The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 02, 1952, Page 5, Image 5

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    Dorothy Fae Her
Weds James Urlaub
Mils- Dorothy Fae Iler, niece of
Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Downey of
O’Neill, was married at 2 o’clock
Saturday afternoon, September
27, in St. Patrick’s Catholic
church to James Edward Urlaub,
nephew of Mr. and Mrs. T. M.
Harrington, all of O’Neill. Rev.
Kennth Carl officiated at the
double-ring ceremony.
Robert Hynes, accompanied by
Sister M. Flores, sang “Just for
Given in marriage by her un
cle, the bride wore a street
length dress of rose-orchid taf
feta styled with a decollete neck
line. She carried a bouquet of
white roses.
Miss Mary Jurgensmeier, maid
of-honor, wore a dress styled
similarly to that of the bride in
a darker shade of orchid and
carried a bouquet of tea roses.
John Joseph Uhl was bestman,
with AHan Martin as usher.
Mr. and Mrs. Downey were
hosts at a reception for about 60
guests in their home after the
For a wedding trip the bride
selected a gray suit with black
accessories. On their return the
couple will live in O’Neill.
The bride was graduated from
St. Mary’s academy and Briar
cliff college, Sioux City. She is
employed by the O’Neill Photo
Guests attended the reception
from Dallas, S.D., Humboldt,
la., and Omaha.
Father, Daughter on
Extensive Tour—
Miss Zittella Kestenholtz of
O’Neill and her father, Harry
Kestenholtz of Inman, recently
toured six states on an 18-day
vacation. The states visited were
Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Ore
gon, California, Nevada and
They visited relatives and
friends at:
Gering—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Engelhgupt and family; Kuna,
Ida.—Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bow
ring; Baker, Ore.—Mr. and Mrs.
Newton VanCleave and family;
Klamath Falls, Ore.—Mr. and
_ Mrs. Bert Clark and family; Coos
Bay, Ore.—Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Some of the various points of
interest visited were: Yellow
stone park, Wyo.; Craters of the
Moon, Ida.; Crater lake and the
Pacific ocean, Ore.; ice caves and
>ava beds in California and Ruth
copper pit in Nevada, said to be
the largest manmade hole. They
arrived home last Thursday.
New Mexico Family
Feted. Departs—
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Martin
aad daughters, Rhonda and Car
la Jo, and son, Bobby, of Clovis,
N.M., arrived Saturday, Septem
ber 13, for a 13-day visit with
Mr. Martin’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter P. Martin.
Mrs. Emma Martin was hostess
to a Martin family dinner on
Sunday, September 21, honoring
the New Mexico family. Other
guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Walt
er P. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Walt
er Jutte, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Erm
er, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ed
wards and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Fora Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Free
man Knight and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Bartos and fam
ily, and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Elk
ins and family of Johnstown.
The Maynard Martins depart
ed for Clovis Friday morning.
Entertain in Chambers
Legion Hall —
On Wednesday evening, Sep
tember 24, Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Martin and Mrs. Emma Mar
tin entertained friends and
neighbors at a card party in the
Legion hall in chambers in hon
or of Mr. and Mrs. Maynard
of Clovis, N.M. (Mrs. Roy Back
haus won high for the ladies;
Claude Dailey won high for the
men; low prizes were won by
Mrs. Neil Hoxie and Frank Nek
olite. Lunch consisted of coffee,
sandwiches, cake and jello.
Mrs. Porter Entertains—
The Merry Myx club was en
tertained at a luncheon at the
home of Mrs. Chauncey Porter
Tuesday afternoon. The winners
were: Mrs. Chauncey Porter,
high; Mrs. Paul Shierk, second
high; Mrs. Ted McElhaney,
guest high.
Tune In! Voice of The Fron
tier” . . Mon., Wed., Sat., 9:45 a m.
Mock Wedding
Shower Feature—
Miss Jenine Jones was honor
ed at a miscellaneous shower on
Friday night at the home of Mrs.
D. N. Loy. Seventeen guests were
present. A “bride - and - bride
groom’’ program was produced
by a few of the guests. As a por
tion of the mock wedding, Mrs.
Donald Loy »sang “I Love You
Truly.” An oversized wedding
ring was given to the bride in
the make-believe ceremony. Pre
sentation of the gifts to the
bride-elect was part of the pro
gram. Following the program a
lunch was served.
and Mrs. Jack Dailey of
O’Neill announce the en
gagement of their daughter,
Betty, to LeRoy Rossman,
F.N., son of Mrs. Gertrude
Rossman of Atkinson, Miss
Dailey is a graduate of O’
Neill high school class of
1952. Mr. Rossman is a grad
uate of Atkinson high school
class of 1948 and is now serv
ing with the navy on the
USS Gregory DD802 now sta
tioned at San Diego, Calif.
No definite date is set for
the wedding.
Returned Korea
War Vet Weds
LYNCH — Sgt. LaVere Nor
wood of, Lynch and Bonnie
Quincy of Lincoln were recently
married at the Cedar Hill church
in Lancaster county.
Sergeant Norwood is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Norwood of
Lynch and a graduate of the
Lynch schools. He has returned
from Korea and Japan for a 30
day furlough.
Mrs. Smith Elected
Better Wavs Head—
CHAMBERS — The Better
Ways club met at the home of
Mrs. Charlotte Smith Thursday,
September 18.
Ten members and one visitor,
Patty Carson, were present. The
business meeting consisted of
planning for the O’Neill achieve
ment day, selecting lessons for
next year, and election of offi
The new officers are: Mrs.
Charlotte Smith, president; Ada
DeHart, Vice-president; Maxine
Thompson, secretary; Evelyn
Tracy, health leader; Gladys
Grossnicklaus, news reporter;
Loraine Haake, .recreation.
Gladys Grossnicklaus received
the door prize which was a dish
plaque. Thus concluding our bus
iness meeting. Loraine Haake
gave the lesson on “Along Ne
braska Pioneer Trails.”
, Mrs. Smith served a lunch of
sandwiches, salad, pickles and
The next meeting will be at
the home of Evelyn Tracy, Oc
tober 21.—By Ada DeHart, news
Pirates Again, in Session—
The Pinochle Pirates gathered
at the Francis Curran home Fri
day evening for another evening
of fun.
High scores were won by Al
bert Sterns and Margery McNul
ty. Low scores by Jim McNulty
and Della Vequist.
A lunch of graham cracker
marshmallow dessert and sand
wiches were served.
The next party is at the Lyle
Vequist home October 17.
Mrs. Rubeck Feted —
A group of eight had a sur
prise birthday anniversary party
I Thorsday night for Mrs. Elwin
{ Rubeck. The party was held at the
home of Mrs. Merle McClure.
The evening was spent playing
games. Among the gifts, they
also presented her with a money
tree. A lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fetrow were
dinner guests at the Paul Fet
row home Sunday.
1000 Watts ,!
I -'jc, TUNE IN! |
I /|\ “Voice of J
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* • Wednesday •
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Nebraska’s topflight announcers,
bring you the O’Neill regional news j
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i* ute roundup of news and happen
* ings concerning persons and places
1 you know.
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!On Your Dial...i
Mrs. Margaret Allen,
John Pribil Wed
ATKINSON—Mrs. Margaret Al
len of O’Neill became the bride of
John Pribil, also of O’Neill, in,
nuptial rites Monday, September
21, at 6:30 a.m., in St. Joseph’s
Catholic church, Atkinson. Rev.
Richard Parr officiated.
Mrs. Jerrold Dustako, sister of
the bride, was matron-of-honor.
The bride appeared in a blue
green suit with black accessories.
She wore a purple and blue cor
sage of mums and pom-poms.
Mrs. Dusatko wore a gold dress
wifh brown accessories.
The Pribils are on a tour of
Southern states.
Vote to Participate
with Hospital Auxiliary—
CHAMBERS — The Happy
Homemakers club met at the
home of Mrs. G. C. Smith Friday
evening, September 19, with Mrs.
Frank Spath as cohostess. The
meeting was called to order by
the president, Mrs. Bernard
Hoffman. Fifteen members an
swered roll call by giving their
favorite flower. An interesting
game was led by the recreation
It was voted to attend the hos
pital auxiliary meeting in O’
Neill- Mrs. Stanley Lambert and
Mrs. Frank Spath were to rep
resent the club.
A special lesson on home light
ing will be given in Chambers
on October 29. Mrs. C. E. Alder
son and Mrs. G. C. Smith are to
help with the plans for this.
New officers for 1953 were
elected. They are: Mrs. Stanley
Lambert, president; Mrs. C. E.
Alderson, vice - president; Mrs.
Kenneth Werner, secretary-treas
urer; Mrs. Lela Corcoran, news
The first part of the lesson on
home nursing was given by Mrs.
Frank Spath. The next meeting
will be October 17 at the home of
Mrs. Spath.
Returns to Wheaton
College as Junior—
Miss Lorraine Gail,/ Ernst,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Ernst of O’Neill, has returned to
Wheaton college, Wheaton, 111.,
as a junior, where she is study
ing in preparation for the mis
sion field.
Wheaton college is a coeduca
tional liberal arts and sciences
school offering courses leading to
baccalaureate degrees in arts,
science, theology and music.
Mrs. Glen Gettert and baby
are spending the week visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Liable, in Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tomlinson
drove to Sioux City Friday.
Gary and Rita, children of Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Waller, spent
the weekend visiting their grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snell,
in Page.
Mrs. Ted Strong and Mrs. P.
M. Mentzer of Atkinson spent
Thrusday in Bonesteel, S.D., vis
iting Mrs. Strong’s sister, Mrs.
Mick Halverson.
Clarence Farr was in luck
fishing on Sunday. He caught a
pike weighing 1016 pounds and
measuring 33% inches. The catch
was made in the Elkhom river.
Miss Donna Crabb and Gene
Seger, who attend Wayne State
Teachers college, spent the
weekend at home visiting their
respective parents.
Miss Charlotte McVay was
honored on her birthday anni
versary by a party given Satur
day night by a group of high
school friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Seidel of
Linioln were weekend guests at
the homes of Mrs. Marie A.
Strube and Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Strube and son.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wiseman
of Page spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Spry.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hiner of
Omaha, Mrs. Eslie Sparks of
Newport and Mrs. Mary Willer
ing of Stuart visited Saturday
night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Merle Sparks.
Sunday guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George Van Every
were: Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fuller
and son, Mr. and Mrs. Lavem
Van Every and two boys of
O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Van Every and daughter of
Grand Island, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Miller of Norfolk. Also present
was Herb Englehouse of Santa
Clara, Calif., who is visiting rel
atives enroute to his home after
receiving his discharge from the
navy at Norfolk, Va.
Mr. ana Mrs. C. E. Worth left
on their vacation Wednesday to
Dalton and Sidney. They plan to
visit Mr. Worth’s four brothers
who live there. They will return
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Worces
ter spent the weekend at White
River, S.D., visiting Mr. and Mrs.
H. D. Worcester.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold McNally
and baby moved to O’Neill on
Sunday. They will live in the
Eddy Martin residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Spry,
Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Wevhrich
and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Gallup
were Sunday dinner guests at
+he home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil
Mrs. Ben Hanlon of Peru will
come next Sunday to spend the
winter at the home of her son
in-law and daughter, Dr. and
Mrs. Rex Wilson.
Mrs. Rolland Weyhrich and
children, Mrs. Emil Wevhrich
and Mrs. Pat Gallup of O’Neill
and Mds. Ed Jones and Mrs. Ray
Grubb and son. Donnie, of Cham
bers went to Grand Island on
Thursday. While there they had
dinner at the home of Mrs. Av
erv Gaddie, Mrs. Rolland Weyh
rich’s’ sister.
Miss Peggy Sullivan is enroll
ed at a business school in Oma
Miss Ann Swanson returned
from Lincoln last Thursdav. She
will be here for an indefinite
Miss Doris Middlestad of Nor
folk arrived here to work at the
Torn Tom cafe.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McNallv
of Roottsbluff visited their son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Tomlinson, last week
Rock Falls News
Gces's ir Don Hynes’ Fuiw
for dinner were Mr. and Mrs.
George Calkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Margritz and
family were guests at Lyle Ve
quist’s Wednesday, September
24, for supper and the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and
Lynda visited George Calkins on
Monday evening, September 22.
Mrs. Henry Vequist called at
Lyle Vequist’s Monday after
noon, September 22.
Guests who attended a dinner
Sunday in honor of Frank Gehl
sen’s birthday anniversary at his
home in Lynch included Mr. and
Mrs Orville Miller and family,
Mr. ’ and Mrs. Albert Miller and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil- Miller and family. Carl
Miller and Mrs. Emma Miller.
Mr and Mrs. James Curran
and Ardell attended the Atkin
son sale Monday, September 22.
Guests at Bill Claussen’s Sat
urday for dinner and supper in
cluded: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beem,
Forrest and Dolores, and Mrs.
Leonard and baby of Ravania,
Mr. and Mrs. James Curran
and Ardell were dinner guests
Sundav of Mrs. Gertie Minahan
in O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Claussen
visited the Claussen brothers
near Emmet Sunday.
Eddie and Henry Claussen
called at Bill Claussen’s’ Monday
Bill Claussen had some alfalfa
seed combined this week.
Dan Waegh was in Norfolk on
Friday and also visited relatives
at Waterloo. Three-year-old Jim
my Waegli of Waterloo is visit
ing his uncle and aunt for a few
Guests at Albert wiatieiats
on Sunday included Mrs. Anna
Brown and Linda Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran
and daughters were guests at Or
ville Miller’s Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ernst and
family and Mrs. Fannie Drnst
were in Sioux City Sunday help
ing Mrs. Mary Richards celebrate
her birthday anniversary.
Dinner guests at Blake Ben
son’s Sunday were: Mr. and Mxs.
Francis Curran and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Gus Karel and Morris
and Elwin Grutsch. Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Benson and family came
for the afternoon.
Mrs. Orville Miller and Mrs.
Francis Curran called at Bert
Ott’s Monday, September 22.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran
and Stanley Benson went to Mit
chell, S.D., to the com palace
Wednesday, September 24.
Betty and Mary Jo Curran
spent Wednesday night, Septem
ber 24, with Elaine and Mickey
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stems
were Sunday afternoon guests at
Albert Stems’.
The Pinochle Pirates met Fri
day evening at Francis Curran’s.
Mrs. James McNulty and Albert
Stems won high. Mrs. Lyle Ve
quist and Francis Curran had
Mrs. Roy Margritz visited on
Wednesday afternoon, September
24, with Mrs. Walter Sire at
Bonna Margritz stayed Satur
day and Sunday with Betty Cur
A birthday party was held
Sunday evening at Roy Mar
gritz’s for Susan’s fifth birthday
anniversary. Guests included Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Art O’Neill and
Gene, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Craw
ford and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Francis Curran and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Orville Miller and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sire
and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. John
Schwindt and sons of Royal, Mr.
and Mrs. John Dienes and Shar
on of Royal. The Schwindts and
Deines were supper guests at
Margritz’s. Susan received many
Guests at Dan Rakes’ for a
Spanish supper of enchilados and
all the trimmings Tuesday eve
ning, September 23, were: Mr.
and Mrs. John Schultz and fam
ily, Mrs. Charles Bohny, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linda.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz
and girls were guests at Frank
Schultz’s in Atkinson one evening
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and
Lynda were guests at John
Schultz’s Monday evening, Sep
tember 22.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown and
family spent Sunday afternoon
at John Schultz’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rakes and
girls were guests at John
Schultz’s Sunday evening.
Ray Johnson was a dinner
guest at Floyd Johnson’s Sunday.
Seniors to Pose
for Photographer—
CHAMBERS — The Chambers
high school seniors will pose for
their class pictures sometime in
During the past week the CHS
home economics girls have been
eating lunches at the home ec
room. The juniors entertained the
seniors one day and vica versa
the next.
Tuesday evening the CHS jun
iors went to Atkinson to roller
Stunt Night Nets $90—
INMAJN—Another stunt night,
or all-talent show, netted the
Inman schools $90. The money
will be used to purchase a slide
and a projection screen.
Freshmen initiation will be
held Friday. The student council
will be in charge of the affair.
Refreshments will be served
following the program of tricks
and dancing.
MM in Session—
The M&M club met Wednes
day for a 7:30 pjn. dessert lunch
eon and bridge at the home of
Mrs. Earl Ralya. Guests present
were Mrs. Echo Hanna of Wood
Lake, Mrs. George Weingartner,
Mrs. John R. Osenbaugh and
Mrs. Rov Sauers.
$137 Raised by Sales—
INMAN—Larry David sold $58
in magazine subscriptions to top
all salesmen in the Inman hi eh
school in the annual fund-raising
campaign. The student body
raised $137. .
212 Clubbers See
Colored Pictures of Club —
The achievement night of the
212 South Fork 4-H club was
highlighted by colored slides
and movies that showed the mem
bers’ own activities. Charles
! Skopec of Stuart showed mov
ies of the tumbling team which
he had made in July and Mr.
Dawes showed slides which in
cluded a number of the 212 mem
Eighteen club members and
thirty-one visitors gathered at the
Strong school for the program
which also included group sing
ing and a history of this year’s
work by the secretary, Jennie
Jennie reported in her sum
mary that 22 members had car
ried 83 individual projects; had
exhibited at three fairs; given 12
public demonstrations; won 4 pub
lic speaking contests; sponsored
a rural life Sunday program; en
tertained at family fun night, and
soil conservation day. They won
the county share-the-fun festival
and placed third in the district
festival. Gary Holcomb had
spoken at the Atkinson leaders’
banquet and ten members attend
ed the state fai> where o^anene
and Joellyn Backhaus won a blue
award on their demonstration.
Mr. Skopec’s movies showed the
tumbling act that won the county
share-the-fun festival. He had
made the movies at the Holcomb
home during a practice session.
Mr. Dawes’s slides included sev
eral of the tumblers, some of Don
ald Strong with his grand cham
pion baby beef at the Chambers
fair and two of Joellyn and
Jeanene Backhaus at the demon
stration at the state fair. Also
included was one of Bobby
Gartner with his purple ribbon
feeder calf at Chambers.
Checks for premiums won at
Stuart tri-county fair were hand
ed out to seventeen members by
the leaders. Mr. and Mrs. Hol
comb, Mr. Backhaus and Mrs.
Halsey received gifts from the
club members in appreciation for 1
their year’s leadership.
Mrs. Helen Kreymborg and
Fritz and Mr. Dawes and Perry
of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Skopec, Caroline and a friend of
Stuart were special guests.
After games everyone enjoyed
a lunch of potato salad, sand
wiches, pickles, pie, cocoa and
coffee.—Gary Holcomb, reporter.
Mr. and Mrs. George Head and
family will drive their daughter
and grandson, Mrs. J. H. Noll and
John, to Aberdeen, S.D., Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fora Knight, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Bartos and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jutte
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Loukota at Gross Sun
« jBp
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