Eagles Whip Burwell; Victory 3d Straight Lone Longhorn Tally on Interception The O’Neill high Eagles chalked up their third consecutive tri umph otf the grid campaign with an impressive 33-7 showing over Burwell Friday night at BurwelL L . . , Only six minutes had elasped when the Eagles hit pay dirt with Boxcar Duane Booth ramming from the 4 to climax a long march. Before the period had ended, fleet Bobby Carroll scooted across from the 10. In the second stanza, Georgie Kilcoii; was sprung off his own rigbl tackle Sdraced 65 yards lo score. Larry Chase added an extra point with a run and Dave Eby*s toe added another. The hal« ended with O'Neill in front, '>.0-3. The Blues continued their scoring ways in the second half. El by slipped across from the 3 on a quarterback sneak but missed, the PAT. During the third period Carroll scampered 55 yards off guard with Booth booting the point. This ended O’Neill’s scoring because Coach Marv Miller (turned the game over to the bench-warmers. The Longhorns scored on a pass interception that carried for their only six points. Ronnie Bazelman’s defensive and offensive play in the center of the line sparkled for the win ners and Gaylen Hull, a durable tackle, was in his customary fine form. Eby’s ball handling and deception was rated good. The Eagles face Creighton here Friday night and are rated easy favorites. Broncos Wilt in Second Half STUART—A sizeable crowd of football fans were out to see the Stuart high Broncos play their first home game of football Fri day night. They played the Springview Indians at the ball park. While the Broncos are short on weight they held the Indians to a ©coreless tie for the first half but let the game finish with a 20-7 ©core in favor of Springview. The Broncs lost their first two games at Burke, S.D., and Valen tine with the scores 45-0 and 59-0, respectively. Other Stuart News Mrs. Berlin Mitchell, Lucille, FYed, Marvin and Warren went to Omaha Saturday and visited over the weekend at the D. A. Boldra home. Joe Deermer, student at the Milford trade school, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Nick Simons. Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Olber 'ding of Emmet, Ida., are visiting with relatives and friends here end in Atkinson. They formerly lived here. John Obermire, student at the State Agricultural college in Lin coln, and Miss Billie Ruther, stu dent in a beauty school also in Lincoln came Friday to spend the weekend with the Gus Obermire family. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Robertson of Rogers were overnight guests at the Berlin Mitchell home on Wednesday, September 24. Mrs. Robertson and Mr. Mitchell are cousins. Mrs. Mary Henning of Atkinson, Mrs. Gus Obermire and daugh ters, Mary Rita and Karen were in Norfolk Saturday. Bassett Surprises Ainsworth, 25-12— BASSETT— Rock county high school (Bassett) gridders defeated Ainsworth Friday night in a grid game, 25-12. Ainsworth kicked-off and the ball went into the end zone. Without benefit of huddle, the Bassett crew put the ball into play and went 80 yards to score the first TD. LOANS AVAILABLE Commodity credit loans and purchase agreements are now available on pasture and grass * seeds. Anyone who is interested in this program may contact his local PMA office for full par ticulars, according to Harry E. Ressel, chairman of the Holt county PMA. Chambers Hits Butte 22-0 in Six - Man CHAMBERS — The Chambers high Coyotes played Butte at Chambers Friday and triumphed 22-0. The Coyotes are undefeated in three starts. Halfback Cavanaugh’s running and End Beed’s defensive play sparkled for the victors. On Thursday, September 19, Valley Center school played the Chambers grade school in foot ball, the game ending in a 6-6 tie. A return game is planned. Cardinals Bow in Season s Opener Sharp, Black & Co. Bring Disaster SPENCER — A stronger, smoother Spencer high grid team turned back the St. Mary’s acad emy six-manners Tuesday night, September 23, under the lights at Spencer, 12-6. The home team already had romped over Butte and Colome, S.D., and the sea soning gave the Boyd countyans a distinct advantage over Coach Joe George’s inexperienced crew. SMA kicked to Spencer and the Boyd crew racked up seven points in seven plays. With Bob by Fritton pitching and three backs sharing the surface load, the Cardinals bounced back with a TD. Near the end of the first half, Spencer pounced on a Card inal fumble on the SMA 10 and punched the oval across for an other six points. Two Spencer lads—Sharp and Black, both weighing in the neighborhood of 190 pounds — played havoc with their power going into the Cardinal line. SMA plays Greeley Friday night at Greeley. 9 Holt Hunters Get Doe Permits Nine Holt countyans were a mong the one thousand Nebras ka sportsmen drawing 1952 doe hunting permits issued by the Nebraska game commission. They are: A. W. Carroll of O’Neill; Charles G. Everett of Atkinson; Carl F. Hoppe of Atkinson; William S. Linville of Atkinson; John F. Ruther of Ewing; Louis Steinhauser of Stuart; Robert L. Vance of Ewing; Louis Vitt of O’Neill, and Vem Wrede of In man. From Boyd county: Audrey Ann Adams of Spencer; Ida Min nie Kaczor of Spencer, and James P. McAllister of Spencer. From Rock county: Leonard B. Anderson of Newport; Charles E. Burke of Bassett; Clifford T. Turpin of Bassett, and Richard Turpin of Bassett. From Antelope county: Alva Jonathan Rice of Clearwater. 2 Holt Gridders on Norfolk JC Squad Two Holt county men, Don Beckwith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Beckwith of O’Neill and Robert Fox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox, also of O’Neill, are members of the Norfolk Junior college Blackhawk foot ball squad. Bob is slated to play guard. He is the smallest member of the team, standing 5-6 and weighing 140 pounds. Don, who was slated for an end position on the team, is cur rently receiving medical atten tion for an injury sustained dur ing early practice. His injury consists of a shoulder separation which is now healed but as yet it has not been deemed advis able for Don to participate. Spencer Wallops Randolph— SPENCER—The Spencer high six-man grid team vanquished the Randolph Cardinals Friday night under the lights at Ran dolph, 36-12. Spencer led, 18-6, at intermission. Randolph this season is playing six-man foot ball for the first time. In past years it has fielded powerful li man teams. Move to Minnesota — Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Adamson shipped their household goods to Hutchinson, Minn., where thej plan to live. Saturday they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M B. Marcellus. Try FRONTIER want ad vs! Ticklers By George [