Prairieland Talk . . . Scott Death Site Revisited By ROMAINE SAUNDERS In company with M. R. Horiskey, none better at the steering wheel, we drove the highway and prairie trails into the flat lands of Holt county reaching to the north pole. Mike and I each set foot again, by way of rubber tires, on the soil we once had trod as barefoot pioneer kids in that magnicifent stretch of prairieland northeast of O’Neill. In our kid days fences were unknown and prairie trails were made in the direction folks wanted to go. But this is the age of the highway engineer and you follow what he has fixed for travelers. Four-wire fences ev erywhere confining traffic to the section lines. And these fences keep within bound hundreds of sleek cattle that have grown fat on the native grass. It has been dry the past summer in that sec tion but the grass is abundant Romaine and as it cures on the ground it Saunders puts weight on the beeves. The lack of rain has meant nothing. At one time there were many settlers in that part of the county. Today there are two, their premises indicating that they are doing al right on the state's best grass lands. Mike recalls that his folks were victims of the 1888 blizzard that buried their cattle under moun tains of snow. They then moved into O’Neill. Some one has said that the man who first turned a furrow with a plow out that way ought to have been shot. Maybe he was. Occasionally a pioneer bit he dust. And it was at a spot out there where Barret Scott was waylaid and led to his doom, his horses shot down, the steel stay of a corset worn, by Miss McWhorter saving her life when a bullet struck her. All told, there were five in the Scott party. The sod walls that concealed the men who held up the Scott party are no more and where was enacted Holt county’s last great tragedy the wind now sighs across the grass-grown spot that whispered to us of the memories of the long ago. Some patriot out that way has put a pitiful reward for efforts to produce a little corn. Why worry and work over a field of corn stalks when nature has spread a carpet of grass that puts the meat under the cow hides. The cattle out that way, scads of them that would make any old range rider jump out of his saddle, I was told carry the Putman brand. The Lamont and Rich ards herds were once known all over that sod bound region of the empire of Holt. But there still lives at the western boundary of the flat lands the apple trees Mike informed me were planted by Mike Carroll more than 50 years ago. Carroll was prairieland's 7 - foot giant, a warm hearted Irishman who succoured the lost or blizzard blinded travelers. Tradition has it that the Custer army on its way to it’s doom up by the Yellowstone went through just north of the Carroll homestead. My first night on prairieland I was lost in that vicinity. • • • • State Sen. Frank Nelson had the last laugh. When a freshman in the state legislature in 1949 he got up and told the veterans of several ses sions that their proposed blanket tax law was unconstitutional. Now at the special session that adjourned September 5, he had the laugh on those fellows who had put the bill through in ’49 and were now trying to find a way out for the mess made by the law the supreme court held to be un constitlutional. So with a merry twinkle in his eyes Frank arose and reminded his colleagues had they done as he told them in ’49, they would not have had it to deal with this special session. ♦ * * * An Irish clergyman wilh a gift of pulpit oratory that moves multitudes who I count as a friend was traveling the highway with his wife in Indiana last week when there came the choice of crashing into a coming car or taking to the ditch. They took the ditch. After turning over three times their car came to rest a to tal wreck. Mr. and Mrs. Joyce walked out of the wreck without a scratch. "The angel of the Lord campeih round about them that fear Him." v Prairieland Talker came back to his typewriter after a few days’ sojourn among familiar scenes which brought him in touch again with warm hearted friends, many of whom I have known from those lustre-tinted days of youth on down through the years and now see them crowned with the white glory of long life, who have passed the dazzling splendor of early romance, faced life’s sterner storms to anchor safely in the haven of security and serene living as life’s sunset ap proaches; the young, too, who are fired with am bition and those who are forever young. And in addition to the throbbing life of dear friends the alluring charm of prairieland’s far-flung land scape touched with the lights and shadows of a warm September day is irristible. When crimson tints of sunset fade prairieland lies peaceful under the silent stars. And those distant stars that shine above prairieland look down upon the lazar house of war-torn portions of earth. Some of prairieland’s boys, fathers’ and mothers’ boys, have been taken from the peaceful scenes of com munity life to bleed and die on battle fields. Un til the last shock of time shall bury the empires of men in one common ruin prairieland dwellers may look out and up on the sky at night to be hold glittering orbs unchanged by the wars and worries of men. * * * * Yankeeland has 17 million TV’s and more be ing added day by day. Thus there are in the United States six times more screens available for you to gape at them all others in the world put to gether. We have every new thing that gets going, yet there are still some among us who get their enjoyment out of the simple things of life, the gold and purple sunset, the evening note of the meadowlark, the night call of a mother coyote to her puppies, the picture on the limitless screen above when the stars open to our vision the measureless depth of eternity. TV throws on the screen a combination of man’s monkeyshines, partisan hogwash, cigarette and firewater ap peal and a line now and then of worthwhile information. Looking out upon nature’s far flung picture, the sordid things of life fade away and the soul is lifted to the celestial heights in contemplation of the immensity and grandeur of it all. * * * * At the entrance to the alley just off Doug las street at Fi\h O’Neill folks are missing an en trancing floral picture if they have not taken a morning off in early September. At the entrance to tinpan alley the householders have done their part to invite you to pause and look. At the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Sherbahn, clinging to a high, framework the morning glory vines were loaded with deep blue beauty a morning I passed there recently. Moving on into the alley it is best to look the other way when passing the traditional alley back yard. And Douglas street proprietors of many of the business places would make it look more attractive to their doors by cleaning the sidewalks of accumulated rubbish. * * 9 * According to a recent published list, there are 100 Nebraska towns with bonded indebtness. Columbus in Platte county has the distinction of being listed 10 times with refunding and paving bonds on which balances remain ranging from $3, 000 to $234,000. Three Holt county towns have outstanding bonds, Page, O’Neill and Stuart, ac cording to the published list. During August, mun icipalities issued $235,200 in bonds and school bonds in the sum of $958,000. To say Nebraskans have no public debts is not “the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” * * * * Down here in the capitol city Mrs. Mary Ken ny is doing her darndest to make the American party go over with a write-in for Gen. McArthur. The lady’s activties are at least interesting though the fruitage turns out to be a stewed crow. * * 9 9 Senator McCarthy, Wisconsin's fighting Irishman, won a renomination hands down. His battle in the senate to elminiate communist sympathizers in government service meets the approval of the folks who know him best. 9 9 9 9 Europeans tell us that “men are the boss of the old country.’ Apparently, and what a mess they have made of it. MacArthur, Taft Had to Go ■I -- ■ . .. , , ■ ■ — .— —-——— • What About Redistricting? (Sianlon Register) A subject quite strenuously avoided by most Nebraska weekly editors has been school redis tricting. Apparently the scheme met with such dis favor from the start that committees appointed to look into further action found it advisable to table the whole thing and try to forget it. Actually there are things about redistricting that are good. And, by the same token, there are things about it that are justifiably criticized. There is no question but that better rural education could be obtained if a group of neigh boring schools would join together, build a more adequate building and lump their students into larger groups. It is not the exception but often times the rule for a pupil to be the only member of his particular grade in the small rural schools. Such a situation just isn’t favorable from an ed ucational standpoint. Putting a half-dozen schools of 10 to 15 en rollment together would result in one consider ably better school with a student body of 60 to 65. Three or four teachers would be able to han dle the students quite capably. The whole thing, once the building was paid for, would be more economical than the present situation. mere are those, however, who violently pro test redistricting. They feel it is a measure which, will remove the education of their children from their direct supervision. In a way it is so. They also contend that, particularly in Stanton county, roads are not at all conducive to redistricting. It • would, of course, be necessary for students to travel greater distances to their classes. Undoubtedly the thing has a lot of pro and con arguments. And it is equally true that both sides of the question can be favorably considered. The gist of the matter is whether people want redistricting and when they want it. We predict it will come. It may be many years—and it may be sooner than we think. But redistricting is a measure which is gradually gaining momentum and is going to be difficult to escape. We find ourselves neither particularly pro nor con on the question. Our primary objective is the thought that the right thing should be done. If redistricting will improve educational methods, we want to see it. If it is no improve ment over what we have, we are definitelv on posed. Whatever your personal reaction, the ques ts should receive some serious thought on your part. Just as inevitably as the sun rises every morning, the matter is drawing closer to us. Some day we must make a decision. E. C. Ertl, editor of the Montreal (Canada) Financial Times, offered an interesting estimate of Sen. Robert A. Taft and Republican Presiden tial Candidate Dwight D. Eisenhower on the eve of the much publicized Taft-Ike rendezvous: “We think the general ought to be elected so that the mortgage on the U.S. government which specific groups have acquired these past 20 years can finally be cancelled. He ought to be elected, if only to prove that Americans have not forgot ten how to throw out an administration. It is im portant for Canada too, for we are right next door. . . “Americans obviously want a real change or no change at all. The possibility of a real change is slim. . . The people who wanted a real change, the 48 percent of the voters who have not voted during the phoney fights of Dewey against the foreign and domestic New Deal: these people have not much more reason today than they had in 1948 or in 1944 to walk across the street. . . We do not think the general will win. He has no message, except his charm and his personality and his honesty. . . We doubt whether personal qualities alone can offset the votes of twenty-four million recipients of monthly government cnecks. . . “MacArthur, the man who called for a searching of souls—who wants to bother about Uiat today? — mat man had to go. Taft, the only man with a set of principles, a set of alternatives that make sense — that man had to go. . . They had to go because they had committed the sin which monstrous internationalism can never for give. They were, as Americans, for America first. . . . They have gone, accompanied by the violent jeering of the press, even of most of the Canadian press, which makes one wonder, since we cheer nationalism in the one and jeer it in the other.” Editorial & Business Offices: 122 South Fourth St. CARROLL W. STEWART, Editor and Publisher Established in 1880—Published Each Thursday Entered at the postoffice in O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. This news paper is a member of the Nebraska Press Associa tion, National Editorial Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Terms of Subscription: In Nebraska $2.50 per year; elsewhere in the United States, $3 per year; abroad, rates provided on request. All subscriptions are strictly paid-in-advance. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WD—Anna D Newton to Rol la O Newton 9-11-52 1- E% 19 29-15 Subject to life interest WD—Nellie M Smith to Fred D Smith & wf 6-9-52 $75- Part of SEy4SWy4 20-26-12 36 ft x 26-0 ft WD—Ira H Moss to Robert E Miles & wf. 4-30-52. $75. West 10 ft of East 20 ft of Lot 6 Blk H O’Neill & Hagerty’s Add- O’Neill WD—Melvin H Held to Donald L Heiss & wf 9-8-52 $9000- Part of NWy4SWy4 18-28-9 W—Bert DeGroff to William Schmohr 9-8-52 $5600- So 127 ft of lots 13 & 14 Blk 31- O’Neill WD—John R Papke to Eugene L Gesiriech & wf 9-6-52 $2650 Lot 9 Blk 22- Pioneer Townsite Co 1st Add- Stuart QCD — Lee R Sammons to Wm D Sammons 11-3-51 $1 NWy4 3-25-14. QCD—Lee R Sammons to Mar jorie Sammons 1-3-51. $1. % int. in sy>sy> 34- NEy4swy4 34-27-14 When You & I were Young. . . John Zeimer Will Remodel Hall Purchases Building from Masons 50 Years Ago Grant Hatfield and Sam Thompson have purchased the cigar and confectionary store of G. W. Smith. . . M. Dowling, president of the O’Neill National bank, is in the city looking after his business interests. . . The hose team went to Neligh where they raced against the team for a $50 purse. . . John Zeimer has pur chased the building now known as the Masonic hall and will re model it. 25 Years Ago President F. J. Dishner and Secretary Peter W. Duffy tell The Frontier that everything is ready for the big Holt county fair in O’Neill. . . The wedding of Ber nard Matthews and Miss Winifred Murray was solemnized at St. Patrick’s Catholic church. . . The HOA club of the Presbyterian church is having an ice cream social on the church lawn. 10 Years Ago Thirty boys have left for Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. . . Mrs. Laura Burk received word that her son, Robert, had arrived at San Francisco, Calif. . . Mr. and Mrs. Max Wanser went to Grand Island to meet Cpl. and Mrs. Em mett Carr. . . Weather permitting, the finals of the city golf tourna ment will be played next Sunday. Max Golden meets Allen Jaskow iak in the championship flight. One Year Ago Mrs. Everett Gorgen was taken to a Norfolk hospital where her illness was prounced as polio . . . Mrs. Seth Noble, who 53 years ago was initiated into the Order of Eastern Star at Plank jngton, S.D., was honored by Symphony chapter 316. .. The El lenwood motor court of Atkinson sold last week for $60,000. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clark of Folsom, Calif., and their grand daughter, Mary Ann Clark, of Hammond, Ind., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ott. « Mrs. Clark along with Mrs. Ott and a number of others she vis ited while in this vicinity at tended the Joy school three years , 1898, ’99 and 1900. Mrs. Clark was formerly Miss Ollie Morrison. State Capitol News . . . Supporters of Senator Taft Not Coining Around to Full Backing of Eisenhower LINCOLN—A squabble of big league oroportions broke out here this week between two powerful organizations both interested in providing more revenue for Ne braska highways. Tal Coonrad, young Custer county supervisor who lives at Sargent, fired off a blast in be half of the All Nebraska associa tion, a group of business and civic leaders formed to promote Gov. Val Peterson’s 1948 highway pro gram. H. G. Greenamyre of Lincoln, executive secretary of the BNA, refused to comment on Coonrad’s statement which said in part: “The Better Nebraska associa tion the past week went on rec ord as favoring among other thins the imposition of an addi tional two-cent gas tax. This same group carried the ball, so to speak, when the one-cent addi tional gas tax was enacted m law by the 1949 legislature and they also fought for the contin uation of this additional one-cent tax prior to the November, 1950 referendum, but they were de feated in their efforts. "Having shot for the clouds and missed, the BNA is now now shooting for the moon. It is absolutely impossible to se cure the passage of legislation which would facilitate the ac celeration of the Nebraska road construction program by anta gonizing state senators. The last statement apparently was a reference to the fact that some legislators—notably Arthur Carmody of Trenton—profess a hearty dislike for Greenamyre and HNA. Carmody was the au thor of a bill in the 1951 session ! to create a highway commission. He charged the BNA with “sa botaging” it. * * * Good News — The department of agriculture had some good news for Ne braska last week: the outsized corn crop looks even better now than it did a month ago. The department estimates the yield will be 35 bushels an acre or 247.800.000 bushels, an increase of more than 7 million bushels over last month’s estimate. If the USD A forecast is cor rect, Nebraska will harvest the ninth largest corn crop in its his tory. The 35-bushel yield would be the second best in the past 60 years. The 1950 yield was 36 bushels. Other new estimates: Oats—19 bushels per acre or 47.272.000 bushels, compared with 28 bushels and 60,816,000 bushels last year and a 10-year average of 27.2 and 61,349,000. Sugar beets—12 tons an acre or 596.000 tons, compared with 12.4 and 683,000 last year and a 10 year average of 12.6 and 704,000. Dry beans—1,550 pounds per acre or 686,000 bags compared by an estimated 1,400 pounds or 784, 300 bags a month ago. Last year’s production was 1,250 pounds or 921,000 bags. * * * Bad News — For Nebraska republicans, the lews wasn’t so good. Party offi cials are frankly concerned over ihe failure of the Nebraska sup porters of Sen. Robert A. Taft for GOP nomination to come around to full backing of Dwight D. Eisenhower. The problem was flushed pret ty well into the open at the par ty’s post-primary convention in Kearny last week. Traditionally a love feast with nothing more controversial than the election of a state committee and state chair man to mar party harmony, this year’s session heard speaker-af ter-speaker implore the delegates to forget their past differences and work together for Ike’s elec tion. One of the leaders in the fet dragging, the party’s finance committee was told, is Rep. How ard Buffet of Omaha, uncomprom ising support of Taft who has never said he would back Ike and who reportedly told friends he would not vote for him. Finance Chairman Joe Wishart of Lincoln conceded that Buffett’s activity has “put the boys in Om aha on the spot” so far as pick ing up campoign contriutions are concerned. Just how wide the split is may be seen more clearly at Omaha today (Thursday) wh*en Eisen hower speaks at Ak-Sar-Ben coliseum. CHAMBERS NEWS Mrs. Mabel Kelly of Bolivar, Mo., came Thursday, September 11, to visit her mother, Mrs. Valo Eawards. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Medcalf and children, Bobby and Kathy, of Sioux City are visiting their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Medcalf and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bell and daughter drove to Ord on Sunday to visit her mother, Mrs. Hattie Richardson. Sunday dinner guetss in the William Jutte home were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tucker and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ermer. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bryant of Norton, Kans., spent the weekend with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sexton and Nadine. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jungbluth and family, his mother, Mrs. Mar garet Jungbluth and brother, Glen Jungbluth, drove to Schuyler on Tuesday, September 9, to visit relatives. They returned Wednes day, September 10. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kutcher and John Adams of Austin, Tex., came Friday to visit relatives and friends. They left Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Steskal and daughter, Bonnie, of Emmet spent Sunday, September 14, with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jungbluth, and fam ily. Richard Harley has been pro moted to A/2c. He is attending a radar school at Biloxi, Miss. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Backhaus left Monday for Omaha to take their daughter, Joellen, to St. Joseph’s school of nursing where she will take training. They were accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Grossnicklaus and children. Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Mace, jr., and son, Richard, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Ritterbush Sunday evening. Sunday guests in the Roy Back aus home were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boshart and family and John, Kersenbrock, of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Backhaus of Amelia. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thomson and Judy and Susan Thomson of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Brother . C ton of Greeley, Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stahly of Milford came last week to attend the fu neral services for Mrs. Brother ton’s and Mrs. Stahly’s brother-in law, Lee Sammons at Amelia Dale Perry and Ardell Bright went to Wyoming Sunday to spend a few days deer hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hopkins of Los Angeles, Calif., visited his mother, Mrs. Iva Hopkins, last week._ DR. H. L. BENNETT VETERINARIAN Phones 316 and 304 — O'NEILL — DR. J. L. SHERBAHN CHIROPRACTOR O'Neill. Nebraska Complete X-Ray Equipment Vi Block So. of Ford Garage DANCE SUMMERLAND at Ewing Sunday, Sept. 21 MUSIC BY SWING KING’S Orchestra DR. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE. OPTOMETRIST Permanent Offices in Hagensick Bldg. O’NEILL, NEBR. Phone 167 Eyes Examined . Glasses Fitted Office Hours: 9-5 Mon. thru Sat. Charter No. 5770 Reserve District No. 10 Report of the Condition of the O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK of O’Neill, Nebraska, at the close of business on SEPTEMBER 5, 1952 Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211. U. S. Revised Statutes ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection „.$ 843,200.78 United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed- 1,965,011.84 Obligations of States and political subdivisions_ 50,201.70 Corporate stocks (including $3,000.00 stock of Fed eral Reserve bank) ____ 3,000.00 Loans and discounts (including $647.99 overdrafts)_ 523,895.80 Bank premises owned $3,000.00 _ 3,000.00 Total Assets-$3,388,310.12 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations-_$2,812,769.45 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings)- 83,342.78 Deposits of States and political subdivisions_ 144,215.55 Deposits of l?anks- 115,027.61 Total Deposits-$3,155,355.39 Total Liabilities-S3.155.355.39 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital Stock: Common stock, total par $50,000.00 _$ 50,000.00 Surplus- $- 50,000.00 Undivided profits-^-_-- 132,954.73 * » .— - Total Capital Accounts-232,954.73 Total Liabilities and Accounts_S3.388.3lfi.i2 MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes -JL.- 440,000.00 State of Nebraska, County of Holt, ss: I, J. B. Grady, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statem mt is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. B. GRADY, Cashier Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12th day of Sept., 1952. L. G. GILLESPIE, Notary Public (SEAL) My commission expires July 20, 1957. Correct—ATTEST: Julius D Cronin. F. N. Cronin, Emma Dickinson Weekes, Directors. Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (This bank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholders) 1 — Beneath that big broad bonnet is the reason for this headline. It’s a four-barreled automatic carbu retor— Airpower by name—which has a way of gulping in what the dictionary defines as “a sudden blast of wind” when extra power is needed. And the way this gorgeous performer can step out as this occurs is something you’ll always remember. For ordinary driving, two barrels are all you need — and two barrels are all that are working. They give you an extra thrifty flow of fuel for round town cruising. When e. 1 power is wanted in a hurry —the “reserves” swing into action feeding extra fuel and extra air in an ever-thrifty mixture, which delivers the greatest horsepower in Buick history. This is one of many distinctions that endear Roadmasters to fine-car owners. It’s a car as rich in finish as it is in power —a car of expansive room —rest ful silence — level in gait — beautifully responsive to your mood and will. And it offers the effortless ease of Power Steering* especially engineered by Buick to save your strength in parking and slow-motion maneuvers, and still let you feel a proud sense of command and a sure sense of control on the highway. There’s just one question we’d like to ask: When are you going to come in and enjoy the ride of your life? Equipment, accessories, trim and models are subject to change without notice. *Optional at extra cost on Roadmaster and Super only. -WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM _- - , A. MARCELLUS PHONE 370_ O’Neill