Altar Group Serves Democratic Rally LYNCH—'pie Altar society of the Assumption BVM church met •at the home of Mrs. Stasia Court ney Thursday afternoon, Septem ber 4, with Elizabeth Peklo and V. F. Jedlicka cohostesses. Twenty-five ladies were pres ent. Plans were completed to ^serve the banquet dinner for the democratic rally on Tuesday, September 9. The menu was planned and committees named. Two hundred persons were served. The entire slate of state democratic officers except Gov. Candidate Walter Raecke was * present. Refreshments were served in late atemoon. The next meet ing will be held on Thursday, October 2, with Pauline Mulhair Mrs. James Maly and Mrs. Guy Mulhair. Other Lynch News Mrs. Alma Kramer and Ina Ericson of Billings, Mont., left for Ainsworth after visiting friends and relatives here and at Bristow and Spencer the past two weeks. They were house guests at the Floyd France home. Mrs. Kramer is a sister of Mr. France. The American Legion auxiliary beld its regular monthly meeting at the Legion hall Wednesday, Seotember 3. The Lynch school board mem bers and their wives and hus bands were hosts at the teachers’ reception held at the school on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruda of Lusk, Wyo., visited relatives here the past week. Mrs. Chris Gilman of Denver. Colo., a former Lynchite, visited friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barnes are visiting relatives along the West coast and plan to be back home before October 1. On Sundav, August 31, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Drake of Aberdeen, S.D., visited with Mrs. Lois Har ris and family. The women are sisters. i i • n .ii_ _• - J vjrwi cuuii it: ojjciw, aLLuin^aiiivu by Billy Spelts and Keith Stew art. drove to Grand Island Sat urday and met Seamen Bud Spelts and Kenneth Stewart, who are home on a 10-day leave, hav ing finished their basic training. T3ud is her son. Grace Mannen left September 1 for Omaha to again take up "her duties as teacher in the Om aha school for the deaf. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hossmeier and familv moved into the Han nah Streit residence recentlv va cated bv the Doctor Minthorn family. Don is working with the REA association. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kolund and Mrs. Charles Courtney at tended the state fair Friday and f ^ Mr. and Mrs. Emil Soulok of Ravania. S D.. attended the Lechtenberg-Webber wedding at Lynch Wednesdav. September 3. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johns re turned home Fridav after a week’s visit in Lincoln with Mr. and Mrs. George Johns and in <~irand Island with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Nelson and the Frank Nel son familv. The REA construction crew rented the George Courtney sta tion and has moved in its sup plies preparatorv to beginning construction of REA lines in the immediate vicinity of Lvnch. The lines have been staked out for several weeks. Mns. Lou Jelinek of Seattle, Wash., and Mrs. Tillie Novak and son, Louis, were Sundav. September 7. evening visitors at th^ Albert Kalkowski home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Novak and daughter of Soeneer, Mrs. Tillie Novak and ^on. Louts, of t vneb Mrs. Lou Jelinek of Seat tle. Wash., and son. Rov, of ■^oringview. Mr. and Mrs. Flovd "Brainard of Breda. Ia.. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seamans and familv of Draper, S.D.. attended the No'mk familv reunion at the Jame peenle. Mr and Mrs. William Sinkula, "Mrs. Woodrow Smkula and three sons and Mrs. Harrv Sinkula and two sons, all of Dallas. S.D., were Sundav, September 7. din ner guests at the Frank Wceder | borne and supper guests at the Frank Kavl home north of Sper. Th«» William Mahlendorf fam Pv visited the B^n Mahlendorf fatnilv west of Butte, on Sun day, September 7. • To Church Camp— Rev. J. LaVeme Jav, the dis + r i e t superintendent of the "Methodist church. Rev. E. G. Hughes of Atkinson, district adult worker. Rev. Lowell Jones of N>ligh. district youth worker, and Mrs. Merle Burress of Laur el, district children’s worker, v ent to Camp Comeca. Cozad, this week to attend the Christian training camp. John Twyford, accompanied hv his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Twyford of Walthill, called on Mr. and Mrs. C. L. “Brady, jr., Tuesday. They were enroute to Lynch where they will visit relatives. LEGAL NOTICE (First pub. September 11, 1952) John R. Gallagher, attorney IN THE COUNTY COURT OF I HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF FLOYD CHARLES GREEN, A MINOR CHILD. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Take notice that William J. Boies has filed his petition and consent to adoption, for the adoption of Flovd Charles Green, a male minor child, with bestow al of propertv rights and change of name, which has been set for ^earing before this court on the "25th dav of October, A.D., 1952 at 10:00 A.M., when you may appear, object to, and contest the i same. Dated this 9 th day of Sep tern- t her, A.D., 1952. 1 LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge ' (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 19-21C I O’NEILL LOCALS Mrs. Clayton Wood of Los An geles, Calif., Mrs. Ted Platt and Miss Beverly Platt of Chambers, arid Mrs. H. O. Russ were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McElvain. Mrs. Wood remained until Monday when Mr. and Mrs. McElvain took her to Chambers to the home of Mrs. Ted Platt, Mrs. Wood’s mother. Frank E. Parkins spent Monday and Tuesday in Valentine on business. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Marcellus and family visited Sunday in the Donald Marcellus home in Atkin son. Mrs. Echo Hanna of Wood Lake was a guest in the Earl Ralya home on Saturday, August 30. Paul Moseman, jr. arrived in Omaha Wednesday, where he was met by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moseman. He has been em ployed at the naval research laboratory in Washington, D.C. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Dave McGee of Clearwater visited Sunday after 0 noon with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pruden. Miss Margaret Wood of Pal mer is a houseguest of Mrs. Iva Hopkins. Miss Peggy Sullivan spent the weekend in Omaha with her sis ter, Miss Nan Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Porter and three sons of Columbus spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Porter. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Rooney, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Schaffer and William Mattem attended the an nual groufc meeting of the Pro duction Credit association sec retaries and directors which was held Monday and Tuesday in Grand Island. THE. ' 11. New OUTLAW'S § I ■ 10,000 lb. Truckload Sale! | Sale Starts Thurs., Sept. 11th — Lasts through Sat., Sept* 13th C COME to the Carnival!! All Day Sat., Sept. 13th I SEE THE MERRY GO ROUND-WATCH THE SEAL ROLL HIS BALL-HEAR THE ELEPHANT SING | h “^"■■"l I’*"11 1 —— mmm,n A i IT1 —^— j K BUTTER-NUT COFFEE 79c Lb. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I CUDAHY'S TABLE READY OLEO 3 Lbs. I % jp? ilp Jl u. S. No. 1 U. S. No. 1 11 BARTLETT ELBERTA (I PEARS PEACHES ( I Per Bn.3.79 Per Bu.3.69 11 COLORADO PEACHES j I Per Lug. 1.79 CRISCO 3-Lb. Can 79c VANILLA — CHOCOLATE — LEMON BUTTERSCOTCH Kremel 5c Pbg. FANCY SALAD I Tuna Fish 2 Cans.43c w * STOKELY’S #%46-0z Tomotoe Juice 2 Cans I .J.J f ' Ip1 ———^__ STOKELY’S MA£() Orange Juice 4 c*199C FREE Prizes! L ALL DAY SATURDAY FREE!! ICE CREAM BARS to be GIVEN AWAY with ALL GROCERY ORDERS Saturday! rDCCVI One “I™ with rKtt!! Pt. ICE CREAM T r delicioos JafMlS )Ar THEY'RE 0A//?y-M£S// PLUS A GIANT FREE HELIUM FILLED BALLOON! LEAN, MEATY— ■ PORK STEAK — - Lb. 49c I C All-Meat Whiting 1 1 RING BOLOGNA FISH | I Per Lb.45c 2 Lbs... 25c 1 ff PORK OR BEEF % I HEARTS 2 Lbs. 49c 1 m CUDAHY'S SLICED— g I BACON ENDS-3 lbs. 43c f