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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1952)
Patrons’ Day Is Observed, Emmet Miss Martens Serves Refreshments EMMET—Miss Helen Martens and pupils of district 20 held a‘ patrons day for all parents of the school children. Guests were Mrs. Dean Perry and daughters, Billie Jean and Beverly, Mrs. Elmer Schaaf and sons, Bernard and Gene, Mrs. Jesse Wills, Mrs. Frank Fore man, Mrs. Grant Peacock, Mrs. Wayne Bates and children, Linda and Graydon Gene, Mrs. Larry Tenborg and Mrs. Herman Grothe and son, Dewayne. After school was out, Miss Mar tens served a lunch of cookies tea, mints and coffee Other Emmet News Mrs. Howard Newton and chil dren, Patsy and Dewey and Mrs. \V illiam Newton were Tuesday af ternoon visitors of (Mrs. Dean Per . ry and children. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Perry of O’ Neill and Mrs. William Newton were guests at the Dean Perry home Wednesday evening, No vember 12, in honor of Dean’s birthday anniversary. A lunch of salad, angel food cake, jello and sandwiches were served later in the evening. Miss Ellen Abart of O’Neill vis ited most of last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Abart, and uncle Dercy. Mi's. Agnes Gaffney returned home Friday, November 14, from a visit with relatives in Marion, la. She had been gone a month and while there visited with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ed Allen. Danny Saunto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saunto of O’Neill, cele brated his 5th birthday anniver sary on Thursday, November 13. A party in his honor was held at which his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McConnell attended. Mr. and Mrs. George Davies of Lincoln spent from Monday, No vember 10, until Wednesday, No vember 12, visiting relatives here1 Mrs. John Conard and Mrs. Georgiana McGinnis went to West Point recently where they attended the funeral of John Mul len. Rev. Urbanski spent all this week visiting his parents in Om aha. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Wagner and daughters, Kathleen and Patty Kay, of Chadron, called on Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wills and Mr. and Mrs. William P. Dailey for a few days. They were enroute to Nor folk and Creston. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson and son, Veldon, of Star spent Sunday visitng their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert Fox and daughter, Barbara, Mrs. Walter Puckett spent Sat urday morning, November 14, vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McConnell. Mrs. Georgiana McGinnis and Mrs. John Conard spent Saturday, November 14, visitng Mrs. Homer Lowery at Oakdale. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCon- ! nell and children and Mr. and l Mrs. Alex McConnell attended the junior class play at O’Neill Friday evening, November 14. Larry Gene McConnell was in the play. Mr. and Mrs. John Dailey spent from Wednesday, November 12, until Sunday visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William P. Dailey of Emmet and Mrs. P. J. Connelly of O’Neill. WToHrvv> Dimlrn+i of A fl/inoAn ■trie ited Sunday morning with Mr. and Mrs. Alex McConnell. Mrs. Wayne Fox and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Kelly Monday night, Novem ber 10. Mrs. Emma Maring and sons, Oliver and Homer, spent Sunday, [November 16, visitng Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Buterfield and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foreman and Jeanne Kay went to Battle Creek on Wednesday, November 12, where they visited their son, Mr. and Mrs. James Foreman and sons, Byron and Craig. Misses Norma Lou Foreman. Ruby Kloppenborg, Mrs. Alice Hill, Wayne Barnes, Donald Klop penborg and Jeff Wagnon attend ed a MYF youth rally at the Page Methodist church on Sunday af ternoon and evening. Rev. Wallace Smith, Miss Ruby Kloppenborg, Wayne Barnes and Jeff Wagnon met at the Frank Foreman home on Tuesday, No vember 11, to discuss plans for a booth to exhibit at the Page Methodist church on Sunday af ternoon at the MYF youth rally. The Methodist church of this dis trict participated. The theme was “the fruit of the harvest.” The booths were judged on originality and consisted of canned goods which will be sent to the Crowell Memorial home at Blair. First prize went to Spencer. Their booth represented a church and the jars of fruit were displayed as a minister and congregation go ing to church. Second prize went to O'Neill, a light tower. Emmet received honorable mention with their display of cornucopia. Andy Clark was a Monday, No vember 10, guest at the Gerald Dusatko home. LeVerne Claussen, son of Ed Claussen, who has spent the past year at St. Gorden, Ga., writes that he will soon be home for a two w’eeks furlough. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole held a dinner for Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur Humpal and grandchildren, Sher ry and Janelle, and Frank Schaaf of Atkinson on Sunday, November 16. Mrs. Leo Weichman and chil dren of Stuart and Mrs. Joe Wink ler went to Spalding on Tuesday, Noverber 11, where they were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Iwan. On Wednesday they drove to Grand Island to get Leo Weichman, who had spent two weeks in the hospital there. They returned home the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weichman and children at Stuart on Sunday evening, November 16. Miss Janelle Gaylor of Atkin son spent all day Monday, No vember 17, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole and sons, Jackie and Chipper. Frontier for printing! O’NEILL LOCALS Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Rey noldson were Mr. and Mrs. Brock Reynoldson of Albion. Mr. and Mrs. Don Petersen and. Pam spent Sunday through Tues day, November 9-11, at Lake An des, S.D., visiting in the home of Mrs. Peterson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Padronos. Mrs. Echo Hanna returned Fri day to Wood Lake after spending a week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ralya. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ericson and family of Mullen arrived Wednes day, November 12, to visit Mrs. Ericson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh. They returned home Wednesday, November 19. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Rubeck and Katie and Alice Schaffer were Sunday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ru beck in honor of the birthday an niversary of Elwin Rubeck. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bowen and Mrs. Sylvester Zakrzewski spent the weekend in Lincoln with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowen. Johnny and Jerry Crumley, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Crumley of Page, were overnight guests Fri day at the home of their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones. Mrs. C. E. Jones left Wednesday for Sioux City where she will re main until Friday and then con tinue to Benton, la., where she will visit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don An derson, and family. She will re turn home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathis and family of Atkinson and Calvin Murphy recently went to Wood Lake to visit \Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Rubeck and Cathie were Sunday evening super guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rubeck. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richard son of Ainsworth were Monday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill. Mr. Richardson attended the Hereford sale. Mr. and Mrs.. Boyd Boelter spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Berl Damkroger at DeWitt. The next day the Boelters and Damkrogers attended the Ne braska-Minnesota football game at Lincoln. Fancy Title — A newly-organized club tagged the Buzzin’ Dozen met Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Mil ford Coats. The evening was spent sewing. A lunch was 1 served by Mrs. Coats. To UN Seminar — ORCHARD — Gary Clifton of Orchard is in New York City this week attending a United Nations seminar. He made the trip with, other seminar delegates from Wayne college and from Doan col lege, Crete. Clifton is a Wayne State Tteachers college student. ONE TURKEY TO BE GIVEN AWAY EACH DAY - THURSDAY, NOV. 20, THROUGH WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26 - AT 5 P.M. NOTHING TO BUY. JUST COME IN AND REGISTER EACH DAY AND YOU MAY JJJ| A THANKSGIVING DINNER. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE PRESENT TO WIN. CHILDREN UNDER 16 ARE NOT PERMITTED TO REGISTER 4 • ■■f A "'I STOKELY’S | TOMATO JftCE I 4 46-oz. Cans | Jit -- I W?3EW7t!»mA! ALL POPULAR BRANDS COFFEE | Prizes j TO BE I GIVEN AWAY I EVERY 5 MINUTES I ALL DAY 1 SAT., NOV. 221 SEYMOUR’S BUTTER Lb. 69c I|uC|N7 HEINZ 14-Oz. BtL i |nsi ■ KETCHUP 19c 1 I "57" HEINZ TOMATO I 1 VARIETIES SOUP Can 10c I I FOOD HEINZ 3Cans I \ SOLE BABY FOOD 23c > ARMOURS AAc MILK, 2 cns. ** Van Camp Spanish AAc RICE, 2 cns. HAASE AQc OLIVES, qt. w STOKELY'S JHc PEAS, 2 cns. ■ “ Alamo Grapefruit AAc JUICE, 4 cns. 46-Oz. Size FROSTEE 2 AAC Dessert pkgs.“** STOKELY'S DILL A'Vc Pickles, qt. W i KONETA - Cheese, pkg. i , „ SUNSHINE A A Crackers, lb. PITTED OCc Dates, 2 lbs. STUFFED AAc Olives, 2 for STOKELY'S SWEET PICKLES «Qc 12-Oz. Jar - flaW KUNERS PUMPKIN nCc 2 303 cans-hiV ■ " " - ■-■v-h ' Ocean Spray CRANBERRY 4 Qc SAUCE, cn. >" FREE!! HELIUM FILLED BALLOONS TO BE GIVEN AWAY ALL DAY SAT., NOV. 22 TO ALL PARENTS ACCOMPANIED BY THEIR CHILDREN!