The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 09, 1952, SECTION ONE, Page 2, Image 2

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    Prairieland Talk . . .
Picket-Pin, Pony Are No More
LINCOLN—October 1.
Heating equipment still idle and household
fans yesterday were running. Tonight I look out
of the open door. High in the southern heavens
a near full moon glows with radiant splendor. It
is a calm night, only the muffled rumble of traffic
and the glad laughter and shouts of children play
ing in the street. So I switch off the electricity
and from the throne of an arm chair look out upon
the moonlit earth and sky. And
’ere you are aware out of mem
ory’s store you are dreaming the
old dreams over and walking
down the highway of yesterday.
It was upon that highway of
youthful dreams, of youthful
longings, of youthful folly I
walked again with friends that
I have known—Sam and Ed and
Will and Harvey and Guy and
Lena and Maude and Kittie and
Minnie and all the others. Youth
walking down the highway of „ om®ine
life comes face to face with an maunder?
angel. And so looking out upon the moonbeam
drenched night I “turn the leaves of fancy” and
there comes upon the highway of yesterday one
with a smiling face under a crown of glory of red
tinted tresses; her eyes were blue, a deep blue,
and something in her smile and frown, the poise
of maidenly dignity, the radiance of womanly
charm proclaimed her every inch the lady. And
being every inch a lady inspires her youthful cap
tive to be every inch a man. At least a fellow
makes a try at it.
Life has its treasures of heart and soul that
linger as sacred memories, memories of days of i
happiness and hours of care coming down the 1
long highway hand in hand with that angel met
face to face in the long ago. She now lies beneath
the sod and cares of life are borne alone. But to
night sitting by the open door care has cast her
anchor in the harbor of a dream:
“For I find an extra flavor in memory’s mellow
That makes me drink the deeper to that old
sweetheart of mine.”
* * *
Tuesday, November 4, is the big day, mark
ing off another period of four years of national
life. What you think of government trends and
government accomplishments the past four, eight,
12, 16, 20 years will have to guide your pencil
when you line up with other millions in the elec
tion booth. The' lifelong adherent to the political
group favoring his conception of the science of
government may not be so sure of it all as he
looks out upon the troubled sea of national life.
Maybe your party representatives in the smoke
house in Chicago didn’t select your man of des
tiny. Man for man there may be but little choice
between the two reaching for the doorknob at
the white house. It then becomes a choice of
principles of the science of federal functioning. I
suppose a fellow has to be pretty loyal to party
lines, or shall we say prejudice, to approve all
that has been going on behind the scenes at the
white house and vote for its continuance. But
that is the Yankee privilege. There was a fellow
in the white house by the name of Herbert Hoo
ver. A lot of folks thought “there ought to be a
change.” There is a fellow in the white house to
day from Missouri. A lot of folks are thinking
“there ought to be a change.”
* * *
The chief executive of a state or of the na
tion represents the people. I cannot conceive
of it being either good official taste or to the
best interests of the country to go on a whistle
stop speaking tour to lambast one party candi
date and rave over the qualifications of an
other. Mr. Truman is at a low ebb anyway, so
it doesn't make much difference, but he is still
our president, and should sense that it is his
duty to respect the rights and faith of all if he
desires respect from all.
* * *
If one of the Irish Peelers survives in or a
round O’Neill he can tell you of the time his
baseball group was “peeled” by an aggregation
of girls who were touring the country and known
as the Boston Bloomers and which bloomin’ bunch
came to ' town to match their skill against the
Peeleis. The gals were something to see in action
on the ball diamond. But the boys of the Peelers
gallantly let the girls walk off with the honors j
that day.
Ever since those stirring pioneer days when
The Frontier was loaded with Doc Mathews’
glowing word pictures of ‘God’s Country” and
Jim Riggs later sent gifted scribes out across prai
rieland behind a pair of ponies to writeup the
homesteaders and cowpunchers and leave a copy
of the paper where he found a human being, on
down to the present time, The Frontier has waved
the banner of community progress. Through the
edition of September 25 in which a 20-page sup
plement was devoted to O’Neill’s new medical
center, Editor Cal Stewart continues the tradition
established by its founder and promoted by sub
sequent editors.
In the days of long ago when the venerable
pilgrim of this department was a shy young teen
ager the grounds that have been taken over by
the medical center was good grazing land where
I picketed a spliteared relic from the reservation
to graze during the day after being hitched up
for a time in the morning.
The Sioux over on the reservation, what is
now Boyd county, slit the ears of their ponies. It
was my luck to have the care of as ornery a cay
use as ever took the bit.
Fences hadn’t been introduced and the pick
etpin to which 50 feet of rope was attached and
then tied to the halter of the pony served in the
place of fences. The picketpin was about a foot
long and went into the ground full length easily
by a few kicks from your booted heel, and no
horse on the end of 50 feet of rope could pull the
picketpin out. The vacant places, of which there
were plenty, were pretty well occupied by staked
out ponies. From the G. M. Cleveland home on
what is now North Second street east to St. Pat
rick’s church, a small place of worship where the
present edifice stands, was open grass land which
we had taken over.
Johnny O'Neill, a son of the general, had a
similar setup east of the Methodist church for
a cayuse of which he was deathly afraid and
had kids ride for him. You rode them every
day or you had them to break each time if you
The picketpin, the rope, the pony are no
more. The onward sweep of time opens the gate
to new vistas. And if some day the prairieland
talker should be lying on a bed of pain in O’
Neill’s new medical center, fever’s delirium might
bring again the tramp of hoofs on the sod where
in the long ago he had staked out and talked to a
pony that once had been ridden by a brave of
Spotted Tail’s band.
* * *
What is a toehold, a receiving line, a covered
dish dinner, a horse laugh, an afterthought, a
main drag, an ill wind, a night owl, a split sec
ond, a golf widow, a gold digger, a poker fac§? Is
the underdog a coon hound or a poodle? What
does a goofy look like? What swells the swell
head? Is it after Thanksgiving dinner that you
talk turkey? What is a stuffed shirt? How long is
a shortcut? Who is Mr. Whiskers? Is moonshine
a liquid or a light? Where do you go when you
get just around the comer? What is a galoot, a
geezer, a gazook? Does asking fool questions en
title a guy to a kick in the pants?
* * *
While visiting in a New England state the
pa§t summer my son liying in Ohio "writes that
he had a talk with an krtny officer “who served
under MacArthur for a year in Japan. He was
very vehement in his belief that in pushing Mac
Arthur aside we were doing without the services
of a man who is by far the most able man in the
United States today.” No single act of the pres
ident has been received with such widespread dis
approval as the removal of General MacArthur
from the command in Asia. His successor is mak
ing progress losing the war.
* * *
Millions are to be blown ih “developing” the
Niobrara river country if the plans of a new crop
of busybodies materialize. “Development”
schemes have budded and bloomed and faded
during the past 60 years only to in the end let
nature rest in its appointed way. The Niobrara
country is alright as nature formed it. If the in
dividual wants to “develop” by the irrigation
route it is a simple matter to put down wells for
that purpose and is proving a success in other
parts of Nebraska.
No Ox Cart Government
Wheel Does a Cycle?
“Bless my soul if the wheel isn’t turning full
circle,” said the “nasty old reactionary republi
“For years,” said he, “I’ve winced every
time I tried to make a criticism of the democrats.
They always answered everything by harping
back to their stock in trade, ‘remember Teapot
“And now it looks like the democrats have a
mess cooking in the Teapot and isn’t it refreshing
to see what they will do about it?”
There is a strong possibility that the wheel of
scandal has come full circle, to stop this time
squarely in front of the democrats. There have
been some strange goings on in connection with
the status of the Teapot Dome naval oil reserves.
Congress should get busy and see if there
isn’t a move on foot to change the status of the
oil reserves under the cloak of secrecy.
An inquiry should be made to determine
what part is being played in the maneuverings
by Clerk Clifford, former white house advisor
and ghost writer. Clifford is another democrat
who has reached the land of financial milk and
honey through his intimate associations made
through the white house. He is now on a retainer
of $525,000 for five years to a major oil company.
Congress is wondering if shifting of the oil
reserves from the navy assistant secretary in
charge of oil reserves to the navy assistant secre
tary in charge of procurement wasn’t a means to
an end by kicking the former official upstairs.
If there is something bad cooking in the tem
pestuous Teapot Dome it will be interesting to
see if the democrats have the same unswerving
determination to investigate and prosecute a
scandal as did the republicans back in the
As of October 1 traffic deaths in Nebraska
the previous nine months are reported at 251, 10
more than for the same period a year ago. .. It
is not so important that another translation of the
Bible has been brought out as it is that a con
fused world turn to the sacred pages for guidance.
The many revisions of scripture undertaken fall
far short of the beauty of the language employed
in the authorized version. . . Striking workmen
have become common occurances in the indus
trial life of the country. Even a town like Crete,
down on the Blue, has its strike.
Guest editorial from the Atlanta (Ga.) Journal
The Nebraska legislature recently was called
in special session. Some $5,000,000 in taxes had
been collected in the state which the courts had
pronounced unconstitutional. Th,e legislature was
called in session by Gov. Val Peterson to arrange
to return the money the taxpayers had overpaid.
A government paying money to taxpayers
is spoken of as a novelty. (As a matter of fact the
federal government is constantly returning over
payments by citizens of their income taxes.) The
real novelty in this Nebraska case is the ease and
inexpensiveness of calling a special session of the
The legislature of Nebraska is a one-chamber
body, as all city councils are. There are only 43
members, all calling themselves senators. The 43
senators can meet promptly with no great drain
on the state treasury. So small a body can move
swiftly. (The 43 senators vote on bills by press
ing electric buttons at their desks, a device which
could save an economy-talking congress at Wash
ington weeks of time and oodles of money in a
year. Had the national convention, regardful of
impatient television viewers, thought of that?)
Thanks largely to the efforts of one man,
Sen. George W. Norris, Nebraska was persuaded
15 years ago to vote to substitute this small one
house legislature for a bicameral body with three
times as many members.
It has worked so efficiently, so economically
that Nebraska has no thought of returning to the
old system. The people would as soon think of
abandoning their eight-cylinder cars for the ox
carts which preceded them.
Yet, with this example before them, the other
47 states go along with their oxcart legislatures.
In not a single one Is there any substantial
movement for a like change.
jS2fiLE rontTIr
Editorial & Business Offices: 122 South Fourth St.
CARROLL W. STEWART, Editor and Publisher
Established in 1880—Published Each Thursday
Entered at the postoffice in O’Neill, Holt county,
Nebraska, as second-class mail matter under the
Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. This news
paper is a member of the Nebraska Press Associa
tion. National Editorial Association and the Audit
Bureau of Circulations.
Terms* Subscription: In Nebraska $2.50 per
year: elsewhere in the United States, $3 per
year; abroad, rates provided on request. All
subscriptions are strictly paid-in-advance.
WD—Harold L Calkins et al to
Hazel Calkins 3-52 $1- Lots 7
& 8 Blk B- Millards Add- O’N
WD— Thomas Donlin to Dean
H Jeffrey & wf 10-2-52 $600
-Part of Blk 6 McCafferty’s An
nex- O’Neill 90 ft x 170 ft
QCD—John Miller Jr to Atkin
son Co-op Creamery 5-9-52 $1
Lot 8 Blk 7 Hallock’s Add- Stuart
QCD—Ora R Yarges to Atkin
son Co-op Creamery 6-51 $1
Lot 8 Blk 7 Hallock’s Add- Stuart
WD—James J Murphy to W
Alex & Clement Cleary 9-26-52
$11,000- SEy4 25-30-15
WD — Lelia1' Garwood to Wm
A Thompson & wf 9-9-52 $6500
Lot 17 & No 13 ft lot 16 Blk 5
SD—Peter W Duffy, Sheriff to
A C Morton 1-30-43 $20.38- Lots
1 & 2 Blk 50- McCafferty’s Add
WD — Marian F Mounts to
Floyd J Wilson & wf 7-12-52
$12,-500- Lot 15 Blk 18- O’Neill
' •
S/lc and Mrs. Richard Tibbetts
and infant daughter of Jackson
ville, Fla., arrived here Tuesday,
September 30, for a visit with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Tibbetts. Richard Tibbetts has
just been discharged after four
years in the navy. They plan to
locate somewhere in Nebraska.
Reed Tom jack, who visited his
parents, Holt Sheriff and Mrs.
Leo Tom jack, here for three
weeks, has been returned to San
Francisco, Calif., for reassign
Jack Honeycut of Omaha re
cently brought Mrs. Andrew
Morton here for an indefinite
stay. Mrs. Mable Gatz returned
to Omaha with Mr. Honeycut.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Crabb
left Monday, September 29, for a
week’s visit with relatives at
Denver, Colo., and at Waverly
and Council Bluffs, la.
(First pub. Oct. 2, 1952)
Julius D. Cronin, Attorney
Estate No. 3813
Notice is hereby given that a
petition has been filed for final
settlement herein, determination
of heirship, inheritance taxes,
fees and commissions, distribu
tion of estate and approval of fi
nal account and discharge, which
will be for hearing in this court
on October 22, 1952, at 10 o’clock,
County Judge.
Phones 316 and 304
. . DANCE ..
American Legion Auditorium
Saturday, October 11
Music by
the little “band” that’s “grand”
Admission: Adults $1, students 75c
These golden pellets pour
like grain in any weather...
thanks to an exclusive manu
facturing process developed
Like Mr. Dowell, cattlemen everywhere
are finding they get BETTER RESULTS
with SWEET LASSY! That's because this *
great beef-builder is packed with plenty
ef molasses and other nutrients cattle
need to put on a good cover of fat and
smooth finish that brings top prices.
SWEET LASSY is easy to feed. Pours
like shell corn in any weather. Get a
supply today! See for yourself how it
can make cattle feeding easier. MORE
SCHREIBER Ml US, 1ST, St. Jeseph, Missouri
Shelhamer Foods
Julius D. Cronin, Att’y
(First pub. October 2, 1952)
CASE NO. 14812
NOW, on this 26th day of Sep
tember, A.D. 1952, this matter
came on before the Court upon
the petition of Oscar W. Peter
son and Rose A. Peterson, under
oath, directed to this Court, al
leging that on or about Septem
ber 24, 1945, petitioners entered
into a written contract with
Thomas Salem, now deceased, to
purchase Lots One (1), Two (2),
Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six
(6), Seven (7), Eight (8), and
Nine (9), in Block Twelve (12),
i# Amelia, Holt County, Nebras
ka, together with certain other
personal property; that the pay
ments provided for by said con
tract have been fully made by
said petitioners, excepting the fi
nal payment, funds for which
have been placed in escrow in
the Chambers State Bank pend
ing execution and delivery of
deed. Petitioners pray that a day
be fixed for hearing on said pe
tion and that notice thereof be
given as provided by law, and
that upon said hearing a decree
be entered directing the execut
ors of this said estate for and on
behalf of said estate to execute
and deliver good and sufficient
deed conveying said premises to
that a hearing be had upon said
petition in the District Court
Room in the Court House at
O’Neill, Nebraska, at the hour of
10 a.m., on the 22nd day of Oc
tober, A.D. 1952, and that notice
of the pendency of this matter
and of the time and place fixed
for hearing thereon be given by
publishing a copy of this order
for three (3) consecutive weeks
prior to such hearing in “The
Frontier,” a legal newspaper
printed, published, and of general
circulation in Holt County. Ne
22-24c Judge
Mr. and Mrs. "Clarence Sauser
were supper guests Sunday night
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A1
Central Finance
C. E. Jones, Manager
O'Neill : Nebraska
State Capitol News . . .
States Traffic Laws Due for Overhaul
in Next Session of Legislature
LINCOLN—An official of the <
state highway department will
ask the 1953 legislature to take
a cinch in the state’s traffic laws.
Owen J. Boyles, director of the
motor vehicle division, said he
will urge adoption of a uniform
code under which more than half
the states now operate and will
ask the lawmakers to take the
lead in establishing a demerit
system whereby consistently
careless drivers would be penal
The code, Boyles explained,
would strengthen Nebraska’s
traffic laws and “pick up all the
loose ends now existing in pur
present statutes.” Sen. Arthur
Carmody of Trenton recently
called for a stiffening of driving
The point system would work
like this: A driver picking up 12
demerits in a three-year period
would lose his license for one
year. Drunken driving would
carry 12 demerits or immediate
suspension of the license. In
volvement in a fatal accident
wheer the driver is responsible
would also be “worth” 12 demer
Leaving the scene of an ac
cident would cost eight points,
reckless driving six points and
speeding four points. All other
violations, except parking
would count three points.
Every three years the demerits
would be wiped clean and a driv
er could start accumulating
them again.
One of the things that bothers
Senator Carmody is the automat
ic renewal of drivers’ licenses
without re-testing. Under present
law, a 16-year-old may obtain a
license and never be subject to a
test again although his sight,
hearing and other physical pow
ers may become seriously im
* * *
Another highway problem to
be laid in the lap of the next leg
islature concerns drive-ins. State
Engineer Harold Aitken says
that the drive-in theaters, cafes,
filling stations, motels, and su
per-markets have resulted in a
“hardening of the arteries” by
forming clots of slowly-moving
or halted cars on busy arterial
'The highway department now
has no authority in determining
the location of such establish
ments. Aitken says they should
have some little-traveled road so
main thoroughfare traffic would
not be impeded. As a horrible
example, he points to the drive
in theater on West Dodge street
near Omaha, where traffic is of
ten tied into knots for logn per
iods of time.
Crosby vs. Raecke—
Nebraskans this week began
paying a little more attention to
the political wars within the
boundaries of their own state as
election day became only a mat
ter of weeks away.
Robert B. Crosby of North
Platte, the republican candidate
for governor, continued in
speeches across the state to plug
for reorganization fo state gov- |
ernment, particularly in the as
sistance, health and agriculture
He attacked the democratic
state platform as “still going
right down the Truman road.”
Crosby’s opponent, Democrat
Walter R. Raecke of Central Ci
ty, has been calling for a revision
of the state’s primary election
laws, legislative action to sup
plant the four-mill blanket tax
levy recently held unconstitu
tional by the state supreme court
and for an expression from the
people as to whether they want
to pay more money for better
The former speaker of the leg
islature is also stressing that he
will be an “on the job” govern
or and will “not use the govern
orship as a stepping stone to
The men who help decide how
much state government is going
to cost in Nebraska started get
ting down to brass tacks this
week. r
Tax Commissioner Philip K.
Johnson, who with Budget Su
pervisor Paul Wagner will pre
pare Gov. Val Peterson’s budget
recommendations to the 1953 leg
islature, said informal meetings
with the various agencies on
their 1953-’54 requests will begin
in about a week with formal
hearings slated for November.
Wagner said every effort is be
ing made to hold the spending
line but some big - spending
agencies have indicated they’ll
ask for sizeable increases.
The governor’s budget, of
course, is only a recommenda
tion. The governor named in No
vember will offer his own sug
gestions to the legislature, who
after all has the final word on
who gets how much.
Br-r-r-r-! Winter's coming! Time l'$
to get //
insulated j
Water-repellent *1 095
Sizes 34-46 I O
You get all-weather
protection in this
rugged coat. “Lust
ray” water - repellent
sheen rayon-acetate
gabardine. 100%
wool interlined plus
quilted wool chest
and shoulders. Big
pockets. Taupe
green, grey, teal.
Red flannel linings make
these heavy brown jersey
gloves extra warm. Slip-on
driver style with open cuff.
Men’s size .49c
k WooMined
size# ^ mS 5 0
34-46 ■ M
“Lustray” water - re
pellent sheen gabar
dine coat is 100%
wool-lined. Quilted
shoulders for extra
warmth. Has elastic
shirred waist in back.
Taupe, green, grey,
teal. Come see.
Trucker boot socks of
warm wool, rayon and cot
ton. Heavy rib in white
and grey with colored tops.
Compare! Men’s.89c
... 4to
Warm flannel shirts of
heavy cotton. Multicolor
plaids. Lined collar,
sleeves; double yoke. San
forized. 14 Vi to 17... 2.98
- .r,,,
Double tie-top gabar
dine caps with warm fur
inbands, quilted linings.
Taupe, grey, brown. Sizes
63/4 to 75/a.2.29
Oil-tanned trucker boots
of strong, flexible leather
have heavy double leather
soles, rubber lift heels.
Goodyear welts. Black
11*. Sizes 6 to 12.... 12.95
Men’s WesrWell
shirt, 34-46
Fullbodied combed cot
ton ankle-length draw
ers with elastic waist,
ribbed cuffs. Matching
shirt. A real value!