The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 04, 1952, SECTION ONE, Page 9, Image 9

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    Capacity Audience
at Book Review
The Friends of St. Mary’s spon
sored a book review presented by
Miss Elizabeth Latta, a librarian,
in Omaha, on Wednesday, Novem
ber 19. iMiss Latta, who reviewed
“The Giant” by Edna Ferber,
spoke to a capacity audience at
St. Mary’s academy.
The western decorations fitted
into the setting of the story of
Texans. ‘‘The Giant” was the best
seller of the week at the time Miss
Lata spoke here.
Refreshments were served by
the officers who were dressed in
authentic western attire from a
realistic chuck wagon. Mrs. Wil
liam J. Froelich is president; Mrs.
James M. Mooney, secretary; Mrs.
J. J. Berigan vice-president and
Mrs. Thomas Greene, treasurer.
St. Mary’s glee club, under the
direction of Sr. M. Flores sang
several western songs and the
Misses Emily Verzani and Peggy
I>egan did specialty tap dances.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean LeLong of
Grand Island came Wednesday,
November 26, to spent the
Thanksgiving holidays visiting
* Mr. DeLong’s parents, Mr. and,
Mrs. Floyd DeLong.
Ralph Herald Sholes, who has
been employed at Sidney, cama
last Thursday to spend the week
end visiting his mother, Mrs. Vio
let Sholes. Ralph is employed
. with the telephone company and
is being transferred to Emerson.
Thanksgiving dinner guests in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Coventry and sons were Mr.
and Mrs. James Coventry and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs.
James McMahan and Mr. and Mrs.
John Mattson.
Mrs. George Morey and Mrs. Bill
Kiser and daughter left Friday
for their home at Conrad, OVTont.,
after visiting their father, G. H.
Geary, and with other relatives.
LaVern Geary, who is in the air
force in Florida, came Wednesday
evening. November 26, to spend a
leave with his father, G. H.
Mr. and Mrs. William Thomp
son of Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs.
Pete Cooper and son, Jimmie of
Orchard were Thanksgiving din
ner guests in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Brittell and daughter,
Betty Jean.
Thanksgiving dinner guests in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Miller were Mr. and Mrs. Fay
Brittell and daughters of O’Neill,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGraw and
Miss Grayce McGraw of Inman.
Miss Vicki Sue Hutton left Fri
day morning for Omaha where
she spent the weekend visiting
her brother aid sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Hutton, and
Miss Carolyn Watson left Fri
day for Omaha where she was a
weekend guest of Miss Nancy
Thompkins in the Dr. Charles
Tompkins homes.
Gordon Sholes and Graydon
Hartigan, who are employed near
Aberdeen, S.D., spent the week
end here with relatives and
LeRoy Moore, who is employed,
at Rushville, spent the weekend
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Moore.
Thanksgiving dinner guests in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Moore were Mr. and Mrs. Mick
Gallagher and Janet of Inirtan and
LeRoy Moore of Rushville.
Mrs. Mearl Sparks and family
of O’Neill spent Friday evening
visiting in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. David Morsbach and family.
Miss Grayce McGraw of At
kinson spent the weekend in In
Larry Sawyer spent the Thanks
giving weekend visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Saw
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson and
family spent Thanksgiving day in
Valentine visiting Dr. and Mrs. W.
J. Slusher and sons.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins
and family spent from Thursday
until Saturday visiting Mrs.
Tompkins’ parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. L. Caldwell of Utica.
Mrs. Marye Hartigan left Wed
nesday morning, November 26.
for Hastings, la., where she at
tended the golden wedding cele
bration of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Pearl Cary.
Miss Barbara Brunkhorst or
Wayne spent the weekend visit
in her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Er
nest Brunkhorst and relatives.
The anniversary club surprised
Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry on
Monday evening at their home,
pie evening was spent playing
cards and the self-invited guests
served lunch at a late hour. Mr.
and Mrs. Coventry were pre
sented a gift from the group.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson
of Vandfliver, Wash., and Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Egan of Meadow
Grove spent the weekend in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes
and Donald. Mrs. Anderson and
Mrs. Keyes are cousins.
Graydon Hartigan accompanied
Mir. and Mrs. Paul Hartigan of
Page to Hastings, la., Thursday
where they attended the golden
wedding celebration of their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl
Cary. \
Mrs. Myrtle Youngs was a Mon
day evening dinner guest in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hawk
near Ewing^
Mr. and Mrs. Max Jeffers and
family of Chambers were Thanks
giving dinner guests in the home
of Mrs. Anna Youngs and Charles
and Myrtle. Mrs. Art Kropp and
family of Ewing were afternoon
guests in the Youngs home.
Richard Krueger of Green
River, Wyo., spent the weekend
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Krueger.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Thompson,
jr., and sons and Mrs. Lottie
Thompson of Grand Island spent
the weekend visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Brittell and Betty
Rock Falls News
Thanksgiving day guests at the
Lyle Vequist home included Mr.
and Mrs. James McNulty and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Lansworth and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Grutch and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz and
family. Laurine Schmidt and Mrs.
Celia Grutch.
The Pleasant Day club held a
card party at Levi Yantzie’s Sat
urday evening. Pat Gallagher
and Herb Underwood were guests.
High score was won by Albert
Sterns and Floyd Johnson. Mrs.
Bill Claussen and Blake Benson
had low.
Guests of the Lyle Vequist’s on
Saturday for dinner were Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Vequist, Dianne
and Cheryl Rae and Shirley Van
Thanksgiving day guests at the
Floyd Johnson’s included Mrs.
Theresa Breiner, Alden Breiner
and boys, Lois Breiner, Don R.
Breiner, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Johnson and Russy, Mr. and Mrs.
John Schultz and girls, Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Rakes, Peggy and Helen.
Guests at Alden Breiner’s on
Sunday included: Mr. and Mrs.
John Cleary and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Murray and Sharon, Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Lin
da, Mr. and Mrs, John Schultz
and girls, Don and Lois Breiner.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Margritz and
girls were Thanksgiving day
guests of John Deines’s at Royal.
The Eagle Creek 4-H club met
Sunday at the Loyal Hull home.
The meeting was held after a pot
luck dinner. The Christmas par
ty was planned for December 14,
at the Swede Wabs home.
Guests at Francis Curran’s for
supper Sunday evening were Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Margritz and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O’Neill and
Gene came for the evening.
Several neighbors surprised Al
bert Stems on his birthday anni
versary Thanksgiving evening. In
cluded were Mr. and Mrs. Levi
Yantzie, Mr. and Mrs. James Cur
ran and Ardell, Mr. and M!rs. El
mer Stems and Gene, Mr. and
Mrs. Blake Benson and Stanley
and John Richardson. Mrs. El
mer Stems and James Curran had
high scores in the card game. A
lunch was served by Mrs. Sterns.
Thanksgiving day guests at the
George Calkins home were Mr.
and Mrs. Don Hynes and Lynda,
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hynes and
Regina and Mrs. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Drickey and
family were guests Monday at the
Bill Claussen home.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and
Lynda were guests Thanksgiving
evening at Louis Brown’s.
Thanksgiving day guests at the
Claussen home included Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Claussen, Heine Claus
sen, John Claussen, Mr. and Mrs.
Eddie Claussen, Grandma John
son, Laverne Claussen, who was
enroute from Georgia to Seattle,
Wash., and Harold Claussen and
a frend from Minneapolis. Minn.
Guests at the James Curran
home Monday evening included
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Margritz and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Stems. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cur
ran and daughters and John.
Miss Doris Stems was home for
the weekend. She is employed
in Lincoln at the state depart
ment of roads and irrigation.
Guests at the Albert Stems’ all
day Sunday included Mr. and
Neil Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Barnes and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Stems and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Slaymaker and
Guests on Thanksgiving day
at Bob Larsen’s were Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Curran and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ott and Orville
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller and
family were Thanksgiving guests
of Mrs. Mamie O’Neill were Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Benson and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson
and Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur O’Neill and Gene.
Thanksgiving day guests at the
Levi Yantzie home were Mr. and
Mrs. Sammie Derickson and son
and El win Grutch.
Mr. and Gus Karel, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur O’Neill and Gene
were guests at Fred Ernst’s Fri
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Felver vis
ited Mary Peterson and Emmet
Slaight Monday in ther way to
visit his grandmother, Mrs. Ridge
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ritts were
guests at Chuck Felver’s Thanks
giving day.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Eppenbach
and Jerry Eppenbach were guests
at the Chuck Felver home Sun
Thanksgiving day guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Smith of Ewing
were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Smith
of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Grass and Mrs. Anna Thompson
of Page and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Pellitier of Orchard.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kopejtka
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Wiseman and family of Page
were were Saturday " night and
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Smith. Other guests Sat
urday night were Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Taylor and children and
Mrs. Charley Wiseman.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Vequist
and family and Miss Shirley Van
derbek of Omaha arrived Thurs
day to visit Mrs. Vequisfs par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vequist.
They were all Thanksgiving din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Morrow and family. They re
turned to Omaha Saturday.
Rev. Wallace B. Smith, pastor
Today (Thursday): Methodist
youth fellowship supper meet
ing, begins at 6 p.m. Those
who can come earlier are invited
to come and sing and play ping
pong. The lesson, another inter
esting forum, will be brought by
the worship and evangelism
Sunday: This is the second
Sunday in the Advent season.
We are looking forward to
Christmas. Church school begins
at 10 a.m., promptly. Worship
service begins at 11 a.m. Christ
mas program rehearsal at 3 p.m.
Intermediate fellowship and
choir starts at 6:30 pan.
Senior MYF leaves for Plain
view for special feature at 6:30
Monday: Executive council
meets at 7 p.m. The official
board begins at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, December 11:
WSCS Christmas meeting begins
at 2:30 p.m.
Sunday, December 14: Com
munity chorus presents Handel's
“Messiah” at the high school
auditorium, 3 p.m. Open to the
Sunday, December 21: Church
school’s Christmas program. This
is an especial treat at the Christ
mas season.
Monday, December 22: Can
dlelight communion service con
ducted by the pastor. The MYF
(senior group) "will follow the
service with carolling.
Sunday, December 28: There’ll
be a guest speaker in the pulpit,
Rev. J. L. Jay.
Rev. Samuel Lee, pastor
Sunday-school, 9:45 a.m.; wor
ship, 11 a.m.; junior high West
minster fellowship, Sunday, 5
Spiritual life group, Monday, 3
p.m. v
Senior high Westminster fel
lowship, Thursday, 6 p.m.; choir
practice, Thursday, 8:15 p.m.
Cherub choir practice, Satur
day, 10 a.m.; children’s story
hour, Saturday, 11 a.m.
The women’s association will
meet tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’
clock in tiie sanctuary. The pro
gram in charge of Mrs. John
Harbottle and Mrs. D. E. Nelson
will be “The Story of Christmas.”
The devotional period will be led
by Mrs. Henry Patterson. Host
esses will be Mrs. William Art
us, Mrs. R. G. Shelhamer, Mrs.
Roy Lundgren, Mrs. B. T. Heri
ford, Mrs. C. B. Houser, Mrs. D.
H. Clauson and Mrs. W. D. Me
Circle I will hold its December
meeting on December 11 at the
home of Mrs. C. E. Lundgren.
The meeting will be a covered
dish luncheon at 1 o’clock.
The council of Presbyterian
men met in the church basement
on Monday evening for their last
dinner meeting of the year and
their annual business meeting.
D. E. Nelson was elected presi
dent for the ensuing year;
Dwight Harder, vice - president
and program chairman; Weston
Whitwer, treasurer, and Bill Art
us, secretary.
Rev. Wayne Hall, pastor
As this Christmas approaches,
let us not be so occupied with
“gifts” but with the gift of God,
the Lord Jesus Christ, whose
birthday we remember.
We plan to give our Christmas
program Sunday. December 21, at
8 p.m.
The Sunday-school begins at 10
a.m., classes for all ages. Worship
service 11 a.m. Evening revival
service at 8 o’clock.
The young people’s meeting is
on Tuesday at 8 p.m. Ben Wetz
ler is the president and leader.
The Bible study and prayer
service is on Wednesday at 8 p.m.
For a better knowledge of God’s
word come and join us.
The ladies meet every Thurs
day afternoon at 2 o’clock for
prayer. Visitors are always wel
Ernest Rosenkrans is beginning
revival services Thursday, De
cember 4, in Ne#gh at 8 p.m.
There will be services every night
except Saturday and Monday.
Services are being held in a store
building at the south end of
Main street. You are invited.
Corner of Sixth and Grant
John Thomas, minister
Bible school, 10 a.m.; commun
ion and preaching, 11 a.m.
The morning message will be
“The Christian’s Duty and the
Sinner’s Responsibility.” Evening
worship at 8 o’clock. The eve
ning message will be “Mission
Bible study and prayer session
Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock.
“Blessed are they which do
hunger and thirst after right
eousness; for they shall be fill
ed.” (Matthew 5:6.)
We invite everyone to these
Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor
Thursday, December 4: Quar
terly meeting with Rev. A. L.
Nabholz presiding. You are wel
come to this service and business
Sunday, December 7: Sunday
school. 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.
Singspiration at 7:30 p.m. The
film, “The Heathen Raged,” 30
minutes in length, will be shown
at 8 p.m.
Saturday, December 6: Prayer
conference at the Bethel Free
Methodist church.
Rev. Wliliam H. Cowger, vicar
Holy communion celebrated
byby Rev. E. J. Seeker, Sunday,
December 7, 9 a.m.; church
school, Sunday, 10 a.m.
December 16: Quiet day f°r
the clergy of the diocese of Ne
braska. Laymen are invited to
December 17 : Ordination of
your vicar to the sacred priest
hood at St. Peter’s, Neligh, 11
December 21: Christmas pag
eant by the church school.
(Comer of 7th & Clay Sts.)
Rev. R. W. Olson, pastor
Thursday, December 4: Young
people’s pre-Christmas party, 8
Friday, December 5: Second
year confirmation instruction,
4:15 p.m. Adult instruction class,
8 p.m.
Sunday, December 7: Sunday
school, 10 a.m. Divine worship
with the celebration of holy com
munion, 11:15 a.m. Those desir
ing to partake of the sacrament
may announce themselves either
before the service or by calling
the parsonage.
Tuesday, December 9: Circuit
stewardship meeting, 1:30 p.m.;
first year confirmation instruc
tion, 4:15 p.m.
Wednesday, December 10: Sec
ond midweek advent service,
7:30 p.m.
In the name of Christ Jesus
we bid everyone a sincere wel
come to all of our services and
activities. If you have no church
home we cordially invite you to
worship with us regularly.
Rev. Wallace B. Smith, pastor
We will get two Bible study
meetings in the calendar this
year. The first of them will be at
the John Conard home, 8 p.m.,
December 10. The second will be
December 17. Further announce
ment as to the place will be
made later. The first assignment
is: Read Genesis 12 to 32.
Please bear in mind the nurs
ery-church school that is being
taught by Mrs. William Serck
and Leah. Older children may
come at 9 a.m. Small children
are due at 9:45.
Have you been to church late
ly? Your neighbors have! Join
them this Sunday at 9:45.
Rev. Charles C. Chappell, pastor
Church school, 10 a.m.; wor
ship, 11 a.m.
Youth meeting and choir prac
tice, Thursday, 7 p.m.
The young adult Christmas
party, December 4, 8:15 p.m.
Adult membership training
will meet every Thursday eve
ning at 8 o’clock for study. You
are welcome to join this class.
Following the recent church
dinner the following persons
were elected to have charge of
rules governing the use of the
new church property: Ira Wat
son, Elsie Krueger and Lewis;
METHODIST (Chambers)
Rev. L. R. Hansberry, pastor
Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m., Clair
Grimes, superintendent.
Worship, 11:30 a.m.
Rev. R. W. Olson, pastor
Thursday, December 4: First
midweek advent service, 7:39
Sunday, December 7: Divine
worship, 9:30 a.m. Sunday
school, 10:30 a.m.
Tuesday, December 9: Circuit
stewardship meeting at Christ
Lutheran church in O’Neill, 1:30
p.m. Children’s confirmation
class, 7:30 p.m.
In the name of Christ Jesus we
bid everyone a sincere welcome
to all services and activities of
this congregation.
Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor
Prayer meeting each Wednes
day evening, 8 o’clock.
December 7: Morning worship,
10 a.m.; Sunday-school. IP a.m.;
young peoples’s service and Bible
study, 7:30 p.m.
Stuart College Set
Home for Holidays
STUART— Students home for
the Thanksgiving vacation in
Donna Krotter and Fred Coats
from Nebraska university, Willis
Berry and John Obermire from
the state agriculture college, and
Billie Ruther from business col
lege, all from Lincoln; F. J.
Clark, Kenny Batenhorst and
Don Shald of Creighton univer
sity, Maureen Batenhorst from
St. Joseph’s nursing school, Joan
Burhans from an electronic
school and Vesta Mitchall from
a cosmetology school, all from
Omaha; Jean Cobb from Hastings
college at Hastings; Marilyn Hy
trek from Wayne State Teachers
college, and Jim Hamik from
Chadron State Teachers college.
Other Stuart News
Thanksgiving day guests at
the Berlin Mitchell home were
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hoxsie and
family of Clearwater, Mr. and
Mrs. Neil Hoxsie and Robert,
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hoxsie and
sons of Chambers, Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Schank and Ruth of
Netawaka, Kans., and Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Mitchell and family.
Miss Lorraine Coats, who
teaches at Hastings, spent the
Thanksgiving vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norris
Coats, and family. Miss Coats
will sing the solo soprano part
in the “Messiah” presentation
December 14 at the Hastings col
lege chapel. Miss Coats, former
student at Colorado Woman’s
college and recent graduate from
the University of Nebraska, is a
vocal music teacher in the Hast
ings public schools.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meusch and
Karen, Anna Meusch, Mr. and
Mrs. Art Fuelberth and Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Newman went to
Osmond on Saturday, November
29, to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Kate Fuelberth. Mrs. Ed Meusch,
Mrs. Newman and Mr. Fuelberth
are grandchildren of Mrs. Fuel
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Obermire
and family were Thanksgiving
day guests of Mrs. May Henning
in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. John
Henning and family were also
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Schank
and daughter, Ruth, left for their
home in Netawaka, Kans., Fri
day, November 28. They had
spent a week visiting the Char
lie and Berlin Mitchell families.
Mrs. Schank is a sister of the
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson
went to Lincoln on Tuesday,
November 25, to spend Thanks
giving with the Paul Burden
family. Mrs. Burden is their
Mrs. Arden Meyers and twin
daughters of McCook have vis
ited the past two weeks at the*
home of her parents, Mr. ami
Mrs. Walter Gill.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Schank
of Netawaka, Kans., and Mrsk
Raymond Hoxsie of Chambers*
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ber
lin Mitchell to Grand Island on
Monday, November 24, where
they visited Raymond Hoxsie at
the Veterans hospital.
Fred Karo Marks
83d Birthday —
ATKINSON,—Fred Karo, stk ’
quietly celebrated his 83d births
day anniversary at his home in
Atkinson on Friday, November 28.
A few close friends and relatives
brought sandwiches and cakes
and spent the evening.
. . DANCE ..
American Legion Auditorium
Don Shaw and His Trombonaires
Admission: $1.00 and 75c
4th Street Market
Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat.. Sun Mom
BEET SIIGflR i« u*. 99c
J E L L O_Pkg. 0C
MARSHMALLOWS 10-oz. pkg. * « C
ORANGES, 200 Size. Doz.
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5 Sticks of Fleer's BUBBLE GUM Given Away FREE!
PEANUTS_Lb. <5 * L
PRUNES_2 lbs.
Cream Style CORN, 5 No. 303 cns.
Whole Kern. CORN_5 cans
Crushed PINEAPPLE _ No. 2 can
... WE BUY EGGS . . .
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Sold Exclusively in O’Neill by
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For the traditional room that needs a really
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Mahogany DESKS.. 59.50 S
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Only.6.95 J up I
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