auto, O'Neill. ♦___ 30-33c imim—i1—»1BIBIIIIM __~~ —— I I I It’s a wonderfully heart-warming time of the year ... a time when families get together . . . when homes must look their best. May we suggest you visit here, whether you want something new for your home, to give it a lift for holiday time, or whether you want to choose FURNITURE ... the best gift of all, for every name on your list. Just come in and browse to your heart’s content. You will not be urged to buy. And may be also ex tend our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of our many friends. TEN DIFFERENT STYLES | CEDAR CHESTS by LANE, CAVALIER or ROOS Walnut — Mahogany — Limed Oak 44.50 to 69.50 COCKTAIL CHAIRS |A One group at_ IW«ww OCCASIONAL CHAIRS . 1C AC Plastic, all colors in this group at * Beautiful PULL UP CHAIR CA Solid limed oak frame, all colors w*»BllU ms* I PLATFORM ROCKERS (Friezes_ 39.50 Full a™, Double JQ rri bpring Base_ U Others Up to 59.50 Sf 1 I Covered in Wool Frieze, Nylon or Supported Plastics I I " --1 - p^ ■■ “ — — —— —-— jpiji '' " 'v ' * i , - KNEE HOLE "" DESKS for the student or homemaker, it’s a useful and decorative gift. Mahogany or Walnut F —*— • *. «• ; i-*y.— * — *•_7 » • ' s? i-yfcV" * Selert This Modern Group For A life Time Gift As new as tomorrow, and an impressive Til suite that has its comfort ^'§ built right into its spacious e' w depths. Smartly designed, 1O0 fjO end covered with a tex- | v ♦ured modern fabric. TWO flECES Many Others to Choose From 149.50 to 350.00 Over 20 Different Styles on the Floor 4 - PC. GUINEA WALNUT Bed, Vanity, Chest, Bench * < CL Cl CA Reg. 199.50_ A U-J'.WV MAINLINE WALNUT Mr. and Mrs. Chest, Bed QQ C A Reg. 229.50_ ™ 4 - PC. LIMED OAK Ch“1'M _ 109.50 These Are Just a Few of Our Many BARGAINS • BEDROOM SUITES With Each Bedroom Suite We Add Our Famous Sertarest Deluxe Matched Box Spring & Mattress Regular 119.00 Value-Our Price 79.00 1 ft 1 $ ■ I, ’ .1 - I. ! CHROME FLOOR LAMPS 18.95 ! BRONZE 7-WAV FLOOR LAMPS 12.95 1 SPECIAL 7-WAV FLOOR LAMPS 8.95 I '■* 'ENCH TARLt LAMPS 6.95 «*l up 1 BOUDOIR LAMPS - 6.00 a pair and up I novelty boll lamps.7.95 I • j lr% DOUGLAS - DAYSTROM I 1 CHROMECRAFT I 69.50 t» 139.50 J I Cocktal TABLES 9 9Ji a? I 9* ■ A Occasional Tables f 10,95 "P -- 1 CHOOSE NOW I ‘From MOHAWK 1 or FIRTH I Save Up to $3 Per Sq. Yard | ROOM SIZE RUGS or | ! * WALL TO WALL f Get Our Price Before You Buy! % _;:SAVE $ S $ I I SAVE MIDWEST ksTI j j SAFE1Y FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE TERMS j | g - PHONE 346-J — WEST O’NEILL __ jj I