Page Club Points to Big Celebration _ O 0 • Improvement Group to Operate Stand PAGE—The Page Improvement club met Monday evening, Au gust 4, with Mrs. Nova Snyder. There were 13 members present and two visitors, Mrs. Bertha Farnsworth and Mrs. Fannie Stewart. Money from five gallop ing teas was turned in, amounting to $7.48Tt was decided to keep on having them. Committees were appointed for the stand on free day, September 1. It was agreed to sell hot dogs, yum yums, pie, coffee and kool ade. There was some discussion on entering a float in the parade. The next meeting will be a spe cial meeting at Hazel Stewart’s August 25. Other Page News Mrs. Hester Edmisten, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Har old Asher and son drove to Ame lia Sunday where they spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wood. The Royal Neighbors held a pic nic in the Page park Sunday with a basket dinner at noon and lunch in the afternoon. Eighteen fami lies were represented and there were 55 present. Members of the Get-to-Gether club and their families had a pic nic in the Page park Sunday with a basket dinner. Thirty were pres ent. Miss Merillin Richstatter of Cloverdale, Calif.', spent Sunday night and Monday with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach. Bobbie Sorensen and Ronnie Park spent the weekend in Grand Island with Billie Zempel. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Spath and family of Laurel were Sunday vis itors in the Gus Heese and Alvin Heese homes. Mrs. Pete Sojka and Mrs. Wal ter Sojka entertained at a party at the Walter Sojka home. About 20 ladies were present. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heese and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Henry Heese home. Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Stevens and children of Lincoln visited for a few days in the home of Lee’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelly, Ka ren Kay and Peggy Sue spent from Tuesday, July 29, until Sun day at Hyannis where they vis ited Mrs. Kelly’s brother, Gerald Carson, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Miller and family of Ewing were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Fink and family. Miss Judith Trowbridge was a dinner guests Sunday of Joyce and Carl Spencer of Lynch. Miss Joyce Clasey of Lincoln spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Clasey, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach took Larry Roach, Larry Park and Lloyd Fussleman, jr., to Fre mont Sunday to spend a week at Camp Cedars Boy Scout camp. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stevens and children of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Stevens spent Friday at Pickstown, S.D., and visited friends and relatives at Butte on their way home. Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Soren j sen and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sorensen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Junior Soren sen and Glenda enjoyed a picnic dinner in the Page park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Trease of Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wettlau fer and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Strong and family of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wettlaufer and son of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Wettlaufer and sons were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlaufer. J.A. Ernest and son, Arthur, of La Junta, Colo., and daughter, Mrs. Hunter . James, of Rocky Ford, Colo., were dinner guests on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Stauffer. They were former neighbors of the Stauffers. They also called on a niece of Mr. Ernest’s, Mrs. Frank Sum mers, in O’Neill that afternoon. Rev. and Ms. C. E. Wilcox, Ed ward and Frances, returned home Friday night after spending a few days in the Black Hills, S.D. They attended the passion play at Spearfish and visited many points of interest. Rev. and Mrs. G. H. Heubner and three children of Portage, Wise., spent Wednesday night, July 30, at the home of Mrs. Alma Tegeler. Thursday morning they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell Hawley of Utica, Mich. Mrs. Heubner and Mrs. Hawley are nieces of Mrs. Tegeler. They were on their way to Denver, Colo., where they were to meet three sisters and two brothers and their father for a family reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Terrill and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tegeler were also guests at the Mrs. Al ma Tegeler home Wednesday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Blarkbum and daughters of Kelliher, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith and Su san of Neligh, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Stevens and family of Battle Creek and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wrede and son of Inman were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stevens. 2 O’Neillites Among Recent Enlistees Two O’Neill men were among recent U.S. army and air force enlistees, according to SFC James R. Lvons of the O’Neill recruiting station. He announced these regular army enlistments: Ronald G. Reiser of Butte La vern G. Johnson of Elgin: Rob ert B. Williams of Ainsworth: James E. Bridges of O’Neill: Charles A. Reuss (Hemmer) of Elgin. The men were sent to Camp Crowder, Mo., for further pro cessing, training and assignment. Meanwhile, the air force re reived 13 enlistees from the O’Neill area, including: Dewey L Beck of Newport; Richard A. Starkjohann of Val entine: Elmer T. Lentz of Long Pine; Philm W. Walter of Clear water; Clifford D. Cork of Serin gview: James W. Baker of Neligh; John J. London of O’Neill: Lowell E. Dodd of Stu art: Ralph C. Havford of Val entine; Robert F. Prater of Clearwater; Larry E. Larsen of Springview; Jackie W. Lefler of Burton; Stanley G. Wilkinson of Oakdale. The air force men went to Parks air force base, Pleasanton, Calif. Infant Dies Result of Heart Affliction — AMELIA — The 4-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Bilstien of Swan Lake died Satur day, August 2. The baby had not been ill. Death was pronounced due to a heart attack. Funeral services were held on Monday, August 4, in Atkinson. Survivors include: Parents; one brother, two sisters; grandmother —Mrs. Nettie Bilstien; grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Gumb, and other relatives. — NOTICE - To Real Estate Owners The state board of equalization has ordered Holt county to increase the valuation on all rural real estate 20%. WM. F. WEFSO i Holt Co. Assessor .'.-.I... . ■ mm ' YOUR'. evoGsr fS I WHEN YOU SHOP WITH US AJLL BRANDS— CIGARETTES.Cm 1.89 SUNKIST— LEMONS...Doz. 13c BOLOGNA. .Lb. 39c NEW, EASIER TO EAT— Posts GRAPE-NUTS....%Pkgs.39c LIGHT OR DARK— KARO SYRUP. Ft, 21c Bulk Cider I CLIQUOT | VINEGAR CLUB I Per Gallon g QtS. .. 3^ I ^ • No Deposits ll • No Returns M NEW WASHING MIRACLE— TIDE.2 Boxes 58c WE BUY EGGS Above Prices Effective Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday Mom, August 7-8-9-10 GENERAL WHOLESALE AFFILIATED STORES John Conard’s St. Fourth St. Market EMMET GEORGE JANOUSEK Phone 583-R-3 O’Neill - Ph. 93W CHAMBERS NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gilbert drove to Butte Wednesday, July 30, to visit her sister and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barto. On Thursday they drove to Stuart to the home of their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gilbert and family. On Friday they visited her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Z. X. Marshall, returning home that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hoerle, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hoerle and fam ily of Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gorgen and family of O’Neill surprised Laverne Hoerle on his 32d birthday anniversary Friday evening, August 1, at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Honey w’ell and family of Neligh were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell. The American Legion auxiliary met Friday afternoon, August 1, at the home of Mrs. George Thomson. The president, Mrs. E. H. Medcalf, conducted the meet ing. Mrs. George Thomson arid Mrs. Willard Thomson served the refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sexton and Nadine were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Grimes and family. A film, “Pilgrims Progress,” was shown at the Baptist! church Sunday evening to a large and interested group. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Young and family of Magnet spent Sunday, August 3, at the home of his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young and family. Sammy Young, who is em ployed at Kearney, spent the weekend with homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. Rubeh Peltzer and Mrs. A. A. Walter drove to Stanton Monday, July 28, to visit their mother, Mrs. Clara Peltzer. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mitchell and family drove to Kearney Satur day, August 2, to visit her broth er and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Young, and daughter. They returned Sunday. Tl -m m- • l « r 1 A r.rnest major leit xvxonaay, au gust 4, for Council Bluffs, la., to visit his grandchildren before re turning to his home at Gate City, la. He had spent the week vis iting his brother, Bill Major and friends at Chambers. The Sunday-school of St. Paul’s Lutheran church enjoyed a picnic at the L. O. Lenz place Sunday, August 3. Following a picnic din ner the young people engaged in contest games. Ice cream and pop were on hand for all during the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sorenson ac companied her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Fted Brockmoller, and Mrs. Brockmaller’s sister, all of Laurel, to California. They left Sunday, August 3. The Soren sons will visit their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sorenson, and family. The others will visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Disney and family of Arapahoe visited his uncle, Bill Major, Sunday, August 3. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wilkenson and Mr. and Mrs. Nels Mikkelson and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Art Fluckey home. In the afternoon the ladies vis ite Mrs. Ralph Blair. Louie Whoeler of Pilger and Ernest Peltzer of West Point spent the weekend of July 26-27 at the Ruben Peltzer home. Attending mother’s camp at Long Pine Thursday, July 31, were Mrs. Peggy Smith, Mrs. Mar garet Alderson and Mrs. Jane Grubb. Mrs. Ann Allday and daughter, Thersa, recently took her cousin, Elaine Leffler, who has spent the summer in the L. W. Taggart home, to her home at Moody, Mo. A group of about 36 gathered at the C. E. Tibbetts home Sunday, August 3, to surprise Mr. Tibbetts and Mrs. Everette Wintermote on their birthday anniversaries. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hethering ton of Lincoln visited Sunday for a short time with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Walker. They were en route to Long Pine where .they will visit at the home of Mr. and k W • Orthopedic Type Unit * # Screen Ventilators • 54 and 39 inch Sizes | Verta-Aid orthopedic deluxe k with extra deep construction — 2 in. thicker than ordinary BOX SPRINGS W mattresses! Gives greater Verta-Aid in matched cov- * I back support for greater *rm9*- Fine .coil construe- XU 4 ™ tion and sturdy frame. ** " k Sleep Comfort. Only 4.00 Down! 1.25 per week, pay monthly ^ Colonel Leaves U.S.; Corporal Hospitalized AMELIA—Mrs. George Fogle received word from her husband, Colonel Fogle, that he was leav ing the U.S. for service in Korea on Thursday, July 31. Mrs. Fogle and family, who have been visiting her mother, Mrs. Gertie Adair, and other rela tives plan to leave for her home at Gainsville, Fla., about Friday, August 8. Her mother will accom pany her. They plan to go by way of Texas, where they will visit Cpl. Bob Adair, who is ill with kidney infection. He expects to be hospitalized another 30 days. Mrs. Fogle is the former Mo dena Adair. Leaves on Pacific Northwest Tour — EWING—Miss Doris Henderson left Saturday, July 26,from Nor folk on a vacation trip through the Pacific northwest. The tour is sponsored by Wayne State Teachers’ college and the party was accompanied by two of the instructors, Miss Elja McCullough and Miss Lula Way. Mis Henderson is a graduate of the Ewing high school with the class of 1950 and since has taught in the rural schools in the Ewing vicinity. She has attended Wayne coL; lege this summer for college cred its. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Forest Henderson. Mrs. Thomas Striker and son, Larry, was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser from Saturday, August 2, until Sunday. She was enroute to her home in Ericson from Stanton/ where she had been visiting. Mrs. Esli Sparks of Newport spent Tuesday, July 29, with Mr. and Mrs. Merle Sparks. INMAN NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Kivett and family of National City, Calif., came Tuesday, July 29, to visit in the Casper Pribil and James Gallagher homes. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coon and daughter, Doris May, were in Beemer last Thursday on busi ness. Mrs. Walter Jacox left Wed nesday, July 30, for Minturn, Colo., where she will spend two months visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leidy and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jacox. Mrs. Madean Fisher of Okla homa came Friday night to visit in the home of Miss Grayce Mc Graw. On Monday, Mrs. Fisher and Miss McGraw left for a two week vacation at the Yellow stone park. Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan and Mr. and Mrs. John Mattson spent Sunday afternoon in Ains worth visiting Mrs. Mattie Jes sen and family. Ralph Herald Sholes of Sidney spent the weekend visiting his mother, Mrs. Violet Sholes. The women’s department of the RLDS church held a bake sale Saturday afternoon at the locker plant. A “nice” amount was added to their treasury. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ferris and family of Leigh are spending a vacation at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cooper and son, Jimmie, of Orchard spent last Thursady visiting Mrs. Coop ers’ mother, Mrs. Lottie Thomp son. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore and daughter, Dotty, returned Sun day from a vacation in South Dakota, Wyoming and other places of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Carlyle and family of Norfolk spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins and fam ily. They returned to their home 1 Sunday evening accomapnied by Roger Tomkins who visited un til Wednesday in the Carlyle home. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tomp kins were additional guests in the Harvey Tompkins home on Sunday. Harvey Tompkins and daugh ter, Linelle, spent Monday in Sioux City. Harvey had cattle on the market. Cal Geary left Friday for his home in Lyons after spending several weeks here with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family moved from Neligh Saturday into the Ermand Keyes home. Donald Keyes, Graydon Harit gan, Harlan Nielsen and Ray mond Luben are spending a few days at Yellowstone park. Pat Hartigan is enjoying a week’s vacation from his work at Missouri Valley, la. Mr. and Mrs. Myrle Caster and daughters, Carol and Kay, left Sunday for their home at Sterling, Colo., after visiting in the Anna Smith home. Mrs. Guy Hull and son of Lynch spent Saturday in the Al bert Reynolds home. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McKenzie and family of Lyons visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mryle Caster and daughters, Carol and Kay, of Sterling, Colo., came Thurs day to visit in the Anna Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Caster con tinued on to Omaha where Mr. Caster’s father is a patient in an Omaha hospital. Carol and Kay remained in the home of their grandmother, Mrs. Smith. Dr. Verl McKim of Fresno, Calif., visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan Sat urday afternoon. Doctor McKim is a former Inman resident. Miss Elsie Krueger moved Friday from her home in the east part of town to the house she recently purchased from M. M. Crosser. Mrs. Vernon Keeney and daughter of Norfolk spent a few days last week with Mrs. Keen ey’s mother, Mrs. G. A. Seger. Miss Delores Nielsen of Oma ha spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nielsen. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Grothe of Emmet spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Gaughenbaugh and family. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Gaugh enbaugh and family and Mr. and Mrs. Justin Butterfield and fam ily were supper guests at the Lawrence Jonas home in O’Neill Saturday evening. The occasion was the birthday anniversary of Lawrence Jonas. Others attend ing were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jonas and daughter of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Gaugh enbaugh of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Tomlinson and daughters of O’Neill were guests in the Earl Watson home Sunday. Michael Green of Sioux City came Sunday for a visit with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton. Lewis Kopeckv, sr., and M. L. Harkins spent Monday afternoon and Tuesday in Sioux City. ____* Pert New Cottons for School Wear! - GIRLS’ DRESSES L ? ; Regularly | An i ; 2.98 I.W ig| • Darling Styles for the Grade-Schooler! Lj\ • Easy-to-Wash Cottons Including Gingham Hill • Nice Color-Bright Prints, Plaids, Plains f Terrific values for quality of fabrics and work manship! And what a wise idea it would be to stock up now for the whole school year! Dress illustrated is typical of the many cute but prac tical styles from which to choose. Sizes 7 to 14. 118-3622 » ' I J COMPARE OTHERS AT $10.98! | SOYS’ PARKA JACKETS k © Fully Lined with Wool Pile! k © Sturdy Water-Repellent Shell k © Full Zip Front, Zip Top Hood p A thrifty buy for warmth and durability! Closely woven h mountain cloth shell and attached hood are completely lined with pile (55% alpaca, 45% reprocessed wool " face). Knit wristlets. Brown, green, navy; sizes 4 to 18. | *9-5663 w h < Thrifty Choice! Boys* Cotton T-Shirts J 98c 4 Finely knit cotton with rib knit neck and cuffs on long sleeves. 4 Colorfast stripes. Sizes 2-12. W-7WS M _ A Gay Plaid s and Chocks I ] j Boys’ Soort Shirts | c:,Tr,* 1.98 Sanforized cotton ^ in vat dyei colors. Two-way ( collar, long sleeves. 6 to 18; g W-7974 4 ^ _ A 4 Many Hands? me Colors IJ 4 Sport Shirts j| Compare O Oft I at 3 29 £,30 . Fine ra' ot gabardine experl M tailored and fully cut. Lo* sleeves. Men's sizes 4 iaoo»ia j p > } Cotton Socks Cotton T-Shirts 29c pair c78p9a" 79c ^ High heels give extra Full action cut, knit of k long wear. Cushion soft white cotton. Crew * soles, elastic tops. Ran- neck, short sleeves. ^ dom gray, men’s 10-13. Men's S, M, L Value! k Knit Briefs Misses’ Slips Compare 59c 1.98 af' 69c , Comfort cut, fine rib "Mi** Swank" brand, knit white cotton. Elas- Bur-Mil rayon with tic waist, taped front. lovely lace trim. Pink, Men’s size* 30 to 44. white, blue; 32 to 44. A 1 Nyion Hose ^ 1.25 p«,r ^ 2'.. 'I ft il fashioned 51 gauge, Bright blazer stripes T5 denier sheers. Love- and argyles knit of 4 ly shades with dark durable cotton. Elastic seams. Sizes 8'/4-1016. tops. Sixes 7 to 10ft. 4