Future Subscribers HARRIS—Mr. and Mrs. Gene Harris of Lynch, a son, weigh ing 4 pounds 12 ounces, bom at the Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. The couple has one other son. Mrs. Harris is the former Nadine Spencer and the grand Sarents are Robert A. Harris and Irs. Florence Harris, both of Lynch, and Mrs. Lois Harris is the great-grandmother. FRIEDRICH — Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Friedrich of Lynch, a daughter, bom Saturday, Sep tember 27, at the Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. The Friedrichs have two other children. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Conklin of Lynch are the great-grandparents and are taking care of the two older children. KILMURRY — Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilmurry of Atkinson, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 15^ ounces, born Friday, October 3, at 8:30 p.m., in Atkinson Me morial hospital. Mrs. Kilmurry is the former Rosemary Troshynski. The Kilmurrys have two other daughters. CASH— Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cash of Lynch, a son, Patrick Daniel, weighing 7 pounds, born Thursday, September* 25, at the Lynch hospital. Mr. Cash is the Lynch high school athletic coach. The couple has two other chil dren. Mrs. Wayne Cash, sr., cf Nemaha is assisting in the home. LARSEN—Mr. and Mrs. A. C Larsen of Chicago, 111., a son, bom Friday, October 3, in a Chicago hospital. Mrs. Larsen is the former Donna Gallagher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Gallagher of O’Neill. MITCHELL — Mr. and Mrs. ChafHe Mitchell of the Green Valley community, a son, Gary Lee, weighing 8 pounds 14 ounc es, bom Sunday, October 5, in the Atkinson hospital. ALDERSON — Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alderson of Chambers, a son, Mathew Evan, weighing 8 pounds, born Wednesday, Octo ber lj at the Tilden hospital. BACHMANN — Mr. and MrS. Elmer Bachman of Butte, a daughter, Marcia June, weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces, born recently in Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. AHLERS—Mr. and Mrs. Laur ence Ahlers of Naper, a daugh ter, weighing 7 pounds 13 ounces, born recently in Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. JOHNSON — Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson of Gross, a daugh ter, Jeanene Kay, weighing 6 pounds 4 ounces, born recently in Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. FLOYD COLE DIES ORCHARD — Floyd Cole, 68, died last Thursday at Orchard. He had been a resident of the Orchard and Royal communities for 35 years. Survivors include four children—Floyd and Jackie of Pickstown, S. D.; Mrs. Alois EVUnarik of Royal and Mrs. Elmer Holm, also of Royal. There are 10 grandchildren. Open House Noted— CREIGHTON—Open-house was observed Sunday at the Lund berg Memorial hospital in Creighton. This is a new 19-bed hospital now under construction at the west edge of Creighton. A formal open-house will be held at a later date. HOSPITAL NOTES SACRED HEART (Lynch) ' Admissions: Henry Schock of Naper, medical, going home; Charles Luber of Dorsey, medic al, condition the same; Mrs. Har old Swanson of Bristow; Mrs. Elizabeth Cooper of Butte, med ical, improving; John Cerveny of ! Niobrara, condition the same; John L. Bainbridge of Bristow, condition unchanged; Wilrner Landholm of Spencer, medical, improving; Mrs. Elmer Bach mann of Butte and baby girl Marcia June, good; Mrs. Laur ence Ahlers of Naper and baby girl, good; Mrs. Floyd Johnson of Gross and baby girl, Jeanene Kay, good; Geron Allen Jones and Mrs. Glen Jones of Spencer, good; Mrs. Raymond Havranek of Lynch, medical; Mrs. Frank Loock of Spencer, medical, going home; Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Gal lop of Lynch, condition unchang ed, good; Mrs. William Green of Niobrara, medical, improving. Wilma Harris of Lynch and Jan et Kay Friedrich of Lynch, good. Dismissals: September 30 — Mrs. Raymond Friedrich of Lynch; Pamela Rihanek of Mon owi. October 1 — Mrs. Wayne Cash of Lynch. 2—Mrs. William Dix and baby boy of Butte; Mrs Carl Olson of Bristow. 3—Mrs. Katie Hrbek of Verdel; Melvin Roth of Niobrara; George Peters of Niobrara: Sidney Greene of Lynch. 4—Mrs. Gene Harris of Lynch. 5— Mrs. Jan nettie Nelson of Center; Miss Ardeth Loock of Spencer. 6 — Leslie Joe Vraspier of Gregory, S.D. ST. ANTHONY'S (O'Neill) Admissions: October 5— Mrs George Winkler of O’Neill, med ical. 7—Margaret Donohoe of O’ Neill, orthopedic. 8 — Carroll Grenier of O’Neill, surgical. Dismissals: October 3 — Mrs. Bernard Spry and son of O’Neill, maternity. 4—Larry Lieswaid of Chambers, orthopedic. 6— Mrs. George Winkler of O’Neill, med ical. 8—Ralph Brown of Cham bers, orthopedic. Grover Shaw, Wife on Extended Trip Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw re turned home Thursday after a six weeks vacation through the West. They visited their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shaw and family of Cow ley, Wyo. While in Wyoming, they took in the rodeo at Lovell on August 24. At Cody they vis ited the church which has the paintings of the famous Catholic artist, Grieware. Other sights seen were: the Shoshone Dam and Yellowstone Park in Wyoming, the Craters of the Moon in Idaho, the Blue mountains of Oregon and the Mc Nary dam in Washington. At Richmond, Wash., they vis ited their daughter and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Rohde, and helped to celebrate the birthday of their new grand daughter, Colleeri, who wSg one year old on September 13 They stopped to see Mrs. Shaw”s broth er, Thomas E. Carney, and at tended the wedding of Mrs. Shaw’s nephew, Thomas J. Car ney to Miss Phyllis Ratsch in a nuptial high mass at the Church j of Christ the King with the Rev. I John H. Schindler officiating. On Sunday, September 23, the Carney’s, Rohde’s, and Shaw’s had a picnic dinner at the Saca iaivea state park in Washington. Leaving Richmond they went to Kennewick, Wash., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rector and family. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw took the north route home through the Black Hills. HURT ON GRID LYNCH—Sidney Greene suf fered a fractured collarbone re cently during football practice. He spent several days in the hos pital but is now able to be in school wearing a shoulder cast. This injury puts him out of foot ball for the remainder of the season. . . Mrs. Minnie Milaeek is in Norfolk consulting special ists. . . Wallace Moffett has been on the sick list the past week. . . Mrs. Joe Micanek, jr., returned home from an Omaha hospital where she underwent surgery. . . I Mrs. Ed Johns received word that her father, Pete Nelson, of Grand Island, is on the sick list. — I Teachers lo Convention— St. Mary’s academy will be closed Friday, October 10. The teachers will attend the teachers’ convention in Omaha that day. mwfmmam 1,500 Cattle — Biggest Calf Run • There will be around 1,500 head of cattle, mostly yearling steers, yearling heifers and calves at the sale today (Thurs day). There are several carload lots. The calves—about 800 head, biggest run yet—will be sold first. Balance will be butcher cattle. • The embargo on hogs has been lifted, but hogs purchased must be kept by the buyer for 21 days and kept segregated. All hogs must be in the yards and unloaded before noon. O'NEILL UVEST0CK MARKET PHONE 2 — O'NEILL O _ f 0 ‘ nut »L * TOP SALES BEST FILLS PROMPT RETURNS I ' ,, " . ... '. The Climax of 39 Years of SERVICE O — by — The FRANK L SCOTT Commission Co. Sioux City Stock Yards Sioux City, la. "Correspondence Solicited" "Market Reports Furnished" - iWft v If.' • • $>) Return from Extended Tour Vr r CHAMBERS — Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur Tangeman and Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Peltier left Thursday, September 4, fbr an extended tour through the southern and eastern states. \V/ Their first stop was in Waynes ville, Mo., where they visited the Tangemans’ son - in - law and daughter, Pvt. and Mrs. Vernon Schmidt. Vernon is stationed at Ft. Leonard Wqcd, which is lo cated near Wa^nesville. After spending a couple of days with the’ Schmidts, they drove to Nashville, Tenn., where Doreen Tangeman has been em ployed since March. Leaving Nashville September 9, accom panied by Doreen, they drove through the Smoky mountains. The next stop was Fayetteville, N.C., where they visited the Pelt zers’ nephew and his wife, Pfc and Mrs. Raymond Walter. Ray mond is in the airborne division stationed at Ft. Bragg, one of the largest army camps in the U.S. From there they drove to Clin ton, Md:, where they called on * one of Doreen’s friends, Mis. j Ronald Sandlin, and then on in to the nation’s capital where they took a very iteresting tour of the city including visits to the white house, capitol building, Smithsonian institute, art mu seum, Lincoln and Jefferson me morials and Washington’s monu ment. Driving from there to Balti more, Md., they visited Pvt. Lar ry Tangeman and his wife over Sunday. Larry is stationed at Ft. Holabird, Md. Monday morning, September 15, they left for Stockton, N.J., where they spent a few days with the George Unfried and Mai families. They are cousins of Mrs. Peltzer. While there they enjoyed a day at Asburry beach on the Atlantic ocean and also spent a day view ing sights in New York City. Leaving there the next stop was Glovfer, Vt., where relatives of Arthur Tangeman live. They \ I spent a couple of days visiting and sightseeing. One point of in terest was an asbestos mine in the Green mountains. From Ver mont they drove to Niagara Falls, *N.Y., where they took a tour Which included both Amer ican falls and the falls on the Canadian side. Leaving Niagara Falls the mornirtg of September 25, they drove ?,to Princeton, 111., where they called on Clarence, Arthur and Ida Larson, cousins of Mrs. Tangeman. Continuing on to E)es Moines, la., they visited the Wer ner Huth family. They found the Huth family packed and ready to move to Chicago, 111. On Sun day, September 28, they stopped in Stanton for a short visit with Mrs. Clara Peltzer, arriving back in Chambers that afternoon. They were on the road 25 days and drove through 18 states, not including the District of Colum bia, covering a distance of 5,032 miles without car trouble. SICK AND INJURED CHAMBERS—Miss Elaine Dan kert of Chambers is reported in “good condition” at the Lutheran hospital, Norfolk, after a minor operation . . . Larry Lieswald was hurt when a horse fell on him Saturday. He was taken to the St. Anthony’s hospital for x-rays and treatment. . . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grimes visited their son, Gleason, at the Children’s Me morial hospital, Omaha, Thurs day, October 2. They report a “slight gain” in his condition. . . Mrs. Paul Roth became ill re cently while taking her husband to Columbus for medical care. Both are at the home of his brother in Columbus where they are “improving.” . . Ray Seery was a patient at the Bassett hos pital a few days last week. He is now home and “improving.” . . . Everette Wintermote return ed from the Neligh hospital on Thursday, October 2. AMELIA—Mrs. , Stella Sparks has been on the S$ck list several days. Mrs. Henry' Travers is as sisting Mrs. Sparks while she is ill. . . Cpl. Bob Adams, who has been home on sick leave, left Saturday to return to Texas where he may reenter an army hospital. He stopped in Lincoln to visit his sister, Joan Adair. . . Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and infant son, Bruce Lloyd, returned home Sunday. They had been visiting her mother, Mrs. Frank Seades, in O’Neill since their release from the hospital. PAGE— Mrs. Charles Russell, Mrs. Lloyd Fu&leman and Mrs. George Wettlaufer drove to Sioux City Saturday where Mrs. Rus sell and Mrs. JTusslemban went for medical cat*. . . Mrs. J. R. Russell, Mrs. EXave Bowen, Mrs. Elizabeth Cullen, Mrs. Emma Canaday and Miss Maude Mar tin called on Mrs. Floyd Wertz Monday afternoon. Mrs. Wertz has been ill for several days. DELOIT—Elayne Reimer was ill early this week and unable to a+tend high school at Bartlett. . . Royal Seaman was run-over by a tractor and hospitalized at Neligh. . . Baby John Sehi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virtus Sehi, re turned to his home from a Nor folk hospital last week. . . Patty Elliot returned to her home from a Norfolk hospital recently. She i6 “progressing nicely,” but spends much time in bed. EWING—Mra. Sam Regan and infant son, Patrick Lee, came home last Thursday from St. Catherine’s hospital in Omaha, While enroute borne, Mrs, Regan became ill and has been under a doctor’s care at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Spitt ler, in Ewing. Her condition is “improving.” Patrick Lee is do ing fine. • O’NEILL—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kufahl, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cavanaugh, jr., and family and Miss Mary Lois Cavanaugh went to Omaha Sunday to see Maurice ' Cavanaugh, sr.. who is hospitaliz ed there. He is recovering as well as can be expected. Mary Lois remained in Omaha with her mother, Mrs. Maurice Cavan augh, sr. INMAN*—Miss Grayce McGraw returned to Atkinson Sunday where she teaches after being iil at her home here for a week. Plan December Wedding— Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Russell announce the engagement of their daughter, Jacqueline Anne, to A-3c Duane B. Sukup, son of Mr and Mrs. Edward Sukup. The couple plans a December wedding. _ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY — FOR SAALE: Purebred Hamp shire boars and open gilts. Eli ■ gible for registry, veterinary i vaccinated. Also young service able Shorthorn bull. — Henry Stelling, 2 miles* south Va west of Orchard. 23-24c BUSINESS l OPPORTUNITY BE A STANLEY hostess and re i ceive beautiful and useful gifts, ! also free gifts for your guests. , Fun for everyone. See or write your Stanley dealer: Mrs. Dor i othy Reynolds, box 193, Inman, Nebr. 23-24 I WOULD like to take this means of expressing my sincere thanks to ^Tilliam (“Bill”) Merriman for *hi$ kind deed of pushing me five.miles into O’ Neill after mj1 oar had been drained of gas in the early morning hours of September 29. This was greatly appreti clt 0ci MRS. THELMA WIGGINS FOR SALE: 1939 Chevrolet, 2 door sedan, motor just over hauled, new tires, body solid, will make an ideal school car. Reasonably priced.—Call 162J. 23c Frosh at Inman Are Initiated Institute Is Welcomed by Hunters INMAN—Friday was initiation day in the Inman high school. A dance in honor of the freshmen was held in the evening in the assembly and concluded the day’s activity. The junior class play will be held the night of October 1. Mrs. Bean has her charges work ing daily on the play. Teachers’ institute will be an opportunity for sports enthusiasts in the Inman school to “take a shot” at the pheasants or ducks in the early portion of the sea son. Institute will be held on Thursdav and Friday, October 23 and 24, and school will be closed those two days. Other Inman News Mrs. F. E. Keyes and daughter, Murl, of Valentine spent the weekend here. They returned to Valentine on Monday , and Tues day Miss Murl planned to leave for Arizona where she will spend the winter. Pat Hartigan of Alma spent the weekend visiting his mother, Mrs. Marye Hartigan. Harlan Morsbach, Don Lines and Lawrence Stevens, who are employed at Rapid City, S.D, spent the weekend visiting in the David Morsbach, Dana Lines and Bill Butterfield homes. Larry Sawyer of Stuart spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sawyer. Jim Coventry and son,’ Bill, and Art Tomlinson were in Plain view Saturday on business. Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ald er and son, Ricky, were the fol lowing: Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lines and son, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Gor gen and son, Mr. arid Mrs. Dana Lines, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butter field and family, Mrs. Bert Ko oejtka and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith and Henry, Thurl and Gerald Butterfield/ all of Inman; Miss Mary Ann Kopejt ka of Page; Don Lines and Lawrence Stevens of Rapid City, S.D., Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ko pejtka of Washington were after noon guests. lvii. ana mrs. nowara Jackson and family returned Wednesday, October 1, from Oregon where they had fpent two weeks visit ' ing relatives. Mrs. Fred Dean of Lusk, Wyo., is spending a few days visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson took Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hartigan to their home in Norfolk Sunday. The Hartigans had spent 10 days in the Watson home. Miss Hellice Stevens of Page was a visitor in the James Cov entry home Saturday. Dr. Charles Tompkins of Om aha spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tompkins. The Inman Commercial club met Monday evening for a regu lar meeting. A 7 o’clock dinner was served at the home of Mrs. Charles Luben for the members. Merlin Luben of Bruno spent the weekend visiting his family. Harold Nielsen of Norfolk spent the weekend visiting his parents,. Mr. and Mrs.. Herbert Nielsen. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gillogly returned last week from Wash ington and Idaho where they had spent three weeks visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Cates and Sandra and Randy and Mr and Mrs. Donald Weisse of Lyons spent Wednesday, October 1, vis iting Mr. and Mrs. James Mc Mahan. Miss Faye Brunckhorst, Mrs. James Coventry, Mrs. T. D. Hut ton and Mrs. H. E. Smith went to Atkinson Monday to get the extension club lesson. The lesson was on candlemaking. Mrs. Eva Murten of Blair came Monday to visit in the home of Mrs. Anna Smith and with other | relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton spent Monday evening in Ainsworth, being called there by the serious illness of Mrs. Clark’s and Mrs. Hutton’s brother, Tom Berger. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith and daughter, Susan Kay, of Ne ligh spent Monday evening visit ing Mr. and Mrs. John Mattson. Mrs. Harry McGraw, Mrs. Lee Conger, sr., and Mrs. David Mors bach and Mary accompanied Mrs. Ballantyne and Faye Irene of Page to Bonesteel, S.D., Sunday where they attended the RLDS conference. LEGAL NOTICE (First pub. Oct. 9, 1952.) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 3859 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF CHARLEY ROSS, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the appointment of Frank Nelson as executor thereof, which will be for hearing in this court on Octo ber 28, 1952, at 10 o’clock A.M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 23-25c STATEMENT OF THE OWNER SHIP, MANAGEMENT. CIR CULATION, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACTS OF CONGRESS' OF AUGUST 24. 1912, AND MARCH 3, 1933 Of The Frontier published weekly at O’Neill, Nebr., for Oc tober 1, 1952. State of Nebraska, County of Holt, ss. Before me, a notary public in and for the state and county aforesaid, personally appeared Carroll W. Stewart, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the publisher of The Frontier and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the owner ship, management (and if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, as amended by the Act of March 3, 1933, embodied in section 537, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the re verse of this form, to wit: 1. That the name and address of the publisher, editor, manag ing editor, and business manag er is: Carroll W. Stewart, O’Neill, Nebr. 2. That the owners are Car roll W. and Margaret O. Stewart, O’Neill. Nebraska. 3. That the known bondhold ers, mortgagees, and other secur ity holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other se curities are: Bank of Hartington, Hartington, Nebr. 4. Paragraphs 2 and 3 in clude, in cases where the stock holder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fidu ciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting; also the statements in the two paragraphs show the affiant’s full knowledge and belief as to the circum stances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securi ties in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner. 5. The average number of j copies of each issue of this pub lication sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the 12 months preceding the date shown above is 2,241. CARROLL W. STEWART, Sworn to and subscribed be fore me this 8th day of October, 1952. (Seal) J. B. GRADY, My commission expires July 14, 1956. SOUTH OF STUART NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Moon were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lambert of Chambers on a vacation trip to the Black Hills, S. D., from Wednesday, October 1, until Saturday, October 5. Jonas Murphy of Bassett took care of the Moon farm in their absence. Wednesday afternoon bridge club met at the home of Mrs. Bob Battenhorst October 1. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Wilbur Moon and Mrs. Orville Paxton. Each member of the club pre sented Mary and Bob, who re cently celebrated their 25th wed ding anniversary with a card and a silver dollar. A delicious lunch was served at the closes of the party. Mr. and Mrs. George Wedige and Donald of Atkinson were Sunday, October 5, dinner guests 4,^ of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Paxton and Larry. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Boettcher and son were callers at the Wil bur and Fred Moon homes Sun day afternoon, October 5. Mike and George Ramold of Atkinson were callers at the Charles Deermer home Fridav, October 3. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence John son were Sunday, October 5, din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Beck at Atkinson. Cpl. Lavem Miller has return ed to his base at Ft. Sill, Okla., after spending a 25-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller. Mrs. Bob Mathews of O’Neill o spent a week recently visiting her sister, Mrs. Bob Greenfield. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Slaymak er and family attended a surprise party at the Fred Zink home Saturday evening, October 4. In was Mr. Zink’s 69th birthday an niversary. Mrs. Slaymaker is a daughter of the Fred Zinks and the family is now living on the Pete Nelson farm. Mrs. Anna Kaup, her son Joe Kaup, Alois Kaup and Mrs. Frank Steinhauser attended the funeral of Herman Kriekmier at West Point Thursday, October 2. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Galligan of Atkinson spent Monday, October 6, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Batenhorst. I Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat., Oct. 9th, 10th, 11th I ■MPHnWIn lll'Wlllll—I PURE LARD 2 U».25' Sunshine Krispy CRACKERS 2 Box 39'| SEEDLESS RAISIRS 2 CeHo 33 SQUARE DEAL I FLOUR I £gLb S3.191 OUR FAMILY ORANGE JUICE 2 t°z- 53c Cans ++ POST’S I CORN FETTY 2 Pkfs.. 49c | LAST WEEK’S SILVER DOLLAR WINNERS I E. L. Hood. O'Neill i M. L. Harmon, O'Neill Mrs. Aweri Kaczor, O'Neill John M. Grutsch, O'Neill Mrs. R. Brookhauser, O'Neill William Groihe, jr., O'Neill Shirley Ross, O'Neill Sharon Kallhoff. O'Neill Mrs. Mary Price. O'Neill Mrs. Don Enright, O'Neill Mrs. Art Frahm, Page Mrs. Harold Halstead, Redbird Mrs. Await Spangler, O'Neill Gordon Barla, Reabird Mrs. Henry Sladek, Venus Margaret Hoffman, O'Neill Mrs. H. R. Rouse, Inman Mrs. Ed Thomas. O'Neill Nels Schultz, O'Neill Kathleen Groihe, tmmet Harry Sullivan, O'Neill Kelley Myers, Stuart waiter uevaii, u nem Mrs. Norris George, O'Neill Mrs. Orton Young, O'Neill Mrs. Nellie Thomas, O'Neill Mrs. Orville Neal, O'Neill Dave Eby, O'Neill Mrs. Ray Plessel, O'Neill V. A. Tomlinson, O'Neill Susan B. MargTitz, O'Neill Freddy Eby, O'Neill Mrs. D. A. Kersenbrock, O'Neill Francis Pribil, O'Neill Mrs. Hairy Peter, O'Neill John Schultz, O'Neill Marvin Andersen, O'Neill | William Storjohann, Spencer Danny Putnam, O'Neill R. L. Boschult, Lynch Mrs. Fred Ernst, O'Neill Mrs. Don Lowery, O'Neill Mrs. Margaret Benash, O'Neiil Mrs. Alvin Alton, O'Neill Mrs. Gerald Harding, O'Neill Mrs. Oliver Ross, O'Neill | Mrs. Ben Vonasek, Star THANK YOU! For Your Nice Response tm—mmmmm I MAYBELL OLEO | 6 Lbs.... 99c I RED TRIUMPH POTATOES IT SI-98 nWlBilWMrTBTM I NILE SALMON O Tal1 Q?c ^ Cans | PILLSBURY g White or Dark CUKE MIX 12 Pkgs.. 59c ■__ 0 I DELICIOUS or JONATHAN APPLES j£L S2.49 I WINCED HflH 37c SUMMER SAUSAGE lb 57c ^mmmmm^— Lb. SLICED BACON 49c ACORN SQUASH Lb. 7c VINE RIPENED CAHTALQUPE Lb 9c GREEN PASCAL CELERY Lb. 10c TOKAY ifiRflPES 3lbs. 25 c WE HAVE STORAGE YEARLY RATES: LOCKERS for RENT-$7.50 $10.00 $12.50 We are equipped to handle your processing. Lockers may be rented monthly if preferred. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF _ POULTRY, HOG & CATTLE FEEDS NUTRENA 20% EGG CRUMBLES WILL BRING YOUR PULLETS INTO PRODUCTION FASTER. GET THE MOST FOR YOUR "FEED DOLLARS" BY FEEDING NUTRENA EGG CRUMBLES! AVAILABLE FOR DELIVERY HOW NUTRENA “BEEF CAKE” 22%, 32%, 41% PROTEIN IN EITHER PELLETS OR CUBES Let Us Quote You Our Price on Your Winter Supply j SHELHAMER FOODS j & Grocery Phone 56 O'NEILL Produce Phone 173 yjXtr i / v [