The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 21, 1952, Page 5, Image 5

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    Major Ashton, Family
Visit at Emmet
Expects an Overseas
Assignment Soon
EMMET—Maj. and Mrs. Jerome
Ashton and family of Washing
ton, D. C., visited his aunt, Mrs.
Emma Maring and sons, Homer
and Oliver, last week.
Major Ashton and family were
enroute to Washington where he
will visit his mother, Mrs. Stella
Ashton, before an overseas assign
men to Japan with the army.
Major Ashton’s parents were
residents of the Emmet commun
ity many years ago. *
Other Emmet News
Jeanie Kay Foreman celebrated
her 7th birthday anniversary on
Saturday, August 16. She enter
tained a few litle friends to ice
cream and cake.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pongratz and
Mrs. Jack Murphy were Satur
day afternoon visitors of Mrs.
Dell Johnson at Atkinson.
Mrs. Dan Crandall of Cham
bers and Mrs. Henry Pruss of O’
Neill are spending a few days
this week visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Alex McConnell.
Bobby, Beth and Bruce Kramer
of O’Neill have been spending
the past few days at the home of
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
ft. H. Fox.
A1 Frittoh of O’Neill was a Sun
day dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Murphy and Ronnie.
Miss Patty DeBolt of O’Neill
was a Sunday guest of Miss Mary
Lou Conard.
Among those from Emmet at
tending the Burwell rodeo were:
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Connor, Mr.
and Mrs. A1 Kloppenborg, Mr.
and Mrs. Larry Schaffer, Joe Pon
gratz, Clyde Newton, Rudy Clos
son, Jeff Wagnon and Ronald
Paul Newton and Bill Serck ac
companied Elmer Schaaf and sons
to the baseball game in Ford’s
park at O’Neill Sunday evening,
O'Neill versus Chambers.
Miss Mabel Perkins and Dick
Hurten of Ainsworth were Sun
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. James
O’Connor and Tom Perkins.
Miss Maureen Murphy was a
weekend guest of Miss Mary Lois
Cavanaugh at O’Neill.
Melvin Luben is spending this
week with his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. H. Fox.
Mrs. Alice Hill, Misses Ruby
Kloppenborg and Norma Lou
Foreman and Don Kloppenborg
attended the Methodist subdistrict
youth rally at the Clearwater
Methodist church Sunday after
noon and evening. The after
noon was spent by singing, rec
reation and committee meetings.
For supper a sack lunch was en
joyed after which a business
meeting was conducted. In the
evening a devotional period was
Mrs. Carl McGreen of Seward
arrived Wednesday, August 13,
and spent a few days visiting at
the John Conard and Guy Cole
Mrs. Ruth Berger of Atkinson
and Mrs. Jack Murphy were last
'Thursday visitors of Mrs. Mike
Troshynski and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McConnell
were Monday, August 11, over
night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Puckett and family at Atkin
Miss Maureen Murphy has been
employed the past week at the
Francis Gilg home at O’Neill.
Robert Allen returned to his
home at Topeka, Kans., Wednes
day, August 13, after attending the
funeral of his mother, the late
Mrs. Mamie Allen.
The WSCS of the Emmet
Methodist church met Wednesday
afternoon, August 13, at the home
of Mrs. Dean Beckwith. Eight
members and six visitors were
present. The lesson was given by
Mrs. Charles Abart. Lunch of ice
cream and cake was served by
the hostess. The next meeting
will be at the home of Mrs. Alice
i ___
Hill and the lesson will be given
by Mrs. Agnes Gaffney.
Mrs. Miller Lutton and son, Mil
ler Dudley, of Sioux City, arrived
Wednesday, August 6, to spend
some time at the W. R. Tenborg
Mrs. Paul Newton and children
were Saturday evening visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kramer in O’
M.j. Ed Heeb of Atkinson spent
a few days last week visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Pongratz and Duane.
Among those from Emmet at
tending the hay days celebration
at Atkinson August 11 and 12
were: Mrs. John Conard and Mary
Lou, Mrs. Georgia McGinnis, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Murphy and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wills and
family, Mrs. Grant Peacock and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole
and Miss Norma Lou Foreman.
The Elkhom Valley 4-H club of
Emmet was placed third in the
4-H division and won honorable
mention of all floats. Carol Pea
cock received a prize in the cos
tume division and Jackie Cole in
the vehicle division.
Clarence Murphy was a last
Thursday evening supper guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murphy.
Young Men Enroute
to Service Honored —
EWING—The Bohn family held
a family reunion at Riverside
park in Neligh on Sunday. The
honored guests were Richard
Bohn of Inman, who left Monday,
August 18, to join the marines,
and Jack Rosne, who will enter
the armed forces about Septem
ber 1.
A picnic dinner was served at
noon and the afternoon was spent
Those in attendance were: Mr.
and Mrs. Nick Bohn and family
of Inman; Mr. and Mrs. Gail
Boies, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rosne
and family, all of Ewing; Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Koenig and family of
Neligh; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Koe
nig and family of Elgin; Joe Ros
ne of Oregon; Fred Prellwitz of
Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Bohn of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Bohn and family, Pat,
Margery and Dorothy Prellwitz,
all of Morrowville, Kans.; Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Fritton and family of
O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn
and Evelyn and Mrs. Rose Bauer
and family, all of Ewing.
Hear Report on
Mothers' Outing —
CHAMBERS — Happy Home
makers club met at the home of
Mrs. Elwyn Robertson on Friday,
August 15, with Mrs. G. C. Smith
as cohostess. The meeting was
called to order by the president,
Mrs. Bernard Hoffman. Twelve
members answered roll call by
giving their favorite vacation
spot. Four visitors were present:
Mrs. Delbert Robertson, Mrs.
Margaret Nissen, Miss Donna
Davis and Miss Mary Jo Hynes, all
of O’Neill.
Three of our members attended
mother’s day out at Long Pine
and they reported on their day
spend there.
The lesson on brucellosis was
given by Mrs. Donald Dankert.
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs. G. C. Smith on Sep
tember 19.
Mrs. Boies Hostess —
EWING—The Young Matrons
club was entertained at the
home of Mrs. Gail Boies Tuesday
evening, August 12. Pinochle was
played with the following score
winners: Mrs. Arthur Kropp, Mrs.
Frances Shaw and Mrs. John
Walker. Guests were Mrs. Ralph
Munn, Mrs. John Walker and Mrs.
Leota Hintz. After the games, re
freshments were served. Mrs.
Ray Funk was the assisting hos
Leave for Black Hills—
ATKINSON—Mr. and Mrs. R.
L. Verzal and son, Jerry, of At
kinson left Sunday for a week’s
vacation in the Black Hills.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Enquist and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wakely and
family of Hartington spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Lindberg and Mrs. P. A. Lind
argain Tables j
■ t « \ -'iff _ * n
I PERFUMES ..One-Third Off j
j GOBLETS, broken patterns, up from 50r I
LIGHTERS, re?. 12.50.Special 6.75
I Up from..1.99 I
TIE CLASPS_-.One-Third Off
McIntosh Jewelry 1
"Where Price and Quality Meet" I
O 0
Rev. Wayne A. Hall, pastor
Thursday, August 21, ladies’
prayer meeting. Also they will
be painting the seats soon to be
installed in the auditorium.
Saturday, August 23: Street
service at the comer of Fourth
and Douglas streets, 8:30 p.m.
Sunday, August 24: Sunday
school, 10 a.m.; worship hour, 11
a.m.; evening rally of singing,
testimonies and message from the
Monday, August 25: The Sun
day-school workers’ conference
at 8 p.m.
Tuesday, August 26: The young
people’s service, 8 p.m.
Wednesday, August 27: Regular
prayer and Bible study, 8 p.m.
Jesus said: “And all things
whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer,
believing, ye shall receive.”
We welcome all to our services
at any time.
(Comer Sixth and Grant)
John Thomas, minister
Bible school, 10 a.m., Commun
ion and preaching, 11 a.m.
The Church of Christ is con
tinuing its special evangelistic
services nightly at 8 o’clock
through August 24. Evangelist
Remi Duhon of Louisiana is do
ing the preaching. Mr. Duhon is
a Frenchman and his earnest ap
peal for a return to primitive
Christianity in faith and practice
is drawing increasing interest.
The pubic is cordially invited to
these services.
Rev. Richard Monroe, pastor
Sunday, August 24: Regular
church service, 8:30 a.m. Special
music by Miss Ruth Harris.
Sunday-school, 10 a.m.
Dorcas quilting circle at the
church parlors, Friday, 2 p.m.
Nuptials in Dakota
A quiet wedding ceremony was
performed at 3:30 o’clock Satur
day afternoon, August 9 at Ver
million, S.D., when Miss Alice
June Dunkelberger became the
bride of Edgar James Boyle. Rev.
Theodore Delolney officiated.
The bride and bridegroom ap
peared in matching suits of blue.
Their attendants were Mrs. A. B.
Anderson and Elmore Johnson,
friends of the couple.
Following the ceremony the
pair departed for a brief honey
moon in the Black Hills of South
The bride is the youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Dunkelberger of Page. She fin
ished elementary schooling in
Philip, S. D., and attended O’Neill
high school.
The bridegroom is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. James Boyle of
ONeill. He has spent 44 months
in the armed services. He enlisted
in 1948 and was recalled to ac
tive duty in September, 1950. He
served 14 months in Korea with
th 25th infantry division and re
ceived his discharge in October,
1951. He is now employed at the
ONeill hospital.
The young couple will be at
home to their many friends on a
farm in the Page community.
Return After 12 Years—
Dale and Arnold Wytaske of
Austin, Minn., arrived Tuesday
to visit Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester
Zakrzewski. They are former res
idents of O’Neill, having moved
from here 12 years ago. Tuesday
afternoon Dale and Arnold Wy
taske, accompanied by their cou
sins, Misses Margaret and An
gela Zakrzewski, went to the
farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Zakrzewski and other places of
interest which they had not seen
for many years.
Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Miller of
Neligh visited their son, Duane -
Miller Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Rudd and
family of Drakeville, la., came
Friday for a weekend visit with
his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
John Wintermote, and other rel
Mrs. Roy Howard of Oakland,
Calif., came Saturday for a
visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Wintermote, her sis
ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Cook; her brother
and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Wintermote. Mr. and Mrs. Cook
met her in Grand Island.
A family dinner was held
Saturday evening, August 16, at
the Lavem Hoerle home honor
ing Harold Young before his
departure for the navy. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Young and boys, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Mitchell and fam
ily and Roger Linquist of Wausa.
Mrs. Charles Hart of Mondan,
N. D., came Saturday to spend
a few days with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Theodore Moss, and her
sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Grimes.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hoerle will
observe their 45th wedding an
niversary with open house at
the Lutheran church basement on
Sunday, August 24, from 2 to 4
and 8 to 9 p. m.
A family dinner was held
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Cooke in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Rudd
and family of Drakeville, la., and
Mrs. Roy Howard of Oakland,
Calif. Present besides the guest
of honor were: Mr. and Mrs.
John Wintermote, Mr. and Mrs.
E. G. Wintermote and Carolyn
of Chambers; Mr. and Mrs. Tra
cy Rathbun and Linda and Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Vanasdal and baby
and Mrs. Rathbun and Angeline,
all of Ord; Mr. and Mrs. Everette
Wintermote and sons and Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Wintermote and
babv, all of Chambers.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik,
Myron and Pamela spent Sunday
in the Alvin Nelson home at
Mrs. Merle Fagan and children
returned Sunday from Kensing
ton, Kans., where they had spent
a week visiting her parents.
8 Cousins Guests at
Birthday Affair—
Mrs. George McCarthy enter
tained Saturday at a birthday
anniversary party honoring her
son, Jimmy, on his 5th birthday
anniversary. The guests were
eight of Jimmy’s cousins.
Mrs. McCarthy served refresh
ments consisting of birthday
cake, ice cream and koolade.
See Corsage-Making
Demonstration —
CHAMBERS—The Better Ways
extension club met Friday at the
home of Mary Lou Butts. Six
members were present. Our vice
president, Charlotte Smith, con
ducted the business meeting. Mrs.
Ann Barthell demonstrated the
lesson on corsage-making. Each
member brought their own flow
ers. Some were made from mari
golds, bachelor buttons, pansies
and gladiolius.
We discussed plans for our booth
at achievement day. Mary Lou
served a delicious lunch of sand
wiches, potato chips, cake and
coffee. The next meeting will be
at the home of Charlotte Smith.
qrBy Ada De Hart, reporter.
Mothers, Daughters
Are Feted—
Mrs. H. J. Lohaus and Mrs. C. J.
Gatz were hostesses at a mother
daughter 10 o’clock luncheon,
Thursday, August 15, at the
M&M cafe honoring Mrs. Will
iam Montgomery.
Among the guests were: Mrs.
Frank Froelich and daughter,
Mrs. Montgomery; Mrs. M. J.
Golden and daughter, Mrs. Rich
ard Owens of Kansas City, Mo.;
Mrs. Edward M. Gallagher and
daughter. Miss Betty; Mrs. Will
iam Froelich and daughter, Miss
Nancy; Mrs. Hugh Birmingham
and daughters, Misses Barbara
and Marde, and Miss Mary Ann
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fischer of
Emerson were guests Wednesday
and Thursday, August 13 and 14,
in the Ralph Prill home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Horn
went to Valentine recently where
Bob attended a meeting of the
board of directors of the North
west Nebraska Hereford Breeders’
Mr. and Mrs. Harlin Parker and
family of Butte spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Par
ker. Mr. Parker returned to his
home in Butte Sunday. Mrs. Par
ker and family are spending the
week in O’Neill.
Rural Teachers Will
Meet August 28—
Pre-opening day meeting for
all rural teachers will be Held °
Thursday, August 28, according
to Miss Alice French, Holt
county suprintenderit of public
The beginning teachers will °
meet at 10 a.m. in the assembly
room at the courthouse. At 1 p.m.
all teachers will meet in the
O’Neill school auditorium where
supplies will be distributed and
a demonstration given ■ by -the
Milton Bradley Paint Co. •
All rural teachers are expect
ed to attend, Miss French said.
____- -L- ■ <_ » . il . i
fOTflMM ' |
13 cK _ 99< ♦ °»Eeff2 FREE = 4 S 99c | j
i I.S.IW.1SMT8 mum nnm» i
1 PEACHES m faM 398j
1 Each 19c I WATERMELONS 110 ^ 45c j
| PEARS 179}
TOMATOES'S tall cans 39c
PEAS & CARROTS, 3 cd. 29c
OLEO.5 lbs. 89c
CHEESE...... li lb. pkg. 59c
..1. 1 1 . . ...
MILK..2 cans 29c
" i .
Sugar 2&25c1
BELMONT (Made by Stokely) No. 2Vi Cans
FRUIT MIX_3 for 79c
PRESERVES .... 2 jars 49c
OLIVES_Ql. 79c
CAKE MIX..Pkg. 59c
ORANGEADE . 2 cans 29c
APRICOTS.. Cal. 99c
FISH-2 Ik. 25c 1
(10-Lb. Box 1.19) I
WIENERS—-—Lb.49c j
50-lb. sack 3.29
79c u»