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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1952)
*!ht niftoe FOR SALE FOR SALE: Ducks. —See Frank Benash, lcoated 1 block west and 1^4 south of state garage. 29p35 8 FOR SALE: Bone meal for plants at Leidy’s, O’Neill._29c FOR SALE: Ned Allendorfer home in O’Neill, south front, tile - stucco construction, 6 rooms on main floor—3 bed irooms, living room, dining warn and kitchen, full bath. Four rooms in basement, com plete with bath, wash room and furnace room. Automatic Iheat. Double garage, 2 full lots. Can arrange terms. — R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner, O Neill, phone 106, 28-29c IF YOU have any serum pigs for sale — call or write Dwaine C. Lockmon, Stuart, phone 3741. 28-34pl25 FOR SALE: 1,000 bushels of ear Corn.—Leo Ohri, Spencer. 29p35 FOR SALE: 160 - acre farm, 3 miles east of Atkinson on high way 20 and Vz mile south. — Wm. Bladkbum, Stuart, Nebr. 26-29c FOR SALE: Dressed geese and ducks ready for the oven at 35 cents a pound. — Mrs. Orton Young, O’NeilL 29 MAYTAG SALES & SERVICE YOUR new Maytag dealer in O’NeilL JACOBSON’S First door south of O’Neill Nat’l. Bank FOR SALE: A cabling rack, 9:20 tires, also winch, both new this ■year.—-Gene Mudloff, Page. 29tf SEED FOR SALE Alfalfa - Brome - Clovers _ Milo - Sudan WE ALSO have early open pol ffinated com, good germination. We have new blue grass strip pers for sale. BHC root worm spray.— Koinzan-Jochum Seed Co., Elgin. ltf FOR SALE: 1- and 2-year-old purebred Hereford bulls; also spotted saddle mare and ponies.—Jake Braun, 3 Vz miles northeast of Atkinson. 29-30p65 FOR SALE: 32-volt wlndcharg er and Delco motor. Also a number of 32-volt appliances. —R. C. Christianson, Plain view (1% west and 1 north). 28-29p6Q BARGAIN RAIN SPECIALS! Tractors, mowers, plows, discs, cultivators, listers, rakes, load ers and bulldozers — 15 to 18% off factory list price! Kelly Ryan Elevators, 36-ft., plete with speed jack $336.00 Kelly Ryan discs, 15-ft— 175.00 9-Ft. 6-in. Tandem Discs_199.00 KELLY RYAN RAKE-AWAY RAKES JNfew Terratrac Crawler Tractors in 2, 3 and 4 plow sizes. Priced 30% below most crawler trac tors. New 1953 Jeeps, Willys Pickups, Willys cars and Kaiser cars in stock again. SAVE MONEY! % BUY AT THE— Outlaw Impl. Co. ’Phone 373 West O’Neill FOR SALE: 50 choice purebred Spotted Poland China boars. —Harmon Lichty, 3% miles south of Creighton on highway 13. 22tf BOOTLEGGERS, Attention! You can get empty alcohol barrels -and copper tubing at Leidy’s, O’Neill. 29c FOR SALE: New shipment china base table lamps of every kind * and description, $5.95 to $9.95. Over 50 to pick from. — Mid nvest Fum. & Appl., phone 346-J, West O’Neill. 29-30 SEE THE Gravely Sno - Blower at Leidy’s, O’Neill. 29c FOR SALE: Western Auto Asso ciate store, Ainsworth, Nebr., for sale because of death of owner. All new stock and fix tures. — T. E. Ritter, Adm., Ainsworth, Nebr. 28-30c FOR SALE: Steel hen’s nests at Leidy’s, O’Neill. 29c FOR SALE OR TRADE for corn: Hereford bull calves or year nings.—S. R. Robertson, phone fSFll, O’Neill. _26rf FOR SALE: Salsbury’s Rota Caps at Leidy’s,'O’Neill. 29c O FOR SALE: 40% Cattle Range Feed. $108 per ton. Fall deliv ery. Price protection against advance and decline.—Corkle Hatchery Warehouse, O’Neill. 15tf COMBINATION STORM SASH ALL METAL Free Demonstration and Estimate Call Phone 582R11, O’Neill for Information 28-29c FOR SALE: 320-acre farm, good improvements, REA, crop now in but possession may be had immediately.—Col. Ed Thorin or Col. Vern Reynoldson, O’Neill, brokers. 3tf FOR SALE: Just received a large shipment of Cavalier cedar chests at reduced prices.—Mid west Furn. & Appl., O’Neill, phone 346-J. 29c FOR SALE: Christmas special for the World-Herald: daily, 10 mo., $7.95; Sunday, 10 mo., $5.55. This offer good for both non-readers and renewals. — Write M. W. Ellenwood Atkin son. 28ti FOR SALE: 1 used washing ma chine and porcelain tubs on wheels. Cheap. — Hunt’s Plumbing, phone 399, O’Neill. 29c FOR SALE: Registered Angus bull calf, 7 months old. Priced to sell.—Clyde Van Every, O’ Neill. 29p35 FOR SALE: Purebred Hamp shire boars, veterinary vaccin ated.—Henry Stelling, 2 miles south Va west of Orchard. 2tf Used Car Specials 1939 Chevrolet 2-dr. 1946 Fordor Ford. 1935 Chevrolet 2-dr. Cars all. in good running order. Come In for a Bargain SMITH MOTOR CO. PAUL SHIERK. Mgr. Phone 562 — O’Neill 28c POR SALE: 22-inch GE ironer, used very litle, $25.00; 1948 7’ Coronado refrigerator, $100.00; mechanical horse, rideable, 21 inches high, original cost. $32.00, will sell for $10.00; flat spring for double-bed, $4.00; small li brary table, $1.—Keith Abart, O’Neill, 325 West Clay, phone 209. 29tf USED CAR B-A-R-G-A-I-N-S 1—Studebaker pickup With stock-rack, good condition. 1—1948 Frazer. 1—1951 Dodge 4-dr., nearly new. 1—1948 Streamliner 2-dr. sedan, hydramatic “8”, shell gray. 1—1947 Pontiac “8”, 2-dr. Tor pedo. Wm. Kr otter Co. of O’NEILL Phone 531 28c FOR SALE: 2-ton geared hoist, at Leidy’s, O’Neill. 29c ... r..— ■ ■■ - ■ —-. -. REDUCE FUEL BILLS STOP THOSE DRAFTS around your windows and doors. Let us install our permanent all-metal weatherstrip before winter weather sets in. Expert mechanics used. Cash or convenient terms. Free estimates. vVe will be working in O’Neill for a limited time only. Western Home Improvement Co. Contact GLEA WADE Phone 582R11. O’Neill for complete information 28-29c FOR SALE: Insurance of all kinds. — See R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner, phone 106. 39tf FOR SALE: Hen waterer on stand, $3.50, at Leidy’s. 29c FOR SALE: Cottonwood lumber. 10,000 ft. dimension on hand, will take orders for more.—Al fred Heying, Stuart, phone 5064 Atkinson. 27-29p95 HENS HAVE colds? Get Ar-Sul pha at Leidy’s, O’Neill. 29c FOR SALE: 8’xl0’ building, wired readv to stucco, reason able.—Ed Kirkpatrick, O’Neill, phone 157R. 25tf FOR SALE: Gas heaters of ail types at Leidy’s, 29c FOR SALE: I have 3 modern residence properties for sale. Would vou like to see them?— R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 50tf GET YOUR hens a good feeder at Leidy’s, O’Neill. 29c FOR SALE: West Ms lots 6. 7, 8 and 9 in block 17, in Matthew’s Addition to O’Neill. —Everett E. Gorgen, O’Neill. 28-31pll0 FOR SALE: Large white ducks, *1.50 each.—Phone 14F12. O’ Neill. 28-29p Transportation at Low Cost USED CARS 1952 Chevrolet 2-dr. 1951 Cadillac 4-dr. 1951 Chevrolet 2-dr. 1950 Chevrolet 2-dr. 1951 Chevrolet coupe, 5. 1949 Ford 4-dr., loaded. 1949 Ford 2-dr. 1948 Chevrolet Aero. 1946 Pontiac 2-dr. Specials — 1948 Frazer, 4-dr., needs some work. We are asking $295.00. Make us an offer. 1949 Ford Fordor, heater, good tires, good upholstery. Never cheaper at, $895.00 New 1952 Chevrolet 2-ton, 2 speed truck, 161 - inch WB. Come in for a good deal. MIDWEST MOTOR CO., LTD. O’Neill CITY LOANS: R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 7tf FOR SALE: Used Deep Freeze, at Leidy’s, O’NeilL 29c FOR SALE: Several well located building lots. — R. K. (“Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. 22tf FOR SALE: A good used Coro nado oil heater.—Carl Wabs, •O’Neill. 29p35 FOR SALE: Breeding ewes. — Lloyd Kyner, phone 2301, Long Pine, Nebr. 12-30c FOR SALE: Used gas stove, at Leidy’s, O’Neill. 29c FOR SALE: Well improved 1,100 acre ranch on Eagle creek. — George C. Robertson, O’Neill, Nebr., phone 534. 27tf RAPIDGRO makes house plants healthy. Get it at Leidy’s, of course. 29c MISCELLANEOUS THE PUBLIC is invited to our Thanksgiving program and box social, Wednesday, Nov. 26, at 7:30 p.m., at the Meek store building. — Mrs. Donald Johring, teacher, rural district No. 27. 29p35 HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING FARM & COMMERCIAL American Kitchens White Water Heaters (Next door Asimus Motors) Phone 399 — O’Neill tf SEE Ralph Simpson for your electric wiring. Formerly with Lester Electric. ltf I LOAN MONEY on farms and ranches and also on city prop erty. Write — R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 7tf HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf ATTENTON township officers elect — I can furnish you a Surety Bond for your two-year term for $9.25 per $1000.00. If interested see me at Gillespie Radio Shop. You have a limit ed time in which to file it.—L. G. Gillespie, agent, O’Neill, Nebr. 29-30c Jacobson’s . . . O’Neill Repair All Makes of WASHING MACHINES SEE ME for insurance—the most for your money!—Ed Thorin, O’Neill, phone 454-J, box 646 L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. MONUMENTS of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer. — Emmet Crabb, O’Neill, phone 139-J. 37tf ' WE HAVE inquiries for farms and ranches. Let us have your listing.—Thorin & Reynoldson Auction Service, O’Neill. 8c SEE BILL BOWKER REALTY FOR YOUR real estate and in surance needs.—Phone 52. 27 tf I HAVE some buyers for cattle ranches, any size. I have some buyers for farms, any size. Right now is a good time to sell ranches and farms. I also have some buyers for city homes.—Write to R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 23tf J EXPERT Body - Fender REPAIRING COMPLETE up - to - date shop, equipped and experienced for all makes of cars. Also paint ing, spot work, glasses install ed. Pfee estimates. 24 - hour wrecker service. WICH’S BODY SHOP 219 Douglas St. Phone 211-W Long Term LO-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS’N 4% Federal Land Bank O’Neill, Nebr. Lyle P. Dierks, Sec.-Treas. FARM LOANS: R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 7tf WE NEVER SLEEP A PHONE CALL brings us on' the run. Phone 404-W J. V. MOTOR Jim Atkinson - Vernon Strong Used Car Parts, Car Repairing Electric & Acetylene Welding North 7th O’Neill, Nebr. 9c80 FOR BRIGGS & STRATTON, Lawson and Clinton engines service and genuine parts call at Vic Halva’s Electric Shop, O’Neill. 41tf COMPLETE Auction Sales SERVICE! FARM and ranch auctions a spe cialty. Licensed real estate broker. Insurance of all kinds. ED THORIN, Auctioneer O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 545-J 24tf WANTED WANTED: Married man for steady ranch work. Separate house.—C. M. Keller, Newport. 29-31p85 WANTED TO RENT: Modem 2 or 3-bedroom house. — C. R. Foree, O’Neill, phone 289. KELP WANTED: Salesman for one of North-Nebraska’s finest appliance stores, selling fore most home appliance lines. Experience not necessary but helpful. Ask for Vic Jacobson, Jacobson’s, O’Neill and Nor folk. 29c J-V MOTOR, O’Neil], buys iron and metal. No. 7th St. 13ctf MEN WANTED TO WORK IN OUR OMAHA PLANT HELP US process the current rush of livestock. Inside work for fall and winter. Age re quirements 18 to 50, those 18 bring proof of age. Openings in many departments. Start at $1.41 per hour or more. Over time at time and a half after 8 hrs. a day or 40 hrs. per week. Must pass physical, be capable of heavy work and have warm work clothing with rubbers or overshoes. Write us for further information or report direct to our Employment Office. Swift & Company 27th & Q Streets Omaha, Nebraska 25tf WANTED: Blue grass seed. We buy in the rough or will do custom threshing. We also buy, sell and clean alfalfa and clo vers. — Koinzan-Jochum Seed Co., Elgin, phone 132J. 26tf HELP WANTED: Woman for housekeeper for father and two children, ages 4 and 18-months. Good, modern home. Mother of the children died recently from polio. Permanent position — Marlin Wichman, Wich’s Body Shop, O’Neill. 29c WATCH and jewelry repairing, crystals and Ronson lighter re pairs while you wait. — Clift Jewelry, O’Neill. 29tf PUREBRED Hampshire boars & gilts, sired by my $2,000 herd sire, Special Echo, and Educat or. Better than ever individ uals, with extra size and stretch, rugged, deep, wide bodied with good quality. New bloodlines for former custom ers. Vaccinated. Guaranteed breeders. Reasonable priced. Three ^ or more delivered free up to 75 miles in same vicinity Phone or write John Raster Clearwater, Nebr. 24-30p500 WANTED TO BUY: Late model wrecked cars.—J-V Motor Co O’Neill. 21c FOR RENT FOR RENT: Large double sleep ing room; also another room for school boy. Board also available for schol boy, close in—O’Neill, phone 509-W. __ 29-30c60 FOR RENT: 3-room apartment Reasonable. — Tony Asimus O’Neill. 28 tf ' ™" ------- I FOR RENT: Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. _ 47tf FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. _ Phone 537, O’Neill. 28tf FOR RENT: Partly furnsihed 4-room apartment with bath, heat, lights and water includ ed.—Phone 537, O’Neill. 28tf APARTMENT FOR RENT: 3 rooms with bath and kitchen ette, furnished, down town. — John R. Gallagher, O’Neill. 26tf FOR RENT: 3-room apt., close in, near schools.—Ralph Stow ell, 322 E. Adams st., O’Neill. 28-29pQ0 FOR RENT: Furnished apts.— A. E. Bowen, phone 322 W, O’Neill. 23t? FOR RENT: Western hotel in O’ neill, furnished. Mail written inquiries to: Western Hotel, O’Neill. 28-29p60 ROOM FOR RENT.—Marie Salis bury, phone 324 W. 27-30c FOR RENT: Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co. 47tf CARDS OF THANKS WE EXPRESS our heartfelt thanks to our very fine friends who helped us in any way at the time of the death of our husband and father. Especially do we want to thank those who found his body, those who arranged for masses, those who sent food, cards and letters. —MRS JOSEPH KAMPHAUS 29650 AND FAMILY I WISH to thank all my friends and relatives in the O’Neil, Atkinson and Stuart comuni ties for their cards, letters and gifts. Also all those who offer ed their prayers in my behalf or aided in any way. Your kindnesses will never be for gotten. —JOHN ARTHUR SMITH I WISH to take this means to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, flowers and gifts while I was in the hospital. All this was greatly appreciated and will never be forgotten. 29c50 —MRS. FRED SMITH Honors Daughter on Anniversary LYNCH—Mrs. Frank Weeder entertained in honor of her daughter, Margene, on her 8th birthday anniversary on Sunday afternoon, November 9. Those present were: Janice Peterson, Janice Prokop, Sandra Stanton, Sharon Courtney, Mar lene and Stanley Streit, Marjean Birmeier, Carol Prokop, Sharon Christensen, Judy Youell, Janet Christensen, Mrs. Wallace Fred rickson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Streit, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Youell, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Stanton and Nancy Jo and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Chore. Margene received many gifts. Balloons were distributed as fa vors. Games were played and a lunch was served. Other Lynch News Inasmuch as Mrs. Jean Hewit son of Gary Ind., was here visit ing her parental home, the Francis Shrunks, a Thanksgiving dinner was held Saturday, November 15, at the Shrunk home when all the children and their families were present. Mr. and Mrs. Vince Jehorek are in Farwell this week attending the wedding of their neice there. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Barta of Walnut were supper guests Sun day at the Albert Kalkowski home. Francis, Margaret and Irene Stenger motored to Norfolk Sun day, November 16, to attend the 50th wedding anniversary of Mir. and Mrs. Ray Bates. The two families were neighbors for many years. RIGHT TO BE PROUD When Mark Hollatz of Creston left for the air force recently, he was the fifth son of Mrs. Marie Hollatz to enlist in the armed services since the outbreak of the Korean war. Two sons are in the navy, the branch of service in which another served four years before returning home. Still an other is with the army in France. A sixth son is a freshman in Creighton high school. FIRE! FIRE! The Schuyler fire department was extra busy recently. During one week it answered eight calls, including everything from a rail road cart to a mop. Ironically, though, seven of the alarms oc curred during the observance of fire prevention week. Club in Session — EWING—The Thursday Bridge club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Grace Briggs on the after noon of November 13. Score win ners were Mrs. Lyle Dierks, Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard and Mrs. Everett Ruby. Refreshments were served by the hostess. O'NEILL LOCALS Mrs. H. S. Moses will leave Fri day for Imperial where she will remain until November 30 visit ing her daughter, Mrs. A. S. Evans, Mr. Evans and family. Mr. Moses will drive there for Thanksgiving and will bring Mrs. Moses home the following Sun 3Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Muff of Clearwater and Mr. and Mrs. El mer McKamy of Norfolk were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Muff. R E. Spelts and Dick Spelts of Grand Island were Sunday and Monday visitors in the home of , Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray. Attend Funeral of Missouri Relative AMELIA—Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott, Mrs. Etta Ott and Mrs. Floyd Adams went to Kirksville, Mo., Tuesday, November 11, where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Lena Johnson, who was a niece of Mrs. Etta Ott. Mrs. Johnson had visited here last year. The Ott’s returned home on Friday. Other Amelia News Mrs. Harold Landrum and Sally of Omaha spent the November 15 16 weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott. Mrs. Julia White spent Friday and Saturday, November 14 and 15, in Atkinson with Mrs. B. B. Adams. Florence Lindsey returned home on Saturday, November 15, from Omaha after spending a week visiting her sister, Mrs. P. L. Strenger. Mrs. Frank Backaus and Caroline, who .visited her brothers, Elmer and Charlie John son, also returned home with her. Mrs. Henry Travers and Harold went to Casper, Wyo., Saturday, November 15, where they will join Mr. Travers and his mother, Mrs. Viola Travers. Dunk Peterson and son, Don nie, Art Waldman and Lloyd Wal do went to Lincoln Saturday to attend the football game. Pvt. John Kamphaus returned to Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., Sat urday, November 15, after being called home by the death of his father, Joe Kamphaus Elmer Coolidge has a new 1952 Pontiac. mi. i a iic kpuiisureu by the Methodist WSCS wras well attended and netted about $90. Mrs. Rose Backhaus returned, home Tuesday evening, Novem ber 11, from Omaha where she attended the ice follies. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce vis ited their niece, Mrs. Levi Faith and family near Creighton Tues day, November 11. Mrs. Faith is the former Maxine Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Standage and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees drove to Ravenna Friday, Novem ber 14. The Standage family has purchased a residence there and will occupy it after leaving the farm. Mrs. Alice Prewitt and family called at Elmer Fix’s Friday eve ning, November 14. Miss Lavem Whitcomb spent Saturday night and Sunday, No vember 15 and 16, with Janice Prewitt. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barnett entertained at dinner Sunday, November 16, in honor of Mrs. Barnett’s cousin, Ross (“Bud”) Al derson and Mrs. Alderson and sons, Thomas and David, of Gil roy, Calif. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Alderson of Til den, Mrs. T. E. Alderson, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Alderson and sons, Gary and Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alderson and children and Mrs. Lee Sammons and Bill. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rees went to Omaha Sunday afternoon. The Helping Hand club met on Thursday, November 13, with Mrs. Bertha Sammons. There were 11 members present. Mrs. Ralph Rees acted as president in the ab sense of President Mrs. Etta Ott. An election of officers was held with the result that all old offi cers were held over. Mrs. Rees, Mrs. Mae Sageser, Mrs. Mamie Sammons and Mrs. Lois Wining told of their trips they took this summer. CELIA NEWS Mrs. D. F. Scott went to Lin coln last Thursday morning and returned Friday. O. A. Hammerberg was a Wed nesday, November 12, visitor at the P. W. Kilmurry home. Mrs. Hammerberg attended a WSCS meeting at the home of Mrs. Ethel Mohr. Alice and Buddy Focken ac companied Eloise Rustad to the Kirkwood church services, north of Stuart. Sunday afternoon. Duane Beck attended a weld ing school at the Art Pacha home last Thursday and Mrs. Beck visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dobrovolny, the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Lauridsen and family, also Jim Lauridsen, sDent Sunday at the Hans Laur idsen home. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer berg were Sunday evening vis itors at the D. F. Scott home. Paul, Billy, June and Karen Focken were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Connie Frickel home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schlotfeld were Friday visitors at the O. A. Hammerberg and Frank Kil murry homes. Mrs. Mark Hendricks, Mrs. Phipps and Mrs. Lawrence Smith attended a Sunday-school con vention at Lynch Tuesday after noon, November 11. Merrill Smith was a Saturday visitor at the Lawrence Smith and O. A. Hammerberg homes. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott are enjoying a new car purchased Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendricks were Saturday evening visitors at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Paul Nelson, and family of Pad dock community and were given another shower by friends in that neighborhood. SOLDIER WOUNDED VENUS—Mr. and Mrs. Cecil A. Walton of Venus received word recently that their son, Marine Pfc. David Allen, had been wounded in action in Korea. Mrs. Harry Graham. Mrs. Lod lanousek’ and Mrs. Mark Muff were Friday visitors in Norfolk. Stuart Quint to Open with Spencer— STUART — The basketball schedule for this season has been announced by Coach Don De C'osta and is as follows: December 1—Spencer, here. December 3—Ainsworth, there. December 9—Bassett, here. December 12—Valentine, here. January 2—Springview, here. January 6—Naper, there. January 9—Long Pine, there. January 13—Page, there. January 19—Wood Lake, here. January 20-23 — Holt county tournament, O’Neill. January 27 — St. Joseph’s of Atkinson, there. January 30—Long Pine, here. February 2-6—NCNC tourna ment, Bassett. February 10—St. Joseph’s of Atkinson, here. February 17—Bassett, there. February 20—Atkinson, here. February 23-27—Class C dis trict tournament. BOWLING NEWS (Week of November 11-13) The wins and losses in the bowling league are figured accord ing to points. One point is given for each game won and one point for the total number of pins, mak ing a total of four points. In last week’s kegling, Coast-to-Coast took three points from Wm. Krot ter Co.; Phillips 66 took three from McIntosh Jewerly; Knight’s Bowling Alley took three from Gambles, and M&M cafe took three from the New Outlaw. High single game of the week went to Joe Colson with 218. Larry Krysl took high single series with 521. Coast-to-Coast claimed high team game and high series with 845 and 2,313. Those who rolled a “200” game were Joe Colson 218, Larry Krysl 212, Floyd Herscheiser 208, and Dale Hines 202. A “500” series went to Larry Krysl 521 and Dale Hines 517. Team standings: W L Phillips 66_13 3 Coast-to-Coast_10 6 M&M Cafe_9 7 Knights Bowling_8 8 New Outlaw_7 9 Wm. Krotter Co._6 10 McIntosh Jewelry_6 10 Gambles_5 11 Neighbors Pick Com, Fix Fence EWING—The home and farm of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mott was the scene of activity last Thurs day when neighbors gathered to complete the cornhusking, also to make some fence and to load the 760 turkeys which were ready for market. The neighbors present were Bert Fink, John Miller, Richard Miller, Leo Miller, Howard Mill er, Wendell Switzer, Webb Nap ier, Richard Napier, Don Larson, George Montgomery, Wayne Fry, Norman Pollock, William Lof quest, Wayne Fry, Carl Christon. Andy Welke furnished gas. All the neighbor ladies assisted Mrs. Mott with the dinner served at noon. Mr. Mott is a patient at the Tilden hospital after a cornpick ing accident. Fanner to Face Shooting Charges GREELEY—John Condon, a Greeley farmer, is being held in the Greeley county jail in con nection with the shooting of a Greeley housewife, Mrs. Margaret Foster. Authorities said that when Mrs. Foster answered a knock on her kitchen door Thursday night, she was hit in the shoulder by a 12 gauge shotgun blast. County Sheriff John P. Smith said Condon admitted firing the shotgun at Mrs. Foster. He walked into the Grand Island po lice station and told about his role in the shooting. “I have been brooding about her for several years,” Condon, told the police. “You might as well lock me up now because you will be after me in a little while anyway,” he said. Face Charges for Slaying Eagle ROYAL — Three Royal men face federal charges as the re sult of the shooting of a bald eagle. Federal law protects the bird, commonly called the American eagle. o Authorities said Clarence Geers, who farms near Royal, saw the bird perched on a haystack, but bad no gun and summoned a neighbor, Donald Montgomery. Montgomery said he shot the bird fend Donald Peterson of Royal accepted it for mounting. The incident was publicized and authorities received com plaints. As a result, Geers faces three counts, Montgomery twa and Peterson one of violating the federal law which prohibits! killing, taking or transporting the eagle. Burival Defendant in Income Tax Case Frank Burival, 51, near O' Neill, Friday waived preliminary hearing before U.S. Commission er M. O. Cunningham in Omaha on two counts of income tax evasion, the Associated Press reported. The government charges Buri val paid a tax of $1,612.10 in 1946 when he should have paid $18, 588.83, and paid $2,351.11 in 1947 when he should have paid $14, 107.06. Burival placed a bond of $2,000. Clyde McKenzie, Carolyn Mc Kenzie and Mrs. Clyde Streeter drove to Grand Island Sunday to visit Clyde Streeter, a patient in the Veteran’s hospital there. They also met Mrs. Harold Huebert and daughter, who arrived by bus from Wichita, Kans. Mrs. Hue bert will remain with her mother, Mrs. Streeter, until her father 13 out of the hospital. Mrs. D. W. Anderson of Mason City, la., was a recent visitor in the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jenny Herscheiser and fam ily-___ ELKHORN FLOWER SHOP 405 E. DOUGLAS ST. O’NEILL, NEBR. Night Phone 530W Day Phone 579 We Telegraph Flowers ★ FUNERAL FLOWERS ★ CUT FLOWERS ★ WEDDING FLOWERS ★ POTTED PLANTS Orders now being taken for Christmas Poinsettias .... .. . AUCTION SALE At the D. D. Cotton farm 7 miles north of Atkinson on Highway No. 11, thence 3 Vz miles west FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 QUARTER BLOOD HORSES Quarter blood bay saddle mare, unbroken; quarter blood spot ted sorrel and white mare, broke to lead; quarter blood sor rel mare, wt. 1200, well broke and gentle; half blood saddle stahon, Sorrel and white spotted; black mare, wt. 1500- sorrel mare, wt. 1600. 20 MILK AND STOCK COWS 8 Slacks timothy and clover hay; 25 Ions baled alfalfa. Machinery and Some Household Goods. MRS. AUDREY COTTON, )wner C. E, McCLURG, Auctioneer - . - ^—mm. DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED “ONE HOG OR MORE!” CATTLE - HOGS - HORSES Prompt Sanitary Service Call Long Distance and Ask for ENTERPRISE 1000 (No Toll Charge for Enterprise Calls) ATKINSON - O’NEILL RENDERING SERVICE O’NEILL, NEBR. (Owned by Valley Rendering, Ord, Nebr )