The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 06, 1952, SECTION ONE, Page 9, Image 9

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    daosractory rnces
at 3-Church Sale
Large Crowd Attends
CHAMBERS — A community
sale sponsored by the Amelia
Methodist, Chambers Methodist,
and the Bethany Presbyterian
churches was held "Wednesday,
October 29, at the Mark Gribble
place, southeast of Chambers.
The sale was wel attended and
“satisfactory” prices were re
ceived for cattle, corn, poultry,
produce and a building—all of
which were sod.
The Bethany ladies served the
lunch. Ed Thorin was auctioneer
and the Chambers State bank
Other Chambers News
Bethany Presbyterian Sunday
school was held Sunday, Novem
ber 2, in the basement of their
new church.
Mr. and Mrs. Hale Osborne and
Sharon of Winner, S. D., came on
i ...
Sunday with relatives. They were
Sunday dinner guests in the C. E.
Tibbets home. Other guests were
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooper and
Genevieve Bell.
'Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roth left the
last of the week for Columbus
where he has employment for the :
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thorin and \
son, Charles, moved the first of
the week from Neligh to one of
the libbets cabins. Mr. Thorin
is employed at the Wintermote
blacksmith shop.
Mr. and Mrs. Delhe Fauquier,
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Dankert and
Douglas, Alice and Alvin Johnson 1
were Friday supper guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Johnson.
Mrs. Maude Brion of Ewing and
Mrs. Dick Brion and sons of Ne
ligh attended the Garden club’s
play at the town hall Wednesday
night, October 29.
Mr. and Mm. Merle Hansen and.
children left last Thursday for
Kearney to visit her brother and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Young,
and daughter. They expected to
leave there Friday for their home
at Boise, Ida.
F. S. Carpenter of Omaha was
an overnight guest in the home of
his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
OU« iVii • V/CU V* AAV/ Akl AAAA *■ ■■
manager at the Masonic home for
boys, was accompanied by a boy
formerly from me nome.
Jacqueline Taggart and Neva j
Jarman accompanied Mrs. Ciar- !
ence Grimes to Omaha last Thurs
u«y wuwe mey vu>ued until Sun
day with the former s sister, 'unary
Taggart, wno is aitenoing the uni
versity school of nursing. Mrs.
Grimes visited ner son, Gleason,
a polio patient at Ciaritson hos
ivrrs. Richard Harley returned
on Thursday, October 3u, from
Biloxi, Miss., where sne haa been
with ner husband A/3c rucnard
Harley. She was met in Omaha by
ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Bly.
Mrs. Lee Mitchell drove to
to Pierce Saturday to bring her
brother, Burl Young, home to
ape no. Sunday witn nis parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young.
Pfc. Bob Leiswald came the
first of the week from a camp
near Memphis, Tenn., and will
visit until Nevember 18 with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Leis
wald, and other relatives. He is
enroute to a camp near Los An
geles, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cook
and Mrs. John Wintermote drove
to Ord Sunday to visit the for
mer’s daughter and husband,
Mrs. Tracy Rathburn, and family.
Mrs. L. R. Hansberry went to
Ong Friday to visit her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Conger.
Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell,
Mrs. Charlotte Honeywell and
the former’s daughter and son-in
law, Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Rubeck
and Katherine of O’Neill were
Sunday dinner guests in the
Clarence Knox home. They also
called in the Seymour Harkins
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith and
children and Mrs. Luella Crandall
drove to Norfolk Sunday where
they visited Mrs. Crandall’s sis
ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Castor, her niece and hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brit
tell, and children and (Mrs. Fred;
Smith at Our Lady of Lourdes
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith and
children visited his mother, Mrs.
Fred Smith in a Norfolk hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gilbert and
girls of Stuart were Sunday din
ner guests in the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gil
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner
and son, Roger, of Grand Island
spent Saturday and Sunday with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Sunday dinner guests in the
Louis Harley home were Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Bly and M!rs. Rich
ard Harley.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Lehmann
and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leh
mann drove to Wisner Sunday to
visit the former’s cousin, Fritz
on which he was working break, j
He received some broken bones ,
and baa bruises.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ashton and
daughter, Jackie, of Omana spent j
the weekend in the Edgar DeHart j
home. Tney are cousins of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. St^e Shavlik and
Pamela and Mr. and Mrs. Keitn
Sexton attended churcn in Ew
ing Sunday.
Mrs. Betty Urban and son, Gary
Gaber, also two lady friends oi
Mis. Urban, spent Saturday and
Sunday in the Chris McGinn
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Adams of
St. Paul came Saturday evening
and visited until Sunday eve
ning with their daughter and son
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chris
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Elkins
had a formal opening Wednesday,
October 29. iNearly 200 ice cream
cones were served free during the
afternoon and evening. They re
cently purchased the cafe knowni
as “Luceill’s Cafe” of Edwin
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taggart and
daughter of Creighton were Sun
day guests of her sister and hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Elkins
and her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Wright.
Frederick DeHart is spending
a few days with his brother and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar DeHart, i
(First pub. Nov. 6. 1952)
TO: Lottie L.nnaberry; John Lin
naberry, first and real true name
unknown, husband of Lottie Lin
naberry; Irene Nutcher; Ethel
Taylor; John Taylor, first and
real true name unknown, hus
band of Ethel Taylor; Mary
Prewitt; John Prewitt, first and
real true name unknown, hus
band of Mary Prewitt; Blanche
Stevens; John Stevens, first and
real true name unknown, hus
band of Blanche Stevens; Johr
Eisele; Mary Eisele. first and real
true name unknown, wife of
John Eisele; Sam Eisele; Mary
Eisele, first and real true name
unknown, wife of Sam Eisele:
Lynn Eisele; Mary Eisele, first and
real true name unknown; wife of
Lynn Eisele; Harry Eisele; Mary
Eisele. first and real true name
unknown, wife of Harry Eisele;
Charley Wyant; Mary Wyant,
first and real true name un
known, wife of Charley Wyant;
Wilton Wyant; Mary Wyant, first
and real true name unknown,
wife of Wilton Wyant; Fern Wy
ant Blowers; John Blowers, first
and real true name unknown,
husband of Fern Wyant Blowers;
Henry Berghahn; Mary Berg
hahn, first and real true name
unknown, wife of Henry Berg
hahn; Gene Ashton; Mary Ash
ton. first and real true name un
known, wife of Gene Ashton;
Ralph Pratt; Mary Pratt, first
and real true name unknown,
wife of Ralph Pratt; William E.
Berghahn; Mary Berghahn, first
and real true name unknown,
wife of William E. Berghahn:
Vnn nnrl n a pli nf vni l ond Vl orp -
You and each of you are here
by notified that on the 29th day
of October, 1952, Ada Cox, as
plaintiff, filed her petition and
commenced an action in the Dis
trict, Court of Holt County, Ne
braska, against you aim pat-i»
you as defendants, the object and
prayer of which action is to have
the Court determine and decree
the respective interests of the
plaintiff and defendants in and
to the real estate described as
Lots 7. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, in
Block 41 of Riggs Addition to the
Town of O’Neill, Holt County,
Nebraska, and to order the parti
tion thereof among the respec
tive owners of the same, and in
the event same cannot be so par
titioned without great prejudice
to the owners, that the Court
will order the same sold and the
proceeds thereof divided between
the parties according to their
interests in the same.
You are required to answer or
plead to said petition on or be
fore the 15th day of December,
1952, otherwise the allegations of
the petition will be taken as true
and judgment rendered theron
William W. Griffin,
27-30 her attorney.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Berigan
of Omaha spent the weekend
visiting their respective parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Froelich,
at O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs.
James Berigan, at Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Brittell were
Sunday guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Manuel Crosser at Ne
Tune in! Voice of The Fron
tier” . . . Mon., Wed., Sat., 9:45
a.m., 780 kc., WJAG.
Th teacher, Mrs. Darel Bright,
and pupils of Hendricks school
and;eacher, Mrs. Evelyn Jung
man and pupils of Celia school
had* joint Hallowe’en party at
the 2elia school Friday after
noo; October 31.
M. and Mrs. Emil Colfack
wer Stuart and O’Neill visitors
Thursday, October 30.
Atendants at Hillside chapel
hel, a regular Bible study ser- j
vie Friday evening then had a
HaLowe’en party at the close of
the, services.
Ir. and Mrs. Marvin Focken
an». children were dinner guests
at Ehe John Ross home Sunday.
Ocober 26.
Ir. and Mrs. Wilford Arp and
faaily were Friday evening, Oc
to»er 24, visitors at the Emil Coi
fa:k home.
ilice, June and Karen Focken
viated the Emil Colfack home
Sdurday morning, October 25.
Mr. and Mrs. Omer Poynts
wsre Monday, October 27, sup
guests at the Joe Hendricxs
Duane Beck helped Alvin
Heiser with his work the first of
tie week.
Emil Colfack, Frank Kilmurry
aid Duane Beck helped Alex
forsythe vaccinate calves Wed
nesday, October 29.
Roger and Rodney Dobias
spent Thursday night. October
30, with their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. F. Scott.
Alex Forsythe and O. A. Ham
merberg were O’Neill visitors on
Thursday, October 30.
The Earl Schlotfeldt family
visited the Paul Johnson family
and both families took the chil
dren around the neighborhood for
“tricks or treats.”
Sunday dinner guests at the
Clarence Focken home were Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Poessnecker
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin Focken and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O’Connor
and Sandra Kay were Thursday
Gerald Heiser spent Thursday ]
night at the Duane Beck home.
Frank Kilmurry and daugh- •
ter, Patricia, were Thusday eve
ning visitors at the O. A. Ham
merberg home.
Frank Disterhaupt, Louie
Lauridsen and son, Duane, and
Jim Lauridsen were dinner
guests at tne Hans Lauridsen
home Monday, October 27.
!Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hend
ricks took Alice, Bud, Bill and
Paul Focxen to town to attend
a masquerade party at the home
of Reverend and Mrs. Phipps and
family Thursday, Ortober 23. Mr.
and Mrs. Mark Hendricks, Mar
kita and Arlen, and Francis
Chaffin, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Smith and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Hendricks and family
also attended the party.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Focken
and family were O’Neill visitors
Mrs. D. F. Scott, Mrs. Gene
Livingston and Dorothy Scott
were Tuesday, October 21, visit
ors at the O. A. Hammerberg
Mr. and Mrs. Parker Wilson
of Franklin, Tenn., who had been
visiting Alex Forsythe, returned ,
to their home Tuesday, October
Gene Closson and pupils visit
ed the teacher, Leone Beckwith,
and pupils of the Lauridsen .
school Thursday afternoon, Oc- j
tober 30.
Lawrence Lange, agriculture
teacher in Atkinson, visited the
Colfack and Focken homes on
! Tuesday, October 28.
Reverend and Mrs. Phipps vis- '
ited*the Emil Colfack home on
Tuesday afternoon. October 28.
The Victor Frickel family were
Sunday afternoon visitors at the
D. F. Scott home.
Mrs. Joe Hendricks and Nina,
Mrs. Robert Hendricks and Mrs.
Paul Johnson met at the Milton
McKathnie home Monday after
noon, October 27, to plan for a
t booth for the Celia Homemakers
extension club at the Holt coun-*
ty achievement day program in !
□’Neill Thursday, November 6.
Emil' Colfack, Alex Forsythe
and Marvin Focken helped cable j
in stacks of hay for O. A. Ham
tnerberg Friday, October 31. Mrs.
Colfack Came, too, and visited
Mrs. Hammerberg.
Wednesday evening, October
29, Eloise Rustad brought the
children who attend Atkinson
high school home from town and
spent the night at the Focken
home. Thursday morning she vis
ited the Emil Colfack home. Miss
Rustad has been helping with
services at the Presbyterian
church since Reverend Graff
and family left.
Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg, who
had been visiting in Wichita and
Newton, Kans., returned home
Monday afternoon, October 27.
Jim Lauridsen and Mr. and
Mrs. Hans Lauridsen and family
helped Linda Lauridsen cele
brate her second birthday anni
versary Sunday, October 26, at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Lauridsen.
Carl Damero was a Saturday,
November 1, dinner visitor at the
Hans Lauridsen home.
Lindford Sweet helped shingle
a corncrib for O. A. Hammerberg
Saturday, November 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and
son, Denton, were O’Neill visit
ors Friday, October 24. s>niriey
and Dennis Colfack visited the
Clarence Focken family the
same afternoon.
drs, brown &
Eyes Tested—Glasses Filled
Broken Lens Replaced in
24 Hours
Other Repairs While Ton
Complete X-Ray
at Ewing
Sunday, Nov. 9th
Thursday, Nov. 13
30 Bulls 40 Females
(35 Bred — 5 Open)
Females are bred to top son of $33,000
Jones bull, J. 0. Royal Domino 45th
Few Calves at Side of Sale Cows
BhK fU ranch
(5 Miles South of O'Neill on U.S. Highway 281)
Rents U' 11# Plate Glass
Wind & Tornado, Truck 8c Tractor, Personal Property
Liability GENERAL INSURANCE Livestock
Automobile O'Neill —:— Phone 106 Farm Properly
White sidewall tires, Fordomatic Drive, Oi<erdrive,
two-tone colors illustrated optional at extra cost.
iiiit to stav uilt
Hull-tight Construction Full-Circle Visibility £/ “"
Newest, most
Body Design
Throughout this Ford’s rugged con
struction you’ll find quality. Take the
5 cross members in its strong K-bar
frame . . . the welded strength of its
all-steel body. Only Ford in its field
offers a V-8 or Six engine . . . Ford
omatic, Overdrive or Conventional.
Only Ford offers the smooth, level
going of Automatic Ride Control.
C — —--* —
• • \ Wider Front Tread and trim subject to
. ' change without notice.
Double-Seal Brakes —»■■■ - - ^ —_
Power-Pivot Clutch H ^
Rugged K-bor Frame 1 ^ , B
f.d.a.f. Jou can pay more but you cant buy better |
Lohaus Motor Co.
MON. and TUES.
Sale Starts 10:30 A.M.
Calves and Lightweight
Yearling Will Sold
All Other Classes of Cattle
Will Be Sold
This will enable us to handle
your consignments better and I
sell them at a better hour during
the heavy marketing season.
List your cattle early so we
have them on our list for coming
sales and can advertise them
throughout the eastern cattle
Ceding states,
Your consignments will be
Central Finance
JC. E. Jones, Manager
O'Nol’l : Nebraska
Saturday, Nov. 8
Commencing at 1:30 P.M.
Consisting or a modem, 6-room
house together with garage,
barn, poultry house, and nice
acreage, located on highway
No. 20. The buildings are in
good repair, nice front lawn,
shade trees, garden spot. This
was the home of the late Mr.
and Mrs. T. A. Butterfield.
This property is now occupied,
and possession can be had by
December 8th this year.
Anyone • wishing to inspect
property before sale date may
do so.
TERMS — 25% cash day of 1
'ale, balance when possession
is given, when a warranty
deed and abstract of title will
be delivered.
George J. Johnson. Auctioneer
Licensed to Sell Real Estate
A. G. Hill. Broker
Atl'y Elmer Rakow, Clerk
9 1 J
k Men’s Rayon Gabardine
I Sport Shirts
; 2.98
k Smartly styled with 2-way col
W lar, 2 flap pockets! A host of
* colors in sizes S, M, ML, L
• 80% Rayon, 20% Nylon Shell
• Full Quilted Navarre Lining
• Warm 100% Wool Interlining
Buy him dependable cold weather
insurance, buy the popular surcoat,
30" long and packed with insulation.
Elastic inserts at waist give snug fit,
full zip front. Green, maroon, gray,
taupe, sizes 36 to 46.
r Advertised in LIFE
* Misses’ Shirts
I 1.98
¥ Sanforized gingham in fast
k color plaids! Tailored with short
" sleeves, 2-way collar. 32-38.
k 111-2321
Investment in Comfort! Women’s
■ 1,9 1
Soft platform » " !' * C°''ar and sol«
105-6444 es Pamper her feet.
^ * "n''U&i^[.J 1111 w J ft\1 &**■
| Gift Idea! Women’s
) Wool Mittens
'■ •
I v i
£ Gaily embroidered with color
ful floral designs! Closely
fc woven for extra warmth. 6-8
Seamless Latex Rubber
Reversible slip-on style won’t
chaff. Odorless, waterproof,
ventilated. Sizes S, M, L, XL.
x„ r
Fill Her Wardrobe With
Wool Cardigans
Ribbed waistband gives a trim
fit! Grosgrain ribbon facing.
Red, white, aqua, pink. 34-40.
Girls’ Gaily Printed
Flannel Paiamas
Two piece cotton flannel in
Western or butcher boy styles
with ruffle trim. Sizes 8 to 14.
fc , ... w<X'« ' U" ■' • ”*' 1
><L .-v .. . *>■>
'• • w .. .W. . ... ... .
« •