I Dedication Day... St. Anthony’s ospital| IT IS WITH SPECIAL PRIDE we take this means to || invite you to tour the new hospital and to inspect :: first-hand the fine, modern plumbing facilities, heating and ventilating system, and laundry equipment. We say 1 special pride because we were honored with these con < M tracts — our biggest and greatest undertaking in more than 51 years in the field and as one of O’Neill’s oldest business institutions. We cherish the trust that was placed in our hands and, on this dedication day, we say, most sincerely, “Thank-You!” jj < * > AND BEST WISHES TO GOOD SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS AS THEY I EMBARK ON THEIR NOBLE MISSION OF MERCY AND HEALING!” I III j# On a slight knoll where once cows used to roam, the new St. Anthony’s Hospital today rises in impressive grandeur —an important signpost indi cating O’Neill is on the march. No matter what your re quirement, large or small, we Ipledge our expert atten tion ... a credo we have steadfastly pursued over the years. THE HOSPITAL HEATING PLANT §1 JAMES DAVIDSON SONS 11' * 8 _ a [ “Master Plumbers”1 1 ^ i