The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 30, 1952, SECTION ONE, Page 3, Image 3

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    Rock Falls News
Dinner guests at the Henry Ve
*quist home on Friday were Mrs.
Orville Morrow and Judy and
. Betty, Mrs. Maynard Morrow and
Jackolynn, Mrs. Buck Sanders
and Melvin and Mrs. Don Adams.
In the afternoon all visited at the
Lyle Vequist home and after a
visit a ltmch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and
Ardell spent Thursday evening,
October 23, at the Roy E. Mar
gritz home.
• Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schultz
were- guests Sunday at the John
Schultz home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist
spent last Thursday evening at
the Francis Curran home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bigler
and Janice and Mr. and Mrs.
Kenzie, all of Butte, were guests
at the Billy Claussen home all
day Sunday.
The John Schultz family spent
Saturday afternoon with Grand
ma Briener.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Margritz and
family spent Tuesday evening at
the Harvey Mitchell home.
Chuck and Bobby Smith spent
Saturday evening at the Henry
Veauist home.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Margritz and
daughters were dinner guests at
the John Schwindt home near
Royal on Sunday.
Mrs. Dan Rakes and girls spent
Friday with Mrs. John Schultz
and girls.
The Eagle Creek 4-H Hallow
e’en party was held Saturday
night at the home of Brenda and
Bonna Margritz.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Teitterman
of Bennett, spent Thursday at
the Bill Claussen home. In the
afternoon Mrs. Marie Lewis, Ed
die and Kenny visited there.
Walter Sire and Leo Lewis
were dinner guests at the Roy
Margritz home Tuesday.
Sunner guests at the Henry Ve
ouist home Sunday evening were
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stems. Eve
ning Quests were Mr. and Mrs.
Wes Taylor and familv. Cards
were nlaved and lunch was served
at a late hour.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clausen vis
ited Fridav evening with the
Claussen Brothers.
Mrs. Albert Stems spent from
Tuesday until Saturday in Oma
ha with her daughter, Mrs. Les
lie Strong, and family. On Sat
urday Mr. Stems, their s^n. Ed
ward and her daughter, Shirley,
went to Omaha to get Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hvnes and
Lvnda sDent Sunday evening at
the Duane Anson home.
Mrs. Loval Hull left Monday
for California to visit her parents
and other relative*?. She plans
to return in about three weeks.
On October 22, Loretta Bear
Heels became the bride of Al
den No Moccasin, both of Parma
lee, S.D., the ceremony being
performed by Cherry County
Judge C. H. Elliott in his office
at Valentine. Margie No Mocca
sin attended the bride and Tal
bert Sharp Fish was bestman.
Peggy, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Don Martin, was honored
on her birthday anniversary at
the home of Mrs. James Mullen.
The small group of youngsters
spent the afternoon playing and
later lunch was served.
fc"1 —
Mrs. Clifford Wells entertained
neighbors and relatives at her
home Friday evening honoring
three of her children, Etta Mae,
Delores and Wilmer, whose birth
days are in October. Door prizes
were won by Halsey Hull and
Dick Truax.
Mrs. Clay Mashino and Thelma
accompanied the Fredrickson
family of Bristow to Fremont
Sunday as her son-in-law, Wally
Fredrickson, was returning to
navy duty after a leave at home.
The Scott Community club met
Tuesday evening, October 21, at
the Scottville hall. Emma Krug
man and Lela Carson gave the
first part of the “home nursing”
demonstration. Plans were made
to meet (Monday, November 3, at
the Carson home to finish the
“road signs.” Part 2 of home
nursing will be demonstrated at
the Krugman home November 18.
A nohost luncheon of cake and
coffee was served.
Howard Oberle had dinner at
the Ray Wilson home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wilson
were among guests at a family
dinner Sunday at her parent’s, the
Lloyd Tuch’s, near Verdel. The
occasion was in honor of Junior’s
birthday anniversary and Joy’s
uncle and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Ross May, of Richmond, Calif.
Visitors at the Redbird school
last Thursday were: Shirley, Lor
raine and Thelma Mashino, Doris
and Billy Halstead, Dick Truax,
Delores Mellor and Delores Wells.
The Harry Truax family of Val
ley were Sunday visitors in the
Fred Truax, sr., home. Other call
ers in the afternoon were Mr. and
Mrs. Dale Bessert and Cathy, the
Henry Hull family of Verdel, Lar
ry Halstead and Bruce Scholl
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wyant and
family were Sunday visitors of
her mother, Mrs. Charley Ross.
John and Hallie Halstead of In
man were dinner guests in the
Harold Halstead home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mellor and De
lores called in the afternoon.
The Dorsev Ladies aid served
lunch at the Carsten sale Monday.
A ni~e program was enjoved by
a large crowd at the Graham
school Tuesday evening, October
21, where Mm. M^rv Lou Oleson
feaches. Over $40 was netted
from the sale of +he b^ves.
Mr. and Mm. Frank Wvant and
Hav Wilson helped unload a stove
Mondav night for Mr. and Mi's.
Frank Hhelsan.
Tuesday evening, October 21,
visitors in the Harold Halstead
home were Mr. and Mrs. Art Bes
sert and Ronnie Witherwax.
Mr. and Mm. Clifford Wells
and children spent Sunday at the
Clayton Thomson home in Lynch.
The Dorsey Ladies aid met on
Wednesday, October 22, with the
Carson sisters. After the busi
ness meeting luncheon was served
by Mrs. Carrie Hunter. Lizzie Car
son and Mrs. Mary Wolfe.
Mr. Miller, teacher of the Car
! son school, was a Tuesday over
night guest in the Albert Carson
Frank Wyant visited several
days last week with relatives at
Aurora. Jim Yocum brought him
home Saturday.
A/3c Wally Shelhamer, son of
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Shelhamer,
expects to leave his air force base
near Trenton, N. J., on Saturday
and will spend a furlough here
with his parents.
Opening of Our New Offices in O’Neill
Clauson Bldg. — 426 East Douglas St.
jj Phone 450
* ! * ■ (
(Office will bef closed Fridays until further notice until such
time as our Norfolk office is closed.)
Six Man . . . Carney Park
* %
^ — ••••■
Kickoff 8 P.M.
9 > . 'v
Season Tickets Honored
Admission: Adults 50c, Students 25c
o 0
Hear Report on
Rebekah Assembly
Hallowe’en Parties
Are Held
INMAN—The Arbutus Rebekah
lodge met in regular session Wed
nesday night, October 22 at the
IOOF hall. A report was given by
Mrs. Mary Tomlinson, who was
a delegate to the Rebekah assem
bly at North Platte.
A Hallowe’en party furnished
the entertainment for the evening.
Lois Tompkins, Grace Gannon
and May Watson were on the en
tertainment committee. Refresh
ments were served by Ruth Wat
son, Jessie Smith, Grace Thom
sen and Maurine Smith.
Eleven members of the Arbutus
lodge were guests of the Francis
Willard Rebekah lodge at Or
chard Thursday evening. A Hal
lowe’en party was enjoyed by the
group and a lunch was served at
the close.
Other Inman News
Misses Luella Watson and Wil
la Marie Tische spent Wednes
day night, October 22, in the E. L.
Watson home. They were en
route to the teachers’ convention
in Norfolk.
Several men from Inman at
tended a road meeting Wednes
day night, October 22, at Plain
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bruhn of
Niobrara and A/2c Henry W.
Bruhn of Turner Air Force base,
Albany, Ga., were Tuesday eve
ning, October 21, guests in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. James Co
ventry and family.
Mrs. C. Zimbelman of Gregory,
S.D., and Mrs. J. W. Jones of
Colome, S.D., visited in the Fred
Moore and Mick Gallagher homes
from Monday, October 20, until
Wednesday, October 22.
Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Alexander
spent the weekend visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Noe and family
at Waterbury.
Mr. and Mrs. James 3ois and
son of Omaha spent the weekend
visiting in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Luben and family.
Mrs. Sam Leonard and daugh
ters of Wakefield spent Monday
visiting Mrs. Leonard’s mother,
Mrs. Violet Sholes
Gordon Sholes, who is employed
at Emerson, spent the weekend
visiting his mother, Mrs. Helen
Charles Gannon of California
came Friday to visit in the Roy
Gannon home. He is an uncle
of Roy’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes left
Wednesday, October 22, for In
dianapolis, Ind., whore they will
spend a few days visiting.
Bill Ladely of Gordon spent a
few days last week visiting his
niece, Mrs. Myrtle Youngs, in the
Charles Youngs home.
Mrs. Anna Youngs and Mrs.
Myrtle Youngs spent Saturday in
Bloomfield where they attended
the funeral of Mrs. Anna Youngs’
sister, Mrs. Abbenhaus.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark of
Burwell spent Thursday in In
man visiting relatives.
Miss Marilvn McClurg of Bas
sett spen+ Thursday and Friday
visiting Miss Carolyn Watson in
the Ira Watson home.
The Misses Kav Coventry and
Evelyn Davis visited in the Cad
wall^1 er school north of town
last Thursday. Joan Coventry is
the teacher.
Those from the Inman commun
ity who attended the teachers’
convention at Norfolk Thursday
and Fridav were: Mr and Mrs.
Harold Wilhnit, Mrs. James Kel
I ley, Miss Mildred Keyes, Mrs.
Buck Watson, Larry Sawyer, Miss
Grayce McGraw, Miss Joan Cov
entry and Miss Luella Watson.
Miss Deritha Smith of Norfolk
spent the weekend visiting her
paints. Mr and Mrs. Ken Smith.
Harlan Morsbach and LeRoy
Moore of Rapid City, S.D., scent
the weekend in the David Mors
bach and Fred Moore homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Kay Bean spent
the weekend in Lincoln where
thev attended the teachers’ con
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Luben and
girls of Wisner spent the week
end with relatives in Inman.
Mrs. Anna Ferris returned Mon
day from Lincoln and Leigh
where she-visited relatives.
Miss Luella Watson of Atkin
son spent the weekend visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Ralph Herald Sholes of Sidney
spent the weekend visiting his
mother, Mrs. Violet Sholes.
Graydon Hartigan of Alma
spent the weekend visiting his
mother, Mrs. Marye Hartigan.
James McMahan left Monday
for Minneapolis, Minn., where he
will visit relatives.
Mrs. Fred Simmons of Norfolk
and Mrs. Ashbum of Tilden spent
Friday afternoon in Inman visit
| ing friends.
i Harold Nielsen and Ronnie Cov
entry attended a football game in
Norfolk last Thursday night.
They were accompanied to Nor
folk by Miss Joan Coventry, who
attended the teachers’ convention
there on Friday.
The Misses Jeanette and Glen
da Jean Wolfe of Amelia spent
the weekend visiting their grand
mother, Mrs. Walter Jacox.
Merlin Luben of Bruno spent
the weekend visiting his family.
Miss Grayce McGraw and Mrs.
Walter Jacox spent last Thursday
in Norfolk where Miss McGraw
attended the teachers’ convention
and Mrs. Jacox visited friends.
11th Annivresary —
Gene, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Turner, was honored on his 11th
birthday anniversary Saturday,
October 25. The group of 11 boys
went to the matinee in the after
noon and returned to his home
for lunch of ice cream and cake.
AMELIA — Leo O’Malley has
received his medical discharge
from the army and is at the
v'°me of his mother, Mrs. Blanche
O’Malley. Leo has been suffering
with rheumatic fever.
79 Registered Herefords, Holt
County Hereford Ass'n Sale,
Mon.. Nov. 17, O'Neill. Nebr.
Write for catalog. 26-27c
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Hertford
returned last Thursuay from
Manhattan, Kansas . City^ and
Abilene, ail points in Kansas,
where they had spent several
days visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pruden and
Mrs. Hazel Liggett visited in the
home of Ruth Thurlow at Stuart
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Perry were
weekend visitors at Hartington in
the homes of Mrs. Eva Winter
ringer and Mr. and Mrs. Bert
The iMerri-Myx club was enter
tained at a 1:30 p.m. dessert
luncheon at the home of Mrs.
Paul Shierk. The prizes were
won by Mrs. H. S. Moses and
Mrs. Shierk.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Osen
baugh and family were Sunday
guests of Mrs. Osenbaugh’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ralya, in
honor of the birthday anniver
sary of Mrs. Osenbaugh.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parks, jr., j
and family and Mr. and Mrs. j
Merwyn Parks were recent vis
itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Parks, sr., at Ainsworth, j
Mrs. Hazel Liggett of Clear
water was a weekend guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Knight
and Susan drove to North Platte
on business Monday.
Mrs. Earl Buelow of Racine,
Wise., arrived Friday for a few
days’ visit with her parents,
Judge and Mrs. J. J. Harrington.
Masquerade party sponsored by
the P-TA at the O'Neill public
school auditorium Friday, Octo
ber 31, at 7:30, admission 10
cents. 26c50
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hipp
and Mrs. Anna Hipp of Pilger
were Sunday guests in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidt.
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Crosser
and Jerry of Neligh were week
end guests at the home of Mr.
Mi's. Merle Sparks.
Mr. and (Mrs. Merle Sparks and
family visited in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. David Morsbach in In
man Monday evening.
Loren Pallet of Wheeler, Ore.,
spent several days last week in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schenzel
were weekend guests in Norfolk at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Kayl, jr., and Carolyn. They
helped Carolyn celebrate her sev
enth birthday anniversary.
Mrs. Earl W. Ralya went to
Wood Lake Monday, October 20,
to sing at a funeral. She returned
Tuesday with her niece, Miss
Jane Tische, who visited the Ral
ya’s for a few days.
Mrs. Merle Sparks and Don
were Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Bessie Bridges.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk vis
ited their niece, Mrs. Stanley Gil
bert at Burke, S.D., on Sunday. °
.. .. -.— 4
Sale! Men’s
^hal.a, 4.88
bargain! BBW**
Strong Sanforized den- •
im with bi-swing back.
Waist won’t rip out. 2
way zipper front. Sizes
34-46; short, medium,
Sale! Smart
Usually 77c
98c 1 1
Plus Tax
Newest styles in ear
rings, necklaces, pins,
bracelets. Glistening
with colored stones,
rhinestones. Gold and
Sale! 1.98
Size 24x36 loop twist
cotton rugs. Rubber backs
prevent skidding. Choice
of 14 beautiful colors
new beauty for your
Sale! Boys’
Sturdy feather “combat”
boots; plain toe with
two-buckle cuff. Strong
ly made for rough wear.
In Brown, sizes 8 Vz to 3.
Sale! Men’s
DONFIELD handsome
rayon gabardines with
“Resisto” finish so most
spots wipe right off.
Grey, Slate, Brown, Tan.
Sizes 28-42.
\WuiMn\ivr ™
Sale! Girl’s
Regular 39c “Nylonized”
rayon tricot panties are
easy to wash, quick to
dry, wear long. White,
Yellow, Pink, Blue. 2-12.
Women’s new
slim-line wool
Fashion - favored
tweeds and
checks, size 24
^ to 30! Hurry
in for yours!
These exciting new
skirts are styled on the
■ new slim lines that be
■ little your waist and
W slenderize your figure.
W Rich quality all wool *
^ in smart tweeds and
novelty checks so popu
WF lar now, so right for
^ winter. Choose from
i t fall’s best colors, but
Usually 5.95 choose now while your
, c choice is here in your
and 0.^5 size. Real savings!
Regularly Q Q Q
9.95 0.00
Sturdy acetate satin twill, finished to
shed snow and rain. Iridescent heavy
quilted lining, cozy Timton collar.
Cocoa, Green, sizes 34-46
Boys’ 6-18, Sale_6.66
rich plaids
Regularly 98c a yard
Imagine these beautiful ginghams at
this low sale price! They’re WOVEN,
not just printed. They’re Sanforized to
retain the fit of things you sew, wash
fast to keep their beauty. Rich plaids
• in lovely colors; 36 inches wide.
Wonderful value!
Save 32c on every yard you buy!
Regularly C *7
Every towel is famous Cannon first
quality, soft, absorbent, long-wearing.
Beautiful colors of Maize, Green,
Flame, Pink, Aqua with dobbyborder.
Matching wash cloths 17c
Men’s Plaid Flannel Shirts,
reg. 1.98_1.77
Men’s Dress Anklets,
reg. 49c_3 pair 87c
Money Bak Chore Gloves,
reg. 39c_3 pair 97c
Pretty Cobbler Aprons,
reg. 1.98_1.77
Infants’ Cotton Flannel
Sleeping Bags _1.27
Pure Silk 34” Squares,
reg. 98c_77c
Women’s Cotton Ribbed
Anklets-3 pair 84c