Scott Ladies Finish Road Sign Project REDBIRD—The Scott Com-\ . mimity club met Tuesday eve ning, November 18, in the Har vey Krugman home. Mildred Gif ford, president, conducted the business session. . It was decided, to hold the Christmas party Sunday, Decem ber 14,^at the Scottvi vile hall. The “secret pals’’ will be revealed with the exchanging of gifts. The children drew names to exchange gifts and the men will have a grab-bag exchange. Minnie McDonald, Mildred Gif ford, Joy Wilson, Lila Hull and Lela Carson recently finished the road sign project when they set up the posts with the signs in several places on the main road north and east of O’Neill to Dor sey, Star and Redbird. Emma Krugman and Lela Car son completed the home nursing lesson which had many helpful suggestions. Lunch was served. Other Redbird News Mr. and Mrs. William Hart land visited Monday, November 10, in the Ray Wilson and Mike Hull homes. Mrs. Frank Wyant and Mrs. Junior Wilson were visitors in the Redbird school recently. Mrs. Art Besert left Friday morning with Mr. and Mrs. Os car Witherwax to visit relatives in Louisiana. £lr. and Mrs. Art Bessert and Ronnie Witherwax visited with the Clayton Witherwax family of Stockton, Calif., Tuesday eve „ ning, November 18, in the Oscar Witherwax home. Margaret Kruse and Delores Mellor spent Friday night and Saturday with Shirley and Joy Slack. Mrs. Frank Wyant and Connie spent Wednesday, November 19, with Mrs. Ray Wilson while the „ men folks were grinding. HELPS WITH PLACEMENTS ATKINSON—Appointment of George H. Frohardt as farm placement representative at At kinson was announced this week by Walter A. Steffen, manager of the Nebraska state employ ment servvice at Norfolk. Mr. Frohardt will assist ranch hands who are looking for jobs. There is no fee for this service. O’NEILL LOCALS | Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Drueke» entertained guests at a turkey dinner Sunday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Schel kopf, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O’ Neill and Jean, Leona Hynes, Vic Hynes, all of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Drueke and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Jensen of Ainsworth. Mrs. Viola Traver and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Traver and family, former residents of Amelia, re turned Wednesday, November 19, from California and at present plan to make their home here. Upon their return they were guests in the home of .Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Baker. Ed Dart of Wall, S. D., ar rived for an indefinite stay in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sar gent and other relatives. Mrs. Joseph Beckwith and two children of North Platte arrived Sunday, November 16, to spend two weeks visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schmit. Mrs. Berkwith and Mrs. Sdhmit are sisters. Miss Mary Ann Gallagher, a nurse in the Childrens Memorial hospital, Omaha, spent from Sat urday through Tuesday visiting her mother, Mrs. John C. Gallag her. Ed Roseler and daughter ac companied Clarence Wayman, all of Boulder, Colo., here to attend the funeral of Mr. Wayman’s mother, Mrs. Henry Wayman on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Towle and family of Norfolk visited Mr. Towle’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Towle, and Mrs. Towle’s sis ter, Mrs. D. D. DeBolt, Mr. De Bolt and family on Sunday. A/2c and Mrs. Duane C. Mil ler and Kenny arrived Thursday from Scott Field, 111., to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mil ler. Airman Miller has com pleted a course at a radar and radio school as the top airman of the class. He will report to Hou ston, Tex., for an assignment on December 1. Pvt. Glen Knight flew from Camp Gordon, Ga., to Sioux City, la., where he was met by Mr. and Mrs. Fora Knight, Mrs. Louis Bartos and family, Mrs. Ted Loukota and Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Knight and daughter to spend his furlough before re porting to the personnel depart ment at Camp Stoneman, Calif., on December 8. Fora Knight, Freeman Knight and Mrs. Lou kota returned to O’Neill, while the rest accompanied Private Knight to Park Rapids, Minn., where he will visit Mrs. Glen Knight. All returned home Sun day evening except Mrs. Fora Knight and Pvt. and Mrs. Knight, who remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Yantzie and son were in Sioux City Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Sparks and family spent Sunday visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Esli Sparks at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw and Miss Tillie Kestenholtz were Sun day dinner geusts at the home of Mrs. Weldon Wood at Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gallagher and family moved Sunday to their new home in Gilg addition. The house recently has been com pleted. Miss Gayle Widtfeldt of Sioux City was expected home Wed nesday to spend the Thanksgiv ing holiday with her parents, M>. and Mrs. David Widtfeldt. They were to drive to Sioux City for her. Mrs. Walter Spangler of Or chard was a Sunday afternoon visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Smith of Tekamah spent Thursday through Sunday here visiting A/2c and Mrs. Duane Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ray spent the weekend here while on their way to their home in Loveland, Colo., fromm a trip to Wisconsin. Mr. and M!rs. Dale Norman of Ord were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Norman. Lutheran Ladies Hold Bazaar, Sale LYNCH—The Lutheran ladies \ met at the home of Mrs. Nata Bjornsen last Thursday after- | noon. Mrs. Raymond Peters was hostess. A bazaar and food sale were fi held during the afternoon. Mrs. f Peters served lunch in late after- ? noon. Other Lynch News Mr. and Mrs. Ludvig Placek 1 were business visitors in Spen- g cer Saturday. 8 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie S have moved back to their farm I south of Redbird. Mrs. C. A. Rutledge and Mrs. Jerry Sixta were Butte visitors last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Vince Jehorek returned home from Farwell on Thursday where they attended the wedding of a niece. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jehorek | visited relatives in Spencer Fri- S day afternoon. f Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mulhair and i family were O’Neill visitors Sat- 3 urday, November 22. j Mrs. Celia Mason of Denver, j Colo., and Miss Agatha Kohler of Palmer, who are here visiting 1 their mother at the hospital, ] were business visitors in O’Neill 3 Saturday. Mrs. Hattie McAllister of Om- 3 aha spent several days last week j visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Darnell j left Tuesday for Omaha to spend j the Thanksgiving weekend at the j home of their son, Ernest J., and 3 family, who plan to leave next j week for Minneapolis, Minn., j where they will make their fu- ] ture home. The Guy Chambers family ! moved to the Spelts building this ] week. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carson ] were Lincoln visitors the first of j the week. Mrs. Daniel Kirwan of Ft. j Randall, S.D., visited at the J Theodore Norwood home Sun- j day. Pauline Mulhair and Mrs. Jake ] Birmeier were Butte visitors last | Thursday. Mesdames Jerry Sixta and j William Teadtke were O’Neill { visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy^ulhair and \ family visited Spencer relatives f last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hasel- ] horst and daughter, Ruth, of Os- s mond spent Saturday and Sun- j daly at the C. L. Haselhorst i home. They all went sightseeing ! at Pickstown, S.D., Sunday af- j ternoon. The Edward Streit family | were Sunday dinner guests at | the Lorie Micanek home. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Court- | ney and Eugene spent Wednes- | day, November 19, ,at the Allen S Koscan home in Butte. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pritchett spent Sunday at the parental Ed ^ Pritchett home. Israel Color Film Coming to Chambers “You will see the traditions of Israel, its religious practices, places prominent m its history, the Mt. of Olives, the Sea of Galilee, the garden of Gethse mane, Calvary, and many scenes associated with the life and minis try of Israel’s rejected Messiah in a film coming soon to Cham bers,” it was stated this week by Rev. L. M. McElheran, pas tor of Memorial Baptist church, Chambers. “All these—and more—will be presented in a gorgeous color film of the land which once was desert, but which today under the skillful, untiring efforts of the Jewish people is beginning to ‘blossom as the rose,’ ” according to Reverend McElheran, The picture will be shown at Memorial Baptist church on Sun day night, November 30, at 8 p.m. “You will be held spell bound from start to finish with a message of primary importance to Christian and unbeliever alike Among other interesting consid erations this film asks the search ing questions, How much time is left? Is our Lord’s return at hand? This fascinating 45-minute pic ture offers many educational fea tures as well as being a dramatic documentary of Old Testament prophecy fulfilled in present-day for the American association for Israel. Filmed in the Holy Land for the American association for Jewish Evangelism of Winona Lake, Ind., this full-length pic ture will thrill you with its stir ring story, which is highlighted against the background of a na tion’s rebirth. Safety, Health Films Are Shown, Emmet— EMMET — The people who have had perfect attendance this year are: Linda Serck, Kathleen and Junior Grothe, Bobby, Der old and Dewayne Perry, and Jerry, Donald and Ruth Ann Schaaf. The second grade has finished arithmetic workbooks. Mr. Dappen and Miss French were at our school Monday af ternoon to show us some safety films and health films. We asked other schools to be here. We will have an honor roll in our school beginning with the next six weeks. The fifth grade is keeping a weather calendar. We are not going to have school on Thurs day and Friday because we are going to have a Thanksgiving vacation.—By Kathleen Grothe news reporter. THANKSGIVING I DANCE I if | CHAMBERS I LEGION HALL S ★ Thursday, Nov. 2/ f Music By DAVID BROS. -L MILLER THEATRE — Atkinson, Nebr. — — also — mming-bm swim-mm mem & Sun.-Mon.-Tues., Nov. 30-Dec.l-2 KJUME KTOU DUU IFTIff EBVUO CRAIN LOYPAKTHUjjTERARm TECHNICOLOR Wed.Thurs. Dec. 3-4 .if -' ; ." ' ■ ’ <■ :'. 16 ' ' * r * . t To Make Those • Holiday Goodies Everybody -• i Loves To put that yum-yum flavor . into all your Holiday cookery . . . you’ll want plenty of milk and cream. Phone your extra needs! . , , > Ask for : Meadow Gold ! At Your Dc :r ... At Your Store j ' •* ^ i I Phone 464 ' * - , > v' . y ^ * «, * , «• BILL PERRY, O’Neill « 9 Jewelry Gifts Wallace Sterling1 . .4 r v ' * * ' 1 *' : - • t Silver for the sweetheart, young or old. Truly exquisite silver—WALLACE STERLING—that she will be enchanted to receive, you will be delighted to give. We have a complete selection of WALLACE STERLING—all six “Third Dimen sion Beauty” designs. Select a place setting, some extra serving pieces in her choice . . , STERLING WALLACE — GORHAM—HEIRLOOM—INTERNATIONAL SILVERWARE 1847 ROGERS — COMMUNITY — HOLMES & EDWARDS 1881 ROGERS — WM. ROGERS (Up from $27.50) 114-Pc. Set of— SILVER, GLASSWARE and DISHES_$29.95 (Limited Quantity) k. II j 11. Only ELGIN Has the > 1 DURAPOWIR MAINSPRING uThe Heart that Never Breaksu Grand* •PH** Stradivari^ Sir Christopher Grand Colonial | » Ros* Point $150 Diamond to be Given Away! I Registration Starts Friday, November 28th I No Purchases Necessary - - Hurry I imfflin lnmniinnminnimir imimummir m iHKwnmiB mmnmnifninm iimm .*** * The Christmas Gift that lasts Forever Give her • stunning DENOMA Diamond, • . . the gift which holds forever the brilliance of the Engagement ring Christmas Star • • • $125.00* Wedding ring DENOMA . . . the truly perfect gift! •SM/ rie.el Check This List of Gift Suggestions: CHINA HAVILAND CHINA: Concorde, Westclock Rosalind, Garden Flowers. Other patterns available on special order. 53-Pc. Set of Fine Imported Japanese China Only _____. $65 DINNERWARE VEREONWARE Calif. Casual — Homespun California Shadow GLASSWARE FOSTORIA & CAMBRIDGE Holly, Heather, American Rosepoint, Caprice, Laurelwreath, Daffodil * m m Handtoofed PURSES RINGS — NECKLACES EAR RINGS DRESSER SETS MUSIC BOXES —BLOCKS BILLFOLDS — TIE SETS EMBLEMS WATCH CHAINS ROSARIES — PERFUMES Bf- ■■ . ' 1 **" 1 *-J ) Real Parker beauty and precision at a * price to please every gift budget. Octanium tipped point. Visible ink supply. Special ink control. 4 colors. Pen $5.00 Set $8.75 • -;v i; 1 - ;-r ■ - r ■ :' ** •>»* Me NTl IS JEWELRY “Where Price and Quality Meet” Wr Xl MAXIM MISS UNIVERSE THAYER AMERICAN GIR1 AMBASSADOR I ,'P°""0" ^ ” (•»•'• , nil-winding ,7 $On7t expansion bracelet 17 jewels SCTSO . 2975 $3975 tweep sLnd hand $5750 ..ponsion bond $4950 ?oyJU < - . . I tjj v, , _ |i LADY'S flRTHSTONE MAN'S BIRTHSTON8 I \ i, \> • * ClUARETTE LIGHTER * * S ;- i A * , I DMIMO) IRA V M I Other Watches: HAMILTONS, ETERNAS, WAKEMANS 1 Waterproof* from $24.95 | . ■ * V‘, *• Plan Now to Witaess Our Window Unveiling Friday Evening |