Joy Wilson Heads Community Club REDBIRD — The Scott com munity club met Tuesday eve ning, September 30, at the Scottville halL Election of officers was part of the business meeting. New offi cers are: Joy Wilson, president; Lila Hull, vice-president; Mildred Gifford, secretary; Willa Scholl meyer, treasurer; Minnie McDon ald, music leader; Marie Wilson, health leader and Mary Luber, news reporter. A lesson ALARM CLOCK « 44 ♦♦ Regular $2.19 44 ♦-* NOW 1.89 I ♦♦ M M ♦♦ H ♦♦ 11 ♦♦ SPRING | CLOTHESPINS I H ff 36 to a Box ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦« Regular 35c i U s _ I 5 PC. DINETTE In Grey or Coral Lark finish. 30 x 48 Formica top table with 12-in. leaf. Four matching No-Mar enclosed back chairs Reg. 129.95.' 69.95 VERTA - AID INNERSPRING MATTRESS • 500-Coil Orthopedic Type Innerspring Unit • Latex Impregnated Insulator • Made by Nationally-Known Manufacturer, 10-Yr. Guar. Reg. 69.95-Now . 39.95 ' RAINBOW RAG RUG Multi-colored patterns in “Hit & Miss’* designs NOW -.99c METAL SMOKER In brown enamel finish with i *■ chrome top Reg. 2.59.......1.99 1^ DOUBLE DRAIN TUB WITH PURCHASE OF ONE WASHER SUPER - 9-LB. LOAD_$ 119.95 CUSTOM - 10-LB. LOAD. . ...... $ 149.95 DOMINION FULLY AUTOMATIC WAFFLE IRON WITH PURCHASE OF CORONADO COSMOPOLITAN RADIO $247.50 •r COMMANDER RADIO $174.95 _ 8 g ♦♦ ♦♦ « H ♦♦ #f 2 § Welding Demonstration By a Factory Representative! A representative of the Twentieth Century Welder manufacturing firm will be in our store all three days of this big sale! 2-POCKET WALNUT MAGAZINE RACK Regular 3.95 ; Special . 2.99 ENAMEL SURFACE WALL COVERING 4'/2 Feet Wide Per Running Foot.... 37C Join Us for FREE Coffee During . ALWAYS BETT