The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 18, 1952, Page 4, Image 4

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    P::ths Punting
' Features Blue Win
Eagles Hit Plainview
7-0 in Opener
The O’Neill high Eagles met and
defeated an evenly matched and
o equally unpolished Plainview
high grid team under the Carney
park lights Friday night.
Fullback Duane Booth’s toe
spelled the big difference be
tween the two teams. All eve
ning he set the ball down where
the Plainview safety guy wasn’t
and thereby kept the Plainview
offensive behind the eight ball.
Twice he hoisted the ball outof
bounds inside the Plainview 10.
Both clubs, obviously unfin
ished in their first-of-the-sea
son lessons, fought on fairly
even terms to the complete sat
isfaction of a large crowd, as far
as early season football is con
cerned. Both clubs lost heavily
last spring by graduation.
A Pirate fumble in the first
quarter gave O’Neill the ball on
the enemy’s 35. George Kilcoin
swept left end for pay dirt but a
clipping penalty 20 yards from
the play cost the TD, which was
called back.
The game was see-saw most of
the way with Booth’s toe keeping
the visitors fairly well at bay,
'except Back Don Kokrda intercep
ted one of Quarterback Bobby
Carroll’s flips and raced 60 yards
to the O’Neill 18. Kokrda was
away if he hadn’t made a fatal
cutback. O’Neill’s Gaylen Hull,
183 pounds of tackle, came in fast
irom behind and spilled him. The
threat fizzled when O’Neill inter
Plainview handed the Blues the
ball with two fourth quarter fum
bles and one of these proved fa
tal. O’Neill rolled up a first and
goal on the Plainview 7. Bobby
Carroll squirted off tackle for the
score. Dave Eby’s try for extra
point was good.
Coach Marv Miller’s kids were
tackling hard but their blocking
and timing were very ragged.
The Blues go to Bassett Friday
Ewing Tigers with
12 Vets Lose Opener
EWING—Coach Dale Vander
ford has 12 lettermen reporting
for football practice. They are
Donald Pruden and Bab Pruden,
ends; Marvin Carl and Neil
Scheer, tackles; Larry Williamson
and Melvin Pruden, guards; Keith
Gibson, fullback, and Tom Chris
ton, quarterback.
Other promising material in
cludes: Eugene Kurpgeweit,
guard; Ronald Rotherham, wing
back; Walter Hand, Jerome The
back; Walter Hand Jerome Tho
endel, Lowell Jensen, Bob Hobbs,
Kenneth Lee, Jerome Bahm, Don
ald Kemp, Milan Welke, Bob
Koenig, Dorrence Hobbs, Leo
Spes, Donald Neisius, Bob Kriz
The average weight of the line
is 151 pounds, and of the back
field 143 pounds.
Patrolman Tesch
Under Knife —
ATKINSON—Patrolman Gerald
Tesch of Atkinson, who has been,
stationed at Columbus, under
went a bone graft operation at
Clarkson Memorial hospital, Oma
ha, on Monday, according to his
father who returned from Omaha
on Tuesday. Condition is satis
Patrolman Gerald Gates has
been assigned to Columbus as the
operation is expected to keep
Tesch off duty for about six
Mrs. Bertha Urban returned
Monday from Mason City, la.,
where she had spent the past
i "1
62 EnroDed at
Chambers High
Howard Beed Heads
Senior Class
CHAMBERS—The doors of the
Chambers high school opened on
Tuesday, Sept. 2, with 62 stu
dents enrolled in high school,
seventeen of these were fresh
men. The five high school teach
ers are Mr. Ekdahl, superinten
dent; Nick Schmidt, principal;
Mrs. Parker, home economics; Mr.
Melene, coach, and Mr. Blezik,
band and vocal.
The afternoon classes have been
cut to 45 minutes to allow time
for band and vocal instruction.
Class meetings were held Tues
day afternoon and the following
officers were elected:
Senior class: Howard Beed,
president; Darlene Grimes, secre
tary; Rose Marie Gibson, treas
Junior class: James Tangeman,
president; Katheryn Hofliman,
secretary; Lorraine Farrier, treas
Sophomore class: Shirley De
Hart, president; Louis Brown,
vice-president, Marjorie Bruster,
Freshman class: Bonita Os
borne, president; Leonard Brown
vice-president; Jennie Halsey, sec
retary; Sammy Taggart, treasurer.
The Pep club met Wednesday
afternoon and elected Delores
Harley president; Betty Gartner,
secretary; Katheryn Hoffman,
treasurer and Neva Jarman, Rose
Marie Gibson and Darlene Grimes
as leaders, with Vivian Harley as
sistant leader.
imuauun oi iresnmen was held
Tuesday, September 9.
The football squad started prac
tice September 2. The schedule of
games is as follows:
September 19—Oakdale, here.
September 26—Butte, here.
October 3—Elgin, there.
October 10— Brunswick, there.
October 17—Meadow Grove
October 21—Orchard, there.
October 31—Clearwater, here.
On Friday, September 12, CHS
defeated Royal 46-0.
About 20 girls turned out for
glee club.
■Other Chambers News
CHAMBERS— The home eco
nomics classes of Chambers high
school canned peaches, yellow
tomatoes and pears the forepart
of this week.
Freshman initiation was held
Tuesday. In the evening a party
was given for the freshmen.
They went on a hay ride to Swan
Donnie Atkinson enrolled in
the junior class Monday.
The football team played Royal
Friday afternoon at a home game.
Chambers defeated Royal, 47-0,
to chalk up their first victory of
this season.
The first team players are:
Melvin Atkinson, “Buckie” Ur
ban, Richard (“Heeth”) Cava
naugh, “Bud” Beed, Ralph Maas
and James Tangeman.
Vivian Harley and Kathryn
Hoffman sold candy and pop at
the game Friday.
The Pep chib girls are plan
ning to get new orange sweaters
this year. The Pep club leaders
will get orange cuffs and collars
for their white sweaters.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Albers
and son came Monday, Septem
ber 15, to visit his mother, Mrs.
Anna Albers, and sisters, Mrs.
Louis Walter and Mrs. Gordon
Harley. Mr. Albers has just re
cently been released from army
service, having served overseas.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik
entertained the following guests
to dinner Monday evening, Sep
tembr 15, in honor of the birth
day anniversary of their daugh
ter, Mrs. Edwin Hubard: Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Hubbard, H. W.
Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. John
Honeywell, Mrs. Anna Albers,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harley
and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Barthel and daughters, Mr. and
Mrs. Johnnie Albers and son
and Mrs. Luella Parker.
Rev. and Mrs. C. D. Ankney
and family returned Tuesday,
September 9, from Columbus,
O., where they were called by
the death of a 5-year-old nephew.
Mrs. Kieth Sexton taught school
in Mrs. Ankney’s place in the
Alderson district during her ab
■Riverside 4-H Club Met
at Charles Boy’es —
Riverside 4-H club held their
annual achievement day at the
Charles Boyle home on Sunday,
September 14. Many articles were
exhibited by the members. Sev
eral guests were present at the
meeting. All of the record books
were supposed to be handed in,
but some were not finished so
they will be returned this week.
The 0-12-2, farm safety and health
blanks were given to the members
who are entering contests. The
treasurer reported that $263 was
deposited from the stand but
there are a few small bills to be
paid. After the meeting, games
were plaved and lunch was
served. The next club rosary will
be October 7, at Leo Schneiders.
—Mary Agnes Boyle, news re
4-H Reports Are
Being Filed —
The 4-H clubs are getting their
final reports in. Many 4-H’ers are
filling out 0-10-2’s with the hope
of getting one of the several spe
cial awards available in the state.
Points considered bv the award
committee are: project achieve
ment, 4-H activities, records and
reports, storv of club activities
end community activities other
♦ban 4-H. according to the Holt
countv agent, A. INeil Dawes.
Most of the ribbons and medals
rrnm the state fair have been re
ceived and e**o on dislpay in the
extension office.
M»rks Anniversary —
Tonv Coepen. small son of Mr.
end Mrs Jocenh Coenen, cele
his hirthdav anniversary
Mcndav Avenintr by entertaining
a few nlavrnatoc; Thev were
to T-efco^ Vim Ants. Mr. and
Mrs. Herman TVOrnff called lcfep
m tv.e evening when the birth
day cake was cut.
Bernard Matthews, Wife
Wed 25 Years—
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Matthews
of Lincoln celebrated their 25th
wedding anniversary on Satur
day, September 13.
A 9 o’clock mass was read in
Sacred Heart church by Rev. V.
Hart for the couple. The attend
ants, Mrs. Dean Streeter and
Richard Minton, were the same
who participated on their wed
ding day. They were married
September 13, 1927, at St. Pat
rick’s Catholic church, O’Neill,
by the late Rt. Rev. M. F. Cassi
day. A breakfast was served at
the Chef house.
A banquet was held at 7 p.m.
in the church parlors followed
by a reception and dancing. Mrs.
Clyde McKenzie, jr., of O’Neill,
sang several selections. She was
accompanied by Mrs. Ed Hilder
hoff of Lincoln.
Mrs. Richard Minton was in
charge of the guest book.
The couple has one daughter,
Madge. She and her husband,
James Franssen, of Alameda,
Calif., were present.
Among the guests were Mrs.
H. V. Hubbard of Lincoln who
baked the wedding cake 25 years
ago, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Knowles of Omaha.
Attending from O’Neill were
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Streeter, Mr.
and Mrs. Dean Streeter, Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde McKenzie, jr., Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Minton, Leo
Matthews and son, Pei°r.
Pagp Park Scene of
Family Picnic Sunday —
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bergstrom
of Osage, Wyo., Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Taylor of Troy, O., Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Bobbit of Jerome Ida.,
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stuckey and
Sharon and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Kirk of Norfolk, and Mrs. Eliza
beth Cullen, Miss Maude Bobbit,
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heiss, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Heiss and two
daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Heiss and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Heiss and Larry, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Asher and family,
Mrs. Richard Heiss and son, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Sorensen and
two daughters and Gene Cullen
and son enjoyed a family picnic
Sunday afternoon at the Page
Mrs. Smith Hostess
to Improvement Club —
PAGE—The Page Improvement
club met Friday evening at the
home of Mrs. Melvin Smith. The
business meeting was conducted
by the president, Mrs. Smith.
Eleven members answered roll
call and three guests, Miss Effie
Lewton of Milwaukee, Wise., Mrs.
Anna Smith of Inman and Mrs
Walter Hunt, were present. The
minutes were read and approved
It was reported that $37.95 had
been made from galloping teas. A
motion was made and carried that
we continue these teas throughout
the winter months. The hostess
served a lunch. The next meet
ing will be at the home of Mrs
Ray Snell on Monday evenine
October 6. g’
Extension Officers
Will Go to Chadron—
Holt county will be represented
at the state council meeting of
extension clubs at Chadron bv
Mrs. E. Weber of Stuart, Mrs. Al
bert Carson of Redbird, and Mrs
Walter Puckett of Atkinson. Also
attending the meeting will be
Mrs. Robert Martens of Atkinson
Mrs. Vem Sageser and Mrs M
L Sageser, both of Amelia,'and
Mrs. Helen Kreymborg, Holt
county extension agent
The meetings start' Tuesday
with tours of the surrounding
area with the first formal meet
ing Tuesday evening. They will'
continue through till Thursdav
noon. y
——1 i • —
Sorensens Entertain—
PAGE—Mr. and Mrs. John
Sorensen. Mrs. John C. Soren
sen and Mike of Cocolalla Ida
Mrs. Anna Sorensen and Mr’
and Mrs. Soren Sorensen we^e
7 o’clock dinner guests in the
John Sorensen home Saturday
evening, September 6. y
* .
Hear About Spread
of Communism
The Woman’s Society of Chris
tian Service of O’Neill were hosts
to a joint session of the Metho
dist woman’s societies of Page,
Inman, Ewing, Chambers and Em
met at a regular monthly meet
ing held Thursday, September 11,
at the First Methodist church.
Over 60 attended and heard
Miss Ruth Harris of O’Neill
returned missionary who spent
four years in China. She sang
Chinese folk songs and the negro
spiritual, “I Want to be a Chris
Her account of how communism
spread through China was almost
unbelievable. Miss Harris had a
large collection of souvenirs
Mrs. Louis Reimer gave the de
votions and Mrs. Ralph Leidy in
troduced the speaker and con
ducted the meeting,
r A call to worship was sung by
Mrs. Grant Peacock with Mrs.
Harold Lindberg at the organ.
Luncheon hostesses were Mrs.
Ray Eby, Mrs. Charles Switzer,
Mrs. George Stuessi, Mrs. Claude
Bates, Mrs. Tony Asimus, Mrs.
Grant Peacock and Mrs. Lloyd
The next regular monthly
meeting will be Thursday, Octo
ber 9.
On Saturday, September 20, the
Happy Hollow 4-H and the Gol
den Gleaners are planning on an
achievement day in Ewing to be
held at the annex of the United
Presbyterian church. They will
display their ribbons won at the
Holt county fair at Chambers.
Demonstrations will be given, al
so a program of songs and musi
cal numbers. The public is in
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dunaway and
Mrs. Earl Billings took their
grandchildren, Bonnie Beth and
Bobbie Dunaway to their home in
Hastings after a visit of two
weeks with relatives in Ewing
and vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wunner en
tertained at their home on Sun
day Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Price
of Albion.
The Women’s Society or Chris
tian Service of the Ewing Meth
odist curhch held an all-day ses
sion at the church on Wednesday,
September 0. A covered dish
luncheon was served at noon.
iiiihiIiii ii Min ~ **S8&«*»m. -
WED IN ATKINSON CHURCH RITE . . . Miss Geraldine Hand
(above), youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hanel of At
kinson, and Donald DeGroff of Amelia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Her
man DeGroff of O’Neill, were married Saturday at Immanuel
Lutheran church in Atkinson. Rev. Robert W. Olson performed
the 9 a.m. rite.—The Frontier Photo by John H. McCarville.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Stevens
spent last Thursday evening visit
ing his brother, Bryon Stevens
and wife.
Mrs. Anna Carter, a new teach
er in the Page high school will
teach English, American problems
and home economics. Mrs. Carter
is the wife of Supt Carter of the
Ewing high school.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lundand
two children, Mr. and Mrs. Alton
Braddock and Jo Ann and Mrs.
Jennie French and Miss Alice
were dinner guests Sunday of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Braddock. Mrs.
Lund is the former Ruth Ludding
ton, daughter of Mrs. Ed Brad
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bergstrom
of Osage, Wyo., came Friday eve
ning are are visiting Mrs. Berg
strom’s mother, Mrs. Elzabeth
Cullen, and with other relatives
here and in Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelly and
family went to Norfolk Sunday
where they .attended a picnic at
Ta-ha-zouka park that honored
Mr. and Mrs. William Sherlock
of Downey, Calif. Mrs. Sherlock
is a niece of Mr. Kelly.
Mrs. Harold Kelly and Mrs.
Harriet Carson took Mrs. Anna
Carson to her home at Redbird
last week after she had visited
here. They were dinner guests of
Mrs. Carson and during the af
ternoon they attended the Dorsey
Ladies aid at the home of Mrs.
Albert Carson.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Copple vis
ited Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge and
other relatives. They were on
their way to Tucson, Ariz., where
Mr. Copple is stationed.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hurst and
son of Burwell visited friends
at Page Sunday. They were din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Stewart Sunday noon. Sunday
evening there was a picnic sup
per at the Page park with the
following present: Mr. and Mrs.
Hurst and son, Mr. and Mrs. Al
ton Braddock and Jo Ann, Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Steinberg, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Stewart, Mr. and
Mrs. Soren Sorensen, jr. and,
Glenda, Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn
French and Betty. After the sup
per they went to the Alton Brad
dock home to spend the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zimmerman
of Loup City accompanied by
their aunt, Mrs. Icie Rost, of Page
spent last week visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Clayton Rost ai St. Paul,
Minn., and visited with relatives
in several cities in Wisconsin.
Mrs. Rost returned home Sunday
Warren Fussleman of Bristow
spent Tuesday evening at the
home of his brother, Lloyd Fus
sleman. He was accompanied
here by another brother, Perry
Fussleman, of San Diego, who
spent Wednesday and Thursday
with the Lloyd Fussleman family.
In observance of the 25th wed
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Smith several relatives
and friends called at their home
Sunday afternoon and evening.
Refreshments were served. Mr.
and Mrs. Smith were married at
O’Neill September 14, 1927. They
lived at Inman on a farm for a
number of years before going to
California, where they lived for
several years. They have resided
at Page for six years. Mr. Smith
operates the Wayside filling sta
tion. They have a daughter,
In observance of the birthday
anniversary of Mrs. Frank Bee
laert and Kent Stauffer, the fol
lowing enjoyed a picnic supper at
the Page park Sunday evening:
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harper and
Sandra of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
gar Staufer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Beelaert and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin Stauffer and Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Stauffer and son.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stevens
left Saturday for Lincoln where
they will visit with Carol and
Loma Stevens. Carol will accom
pany them to their home in Lead
ville, Colo., where she will spend
a week.
TO SPEAK HERE . . • The!
northeaat Nebraska district
seminar of the Woman’s Soci
ety of Christian Service will
be held in the O’Neill Metho
dist church Tuesday, Septem
ber 23. The theme is “Proclaim
the Good News.” There will be
presentations of the approved
studies for this year: (1) Home
missions and human rights; (2)
Africa, and (3) a preface to Bi
ble study. A model program
and birthday anniversary will
be presented. Departmental
clinics will be held by the dis
trict officers. The main feature
of the program will be the
speaker, Mrs. W. B. Landrum
of Little Rock, Ark., who is a
member of the woman’s divi
sion and the board of missions
and church extension of the
Methodist church. The seminar
begins at 9:30 in the morn
ing and closes at 3:15 in the af
ternoon. Mrs. Landrum will
speak at 2:15.
4-H Clubbers Win
Laurels at Norfolk
Holt county 4-H clubbers
grabbed one purple, one blue,
three red arid. phe white ribbon
in competition Wednesday at
the Norfolk stocker-feeder show
and sale.
Ellen Corkle of O’Neill ex
hibited an Angus steer that re
ceived a purple ribbon. This was
at the Holt county fair. Her
“Black Gold”, who copped
Angus baby beef purple honors
sister, Rosemary, exhibited a
steer that received a blue ribbon.
Robert Beelaert of Page won
a red red ribbon on an Angus
steer; Richard Harris of Page,
red, Hereford steer; Lionel Ickes,
jr., of Page, red, Hereford steer;
Brenda Beelaert of Page, white,
Angus heifer.
There were ,363 individual
baby beefs in the show. Classes
ranged from 29 to 66 in number
of entries, according to Agent
A. Neil Dawes.
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Herley had
as dinner guests on Sunday Mr.
and Mrs. Reuben Rundquist of
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Johnson,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson
and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beach
and daughter went to Omaha on
Friday to attend funeral services
for Rudolph Johnson’s sister, Mrs.
Allen Solomon. Mr. and Mrs,
Charles Johnson and Mr. Beach
returned that evening. The oth
ers remained until Sunday. They
were accompanied home by Pfc.
Donald L. Johnson of Ft. Bragg,
N.C., who has a 22-day furlough.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Belzer and
Mrs. Claude Hamilton, jr., and
son, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Helmer
and children, and Mr. and Mrs.
John Wildes and children went
to Niobrara state park Sunday
on a picnic.
Emma Fisher fs
New President—
Free Methodist church met at
the home of Mrs. Esther Atkin
son at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Sep
tember 10. Mrs. Atkinson had
charge of the devotionals.
This being the first meeting of
the new conference year the fol
lowing officers were elected*
Emma Fisher, president; Stacia
Clemens, vice - president and
secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Lugens
land, stewardship secretary; Inez
White, junior missionary super
intendent; Esther Atkinson, news
Plans are to be made for some
work project and also for a
box to be sent to a needy home.
Lunch of cantaloupe and ice
cream was served at the close
of the meeting.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Ruby Burge.
Will Attend 4-State
Conference —
Six representatives of the Na
tional Farm Loan association at
O’Neill will attend the 35th anni
versary Federal Land Bank con
ference at Rapid City, S.D.,
Thursday and Friday, September
25 and 26.
Ail lyu associations in Iowa,
Nebraska, South Dakota and
Wyoming will have delegates at
the conference.
The last four-state conference
of the Federal Land Bank sys
tem was held in 1947.
Attending from this area will
be Harry E. Ressel of O’Neill,
president; L. W. Barthel of Am
elia, Wilbur L. Moon of Stuart,
Clarence I. Mohr of Butte, Carl E.
Lambert of Ewing, directors, and
Lyle P. Dierks, of O’Neill, secre
tary-treasurer of the Elkhom Val
ley National Farm Loan associa
Plain view Meeting —
Members of the Janwa club
met Tuesday evening at the home
of Mrs. Willard Naprstek in Plain
view. The evening was spent so
cially after which Mrs. Naprstek
served a late lunch.
Jeudi in Session —
The Jeudi club was entertained
on Thursday, September 11, by
Mrs. Winnie Barger. Dinner was
served at the M&M cafe followed
by cards at her home. Winners
were Mrs. Max Wanser and Mrs.
Dale Kersenbrock.
Clarence Farr and Beck Wal
len went fishing at the gravel pit
four miles west of Atkinson Sun
day afternoon.
» .
Will Reopen
September 20
WE WILL start the men’s and
ladies’ leagues as soon as
they have been organized and
have sponsors.
^- 1 I
• Millions sing out for Fal
staff because this
smooth *n golden
mellow brew goes
perfectly with good
food ... So ask for
Falstaff today ...
Sing out
you go!
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rturm brewing core..
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1 1 •'
Will Be Held at Atkinson, Nehr., on
\ 10 s «
Friday, Oct. 17th
: CONSIGNMENTS will be limited and
will be accepted only until October 1,
1952. If you have cattle to sell in this sale,
fill out the coupon below and mail it to—
-o„_ '
j N. L. KNIGHT, Sec.
Holt County Aberdeen-Angus Breed. Ass'n
i *. - - - - -- -- -- - - - ----- t
1 Please enter the following cattle for me in the
• Commercial Angus Sale October 17, 1952. 1
__ Head Heifer Calves (
I _ Head Steer Calves I
\ • __ Head Yearling Heifers *
| _ Head Yearling Steers
■__ Head 2 Year Old Steers 1
J 1 __Head Bred Heifers
_ Cows ,
l I
1 Signed___ 1
I o sign here *
, Sept. 18-19-20
1 39 c
Per Lb.
(For a host of other food bargains
consult our cooperative GENER
AL WHOLESALE ad on page 7.) ;
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