Prairieland Talk . . . Take It On Chin, Best Advice By ROMAINE SAUNDERS LINCOLN — Modem living conditions are far from making for happiness and contentment. The home of today with its gadgets, push-buttons, faucets, showers and various fixtures to make life easy seems to have failed to bring to those in these homes throughout the land peace of mind and serenity of life. There is unrest, high ten sion, concern for the future, un certainty that our forefathers never experienced, though they may have lived in a one- or two room abode with the water sup ply in an open well to be drawn up by the “old oaken bucket,” meager house furnishings, the periodic ablutions from a tub or bucket by the cookstove. They did not have the things households have today but they had that of infinitely greater treasure, happy home Romaine life, peace of mind and soul Saunders assurance. Recently a wife filed a petition in divorce court with the timeworn charge of extreme cruel ty. That w'ife has a handsome husband, a success ful businessman, a dutiful husband and father. Moreover, she has a fine house to live in and everything any woman’s carnal heart could crave, servants to do the work and unlimited cash at her command. What is wrong? These things do not satisfy. She is typical of many. Is it the roar of machines, the swish of speeding automobiles, sky-borne traffic, televis ion and radio and wall-plugged switches to ease living conditions that have taken from so many the inspiration to achievement, which after all is life’s great object? In the past score years we have heard much about the striving for the goal of freedom from want, freedom from fear and freedom from in dustrial strife. There is no want of material things but fear, unrest, insecurity and mental tension haunt us still. Remedy? Get away from it all? No. Open our eyes to life’s beauties, its duties, the spiritual values, and take it on the chin like men and women. * * * A former attorney-general, let out as a mem ber of the cabinet, has been quoted as saying he had enough on the while house to blow it to kingdom come. Suppose he meant the occu pants of the w-.ile house. Is it charitable to keep under your hat all you know or a patri otic duty to blow off? * * * I see him occasionally, a tali' spire barely casting a shadow in the afternoon sun, but straight as a Sioux Indian. He got a start in life in Atkinson in the days of Joe Bartley, cast an chor later with the cow punchers in Colorado and then became a minister of the gospel, now retired as such but still active in church affairs. Maybe there is a gray haired patriot left in At kinson who was a kid with Reuben Kite, the tall spire herein mentioned. Atkinson has a citizen who in the long ago sought out the Indian trails as a scout. The last time I was up there I called at the home of Ed Welton but found he was not at home. Ed said but little about it, but he prob ably can give you the lowdown on the move ments of some of Sitting Bull’s braves and what the field at Wounded Knee looked like after it wa5i all ever, fie, too, knows first hand the early history of Holt co™*7 in thrilling details more intimately than any other unless it be Lloyd Gil lespie and Sam Thompson. Billy Reid, whose hangout wa$ alQr.g the Elkhorn, Middleton and Wade f nd the Dutchers up on the NtefifEira gulch es, Kate Shields, who headed the horse thieves to the southwest and gave the posse the slip when a horse was shot from under her and made a safe getaway, kept things exciting in the days that Ed will remember. One of the “younger set” who has not had a part in many presidential elections came up with this after hearing a candidate at the mike the other night—“one of the most dramatic and emo tion-charged hours in American political history.” One does not know whether to congratulate or feel sorry for Young America in view of the lack of fire and “dramatics” this dull presidential campaign. From the days of James A. Garfield and W. S. Hancock on down to McKinley and Bryan and some of those that followed there was not only drama and emotion but redhot cam paigning, bands and torchlight parades, oratory that raised your hair, when every voter and many that would* be later talked, argued and knocked down over the matter of high tariff or free trade, fiat money and “free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1.” Presidential elec tions of former times make this “whistle stop” and radio raving look like two bits. * * * Nebraska’s com belt comes up with another ample yield of the hybrids. While dead leaves fall and the brown of early autumn touches the landscape com pickers are in action gathering the season’s crop. A man of the soil down in Filmore county who operates 600 acres of cultivated land reports his com is making 60 bushels to the acre. His com, with the other grains produced, will go on the market as he keeps nothing bigger than a Leghcm hen in the way of live stock on his farm. * * * The state university people have been exer cised over religious instruction in the institution. Rather late in life to start in on a university young fellow or co-ed “to train him up in the way he should go” religiously if he hasn’t had it in childhood. There are now something like four millions of American children and youth in church sponsored schools maybe getting a mix ture of divine revelation along with large doses of the creeds of men, but at any rate at an early age are learning reverence for sacred things. A carload of Holt county horses was shipped out of Ewing for Minot, N.D., but that was in the autumn of 1905. Con Keyes, next to The Frontier office on the south, advertised “louce killer at half price.” That was a time something was do ing in Holt county in politics and most anything was trumped up in the shape of partisan hog wash. Dan Cronin was county treasurer but we didn’t think he did it when a circular letter was sent over the county claiming that Del Akin, the GOP stalwart then publishing the Atkinson Graphic, had paid only 71 cents personal tax in four years. When Del flashed tax receipts amount ing to $81.13 for one year the fusion boys were nonplused. . . That year Copenhagen, west of Plainview, came into existence as a new town on the .railroad extending from Sioux City to O’ Neill. . . A wedding of community interest that year was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet Martin when their daughter, Belle, was given in marriage to Opie Chambers, a South Dakota newspaper publisher. South Dakotans came to O’Neill frequently those days and Mr. Chambers discovered here was the place to get a charming young woman for his bride. * * * Mr. Truman says he has done his darndesl in the seven years he has been in the while house. No doubt of it. * * * Arnss tsiy reinea ner pony, wet with sweat and with heaving sides, to the fence where 1 stood as she stopped for a morning greeting on her way to school. “Been having a race?” I asked. “Yes. A mile back a gray wolf trotted out of the tall grass and the pony and I gave him a mile chase.” That item appeared in this department April 29, 1943, when the writer’s home was in Swan precinct in southwest Holt county. Arliss, a charming little prairie maid, often stopped on her way to or from school for a visit with Mrs. Saunders and me. Now she has taken her place in life’s responsibilities as the wife of one of the young men of Chambers and the last I knew of Arliss she was somewhere in the south where her husband was in a soldiers’ training camp. And so the onward march of the years, childhood days are over and the things of childhood pass away in the bloom of womanhood. But I fancy Arliss now in a southern city may recall with a bit of longing the days out on Nebraska’s prairieland when she mounted a horse in the morning to lope off for school three miles away. * * * The Western Union transmitted eight million words to newspapers to tell the story of the late republican national convention. . . Bugologists have it that America has a variety of 5,000 insects from grasshoppers to beetles that get a living off of the products of the earth and still enough left for us. . . Last year 371,000 divorces were granted in American courts. . . It’s about over and after all the millions spent in campaigning it is doubt ful if a single vote was made by it. . . The north pole fell over on Chadron a morning the first week in October bringing a drop in the weather to seven above. The same morning Lincoln had 27, the season’s first freeze. . . I took some well fatted fowl to the locker today and as the family locker was already crowded to the limit a neigh bor said to put them in theirs. Now we hope they will not beat us to it. . . A California concern is in the tea business but not the kind the Brit^h drink. For 60 cents you can g;t a two and one half ounce package of strawberry leaf tea, alfalfa tea, peppermint tea, shavegrass tea and a few Others. Down where flowing wells pour forth their crystal tide to cheer man and beast and the charming village of Amelia was planted by pio neers of the long ago there once functioned a Ladies’ Helping Hand club. The name was ex pressive of willing hands of the womanhood of that community. It was more than a gesture. Not many in that part of the world but what paddle their own canoe but when a neighbor was over taken with sickness or disaster there were wom en’s capable hands ready to help. There, too, was the social feature of club work. And the dinner table was a marvel. When one day Mrs. William Fry rear was hostess to 18 members of the club I got in on a plate load of good old ranch grub sent over by that thoughtful’ hostess as did some others sitting alone at home whom she remem bered. Some of that group of 18 ladies that met that day as also some who were remembered with a plate from the dinner table are no longer a part of that community but no doubt the Helping Hand still serves where it is needed. • * * September steps out of the calendar leaving a trail of autumn’s golden days. Custom has de creed that straw hats go into storage September 1 but the past month brave souls who defy custom have stayed by the panamas. If there be any where bright autumn days such as come to prai rieland you will have to soar to other worlds to find them. From the flush of dawn until evening’s crimson streaks the sun’s flaming chariGt has traveled the blue above day by day bathing late summer and early autumn’s passing weeks with unclouded glory. What is so rare as a day in June —the matchless 30 days in September radiant with sunbeams streaming from prairieland’s blue sky! * * * When he had witnessed and had directed in the distribution to the needy of that county 50 bales of clothing and bedding provided by a church group, the governor of West Bengal, Pakistan, said what he thought of it all. Here are a few lines from what he said upon that oc casion: “What makes me appreciate this gift more keenly is that it proves how a touch of human sorrow makes the whole world akin. If ever an illustration of human brotherhood were needed, one just has to think how people in far away America have been moved to make these dona tions for our distressed people.” Time to Holler A rononf in iVtn Dnn4l nn/j T^. i* _ 11. _ nn , ■« .... - . - -----— * ***'' * UUIU" nal cited some facts that should make the weary, beaten taxpayers of the country sit up on their hind legs and holler. There is a school- teacher for every 132 peo ple in Oregon—but there is a federal civilian em ployee for each 85 persons. Total government payrolls — federal, state and local—came to $1,895,000,000 last April alone. This was a rise of 16 percent from the same month in 1951 and marked the biggest April-to-April jump on record. In that month, the number of public em ployees, all supported out of federal, state or lo cal taxes, was just under 7,000,000. The Journal said, “No wonder the taxpayer groans.” He’s going to groan a lot louder unless drastic action is taken to cut government waste and extravagances in every department of gov ernment. The demand for that must have its origin in the grassroots—in every town and city and rural area in the country. And we must demand econ omy in matters that affect us—not just the other i J.C11VW. me leau must De xaiten ay cnamners oi commerce and every kind of business, civic, la bor and consumer groups. Then, and only then, will congress and legislatures listen and do some thing besides talk and vote “yes.” Editorial & Business Offices: 122 South Fourth St. CARROLL W. STEWART, Editor and Publisher Established in 1880—Published Each Thursday Entered at the postoffice in O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. This news paper is a member of the Nebraska Press Associa tion, National Editorial Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Terms of Subscription: In Nebraska $2.50 per year; elsewhere in the United States, $3 per year; abroad, rates provided on request. All subscriptions are strictly paid-in-advance. When You and I Were Young . . Serving, Campbell in Best Costumes Capture ‘Hardtime’ Laurels 50 Years Ago Sullivan. Westover and Neville I clearly see the coming storm of j republicanism which will sweep the Sixth district in November . . J. C. Harnish left for Lincoln to attend the annual meeting of the grand lodge. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, as a delegate from the local lodge. . . Mrs. C„ F. Stout is possessor of a new piano, the gift of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Dwyer. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morrison are the parents of a 15-pound boy. .. John G. Maher nurohaspd the residence lots on East Douglas street just east of Adelbert Baker’s and expects to erect a cottage thereon. . . Joe Hor^key h»s rented the building on the corner of Fourth and Douglas street, recently occupied bv J. P. Gallagher, and will open un a grocery store. . . Frank Mi. Pixley and Miss Lillian May Maver were married at the home of the bride’s parents at Irwin, la., on October 1. . . Ralph Evans enter+aineH a number of his friends with a “hard time” party at the Evans Hotel. Miss Nell Skirving and Clarence Campbell won the Dri?^ as being the best attired “hardtime” couple pres ent. 25 Years Ago A daughter, Mary Elizabeth, was born to Mr. and Mrs1. Ed Menish at the Gilligan hospital. . J. D. Cronin is expected home October 2U from his trip to the American Legion convention at Paris and a tour of Europe. . . W. J. Froelich arrived from Nor folk where he was attending fed eral court. . . The Dempsey-Tun ney official fight pictures will be a..o *vii at me Royal theater one night, Tuesday, October 18. . . J. B. Mellor last week drove home a new Lincoln “8”. . . The wedding of Frank C. Froelich and Miss Margaret Kerwin was solem nized at 7 o’clock mass Monday, October 10, by Rev. Workman at St. Joseph’s church in Omaha. . . Edwin E. Way man and Ruby Dolerh of Atkinson were married (Monday, October 10, at the Meth odist parsonage by Rev. Guy Bal lard. . . Mrs. A. E. Bowen had her tonsils removed the first of the week. . . Some one entered the office of the Galena Lumber Co. sometime Monday night and re lieved the cash drawers in the safe. 10 Years Ago A little over 105 tons of scrap ■ was collected by the children of ' the O’Neill public school and St. 1 Mary’s academy. . . Robert Moore ] wno is a navy aviation machinist • mate third-class, was transferred 1 from the Great Lakes naval train- ] ing station to Norfolk, Va .. . Fifty-four Holt county boys leave October 23 for Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. A few from this area are: John E. Grutsch, Louis J. Bartos, Lyle E. Eppenbach, Edd R. Stew art, Donald W. Moler . . . The ^rj-State Produce Co- is rebuild ing the plant destroyed by fire September 9. . . Owen Davidson, who is a navy aviation metal smith mate third-class, was trans- j ferred from Great Lakes naval ; training station to Pensacola, Fla. I One Year Ago Sgt Edwin (“Bud”) Hansen re ceived the bronze star medal for meritorious service in overseas combat. . . A surprise birthday party was held for Mrs. Frank Grenier Sunday night. . The mar riage of Miss Rosemary Kramer and Ronald Borg was solemnized October 1 in St. Boniface Catho lic church at Stuart. . . Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Derickson enter tained friends at their wedding dance in the American Legion auditorium. . . A large crowd heard the New York concert ensemble in the O’Neill public school auditorium. . . Rev. Carl Reinert, S- J-, Creighton “U” head, addressed the Knights of Co lumbus here. DR. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE. OPTOMETRIST Permanent Office* In Hagensick Bldg. O’NEILL, NEBR. Phone 167 Eye* Examined . Glasses Fitted Office Hour*: 9-6 Mon. thru Sat. CATTLE AUCTIONS AT ATKINSON Every MON. and TOES. Sale Starts 10:30 A.M. MONDAYS Calves and Lightweight Yearlinrrs Will Be Sold TUESDAYS All Other Classes of Cattle Will Be Sold “ ■ This will enable us to handle your consignments better and sell them at a better hour during the heavy marketing season. List your cattle early so we have them on our list for coming sales and can advertise them throughout the eastern cattle deeding states. WE WILL HAVE THE BUYERS Your consignments will be appreciated Oui of Old Nebraska . . . Society Has Colorful msiory or its Uwn By DH. James c. OLSON, £>upx. Sxaie nisx. society Tne otaie Historical society win noiu ns 7*m annual meet ing at tne CornnusKer Hotel m Hincoin on ijamiudy, uciODer 18. ine institution wiucn preserves me niatory oi neDioSKa nas quite a niscory oi its own, ana mis seems like a good time to review some oi it lor you. ine Estate Historical Society was founued in iaoY, me year Ne braska was admitted into me union, as tne State Historical So ciety and Library association, in the early days, it was simply a paper organization, esiaonsneu iaigely to noiu title to a block of land m Lincoln given it by the state government. Along in tne 1870’s, however, public-spirited Nebraskans de cided that the organization should be placed on a going basis to col lect and preserve teh records of Nebraska’s pioneer days—already, even art that early date, slipping away. Under the leadership of Governor Robert W. Furnas a group of men cidculated a call for an organizational meeting in the newspapers of the state. That meeting, held at the old Commercial Hotel in Lincoln, September 25-2o, 1878, ene^tea a reorganization of the institution, as the Nebraska State Historical Society, it was incorporated at that time, and Governor Furnas was elected its lirst president. Prof. Samuel Aughey of the Uni versity of Nebraska — widely known throughout the state lor his studies in Nebraska—was selected as the first secretary. A room was secured in old Univer sity hall and the society began the job of preserving the story of Nebraska. The work went forward in a small way at first, but the ma terials soon filled to overllowing the small space made available by the University. A significant milestone in the history of the society occurred in 1883 when the legislature con stituted it as a state institution and made the first appropriation for its support. In 19U5 the legis lature designated the society as the state’s official custodian of all public records, documents and other materials o f historical value. Over the years, the society has amassed a large and useful col lection of books, newspapers, manuscripts, photographs and museum materials relating to Nebraska and the West. As it approaches its 75th year of active service to the people of Nebraska, it has under construction a build ing of its own to house the state’s historical records. That building, to be completed during 1953, is located at 15th and R streets in Lincoln, just east of the Univer sity’s Student Union. When com pleted, it will embody the latest in design and construction, and will enable the society for the first time in its long existence, to interpret adequately the story of Nebraska. Mother Mathilde Dies at Lynch — LYNCH—Mother M. Mathilde, formerly of Our Lady of Lourdes ' hospital at Norfolk and former mother general of the Order of Missionary Benedictine Sisters, died about 11 o’clock Sunday morning at Sacred Heart hos i pital, Lynch. She had suffered a i lingering illness. Mother Mathilde "was mother general from 1933 to 1947 and was prioress of the order’s North American province from 1947 un til September when she went from Norfolk to Lynch. It was largely through her per sistancy that the new Our Lady of Lourdes hospital was built at Norfolk. Funeral services were conduct ed Tuesday morning at Sacred Heart Catholic church, Norfolk. Tune In! Voice of The Fron | tier” . . Mon., Wed., Sat., 9:45 a.m. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WD—Zenovie Hall to Clarence J Dobbin & wf 10-4-52 $4500- Lots 16-17 & 18 Blk 7- Page QCD— Harold Seger to Fred j Timmerman 10-9-52 $1- Outlots 5 & 6 & S%N%SE% 24-28-11 WD—Lottie B Long to Ernest Earl 11-20-45 $1000- NEV4 9 SWy4 10-25-13 QCD — Emma Cole to Ernest Earl 6-2-47 $1- SEV4 9-25-13 QCD—Delbert D Cole to Er nest Earl 6-16-47 $1- SEtt 9-25 13 QCD — Orville Cole, et al to Ernest Earl 6-12-47 $1- SEV4 9 25-13 WD—Ora R Yarges to Lavern Clements & wf 10-6-52 $4000 North 120 ft lot 2 Outlot L- Hal lock’s Add- Stuart WD—Hugh Ray to Lloyd Lied tke & wf 7-31-51 $12,000- Lot 11 6 East 15 ft lot 10 Blk 1- O’Neill WD — Lorena E Anspach to Rex W Wilson & wf 10-1-52 $1 Lots 5 & 6 Blk 1 O’Neill WD — Carl Asimus to Tony Asimus 6-26-48 $8500- Vz Int in Lots 22-23 & 24- Blk B- O’Neill & Haggerty’s Add- O’Neill ROYAL THEATRE — O NEILL — Thursday, October 16 Family Night Thrilling action off the Korean coast! SUBMARINE COMMAND Starring William Holden, Nan cy Olson, William Bendix, Don Taylor. The most daring naval rescue raid of our time! The story of the U.S. submarine “Ti ger Shark” in action off Korea. Scenes never before filmed! Family Night—83c. tax 17c, Tot, Arm. 42c, plus tax 8c, To tal 50c. Children 10c, plus tax 2c, Total 12c Fri. & Sat. Oct. 17-18 Randolph Scott in Warner Bros/ CARSON CITY Color by technicolor with Lu cille Norman, Raymond Massey. He comes tearing in with a gun and a grin to carve a new notch in the silver belt of Nevada! . . . and it’s time for the fireworks. Admission 42c, plus tax 8c, total 50c. Children 10c. plus 2c tax, to tal 12c. Children und^r 12 free, when accompanied Dy parent. Matinee Saturday 2:30 Sun„ Mon. & Tues.. Oct. 19-20-21 Alan Ladd, Lizabeth Scott, Ar thur Kennedy, John Ireland in Hall Wallis’ production— RED MOUNTAIN Color by technicolor. Ladd crams it with excitement—na ture crowns it with magnifi cence! Red mountain, stained by the blood of the West’s greatest heroes! One of the frontier’s epic adventures brings one of the greatest action spectacles to the screen! Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c, Total 50c_ Matinee Sunday 2:30. Adm. 42c, tax 8c, total 50c. Children 10c, plus tax 2c, Total 12c. Children under 12 free when accompanied by parent Wed. & Thurs. Oct. 22-23 Family Nights Universal-International presents LOST IN ALASKA Bud Abbot and Lou Costello, costarring Mitzi Green, Tom Ewell. Mush! . . . They’re off through the slush . . . with a brand new load of fun! Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c, Total 50c Children 10c. plus 2c tax. Total 12c. Children under 12 free when accompanied by parent. DR. H. L. BENNETT VETERINARIAN Phones 316 and 304 - O'NEILL - For You Feeders who want A Smtr SgjJjJjJ1 with HIGH PROtEIN i j J of the finest supplements for growing stock we’ve ever used." say cattlemen. And they're right.' LASSY 22% is a great 2-in-l supplement—rich in both PROTEIN and MOLASSES SUGARS that steers need to develop fast . . . finish into market-topping ani mals. In addition, there’s plenty o# minerals, vitamins and other bone and meat building nutrients that stretch grains and roughages cuts feeding costs to a minimum. It's easy to fec