The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 13, 1952, SECTION ONE, Page 3, Image 3

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    . Project Gub
Making Pajamas
Will Be Presented to
INMAN— The Inman project
club met Wednesday evening,
November 5, in the home of Mrs.
James Coventry for a regular
meeting. A demonstration on
making “Glo Candles” was giv
en by Miss Faye Brunckhorst.
The club members voted to
make a dozen pajamas for St.
Anthony’s hospital.
Mrs. Coventry was assisted by
Mrs. H. E. Smith and they
served lunch at the close of the
Other Inman News
A/2c John Harte came Satur
day to spend a furlough visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Harte. He is being transferred
from San Antonio, Tex., to a sta
tion in Kansas.
Ralph Sholes of Sidney spent
the weekend visiting his moth
er, Mrs. Violet Sholes.
Merlin Luben of Bruno spent
the weekend visiting his family.
Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Alexander
left Wednesday, November 5, for
Mexico where they will spend
the winter.
Gordon Sholes and Graydon
Hartigan, who are employed
with the telephone company,
spent the weekend in the Helen
Sholes and Marye Hartigan
homes. They are being transfer
red to South Dakota.
Richard Krueger, who is em
ployed at Green River, Wyo., i»
spending this week visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Krueger, and with other relatives
and friends.
TieRov Moore, who is employed
with the telephone company,
spent the weekend visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe
and family of Amelia spent Sat
urday visiting Mrs. Walter Jacox.
Miss Deritha Smith of Norfolk
spent the weekend visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Keyes of
Valentine spent Tuesday in In
H. W. Tomlinson and Larry
Tomlinson of O’Neill spent Sat
urday morning in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Coventry
and family.
Mrs. Leonard Leidy of Min
tum, Colo., came Saturday eve
ning to visit in the Harry Mc
Graw home here and with other
i relatives and friends.
Mrs. Jacox disposed of her
household goods Saturday at a
public sale at her home. Mrs. Ja
cox will leave soon for Colorado
where she will make her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes re
turned Tuesday from Indianapo
lis, Ind., where they spent 10
days visiting relatives.
Pfc. Richard Bohn left Satur
day for his station at San Diego,
Calif., after spending a 10 - day
furlough with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. L. Bohn.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Crotty of
Amarillo, Tex., and Mrs. Verne
Warner of Omaha visited last
week in the homes of Mr. snd
Mrs. Earl Watson and Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Watson.
Mrs. T. D. Hutton returned
Wednesday, November 5, from
Omaha where she spent a few
days visiting her son and daugh
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hutton, and daughter.
Mrs. Leo Hines of O’Neill was
an Inman visitor Tuesday after
The Harmony club met Tues
day afternoon with Mrs. Walter
Jacox. The afternoon was spent
socially and the hostess served
lunch at the close of the after
The Coffee club met Thursday
with Mrs. Ernest Brunckhorst. A
covered dish luncheon was serv
ed at noon. A business meeting
was conducted in the afternoon.
The Women’s department of
the RLDS church surprised Mrs.
Jacox on her birthday Wednes
day evening, November 5, at the
Jacox home. Games were play
ed and lunch was served by the
I self-invited guests. Mrs. Jacox re
1 ceived many cards and gifts.
Mrs. Leonard Leidy, Mrs. Walt
er Jacox and Mrs. Donald Wolfe
spent Monday in Bassett visiting
Mrs. Roy Gannon has returned
from Washington stat° where
she went to attend the funeral of
her mother. Mrs Oo-'rge KiHin
der of Puyallup. She also visited
her son, Wayne, and his wife in
Seattle and another s°n, Arthur
who is stationed at Ft. Lewis,
Mrs. Francis Kemp and Mrs.
Elizabeth Colman spent a few
days last week in Sheldon, la.,
visiting Mr. and Mrs. N°al Chase
and in Sioux City visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Gilligan.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin G’bson and
Marvin and Miss Joellvn Eacker
of Ewing visited in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nielsen
Sunday evening.
Dave and John Isaacson of
Ewing were Sunday dinner
guests in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Nielsen.
Mrs. Bill Butterfield enter
tained a group of boys and girls
at her home Thursday afternoon
in honor of her daughter, Lor
raine, and her son, Leonard’s,
birthday anniversaries. Games
were played and Mrs. Butterfield
served the group lunch at the
close of the afternoon. Lorraine
and Leonard received many
Mrs. Anna Young accompanied
by her daughter-in-law, Mrs,
Myrtle Young, was a recent vis
itor at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Arthur Krapp, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Verle Gunter and
children spent Sunday at the farm
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Will Shrader.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wunner are
taking advantage of the good
weather to spend some time at
Stanton visiting relatives.
Mrs. Bertha Urban left Wednes
day, November 5, to spent some
time at Burwell.
The Wesleyan missionary so
ciety met at the home of Mrs.
Nellie Komer on Wednesday af
ternoon. The ladies rolled band
ages and made Christmas gifts for
the old aged home at Beatrice. A
lunch was served by the hostess
at the close of the meeting.
Miss Ina Bennett was an over
night guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Will Shrader and family
on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bauer, jr.,
went to Spalding on Wednesday
where they are guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Bauer, who were hosts to a fam
ily gathering honoring their son,
Rev. Jacob Bauer of Alliance.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tuttle and
daughter, Lenore, and Mr. and
Mrs. Vance Anson and son, Den
nis, were entertained at the home
of Mr. and Mrs Charles Krun
tarod on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pollock and
Patsy went to Omaha Sunday1
where they attended the ice show
and remained until Monday.
J. H. Hixson of Long Pine spent
Sunday at the Leland Welke
home. Mrs. Hixson and children,
who had been guests here and al
so at the home of her father, R.
H. Jefferies, accompanied him
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis of
the Eldorado theater invited
their friends to a free show on
November 11 and 12. The title:
“Northwest Territory,” James
Oliver Curwood’s story, featuring
Chinook, the wonder dog. A
capacity crowd enjoyed the pic
ture each night.
Three hundred thirty-six votes
were cast in Ewing on election
day, the largest number on record
for the village.
The Women’s Society of Chris
tian Service served the annual
chicken dinner at the parlors of
the Ewing Methodist church on
Tuesday, (November 4. There was
a good attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs ac- j
companied by his parents, Mr. and !
Mrs. L. A. Hobbs, attended the ice I
revue in Omaha Sunday evening. I
The bazaar to be held before
Thanksgiving was the main topic
for discussion at a business meet
ing of the Altar society of St.
Peter’s church, held Tuesday eve
ning at the Ann Bauer home.
Card games and a social hour was
enjoyed after the business session.
Refreshments were served by the
hostess, assisted by Mrs. John
Archer and Mrs. Agnes Bartak.
To Lincoln— .
State Sen. Frank Nelson of O’
Neill, recently reelected for an
other two-year term in the state
legislature, left here Tuesday for
the unicameral legislative coun
cil. He expects to return Sunday
Lincoln to attend a meeting of
after a four-day meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Culver and
family left Wednesday for Bakers
field, Calif., where they will make
their home.
Neighbors Aid
Edgar DeHart
CHAMBERS — The following
neighbors gathered at the Edgar
DeHart place, located west of
Chambers, on Monday, November
10, to pick his com: J. W. Wal
ter, L. O. Lenz, Walt Richards,
John Rdtterbush, Lester Horn
beck, Glen Jungbluth, Erwin Car
penter, Wade Davis, Elmer Won
dersee. Chris McGinn, Elwyn
Robertson, Henry Walter, Tom
Newhouse, Lyman Robertson, Er
nest Jungbluth, Lyle Walter, Bill
Edwards, L. W. Taggart, Leo Han
na, Charles Grimes, Sid Farewell,
Frederick DeHart and Ed Fleek.
Mrs. Victor Harley, Mrs. John
Ritterbush and Mrs. L. W. Tag
gart helped Mrs. DeHart prepare
and serve dinner to the men.
Mr. DeHart had the misfortune
to break a bone in his ankle about
a week ago.
Other Chambers News
Weekend guests in the T. F..
Alderson home were their niece
and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Levette, of Graybull, Wyo.
On Sunday, Nov. 9, the following
held a family gathering in theii4
honor at the L. B. Barnett home
at Amelia: Mr. and Mrs. Levette,
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Alderson, Mr.
and Mrs. Cleo Alderson and boys,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alderson and
children, all of Chambers; Mrs.
Marjorie Sammons and Billie,
both of Amelia. Mrs. Levette is a
daughter of Guy Alderson of Til
den. She and her husband left
Monday for Tilden to visit Mr.
and Mrs. Alderson before going on
to El Paso, Tex., to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Leiswald and
son have moved into a cabin at
the Dankert cabin camp.
Sunday dinner guests in the
Clair Grimes home were Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Brittell of Vancouver,
Wash.; Jack Adams of Austin,
Tex.; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ellis of
St. Edward; Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Grimes of Lincoln; Mrs. Sarah
Adams, Mr. and Mrs. G. H.
Grimes, Jim Grimes, Mrs. Lois
Adams, Mrs. Genevieve Bell, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Coolidge and
Kenneth and Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Grimes and family, all of Cham
bers. Afternoon callers were Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Grimes and Mr.
and Mrs. T. E. Newhouse.
Mr. and Mrs. William Reninger
are building an addition of two
rooms onto their home in the
east part of town.
A/lc and Mrs. Roy Miller of
Rapid City, S.D., came Saturday
and visited until Tuesday with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duane
Mr. ana Mrs. w. k. (Martin and
Mrs. Harvey Jones of Park
Rapids, Minn., visited relatives
and friends over the weekend.
Mrs. L. R. Hansberry returned
the last of the week from Ong.
She was accompanied by her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Conger.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roth were
here from Columbus Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Starkey and
four children of Spalding moved
the first of the week to Cham
bers. He will be employed at the
Chambers locker plant.
Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Merle Fagon and family were her
brother and wife, Mr. and M*rs.
Frank Westerman, and son and
sister, Mrs. Ruth Humbert, all of
Kensington, Kans.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brittell of
Vancouver, Wash., were visiting
relatives in Chambers the first of
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brittell and
Mr. and Mrs. William Holmes of
Neligh were visiting with friends
at Chambers Saturday evening.
Mrs. C. V. Robertson took her
father, John Walter, to Platts
mouth Monday, November 10.
He plans to spend the winter with
his son-in-law and daughter, Rev.
and Mrs. Will Sprandle. Mrs.
Robertson returned Wednesday.
Bert Farewell and son wired
their house in the east part of
town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Catron have
moved into the house vacated by
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roth.
Aux to Collect Toys
for Needy Fami ies —
Simonson unit 93 of the Amer
ican Legion auxiliary held a reg
ular meeting at the Legion hall
on Wednesday evening, November
5, with Vice-President Mrs. Vir
gil Laursen in charge. The presi
dent, Mrs. Axel Borg, is conval
escing from a recent operation
and was unable to attend.
A thank you letter was read
from the Atkinson high school
for help with the county govern
ment day.
It was voted to have a Christ
mas party with each to bring a
50-cent gilt to exchange. Mem
bers may also bring a toy for a
needy family.
A report from Mrs. H. D. Gil
dersleeve was given on the hos
pital auxiliary.
The annual bazaar will be held
Saturday, December 5. The menv^
will be the same as last year. Any
kind of covered dishes, salads,
etc., are wanted, also needle
work, homemade candy and pres
ents for the grab bag and fish
The lunch committee for De
cember includes Mrs. Ralph Mc
Elvain, Mrs. Lloyd Cork. Lona
Johnson, Mrs. Laurence Haynes,
Bobbie Sullivan and Mrs. Neil
Spencer Polio Victims
Return from Hospitals_
SPENCER—Three of Spencer’s
polio patients, all school students,
‘have been released from hospitals
and are at their homes here. All
are much improved, but will be
unable to return to school for
some time. They are James Ham
bek and Ellsworth Clyde, who
were in St. Francis hospital,
Grand Island, and Bernard Holm
berg, who was at Sioux City.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay DeGroff were
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Brau of
Garden Club Learns of
Chrysanthemum Culture —
CHAMBERS — The November
meeting .of the Beautiful Valley
Garden club was held Monday
evening, November 3 at the home
of Mrs. Loa Hubbard as assistant
hostess. Mrs. Peggy Smith, be
cause of ill health, was unable to
entertain at that time.
Following the order of business,
the lesson of “Culture & Types on
Chrysanthemums for This Local
ity” was presented by Mrs. Ber
nice Platt. Mrs. Platt had se
cured an interesting and instruc
tive leaflet from the North Platte
experiment station on this sub
ject. It also listed the chrysan
themums most desirable for this
Mrs. Mabel Robertson then gave
a lesson on “Church Arrange
ments,” explaining those appro
priate for altar pieces as well as
other decorations in the church.
Mrs. Hattie Tibbets won the
door prize. Lunch was served by
Mrs. Platt and Mrs. Peggy Smith.
The Christmas meeting will be
held with Mrs. Mabel Robertson
Tuesday evening, December 2.
Roll call response will be “my
home Christmas Decorations.”
Names were drawn for the Christ
mas gift exchange by the mem
Sauers Purchase Home —
Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Sauers,
formerly of O’Neill, “have pur
chased a lovely home and are in
the process of furnishing it,” they
have advised friends here. Their
new address: 2459 Eucalyptus
ave., Long Beach, Calif.
Mrs. G. C. DeBacker left Wed
nesday, November 5, for Denver,
Colo., to visit her brother, who
is ill in the Veteran’s hospital.
Home-Talent Show
Presented, Ewing
EWING—The American Legion,
Sanders post 214, presented a
home-talent show, “Flying High,”
on Thursday and Friday evenings
at the school auditorium. All
proceeds will go toward the fund
to purchase uniforms for the Le
gion firing squad.
The cast follows: Beulah Potts,
R. H. Shain; Jeb T. Purdy, John
Walker; A. Van Sneerinton, Mike
Pnilben; his son, Robert, Donald
Ruroede; Mary Lou Milcord,
Wayne FYy; Gabby Hopkins, Cur
ly Sanders; Ted Sterling, Duane
Horde; FYof. B. K. Bamsmellor,
Ralph Munn; Betty Green, Allen
The Boy Scouts of troop 181
presented “Here Comes the Cir
cus” between acts.
Hairdressers Elect—
The National Hairdressers Cos
metology association, unit 6,
held a meeting at Bassett Sun
day. The officers elected for the
next year are: Lois Beebout of
Ainsworth, president; Darlene
Hipke of Springview, vice-pres
ident; Mrs. D. H. Clauson of O'
Neill secretary - treasurer. The
delegates chosen to attend the
state convention in Omaha Feb
ruary 16-17-18 are: Mrs. Clauson,
A member delegate; Helen Les
sig of Ainsworth, alternate A
member delegate; Rogene Lowe
of Ainsworth, B member dele
gate; Garrella Watkins of Ains
worth alternate B member dele
gate. The meeting was closed
with a 5:30 dinner at the Range
Hymns Read in
Unison by Members —
EWING—Mrs. Leota Butler, an
honorary member of the Women’s
Society of Christian Service of
the Ewing Methodist church,
chose as the opening number for
tne Wednesday, November 5,
meeting the hymn, ‘‘A Little Bit of
Love,” which was read in unison
by the group present. Mrs. Flor
ence Butler conducted the devo
tionals, Mrs. C. C. Chappell gave
a report on the uses made of the
offering given during the week of
prayer and self denial at the busi
ness session in charge of Mrs.
Henry Fleming, president.
The bazaar date for the society
was set for December 10. The of
ficers of the society will meet on
November 19 at 7:30 p.m.
On adjournment, a no-host
luncheon was served from tables
centered with tall flowers and
A crowd of 2,000 attending the
dedication of a new fire station
and fire truck demonstration in
Howells weren’t prepared for an
unscheduled part of the program.
As a speaker told how firemen
have to answer calls at all times
of the day and ni&ht the fire
whistle blew and the firemen had
to leave the ceremonies to put out
a fire.
Plftonaa 318 and 304
Dr. Fisher, Dentist
In the Bishop Block—Norfolk
Office Phone: 610
Res. Phone: 2842
Knitted rayon with bra - tops. White
and pink. Size 32 - 44.
Special ..87c
• . ^
5% wool, 72 x 84, rayon bound. Pas
tel plaids. Save!
Each .... 4.97
10-ounce, two-thumb gloves. Knitted
3 Pairs for. ._ 97c
BiiiMM* n nww I. will
Medium weight cotton. Long legs
and sleeves. Full cut. 38-44.
Suit --- 1.17
Blue or gray chambray. Full cut.
Sizes 14-17. Buy several!
NEW 'AK' ROYALTY . . . Harry Buffington Coffee and 21-year
old Miss Gail Young are new rulers of the mythical kingdom of
Quivera The ceremonies are sponsored by Ak-Sar-Ben, Omaha
Mr. Coffee was reared in Sioux City and now is president of the
Union Stock Yards company.- The newly - crowned queen is a
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Young of Omaha,
Butte Legion
Tuesday, Nov. 18th j
_ u
You need new fashions! McDonald’s has too many! Common sense tells us to cut
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