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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1952)
Future Subscribers SCHINDLER — Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schindler of Deloit, a son, born recently in Antelope coun ty hospital, Neligh. The infant has three sisters. BENNETT — Mr. and Mrs. Vance Bennett of Plainview, a daughter, bom recently in An telope county hospital, Neligh. The Bennetts have a son. Mrs. Bennett is the former Eleanor Bartak of near Deloit. McDONALD — Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald of O’Neill, a daughter, born Thursday, Octo ber 16, at the Atkinson hospital. The McDonalds have two sons. They are former Deloit residents. STONE—Mr and Mrs. Cleamon, Stone of O’Neill, a son, weighing 7 pounds 2 ounces, bom Wednes day afternoon, November 12, in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. — fi/’MIlC—Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hamik of Stuart, a son, Michael Deamond, weighing 5 pounds 14 ounces, born Friday, November 7. at the Atkinson hospital. KUNZ — Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kunz of Stuart, a daughter, Terri Louise, weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces, born Saturday, Novem ber 8, at the Atkinson hospital. KAUP—Mr. and Mrs. Roman Vis Kaup of Stuart, a son, Billy Gen?, weighing 6 pounds 6 •ounces, bom Wednesday, No vember 12. CCNNOT—Mr. and Mrs. Anton Connot of Spencer, a daughter, Joan D., weighing 8 pounds 14 ounces, born recently in Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. CUSTER—Mr. and Mrs. Dean Custer of Niobrara, a son, Perry Eugene, bom recently in Sacred ' Heart hospital, Lynch. GALBRAITH—Mr. and Mrs. James Galbraith of Spencer, a son, Douglas Allen, weighing 8 pounds 14 ounces, born recently in Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. KACZOR—Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kaczor of Spencer, a son, John Mark, weighing 9 pounds 3 ounces, born Monday, November 17, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’ Neill. MARTIN—Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Martin of Spacer, a daugh ter, weighing 7 pounds 3% ounces, born Tuesdap, November 18, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. YANTZIE—Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yantzie of Chadron, formerly of O’Neill, a son, weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces, born Monday, Novem ber 17. Bill Miller of Lincoln was a re cent visitor of his uncle, !M. H. Horiskey. Too Late to Classify CARD OF THANKS * I’M TAKING this way of thanic ing all my relatives and friends for their letters, cards, gifts and flowers while, I was in the At kinson Memorial hospital and when I came home. A special thanks to Rev. R. W. Olson for , his visits and prayers. Your kindness will always be re membered. — (MRS. THEO. BAUMEISTER. 29p50 ATTENTION: American Legion auxiliary members! Junior and senior dues are due for 1953. Hurry! Hurry, girls, let’s get them paid! Call us, we’ll pick them up, or mail them to: Mrs. Marie Siefken, phone 543W or PO box 28, or Mrs. Anita Ellston, phone 178J or PO box 396. 29p50 CARD OF THANKS I WISH to express my sincere thanks to the many friends, neighbors and relatives who remembered me with cards, letters and gifts while in the hospital. They surely helped to brighten the days and you will always be remembered. —MRS. SAM R0BERT90N 29c FOR SALE: Turkeys and geese, either dressed or alive. Write or see John Fiala, O’Neill. 29p35 Sick and Injured SOUTH OF STUART — Mary Lou Slaymaker, 4-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Slay maker, had her tonsils and ade noids removed and two double teeth extracted Saturday morning at the Atkinson hospital. She was able to come home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tasler helped do the chores at the Slaymaker farm so they could be with their litle girl. . . Mrs. Art Givens and Mrs. Joe Wallinger went to Grand Island last Thursday. Lois Givens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Givens, who is a polio pa tient at St. Francis hospital, was able to come home for a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs. Givens took her back to the Grand Island hos pital Sunday. . . Mrs. Leo Weich man drove to Grand Island Wed nesday to get her husband, who has been a patient at the Veterans hospital there. LYNCH—Mrs. Agatha Kohler of Fullerton suffered a paralytic stroke early Tuesday morning, November 11, while visiting at the Vince Jehorek home. She had been visiting friends and looking after farm interests here the past several days. Miss Clara Kohler and Mrs. Anna Gdowski of Fullerton and Miss Agatha Kohler of Palmer have been here this week to be near their mother. . . Harold J. Hansen of Bristow was dismissed from the Lynch hospital last Thursday. Mr. Hansen had part of his fin- j ger tom off in his cornpicker Monday, November 10, and stay ed in the hospital several davs to ward off infection. . . Mrs. Ce lia Mason of Denver, Colo., is here visiting her mother, who is critically iU in the Lynch hos pital. AMELIA — Jimmie Doolittle, son.of Mrs. Elsie Doolittle, re ceived a broken arm Saturday when he fell from an underslung. He was taken to a doctor in At kinson and from there to Omaha. The arm was broken at the elbow and it was feared he might have to submit to surgery. . . Asa Wat son took his mother, Mrs. Fred Watson, to Excelsior Springs. Mo., Friday where she will consult doctors about arthritis. EWING—A. J. Sanders, accom panied by his brother-in-law, Lester Bergstrom, went to Oma ha on Sunday to bring his sister, Mrs. Ethel Trumbull, to Tilden, where she is convalescing from a recent operation at the home of her sister, Mrs. Bernice Harlan and family. . . Earl Billings, a patient at the Veterans hospital, Grand Island, writes that he is able to be up two hours a day. PAGE — Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder returned home from Grand Island last Thursday where they had spent four weeks. Mrs. Snyder had submit ted to a major operation and remained there until she was able to return home. Her condi tion is good. Mrs. Tom Sinnard and Miss Nancy Heiss brought them to Page and they returned to Grand Island Friday. O’NEILL—Miss Donna Davis is reported “good” in Our Lady of Lourdes hosiptal, Norfolk. She re cently submitted to surgery. . . Mrs. Lawrence Jonas was brought home Wednesday from St. Jo seph’s hospilal, Omaha, where she has been hospitalized for the past nine weeks. Mr. Jones who bad been with her in Omaha, > brought her to O’Neill. INMAN—Mrs. Etta Geary had the misfortune to fall at her country home south of town Tues day and fracture a wrist and hip. She is a patient at St. Anthony’s hospital. . . Mrs. Bill Butterfield returned Thursday from St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill, where she had been a patient. . . Eli Herald was dismissed from St. Anthony’s hospital Saturday. DELOIT—Ferdinand Hupp was able to return from the hospital at Grand Island on Friday. His parents, Mr and Mrs. Ferdinand Hupp of Norfolk brought him home. I EMMET — Miss Judy Newton toras sick with a throat infection on Wednesday, November 12. A doctor was consulted. Corn Bread and Pork Score Easy "Ringer99 Left-over pork is sweet meat when combined in its own gravy with the full-bodied flavor of corn meal. And there is an easy way to do it so that corn bread, meat and gravy can be served together as the main dish of a tasty meal. The framework of this nourish ing dinner is the corn bread, baked in a ring mold. While the bread is baking, heat the meat in its gravy, and you have a quick meal for a washday Monday or any other par ticularly busy day of the week. Corn bread goes well with gravy, too, for it does not quickly become soggy. In addition, it tends to hold the heat in the meat and gravy, keeping each serving piping hot until it reaches the dinner plate. Pork and gravy in a corn bread ring is a simple way to use left over meat. Try it soon and score a “ringer” at the table. Your family will be pleasantly surprised at this tasty combination of corn and the economical, left-over pork. Pork and Gravy in Corn Bread Ring 1 Yt cups corn meal cup sifted flour 1 Yi teaspoons salt 3 teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs, beaten slightly IYa cups sweet miik y4 cup melted butter or margarine 3 cups diced left-over roast pork 1% cups gravy (If self-rising com meal and flour are used, omit salt and baking powder.) Mix and sift together the dry in gredients. Combine beaten eggs, and melted butter or margarine, which has been cooled. Pour liquid over dry ingredients, mixing only until moistened. Pour into a well greased 9-inch ring mold and bake in a 400° P. oven until it shrinks from the sides of the mold (about 25 minutes). Unmold and fill with pork and gravy which have been thoroughly heated together. Yield: 6 servings. HOSPITAL NOTES ST. ANTHONY'S (O'Neill) Admissions: November 12 — Mrs. Livelle Butterfield of Inman, Mrs. Ambrose Engelhaupt of Spencer, Mrs. John R. Gallagher of O’Neill; 15—Herman Eisert of O’Neill; 16—Mrs. Marion Woid neck of OTNeill, Vincent Morgan of O’Neill, Mrs. Ben Miller, Star; 17—Mrs. Kenneth Hunt of O’ Neil, Muriel Niles of O’Neill, Mrs. Henry Straka of Stuart, Mrs. Al vin Miller of O’Neill, Mrs. Don Cavanaugh of O’Neill. Mrs. Afred Kaczor of Spencer; 18—E. R. Car penter of Chambers. Mrs Edward Martin of Spencer, Mrs. Lod Jan ousek of O’Neill, Rebecca Butter field of Orchard. Dismissals: November 12: — Richard Allen of O’Neill, Mike Gilstrap of O’Neill, Gene Schnei der of O’Neill. R. P. Hamilton of Spencer; 13—Willard Baker of Fairfax. S.D., Mrs. John R. Gal lagher of O’Neill, Mrs. Leslie Lieswald of O’Neill, John Arthur Smith of O’Neill, Mrs. Frank Big lin of O’Neill, Baby girl Zastrow of OINeill, Jean McKenzie of O’ Neill, Mrs. Livelle Butterfield of Inman. 14—Clyde Streeter of O’ Neill who was transferred to the Veterans hospital, Grand Island, Mrs. Casper Winkler ^ Atkinson, Mrs. Lawrence Hantik*and son of Stuart. 15—Eli Herold of Inman. 16— Vincent Morgan of O’Neill, Mrs. Marion Woidneck of O’Neill. 17— Lester Sweet of Wheaton, 111., Mrs. Ambrose Engelhaupt of Spencer. 18—Lawrence Cullen of Page, Muriel Niles of O’Neill, Mrs. Kenneth Hunt of O’Neill. Still in hospital: Herman Eisert of O’Neill, Leon R. Tompkins of Inman, Raymond Hoxsie of Chambers, Mrs. Anna Geary of Inman, E. R. Carpenter of Cham bers, Rebecca Butterfield of Or chard, Mrs. Don Cavanaugh of O’ Neill, Mrs. Nellie Dworak of Cen tral City, Mrs. Mabel Qatz of O’ Neill, Mrs. Alfred Kaczor of Spen cer, Mrs. Edward Martin of Spen cer, Mrs. Alvin Miller of O’Neill, Mrs. Henry Straka of Stuart, Mrs. Lod Janousek of O’Neill, Mrs. Henry Wayman of O’Neill, Mrs. Ben Miller of S t a r, W. J. Brown of O’Neill, Mrs. Louise Perkins of Chambers, Pete Lar son of O’Neill, Ernest Hall of Ve nus. SACRED HEART (Lynch) Admissions: Baby Lou Ann Ahlers of Naper, medical, satis factory; John L. Bainbridge of Bristow, medical. unchanged; Mrs. William Boettcher of Fair fax, S.D., medical, satisfactory; Alfred Boucher of Naper, med- 1 ical, satisfactory; John Cerveny of Naper, medical, unchanged; j Mrs. Henry Claassen of Spencer, major operation, satisfactory; j Mrs. Anton Connot and baby, Joan D., of Spencer, good; Ba by Perry Eugene Custer of Nio brara, satisfactory; Mrs. Cecil Fernen of Spencer, medical, good; Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Gal lop of Lynch, medical, good; Mrs. James Galbraith and baby, Douglas Allen, of Spencer, good; Robert H. Johnson of Bristow, medical, satisfactory; Mrs. Aga tha Kohler of Lynch, medical, improving; Mrs. Mary Langan of S p e n c e r, medical, improving; Charles Luber of Dorsey, medic al, good; Baby Penny Lee Mi canek of Lynch, medical, good; Mrs. Stella Miller of Butte, acci dent, satisfactory; Mrs. Janet Nelson of Center, medical, satis factory; Mrs. Josie Peshek of Lynch, medical, satisfactory; Pamela Rihanek of Monowi, medical, improving; Mrs. Del win Ruda and baby, Denton Delwin, of Bristow, good; Walter H. Wells of Spencer, medical, im proving; Harvey L. Wickersham of Lynch, medical, unchanged. Dismisals: November 11—Mrs. Harold Micanek of Lynch; Leo Blum of Naper; Baby Cynthia Stahlecker of Naper; Mrs. Dwight Micanek of Lynch. 12— Mrs. Harold Andersen of Niobra ra. 13 — Frank Nemec of Spen cer. 14—Mrs. Harold Hansen of Spencer. 15—Mrs. Arthur Carl son and baby of Spencer; Paul Warake of Anoka. 16—Mrs. Ho mer Blitzkie and baby of Spen cer. O'NEILL LOCALS Evert Miner attended the fu neral of his brother, the late Ma rine Cpl. Donald Miner, at Grand Island Sunday. He returned Wed nesday and brought Mrs. Donald Miner and infant son with him for a visit. Mrs. William Mattem spent last week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Kalin, of Lincoln. Mr. Mattem drove there Friday and they returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Gilstrap went to Kearney recently to visit in the home of 'Mr. Gilstrap’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Gilstrap. More Iron Lung Donations Needed ROCK FALLS—The Pleasant Day club met Tuesday, November 18 at Mrs. Francis Curran’s. Two members were absent. Guests were Mrs. Bert Ott, Mrs. I!huck Felver and Mrs. James Mc Nulty. Roll call was a fall house cleaning hint. Several varied sug gestions were made. It was de cided to send a gift to a member who recently moved away. Books were distributed for club use. More donations were acknowl edged to the fund for the pur chase of an iron lung. After the business meeting games were played. The next meeting will be at Mrs. Blake Benson’s on December 9. Mrs. Levi Yantzie will have the card party November 29.—By Mrs. Al bert Widtfeldt, news reporter. Other Rock Falls News Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stems were guests at Orville Miller’s on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Yantzie vis ited Peggy Yantzie at Louis ii Gaek’s Thursday afternoon. Peg gy is the daughter of Mr. and Mis. Bill Yantzie of Chadron. She has a baby brother bom Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller and family were dinner guests Sun day of Carl Miller and his mother. A surprise birthday anniversary party was held Saturday evening ; at Arthur O’Neill’s in his honor. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran and daughters; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Margritz and family and Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson. Guests at James McNulty’s Sun day for dinner included Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and Ardell, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and family, Mrs. Celia Grutch, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz and family. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson and Stanley were in Mitchell, S.D., Tuesday evening to hear Wayne King. Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and Ardell were supper guests at Francis Curran’s Thursday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ben son came for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Felver were supper guests at the Orville Eppenbach home Sunday evening. Mrs. Bert Ott went to Beemer Friday to visit Mrs. Albert Erb. Sunday Bert Ott and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran and girls drove to Stanton where the rela tives all had a picnic at the Chris Hjorth home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Erb who came there from Lake Wilson, Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sterns were guests in the Elmer Sterna home all day Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Taylor and children visited his parents, Mr and Mrs. Jack Taylor Saturday afternoon. A card party was held at the Francis Curran home on Tuesday evening. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Margritz and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O’Neill and t Gene. The evening was disrupted when Francis Currans seriously burned his hand while putting a ! faulty gas lantern out of the house. Greater damage was avoid ed by his quick action but it will be awhile before his hand is well again. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Taylor and family were guests of Mrs. j Ellen Shald at Bassett Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Claussen and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vequist were | guests at Wilbur Smith’s Wednes day evening. Bernard Spry finished wiring at the John Schultz place Saturday. tssttratssssstssassa::;;}::::;::::::: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Smith and boys were guests at the Wesley Taylor home Thursday eevning. Mrs. Bill Claussen and Mrs. Ma rie Lewis visited iMtrs. Ella Hoppe Thursday afternoon. Guests of the John Schultz fam ily for dinner Saturday included Gordon Johnson and Hussy and Louis Brown. Lloyd Evans was a dinner guest at Albert Widtfeldt”s Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and girls visited John Cleary’s Sun day afternoon. A card party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Claus sen Sunday evening. Guests in cluded Mr. "and Mrs. Blake Ben son, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Yantzie, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Karel, Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and Ardell, Elwin Grutch, Mr. and Mrs. Wes ley Taylor and children, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Smith and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vequist and Miss Leah Serck. High score was won by Mrs. Blake Benson and Elwin Grutch. Blake Benson and Mrs. Wesley Taylor had low. Coincidence Marks Deaths in Family (Continued from page 1.) Zach, Mr. and Mrs. Michael r uchs and son and Agatha Vent ejcher, all of Pierce, Cpl. Law rence Polt of Ft. Richardson, Alaska, Frank Beck and daugh ter, Marie, of Osmond, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sollmann, Willard Tierney, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford I Oison and daughter, Patricia Ann, Mrs. Delia Lauver, all of Norfolk, Neal Sloan and Mike Shonka of Burwell, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wright of Ewing. Home on Leave — SA Claude Cole of the navy ar rived home Tuesday evening by bus from San Diego, Calif., where he has completed boot training He will spent a 14-day leave with his father, Charles Cole, and sis ters, Brenda and Mrs. Ed Tar nish, At the end of his leave he will report to San Francisco, Calif., from where he will be as signed duties at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Parking Meters Being Installed (Continued from page 1.) pact. Uhl, Golden and Johnson voted “aye” to the resolution; Asimus and Jones voted “nay.” Meanwhile, the meters have been resting in storage here for many months. Whether or not fresh opposi tion to hte meters will rise could not be learned by The Frontier late Wednesday. But this can be said: The holes are drilled. There is popular speculation that the machines will be taken out of mothballs and erected within the next few days—bar ring, of course, legal obstruction. District Judge D. R. Mounts will be out of the city today (Thursday) and Friday. Albion, Ainsworth, Central City and Wayne have had their parking meter discussions. ~~ "'” ""” ■ i*,---— X | j J f ♦ ' < < > I if : i ; 1 : ♦ | * XX ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ H § ♦♦ ♦♦ 1 PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, NOV. 20, THRU WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26, INCLUSIVE ^^^^^^aaaaa_hm^^^^^mmm^^^H SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS 2-Lb. Box.. 43 c BEET GRANULATED * SUGAR 10-Lb. Bag.98c I- 2 ■-* .4»; ■ - . r NASH'S COFFEE 2-tbCan $1.59 II OUR FAMILY FRUIT S COCKTAIL 2 No. 303 cans 47c ♦ ♦ --_______ 4 4 . 1 H OUR FAMILY—GOLDEN CREAM 1 CORN.J No, 303 cans 53c B 4 4 ——* ■ 'r ■■■■■■ 1 ■ ■"1 ■■■ '■ .. |: OUR FAMILY—Hickory Flavored No. 303 Cans | PORK-BEANS.3 for 41c 4* - . . .- -. :: OUR FAMILY I PUMPKIN 2 No. 303 cans 27c 44 ..... || GOLDEN VALLEY — SLICED I PEACHES 2 No. 2i cans 57c :: _ || MICHIGAN — R.S.P. § I CHERRIES 3 No. 303 cans 55c 44 ♦♦ - vegetables! ACORN SOU ASH 4 lbs 25c TOKAY GRAPES lb. 11c MED. SIZE ORANGES 3 lbs. MARSH SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 10 fa : SEEDLESS BAKINS.2-lb- cello 29c 8 G.N. NAVY BEANS__5-lb. cello 59c OUR FAMILY CATSUP.214-oz. btls. 35c OUR FAMILY — TOMATO JUICE.3 46-oz. cans 83c ;_ _ ». GOLDEN VALLEY PEAS_3 No, 303 cans 45c SALMON.....2 tall cans 83c $£ -r ...... , ’ I , - 'p'^ . ..... RED TRIUMPH I Potatoes 100-Lb. Bag _ I H J* RED, DELICIOUS— - - | Apples Bu. Basket _4* ■ # I -i I GOLDEN VALLEY No. 2Va Cans H TOMATOES 2 for 49c I S TOASTIES Giant pkg. 25c I 1 FRESH — ROASTED I 1 PEANUTS Lb cello 29c I IWAXTEX.Reg. pkg. 25c I H — ■ | FAB.2 tee. pkgs. 49c I *•& MMK3M(1bpk£& fSf t'lSCS'. - ... s, 1 -t?, CHOICE MEATS SMOKED HAMS Half or Whole Per Lb.59c PORK CHOPS Per Lb. 49c Dll A AII WE are now taking BACON Lb. 49c TURKEYS _ * Fresh or Frozen SAIR PITTED DATES ~ 2 lb. cello 43c OUR FAMILY 2-Lb. Jar* CRAPE JAM 2 fa 79c SUNSHINE — HYDROX COOKIES 3 fee. pkgs. $1.00 MAYBELLE OLEO 5 lbs 89c VANILLA ICE CREAM 1 - gal 89c 1 Nutrena Poultry, Hog & Cattle Feed | MORE EMrfiFnTS | trena Egg Feed will do it for you. I Increases as high as 34% are com g mon when the owner switched his | flock to Nutrena Egg Feed. AVAILABLE IN CRUMBLES & PELLETS FOLLOWING PROTEINS: 15% AM. EGG CRUMBLES 20% EGG CRUMBLES & PELLETS n 27% BALANCER CRUMBLES 3 33% CONCENTRATE 1 WE ALSO CARRY g Scratch Grains H Stock-Gro for Pity. | Pilot Brand Oyster Shell | Vis-Vita for Poultry | Rabbit Pellets __ Dog Food g CASH F1DR YOUR EGGS & CREAM WE HAVE ON HAND Soybean Meal, Pellets, Cubes OLD PROCESS — 41% PROTEIN Sweet Lassy Molasses Pellets 22% Lassy Fattener BRAN — SHORTS — BLK. OATMEAL BULK MOLASSES ■— ALFALFA PEL. TANKAGE — MEAT SCRAPS — B. MEAL CUDAHY ALL PURPOSE MINERAL COMPLETE LINE OF NUT. HOG FEEDS SEMI-SOLID & DRIED BUTTERMILK ■HBIBjHaBlWIf .TT iJsSilL fat H v LET US TELL YOU ABOUT NUTRENA BEEF CAKE I Stepped up with “Rumalife.” From | c now on through the winter you :: will want to get the most out of your jf roughage. You can get the full bene- :: fit from your roughage by feeding | Nutrena BEEF CAKE stepped up I; with “Rumalife.” p AVAILABLE IN PELLETS OR CUBES 16 - 22 - 32 AND 41% PROTEIN AT THE PRESENT TIME WE CAN SUPPLY THF « e ABOVE FEED IN ANY PROTEIN LEVEL AT A « MOMENT'S NOTICE j: WE MAKE COUNTRY PICKUP ON POULTRY 1 Call or See U* if Ready i© Sell rnTtn^t^^^^^^^TrrTrnrmT;n