The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 16, 1952, SECTION ONE, Page 6, Image 6

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Ainsworth Hit, 13-0;
Blues Risk Perfect
Record at Neligh
With five triumphs under their
fcelts, the O’Neill high school
Eagles will risk their perfect class
B grid record at Neligh on Wed
nesday, October 22 under the
lights. It’ll be Neligh’s home
coming and the Warriors, labor
ing through a mediocre season,
will be supercharged for Coach
Marv Miller’s Blues.
To the victor of the tradi
tional match will go The Fron
tier-Neligh News tro
phy, which has been in the
possession of the Blues since
(.last season's 21-19 win over the
Warriors in Carney park here.
This week the Eagles have an
•open-date. Next week’s game has
been backed up from Friday,
October 24, to Wednesday, Octo
ber 22, because of the annual
'teachers’ convention.
The O’Neill band will not make
the trip to Neligh, but the pep
club will be on hand.
Bulldogs Blanked;
Eby Shines—
O’Neill’s Dave Eby turned in a
whale of a performance—offen
sively and defensively — Friday
inight in Carney park as the O’
Neill high Eagles kept their per
fect record intact and defeated
•the fired-up Ainsworth Bulldogs,
13-0k The visitors were rated
underdogs but they furnished
plenty of anxiety for O’Neill
partisans until the fourth quarter
TD afforded a comfortable mar
Eby sneaked across from the
1 -yard-line for the Blues’ first
marker after eight minutes of
play, Fullback Duane Booth’s
boot try for extra point was wide.
Ainsworth outcharged and out
played the Blues during a listless
second period. But after inter
mission Coach Marv Miller’s kids
{assumed command of the situa
tion by controlling the ball most
of the time inside Ainsworth ter
The final score was set up late
in the third after an exchange
of fumbles and punts and some
hard-running by Eby, Georgie
Kilcoin, Booth and Bob Carroll, i
Immediately after the start of the
fourth period, Eby hustled across
on a delayed buck through center.
Eby added the point on a boot.
Ed Davis, Gaylen Hull and
Eby were consistently upend
ing Ainsworth carriers and
Harold Dexter broke through
the Bulldog defense for at ’east
two important tackles. Half
back Cozard was Ainsworth's
chief threat.
The Eagles outdowned their
foes, 11-7.
O’Neill now holds wins over
Plainview, B a s s et t, Burwell,
Creighton and Ainsworth.
Shot Glances Off
Water, Hits Woman
While duck hunting 12 miles
south of O’Neill Sunday. Mrs.
Gerald Harding, O’Neill house
wife, became victim of “shot” as
urell as the ill-fated duck.
When Mr. and Mrs. Harding
arrived at the lake there was
only one other hunter present
who was in a blind on the lake.
As some ducks glided in to set
tle on the lake, the hunter in the
blind fired and succeeded :n
winging one. It landed upon the
lake between his blind and Mrs.
Harding, who was up on the
bank. Mrs. Harding saw he was
going to shoot again and turned
aside. As he fired the second time
he hit the duck but some stray
shot glanced off the water and
struck Mrs. Harding in the left
arm and leg. She was taken im
miediately to St. Anthony’s’ hos
pital for treatment.
She was not seriously injured.
ORCHARD—The Orchard Ori
oles climaxed their homecoming
festivities by Clobbering Meadow
< Grove, 32-13, in a six-man fray.
. Johp Goakey was crowned home
dooming king; Mrs. Bernice Whit
• mer was crowned queen of the
- alumni.
The Frontier Sports
(Editor’s note: About 150 Holt county persons, including all
members of the O’Neill Municipal band, were in Memorial sta
dium, Lincoln, Saturday and saw Nebraska Halfback Bob Rey
nolds play his last game of football in scarlet. Many superlatives
have been used by the press and radio in recording Bob Reynolds’
exploits on the gridiron. A fine tribute to one of the greatest half
backs of all time was written by Norris Anderson and published
Monday in The Lincoln Star. Read the factual paragraphs below
and be convinced that the injury hex has banished from the grid
one of its truly greatest competitors.)
Bobby Reynolds, Saturday’s hero to all Nebraskans and an All
American to millions of Americans, passed almost unnoticed from
the collegiate football realm Saturday.
Only the pressbox occupants knew at halftime of the Kansas
| State-Nebraska game that Bobby Reynolds, greatest of all Husker
halfbacks, had played his last game.
Even the scribes and announcers, battle-hardened to tragedy
on the field, seemed to sense the impending doom. You caught the
first feeling of anxiety when Reynolds, ganged viciously on the five
yard line, came up rubbing his left shoulder and gyrating his left
Worried field glasses were trained on Reynolds as he walked
off the field. There followed the same breathless scene we saw at
Camp Curtis before the 1951 season when Bobby separated his right
a i_• _ j __ ii • _ . _ #» *■ a _«i j. ! J iU^ A 11 _
n 11U111CU gcunci mg UJ- uuuuib diiu uamciD aiuuuu vi*t **.*■•.
American. Soon his shirt came off and the inspection began. By
the long faces and head shakes, you knew the injury was serioiis.
When Coach Bill Glassford suddenly emerged from the huddle
and booted the 50-yard marker, we had that sinking feeling that
Bobby Reynolds had played his last game.
Reynolds added to the suspicion with a last wistful look at the
playing field as Dr. Frank Stone and Trainer Jim Van Deusen led
him from the training room.
If the press box was silent during the closing minutes of the
half, you hardly heard a word after Publicist John Bentley an
nounced during the third quartet that Bobby was through.
Even as John made the announcement, we thought of a similar
press box scene at halftime at Norman, Okla., two years ago. Rey
nolds, then an 18-year-old sophomore, had just exploded for three
touchdowns in eight minutes against mighty Oklahoma. Never has
an American gridiron, before or since, seen such electrifying ball
As the scribes, a bit winded by the showing, settled back at
halftime, an astonishing thing took place. Every scribe, as if in
unison, began sending wires to Ted Smits, Associated Press sports
editor in New York City.
“Recommend that Bobby Reynolds, Nebraska halfback, be
named to the Associated Press All-American team,” said the wires,
both from partisan Nebraskans and Oklahomans who had been
boosting Billy Vessels. Bobby was named on that Associated Press
team and many others, became the Los Angeles Times “plaver of
the year’” and was the cover boy on a hundred magazines. Yet his
hatband never stretched one iota.
If that spontaneous display by friend and foe alike two years
ago was a tribute to the fellow’s greatness, the grief-filled silence
Saturday was a monument.
Yet there will be no monument needed to extoll Bobby Rey
nolds' achievements when he moves in spirit to a permanent hall
of fame.
All the gold and oil in the universe could not buy the priceless
legacy that Bobby Reynolds has left to the youth of Nebraska and
to Husker football.
He was an All-American in performance, to be true, a cham
pion of champions and forever master of the clutch. Bobby Rey
nolds, best of all, would have been an All-American if he had never
touched a football.
His memory will live as long as unselfish team spirit, high
ideals, self sa9rifice, and a competitive heart that knew no bounds.
Those are monuments. Mister, that you don't build of stone or steel
and Bobby Reynolds leaves them all.
For the Huskers, Reynolds perhaps has sacrificed a major
league baseball career and a bonus high in the thousands. How
many men with Bobby’s yen for baseball would have continued
football after that first shoulder separation? Look at Jackie Jensen,
Alvin Dark and a score of major leaguers who gave up the gridiron
before their collegiate eligibility expired.
For the team, he sacrificed All-American honors this season
by serving largely as a decoy and blocker in the first four games—
the easiest portion of the schedule when you pile up yards and
points. Those yards and points, in the long run, spell All-American.
Not until the Huskers faced that murderous last six foes was
Reynolds and the full Husker offensive to be unwrapped.
Well, the wrapping came off prematurely and Penn State,
Colorado, Missouri, Kansas, Minnesota and Oklahoma never will
know what Bob Reynolds, the fellow who does best against the
strongest foe, would have done.
His memory will burn through this season and many more,,
however, until that current “might have been” is obscured by the
dignities of time and true greatness.
As long as there are kids in the sandlots, a football flying in
a backyard before a proud father or at Memorial stadium before
40,000 fans, the name of Bobby Reynolds will live in glory.
“Come on—do it like Bobby Reynolds used to do!”
So long. Champ.
THURSDAY, OCT. 30-1952
x .Atkinson Livestock Market Pavilion
^ _
SELLING 40 Head of Strong Aged Two
Year Old Hereford Bulls
20 Head are-sired by our two Wyoming Hereford Ranch bulls;
WHR Lancelot 6th, from the grand champion load WHR had
at Denver in 1949. And, WHR TRI Star 29th — a bull that
sired our top bull in last year’s auction.
20 Head are sired by MASTER HAYFORD C. and Borando
Lad C. Over half the offering are yellow, mellow bulls; all are
t top quality. All are T.B. and bangs tested and ready for heavy
service. All guaranteed breeders.
See Them at Atkinson Sale Bam Anytime
after Sunday, October 26th
Mitchellville, Iowa
Huskers Win No. 4
But Lose Reynolds
The University of Nebraska
Cornhuskers Saturday sluggishly
waded through the underdog
Kansas State Wildcats 27-13, but
the victory—the fourth in a row
—proved costly. The Scarlet lost
the services of All-American
Halfback Bobby Reynolds, who
suffered a shoulder separation
early in the second quarter.
Reynolds suffered a similar—
although more severe—injury at
the putset of the 1951 season. In
1950 as a sophomore he was
honored with numerous all
American honors.
The Huskers go to State Col
lege, Pa., Saturday to meet un
beaten Penn State.
Members of the O’Neill Munic
ipal band, Director Charles B.
Houser, and Chaperones James
G. Bastian, Mrs. Leona Shoe
maker, Mrs. Ira H. Moss, Mrs.
| H. L. Lindberg and Mrs. Harry
Petersen were in the stands and
wi+nessed the game.
Others from O’Neill at Memor
ial stadium for the K-State
fiasco were:
D. E. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Jaszkowiak, Mr. and Mrs.
William McIntosh, Mr. and Mrs.
D. E. Seger and Warren, Marvin
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Gold
en and Kathryn Ann, Mr. and
Mrs. Verne Reynoldson, Mr. and
Mrs. Elgin Ray, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Appleby, Mrs. Esther Har
1'is, Mr. and Mrs. John Watson,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Evan':,
Julius D. Cronin, Mrs. P. B.
Hartv. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schaf
fer. Mrs. D. C. Schaffer.
From Emmet; Mrs. John Con
ard and daughter, Mary Lou.
Injun’s Spank Cards
with Aerial Attack
Fumbles Costly to the
SMA Crew
The' St. Mary s academy Car
dinals, playing host to the Marty
Mission (S.D.) Indians were
spilled, 6-18, last Thursday night
on the Carneyl park gridiron in
an interstate six-man contest.
It was the Iniuns’ aerial game
that created the havoc. Left
Hallfback M. Decora went 18
yards for Marty’s first TD in the
opening period. His running mate,
R. Houle, counted the second TD
for the Dakotans in the third
period, going 1"» yards, and J.
Skve, M a r t v ’ s quarterback,
plunged from the 6 for the In
dians’ third TD.
SMA tallied when Fullback
George Tomlinson hit from the
5. All tries for extra points, run
ning and passing, were foiled.
Fumbles proved costly for
Coach Joe George's Scarlet.
During the first half the Cards
served notice they were out to
win the ball game but they
lacked a second-half punch.
Jerry Wanser's pass-grabbing
was impressive during the first
two periods.
The Injuns came to O’Neill un
beaten since September 29, 1950,
when they bowed to the Cards
here 12-32. Meanwhile, they
racked up 15 consecutive wins.
Earlier games this year produced
45-0 wins twice and a 14-12 con
The Cards were to play at
Lynch’s homecoming Friday but
the game has been cancelled be
cause of the polio threat in Boyd
Archie Ashby Heads
Bowling Organization
A meeting of the O’Neill bowl
ing league was held on Tuesday
evening at the bowling alley. The
meeting was called to order by
President Archie Ashby.
The following officers were
elected: George Ramold, vice
president; Lee Bartos, secretary;
Freeman Knight, treasurer.
League bowling will begin
Monday night, October 20, at 7
pm. with Harold Humrich’s
team vs. Charles Porter’s team.
George Ramold’s team vs. Dar
rell Graham’s team on the late
shift Monday night.
A full schedule will be posted
in the bowling alley.
Mrs. Marie Patent and Carl
Doose of Wayne and Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin «Konken and twin
sons, Gail and Gailen of Harting
ton, were guests at the Dean
Perry home Sunday. Mrs. Pa
tent is Mrs. Perry’s aunt and
Mrs. Konken is a cousin of Mrs.
Mrs. W. P. Downey visited
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and
daughter, Barbara, left Thurs
day for Wyoming where they will
spend some time hunting deer.
Miss Sharon Wagnon is now
employed at St. Anthony’s hospi
tal in O’Neill.
Ronald Murphy spent Friday
visiting district 20. He is a
student at St. Mary’s in O’Neill.
Mrs. Georgia McGinnis visited
at the Joe Winkler home on Sun
Mrs. Fred Saunto of O’Neill
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex McConnell on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murphy and
family are moving soon to O’
Mrs. Alex McConnell visited
at the Walter Puckett home last
Thursday and Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Tenborg
and son, Greg, Mr. and Mrs. Ver
non Swick of Clinton and Mr.
and Mrs. John OLson and grand
son, Michael, of Winner, S.D.,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tenborg of
Iowa and Fred and Francis Ten
borg were dinner guests at Geary
Enbody’s home Sunday.
Roy and Steven Fox, sons of
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox, spent
the weekend at the Howard Mc
Connell home.
Mr. and Mrs. Billie Claussen
were dinner guests at the Char
lie Claussen home Sunday.
Carl Steinbaugh of Omaha
spent from Saturday evening un
til Sunday afternoon duck hunt
ing at the Howard McConnell
home. Mr. Steinbaugh is an
uncle of Mrs. McConnell.
Mr. and (Mrs. Victor Johnson
of O’Neill spent Sunday after
noon visiting at the Charlie
Claussen home.
Miss Jeanie Cole spent the
weekend at Brownlee visiting
Dotty Lee.
Ivan Hosek ef Norfolk spent
Saturday and Sunday at the
home otf Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole
hunting ducks.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cole spent
Monday and Tuesday, October 6
and 7 at Omaha. They attended
the rodeo at AkSarBen.
Mrs. Henry Patterson of Em
met left Friday for Omaha. She
returned home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Fox and
grandson, Melvin Luben, visited
at the E. W. Kramer home in O’
Neill Sunday.
Misses Mary belle O’Connor and
Rosemary Pederson of Omaha
and Rosemarv Pursell of Council
Bluffs, la., were guests of Miss
O’Connor’s paints, Mr. and
Mrs. James O’Connor, and her
uncle, Tom .Perkins, over the
Clyde Newton aoromoanied
Dean Perry to Sioux City Sunday
Mrs. William Newton visited
Mrs. Dean Perry and famdy
Thursdav afternoon, October 9.
Miss c)iaror, WaCTrinn Wn<.
overnight guest of Mrs. Wayne
Fox on Friday night.
! Enjoy East Coast
Deep Sea Fishing
- ■ -" ■. ■■■ .
Johnsons Are Now in
ROCK FALLS—Relatives here
have received word from Floyd
Johnson’s that they arrived safe
ly in Massachuetts and are en
joying deep sea fishing there.
Other Rock Falls News
j Mr. and Mrs. Dan Waegli and
Jimmy were guests at the James
Curran home Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Wright and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
■ Miller and family were guests at
Orville Miller’s all day Sunday.
Stanley Benson visited the Jess
Benson family at Rapid City, S.D.,
from Wednesday untii Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ott were
guests at Francis Curran’s for
dinner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Larsen and
famly were supper guests at the
Francis Curran home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Smith and
sons were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Kelly of
i Page. Others who attended were
i Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Thompson
, and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Gross and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Tommie Kelly and son and Mrs.
Anna Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Margritz and
girls were guests at the Earl
Storjohann home last Thursday
Guests at Orville Miller’s Fri
day evening included Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Vequist and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Curran and girls,
Mr, ^nd Mrs. Roy Margritz and
Walter Sire of Butte and Eu
gene Sire of Lincoln were guests
at the Roy Margritz home Friday.
Ray Kurtz was a dinner guest
at the Roy Margritz’s Friday and
Guests at Chuck Felver’s Mon
day evening for supper included
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNulty and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lanswoth.
Mrs. Roy Margritz visited Mrs.
Art ONeill’s school Friday morn
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rakes and
family visited in the Rock Falls
community Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. John Schultz and girls went
home with them for supper that
Guests at Blake Benson’s Sun
day evening were Mr. and Mrs.
Francis Curran and girls and Mr.
and Mrs. Oswald Drueke and fam
Mr. and Mrs. Art Rempter and
daughter and Mrs. Langdon were
guests at Dave Molar’s Sunday
for dinner.
Ann Molar and son, Don, at
tended the Loock funeral in
Spencer Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sterns
were guests at James Curran’s for
supper Wednesday evening, Octo
ber 8.
Guests at the James Curran
home Sunday for dinner and sup
per included Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Lansworth and JoAnn, Mr. and
Ms. James McNulty and La Don
na, Mrs. Celia Grutch, Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Vequist and family.
Guests at Dan Waegli’s for an
evening of cards and an oyster
supper Monday were: Mr. and
Mrs. John Schultz and girls, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbur Smith and boys,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes
and Lynda, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Claussen, Gordon Johnson and
Alvin Krogh.
Guests at Don Hynes’ Thursday
evening were Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Brown and family. Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Waegli and Jimmy.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown and
family called on the Don Hynes
family Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Claussen were
pnipsts at Clan<?3Pn Rrothprs all
day Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. V.
Johnson were also there.
Guests at Blake Benson’s on
Thursday evening were Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Claussen.
The fund for the purchase of
an iron lung is growing. More
donations have been received
since the dance at Benson’s. Any
j one aiding this drive is benefiting
I not only the community but per
| haps their own family.
‘Crazy Daze’ Title
of Benefit Play
CHAMBERS — The Beautiful
Valley Garden club met Tues
day evening, October 7, at the
home of Mrs. Susie Hubbard. Of
ficers were elected as follow's:
Mrs. Bernice Platt, president;
iMrs. Lorine Smith, vice-presi
dent; Mrs. Jean Hoffman, secre
tary; Mrs. Jane Spann, treasurer;
Mrs- Loa Hubbard, news reporter.
Committees for the year were ap
, pointed.
The stage play, “Crazy Daze”
which is to be presented October
28 and 29 at the town hall by
the two Chambers flower clubs,
■was discussed. Plans were made
and committees appointed.
The clubs intend to sell home
made candy both evenings.
Delegates to the state conven
tion were appointed and instruct
ed as to the club’s wishes in the
revision of the state constitution.
The flower arrangement for
the month was presented by Mrs.
Jane Spann, and consisted of a
handmade wood base, fall flowers,
fruits and vegetables, Hallowe’en
or Thanksgiving table arrange
Door prize was drawn by Mrs.
Cora Thomson. A lunch was serv
ed by the hostess, Mrs. Hubbard.
The next meeting will be with
Mrs. Peggy Smith with roll call
response: “What I’d Like for
The date was changed from
the regular Tuesday evening. No
vember 4, to Monday evening,
November 3, because of the
Methodist church bazaar and
election day.
Miss Dorothy Scott and Mrs.
E. W. Samms and Carla and Dick
of Wichita. Kans., spent Monday
with Mrs. Charles Dobias.
Hans Lauridsen accompanied
Bill and John Obermire to Hol
stein, la., and Omaha. They left
Monday, October 6, and returned
Tuesday night, October 7.
Mrs. Hans Lauridsen and sons,
Bobbv and LeRoy, also Jim
Lauridsen, brought Duane and
David Lauridsen, sons of Mr. and
Mrs. Louie Lauridsen. to stay !
with the Hans Lauridsen family i
while their parents went to Sut- I
ton. They staved from Tuesday,
October 7. to Thursday evening.
Duane Beck was a Friday af
ternoon visitor at the Ray Pease
Albert Johnson of Lyons was
a Tuesday, October 7, dinner
guest at the Earl Schlotfeld
Don Ahlman. teacher of the
McKathnie school, spent the
weekend at his home in Neligh.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson and
son, Larry, were supper guests at
the Ed Bausch home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken
and family visited the Eugene
Foessneeker family Sunday af
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heiser and
son, Gerald, also Mrs. Henry Do
brovolny and children were Sun
day dinner guests at the Duane
Beck home. ,
Marks Anniversary—
J. S. Hoffman of Chambers
visited from Thursday, October
9. to Sunday with his daughter,
Miss Ruth Hoffman. On Sunday
she entertained guests at dinner
in honor of his birthday anniver
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kloppen
borg and Merle Foreman visited.
Mrs. Kloppenborg’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Wortman, and fam
ily, Sunday.
Pvt. Donald Rzeszotarski, who
is stationed of Ft. Leonard Wood,
Mo., spent a weekend pas's with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gaines
Mrs. Emma Maring and sons,
Oliver and Homer, were Sundav
guests of Ruth Hoffman and he'r
father, who celebrated his 81st
birthday anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge and
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Burge and
Miss Dorothy Fisher were din
ner guests of Mrs. Besie Burge
and June and Harold on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Dusatko
are visiting in the southern part
of (Nebraska for a few days.
I w
I -' " 1
Cattle Market Steady with Last Week
• Looks like between 1.500 and 1,700 cattle on the O'Neill mar
ket today (Thursday). There'll be between 700 and 800 calves,
several loads of Black Angus steer and heifer calves. Balance of
calves will be whiteface. Several loads of good yearling steers
and heifers are already in the yards. Balance of today's offering
will include butcher stock.
• The market is steady compared to a week ago. The managers
of the O'Neill sale urge hog shippers to have the hogs in and
unloaded before noon, because they want to start that hog sale
about 11:30. There'll be quite a few feeder pigs.
“Voice of
• Monday j
• Wednesday j
• Saturday
9:45 A.M. — 780 kc.
Nebraska’s topflight announcers,
brine you the O’Neill regional news
thrice weekly in a concise, 15-min
ute nxmdup of news and happen
ings concerning persons and places |
you know.
‘ |
1 l
* i
4 th Street Market
Prices Effective Thurs.. Fri., Sal., Sun. Morn
Del Monte Canned Goods Roundup!
No. 2 Can_Ht-L 0
2 No. 303 Cans_7 I
2 No. 303 Cans_L I
No. 2 Can No. 2 Yi Can
27c 39c
APRICOTS—Unpeeled Halves QQC
No. 2Yi Can_VV
2 No. 303 Cans_VV
While, Golden, Spice, Devils
50-Lb. Bag ___
5-Lb. Can 400 Couni
61c 27c •
■'Vvlo *
YES, buy vour Scotsman Horne-SizeOd
Heater Now and receive FREE ‘h* Bfl
$12.95 Automatic Thermostat that ^ ^
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I *comeoht. iost set oi.l V
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J!T M?LD° WEATHEUREL *» 33% •»<*«
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Equipped with exclusive of fuel
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of fuel oil in 12 hours on ,ace UP to 60%
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quires one gallon during to 25%
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It’s a super-efficient burn- Heat that would otherwise
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HEAT WITH LESS i* saved and trWeSSdS!
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• Scientific Design Assures Super-Circulation! • Modern
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This sensational offer applies to any SCOTSMAN
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Stores in O’Neill and
O'NEILL: Phone 415. IOOF
Bldg., Next Door O'Neill Nat'l