Soldier in Texas Visits Homefolks Pfc. Ross Fink Gets New Post PAGE—Pfc. Ross Fink, who has been stationed at Amarillo, Texas, came to Grand Island Fri day where he visited his father, George Fink, and M!rs. Fink and his sister, Mrs. Tom Sinnard. Saturday evening he came to Page to spend a few days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder. He will visit at Page and Grand Island until Oct. IS when he will go to Wichita, Kansas. Other Page News Mrs. Neven Ickes, jr., and baby returned home Wednesday, Oct. 1, from the Plainview hospital. Miss Mardelle Curry of Ponca is staying at the Ickes home and assisting with the work. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holliday and family of Grand Island spent Sunday night and Monday visit ing with Mr. Holliday’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Holliaay, and ms sister, Mrs. Bum Brummett and daughters. avir. ana ivirs. Fritz Brandt and son of Atkinson and Mr. an j.vxis. Vernon Parks and son of Page spent Sunday at Pickstown, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. John Friday of Orchard spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. George Park. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder, Pfc. Ross Fink and Miss iNancy Heiss were dinner guests Sunday at the Bert Fink home at Ewing. Miss Effie Stevens of O’Neill spent from Wednesday, October 1, until Sunday ai'ternoon visiting her aunt, Miss Maude Martin, and with other relatives. (Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trow bridge of Plainview were Sunday dinner guests of the latter’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Park, and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gray and family of Valentine visited last Thursday night and Friday with Mr. Gray’s mother, Mrs. Evelyn Gray and his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker, and family. Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Wood re turned home Wednesday, October 1, after spending two weeks vis iting Mr. Wood’s relatives in Kentucky and Tennessee. On their return home they stopped at Sioux City for a short visit with their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rendine, and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker and family and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Held and Merlyn enjoyed a wie ner roast in the Page park last Thursday evening. After supper they went to the Walker home where the rest of the evening was spent playing cards. Mr. and Mrs. Dean French and son, Lee, and Mrs. Clifford French of Lamberton, Minn., came Saturday for a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Stauffer, sr., and with other relatives. Mrs. Clifford French is a daughter and Dean French a grandson of Mir. and Mrs. Stauf er. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. anu xvirs. Lexvoy Lunmngnam anu joenms were xviiss iilit: bievens or kj xvenx, xvir. anu xvxxs. xi. o. ote veils, ivxiss xviauue xvxai tin, Mrs. aay anernoon, uctooer 1. Mrs. Lva Cunningnam, non Cunmng naui, iL. Hi. otevcns anu xvxaxixn £ ranm. ine GGG&G pitch duo me*, wiui xvxrs. ueorge Rark Wednes day ax vex noon .wctuoer 1. xvirs. jtvooert txray was a guest. Score winners were nign, xvirs. Anton XNisscn, low, Mis. lNeil /vsner, uavenng, ivirs. l. O. Yvood. Luncn was seived at the close oi the anernoon. ( xvir. and Mrs. Edward Sukup, Mr. and Mrs. Deibert Anson anu Miss JacKie Russell returned re cently irom Ft. Lee, Va., where they had visited a week. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heese, Mrs. Gus Heese and Mrs. Henry Heese were recent visitors in bioux City. Mrs. Hester Edmisten and Mrs. Evelyn Gray returned from Iowa Monday evening alter visiting relatives there the past week. O. D. Brokaw of Osmond and Mr. and Mrs. Oren Brokaw oi Lincoln visited in the Charles Wegman home several days the first of last week. O. D. Brokaw is a brotner of Mrs. Wegman and Oren Brokaw is a nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trow bridge and Diana and Virgil Parks took A.1C. James Parks to Grand Island Monday where he left for Spokane, Wash. He had spent 18 months in New foundland and had been here on a 30-day leave with his parents. Miss LaVonne Albright, who teaches the first grade in the Hastings school, spent from Fri day until Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Gailord Albright. Mrs. Albright met her at Norfolk Friday and took her to Norfolk on Sunday. The Chatter and Sew club met with Mrs. Melvin Roach Friday afternoon with 10 members pres ent, Mrs. Warren Cronk was a guest. The ladies brought their own needlework. The hostess served refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stewart spent from Monday until Friday at the Emmett Revell home while M!r. and Mrs. Revell and Dale Revell were in Wyoming where the men were deer hunting. They brought home two deer. The Help U club met Wednes day afternoon, October 1, with Mrs. Clair Schroth. Eleven mem bers were present and two guests, Mrs. Ella Sholes and Mrs. Nellie Hamilton. Progressive pitch was played with Mrs. Kenneth War ing holding high score, Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser the low and Mrs. Francis Boelter the travel ing. A no-host lunch was served. Tune In! Voice of The Fron tier” .. Mon., Wed., Sat., 9:45 a.m. 100 View Clover Club’s Projects State Fair Laurels on Display The 22 members of the Clover 4-H club, members of which live in and near Atkinson, handed in completed record books for the 50 4-H projects they elected last spring. These projects included a variety of activity^—rural elec trification, tractors, food preser vations, meal planning, let’s iook, summer wardrobe, dress - up dresses, keep well, yard beauti fication, home improvement, for estry, pure seed, poultry, gar den, stocker-feeders, swine, and riding horse. As a climax of this year’s pro ject activities the club held its achievement Monday evening, Sept. 29, at the Memorial hall in Atkinson. About a hundred visit ors attended to view the various exhibits and enjoy the program which included: Group singing; a short business meeting; presenta tion of awards; presentation of the state fair prize—winning demonstrations; presentation of the skit, “The Thing;” the club’s entry in the shar ethe fun festi val in Stuart, winner of a red ribbon; small group singing of “Alice Blue Gown’ and ‘Place in the Sun,” a special 4-H song— also a red ribbon winner at the state fair. County Agent A. Neil Dawes presented an interesting 4-H story through colored slides. To complete the evening Leon Kais er and George Mellor played for the square and folk dancing. Lunch was served. The ribbons won by Holt coun ty at the state fair were on dis play. The ones won by the Clo ver club included blue ribbons on three demonstrations given by Kay Dvorak, Ronnie Hickman, and DeMarus Wefso; the red won bv the song group; a red won by Kay Dvorak in song identifica tion; a silver medal won by Carol Schultz for being second in the state in food preservation judg ing; a red won by Raymond Wag man in the tractor driving con test; a white won by Lois Puckett in style show; a medal won bv Benton Mellor in tree and leaf identification, and a pink ribbon won by Ronnie Hickman in tree and leaf identification. Also entered in state fair comp etition were Jo Ann Determan and Joe Livingston. Many of the Clover members entered exhibits, demonstrations, judging, song contest, style show and other activities of the tri county fair, achievement day, and Holt county fair. Members of the stocker-feeder division of the club will show and sell their calves in O’Neill at the calf sale October 15. During the past year three of the Clover members have left the club to do other things. They avp Murray Mellor, armv; Doris Ward, who with her mother went to join Mr. Ward, a cantain in the air force stationed in Japan, and Marilyn Ries. who is a stu dent nurse at Sacred Heart hos pital, Yankton. S. D. The club will continue to meet throuehout the fall an-t winter months, the next meeting being a Halloween party. EMMET NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Newton and sons, Wayne and Gary, of Laurel, attended the pancake day at O’Neill. Then they visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William >iewion Tuesday evening and Wednesday, September 30 and October 1. Miss Marybelle O’Connor of Omaha arrived home late Friday evening to spend the weekend *vith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James O’Connor, and her uncle, Tom Perkins. 'Mrs. Paul Newton clerked in the John Conrad store Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Newton vis ited at the Dean Perry home Wednesday, October 1, Mr. New ton is Dean Perry’s uncle. Mr. fend Mrs. Guy Cole and Mr. and Mrs. John Conard at tended the Nebraska-Iowa State football game at Lincoln Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. George Brainard and children of Grand Island spent the weekend visiting Mrs. Brainard’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fox of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brainard of Emmet Mrs. Joe Zlska and son, Paul, visited at the Clarence Gilg home Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Claussen were guests at the Charlie Claus sen home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Kendall were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox on Sunday Mrs. Arlene Cary was a week end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith. (Mrs. Alice Hill, Josie Maring, Doris Slechta were visitors of Mrs. Emma Maring and sons, Oliver and Homer, Sunday after noon. Mrs. Alice muon lext t>unaay for California to visit her sisters. Mrs. Jimmy Kendall spent Sunday night and Monday at the Wayne Fox home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar and daughters, Judy and Nancy, were dinner guests at the Duke Hoffman home at Atkinson Sun day. Mr. an