The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 31, 1952, Page 8, Image 8

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    I I
FOR SALE: McCormick tractor
com binder. Has cut only 140
acres. Priced to sell.—John Ber
igan, tel. 295, O’Neill. 13-J4p60
FOR SALE: New shipment treat
ed oak sweep and stacker teeth,
all sizes. Cedar posts all sizes.
—Chas. Lawrence, O’Neill.
Alfalfa - Brome - Clovers
Milot - Sudan
WE ALSO have early open pol
linated corn, good germination.
We have new blue grass strip
pers for sale. BHC root worm
spray.— Koinzan-Jochum Seed
Co., Elgin.ltf
Used Car Specials
1—1949 Ford club coupe, radio,
heater, seat covers, good rub
ber, guaranteed.
1—1950 Studebaker Starlight
coupe, automatic transmission,
new tires, sun visor, seat cov
ers and heater.
1—1950 4-dr. Plymouth, heater,
seat covers, new paint. A-l
condition, guaranted.
THESE LATE model cars are all
in A-l condition and guaran
teed. Come in and see us. We
are easy to trade with.
1952 DeSoto Firedome “8” 4-dr.
Phone 562 — O’Neill
FOR SALE: 8 registered Angus
Dulls, 18 to 24 months.—Karry
Ressel, O’Neill. 40tf
FOR SALE: Several we 11
located building lots. — R. H.
(“Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, phone
o 106. 22tf
FOR SALE:- Inman residential
property, includes 4 - room
house, 2 stories; also good gar
den lots available. — Joseph
Coon, Inman. 13-14p60
FOR SALE: I have 3 modem
residence properties for sale.
Would you like to see them?—
R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 50tf
FOR SALE: Apartment building,
very good location, has been
making $85 per month. Can be
bought for $7,000. Half cash
and balance on terms.—See R.
H. (“Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill,
phone 106. 12c
1—1950 Ford fordor “8”, black,
heater, visor.
1— 2-Dr. 1949 Pontiac hydra.,
good and clean.
2— Ford “8”, ’49, red — one a
club coupe; other a tudor.
1—1948 Frazer.
1—1949 Mercury Fordor.
1—1949 Ford 2-dr “8”
Wm. Krotter Co.
Phone 531 12c
FOR SALE: 8-room house, to be
moved. — Albert Miller.
O’Neill. 12-13p60
FOR SALE: Madison vetch seed.
—Call C. H. Stone at 495-W,
O’Neill, or see Leon Beckwith
at Emmet 12-13
FOR SALE: A team of work
horses, well broke. — Fred
Perry, O’Neill. 13-14p55
FOR SALE: A baby carriage
used less than a year, also a
teeter babe. — Mrs. Harold
Calkins, O’Neill, phone 540-M.
Baler Twine Bargains
Carload of First Grade Top
Quality New, Twine
Q Outlaw Implement Co.
New Deal Oil Company
Open Day and Night
O’Neill, Nebraska 13c
FOR SALE: Long yearling and
2-year-old Hereford bulls. —
E. M. Jarman, Chambers. 51tf
-—■ * - ■ ■ ■ —
FOR SALE: 320-acre farm, good
improvements, REA, crop now
in but possession may be had
immediately.—Col. Ed Thorin
or Col. Vern Reynoldson,
O'Neill, brokers. 8tf
FOR SALE: One used Fairbanks
Morse shelvador refrigerator,
$49.50; also used Frigidaire, $25;
also one 30-gal. used hot water
heater, kerosene.—Hunt’s Pig
& Htg, O’Neill, phone 399. 13c
FOR SALE: Insurance of all
kinds. - See R. H. (“Ray-)
Shriner. phone 106. 39tf
FOR~SALE: 9-ft. GM PVigidaire,
1950 model — Mrs Ray Bar
tos n^one 17F20 or 1 mile east
of O’Neill sale bam. 13p35
O . •
WE STILL have 0-19-0, 10-10-0,
and 21-0-0 fertilizer.
WE ALSO carry automatic bal
ing wire—New Holland, Min
neapoIis-Moline, International,
and Oliver.
Atkinson, Nebr. 13-16c
ANYONE wanting to buy or sell
town or farm property in Holt
or Antelope counties contact:
Bill Bowker, Hales & Bowker
Agency, O’Neill, phone 52. lOtf
FOR SALE: 42 acres hay and
pasture land, fenced and com
plete set of buildings, at In
man, Nebr.—Call 196, O’Neill,
Nebr., or write Mrs. G. A.
Seger, Emmet. Ic35-30tf
FOR SALE: Still have some real
good yearling Hereford bulls.—
—S. R. Robertson, phone 6F11,
O’Neill. 4tf
FOR SALE: Breeding ewes. —
Lloyd Kyner, phone 2301,
Long Pine, Nebr. 12-30c
FOR SALE: Used kerosene Ser
vel refrigerator, 8-cu. ft.,
latest style, Aladdin burner,
twin crispers. — Jacobsen’s,
O’Neill. 13c
FOR SALE: Modem residence,
close in.—A. E. Bowen, O’Neill,
phone 322-W. 12c
FOR SALE: 1949 Chevrolet %
ton pickup. —Ivan D. Baker,
Atkinson. 12-13p60
Buying or Selling
Real Estate
Use the complete services of—
Hales & Bowker
Offices in O’Neill and Neligh
In O’Neill Contact:
Bill Bowker
PHONE 52 13c
FOR SALE: 41% range cake
$104 per ton; mixed fertilizer,
$47.95 per ton—Corkle Hatch
ery, O’Neill. 30tf
FOR SALE: 1949 Model A John
Deere tractor, Rollomatic and
cast wheels; 1946 Gleanor
combine, 12-ft., with LeRoi
motor and pickup.—Ray Noble,
Star. 13-14c70
WE HAVE inquiries for farms
and ranches. Let us have your
listing.—Thorin & Reynoldson
Auction Service, O’Neill. 8c
Body - Fender
COMPLETE up - to - date shop,
equipped and experienced for
all makes of cars. Also paint
ing, spot work, glasses install
ed. Free estimates, 24 - hour
wrecker service.
219 Douglas St. Phone 211-W
L. Guthmiller
Hailf-block East of
Texaco Station
SPECIALIZING in all kinds of
automobile, truck and tractor
repair. Acetylene welding.
I AM NOW writing insurance for
an exclusive hail company.—
Ed Thorin, O’Neill, phone
454-J. 6tf
I LOAN MONEY on farms and
ranches and also on city prop
erty. Write — R. H. Parker,
O’Neill, Nebr. 7tf
A PHONE CALL brings us on j
the run. Phone 404-W
Jim Atkinson - Vernon Strong
Used Car Parts, Car Repairing
Acetylene V’
North 7th
Lawson and Clinton engines
service and genuine parts call
at Vic Halva’s Electric Shop,
O’Neill. 41ti
. SEE Ralph Simpson for your
electric wiring. Formerly with
• Lester Electric. lti
SEE ME for insurance—the most
for your money!—Fd Thorin,
O’Neill, phone 454-J, box 646
vice. — Call Douglas Leach,
, phone 558-J, O’Neill. 9c
Generator & Motor Winding
New and Used Motors
for Any Job 25ti
CITY LOANS: R. H. Parker,
O’Neill. 7tf
American Kitchens
White Water Heaters
(Next door Asimus Motors)
Phone 399 — O’Neill tf
Auction Sales
Advertising, auctioneering, clerk
ing ... let us take care of the
details. Call or see
• or
O’Neill, Phone 2
Insurance of All Kinds
GIVE YOUR exposed roll films
to Elwood Brady, Atkinson,
for guaranteed 2-3 day out-of
town processing. Kodak film,
photographic supplies and
cameras. 5tf
FARM LOANS: R. H. Parker,
O’Neill. 7tf
MONUMENTS of lasting beauty,
made by skilled craftsmen of
the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu
ments from the factory to the
consumer.— Emmet Crabb. O’
Neill, phone 139-J. 37tf
Long Term
Pre-Payment Privileges
4% Federal Land Bank
O’Neill, Nebr.
Lyle P. Dierks, Sec.-Treas
TAKEN UP at my place, a
whiteface heifer, brand semi
circle over inverted “U”. Own
er must pay costs.
Arden Johnson
Spencer, Nebr.
WANTED: Blue grass seed. We
buy in the rough or will do
custom threshing. We also buy,
sell and clean alfalfa and clo
vers.—Koinzan - Jochum Seed
Co., Elgin, phone 132J. 26tf
WE DIG water and sewer ditch
es, basements, cesspools, and
build dams. Also do structural
steel setting.
Belville Draglines
Valentine, Nebr. 49tf
WANTED TO BUY: Horses of
all kinds. Call or write — Buv
Wanser, Page, phone 13, call
between 6 and 7 p.m. 13-16pl25
' I
WATCH and jewelry repairing,
crystals and Ronson lighter re
pairs while you wait. — Clift
Jewelry, O’Neill. 29tf
WANTED: Hay or alfalfa to
bale for shares or cash.—JC. C.
Hunt, O’Neill.Utf
WANTED: Married man for year
around work on separate well
equipped livestock f e e d i n g
farm. Must be experienced
with livestock and tractor ma
chinery. House has full base
ment, REA and water. Start
work on or about September 1.
References required. Good deal
to right man.—M. J. Hankins,
phone 252, Stanton. 12-13cl00
J-V MOTOR, O’Neill, buys iron
and metal. No. 7th St. 13ctf
FOR RENT: Floor polisher and
waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co.
FOR RENT: Unfurnished apart
ment: 3 rooms, plus kitchen
and bath. See it. —Hagensick
Ladies Wear. lOtf
FOR RENT: Small store building.
See—R. K. Parker, O’Neill. 7ti
FOR RENT: Sanders for floor
and furniture. — Spelts - Ray
Lbr. Co. 47tf
FOR RENT: Choice apartments.
A. E. Bowen, phone 322 W,
FOR RENT: All modem three
bedroom house.—R. H. Shriner,
O’Neill, phone 106. 13p35
To Long Pine —
The members of the Elkhom
project club went to Long Pine
Wednesday, July 30, where they
will spent two days vacationing
at Hidden Paradise park.
WE WISH to express our deep
appreciation to our relatives,
neighbors and friends who
came to us in our bereavement
with words and deeds of sym
pathy. We especially thank the
Sisters and helpers at the Sa
cred Heart hospital, Drs. Kriz
and David, and Rev. Richard
Monroe for their kindness and
helpfulness during the illness
and death of our beloved hus
band, father and grandfather,
Ralph Pinkerman. We appre
ciate the kindly services of the
Coulthard funeral home, the
pallbearers, the songs by Rev.
Keith Cunningham, the ladies
who served dinner and lunch,
those who brought food, and
those who assisted with our
work in any way. We also
thank all who contributed to
the beautiful flowers. May you
all be richly rewarded for your
kindness.—Mrs. Ralph Pinker
man, Mr. and Mrs. Veldon
Pinkerman, Reggie and Vel
deen; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pink*
erman, Randy, Delmar and
Danny; Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Christensen, Marina, Dicky
and Larry. 13c
I WANT to thank everyone who
sent me letters, flowers and gifts
and special thanks for the pray
ers said in my behalf while I
was confined in Our Lady of
Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. —
I WISH to thank all my friends
for the nice cards and letters
and all that visited me while
I was in the hospital. It is
something that will never be
I WISH to thank all my friends
and relatives for their cards,
letters and gifts sent to me
while I was in the hospital.
They were very much appre
I WISH to thank those who so
kindly remembered me in so
many pleasant ways during my
recent illness. I truly do ap
preciate it. 13c
I WISH to thank all those men
and the O’Neill firemen who
helped fight the grass fire on
my ranch Sunday afternoon.
L. D. PUTNAM, O’Neill.
Mrs. R. D. Landis and sons,
Michael and Timothy, returned
Sunday from a five-weeks’ stay
at Gregory, S.D., with Mrs. Land
is’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
~ Mrs. Elmer Straube and
daughter, Carole, returned Sun
day to Broken Bow after spend
ing a week with her mother, Mrs.
Emma Lawrence.
Mrs. Bessie Klingler spent
Thursday, July 24, in Mitchell,
Mrs. Sylvester Venteicher and
children of Clearwater visited
from Thursday evening, July 24,
until Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Sauser.
Mr, and Mrs. H. L. Lindberg
and children, Marilyn, Carolyn
and Ralph, and Mr. Lindberg’s
sister, Miss Esther Lindberg,
left Sunday for a week or 10-day
vacation trip to Yellowstone na
tional park, Wyo.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Waller
went to Belden Saturday, July
26, to visit Mr. Waller’s mother,
who has been ill. They returned
home Sunday.
Pvt. Glen E. Knight, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Fora L. Knight, has
a new address. He has written
that he would appreciate letters
from his friends and relatives.
His address: Pvt. Glen E. Knight,
U.S. 55275852, Pt. 2 Co. E.,
MPRTC, 8801-ITSU, Camp Gor
den, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Knight
and daughter, Susan, went to
Kearney Sunday on business.
The Misses Evalyn and Donna
Asher and Miss Esther Kaiser
left Sunday morning for Valen
tine where they will visit for a
week in the M. E. Asher and
Don Asher homes.
Mr. and Mrs. George Klein
spent the weekend in Coleridge
with Mrs. Kline’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Brandi.
Miss Tillie Bartos spent Sun
day in Pierce visiting friends.
She has taught school there for
three years.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bruder of
Atkinson were Sunday guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Her
man J. Janzihg.
LeRoy Asher of Valentine spent
the weekend in O’Neill visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Asher
and family.
Ivan Kaiser is visiting relatives
in Verdigre.
Rev. Samuel Lee took the
Presbyterian youth caravan team
to Omaha Saturday, July 26. He
then took the train to Chicago
111., where he will attend a min
isters’ convention at the McCor
mick seminary.
> ■ ■ ...■—
Miss Ina Bennett is vacation
ing with relatives in Lincoln
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner, Mr.
and Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard, Mr.
and Mrs. Perry Saiser, Mr. and
Mrs. Watson McDonald and
daughters and many others of
Ewing attended the free day cele
bration in Clearwater over the
Mr. and Mrs. William Wulf
were dinner guests on Saturday
at the home of Miss Minnie Neid
erheide at Clearwater. They also
attended the free day celebration.
Harold Gene Daniels and Royce
Wright are spending the week
with their grandfather, George
Jefferies, at his turkey ranch on
Clearwater creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Muff, Be
nita and Carolyn of O’Neill were
calling on relatives and friends
in Ewing Wednesday evening,
July 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van Vleck
of Wall, S. D., are vacationing in
Ewing and vicinity. They also
attended the weekend celebra
tion in Clearwater.
Roy Wright went to Montana
on Monday, July 21, where he
has employment in the harvest
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kujat and
sons, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Nad
elen and son, all of Chicago, 111.,
are spending a two week’s vaca
tion at the home of the ladies’
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vanders
nick enjoyed a family gathering
at their home Sunday with a pic
nic dinner at noon. In attendance
was their daughter, Mrs. Clara
Schaffer, and children of O’Neill
and two other daughters and
their husbands, Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Kujat and children and
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Nadelen
and son, all of Chicago, 111.
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Dierks and
family were Omaha visitors on
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hintz and
their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Seth
Hertel and family of Chambers,
picnicked at yellow banks, east
of Ewing on Sunday.
Mrs. Keith Riddlecome enter
tained the Past Matrons club and
the Star Kensington at the home
of Mrs. Harriet Welke on Fri
day afternoon. Fourteen members
were present. Mrs. M. B. Huff
man, vice-president, conducted
the business meeting in the ab
sence of Mrs. R. B. Crellin, pres
ident. The resignation of Mrs.
Harriet Welke, who has been sec
retary-treasurer of the club for
the past 20 years was accepted.
Mrs. Wilbur Bennett was ap
pointed to the office. The hostess
served a luncheon.
Miss Vaulda Welke went to
Wayne on Saturday where she
joined a party of teachers for a
23-day vacation trip through the
southwestern states and into Old
Mexico. Earl Shrunk of Ewing is
also making the tour. The party
left Wayne early Sunday morn
ing by bus.
Mrs. Martha Antisdel left Wed
nesday, July 23, for her home in
Harrisburg, Pa., after spending a
few days at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Waldo Davis.
Arriving the same day to visit
at the Davis home was Irwin
Robertson of Hayward, Calif.
Other recent guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Davis were Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Cernik of Valpariso, Fla.
Merle Lee returned to Omaha
on Wednesday, July 23, after
spending a two weeks vacation
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Lee.
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Morris and
family of Des Moines, la., were
recent weekend guests of Rev.
and Mrs. W. J. Bomer and sons.
They were on their way to
Cheyenne, Wyo.
Tom Schiffbauer recently spent
a week in Madison where he was
the guest of friends.
Mrs. Lena Kirschmier returned
home Friday from a five weeks
vacation with relatives at Pilger
and Norfolk. Her sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Bemiss, brought her home
and remained for the weekend.
They left Sunday to visit rela
tives at Page and Plainview.
Miss Fern Pruden spent Fri
day and Saturday in Lincoln to
assist in making plans for the
homemaking conference to be
held in Lincoln August 6 and
7 Miss Pruden is chairman of
the evaluation of the conference
committee. The conference is an
annual event for all vocational
homemaking teachers. While in
Lincoln, Miss Pruden was the
guest of Miss Ina Bennett on
Friday evening at the home of
relatives where she is visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Colfax and
family were dinner guests of
her mother, Mrs. Ruth Morgan,
at O’Neill Sunday. The honored
truest for the family party was
Mrs Colfax’s brother, Richard
Morgan FNT, who is home on a
two weeks leave. _
Mrs Merle Maupin, who has
been a guest at the home of her
father M. H. Dierks, and other
relatives in Ewing returned to
her home in North Platte on Sun
.. —.. ■ .... . ... I ... .. ... .-Ill I
Fred Swain, 72,
Dies in Dakota
PAGE — Fred Swain, 72, of
Rapid City, S.D., died in a hos
pital there Monday, July 7, of a
heart attack. Burial was at Rapid,
City. Mr. Swain was married to
Miss Jessie Townsend on August
17, 1902.
They lived at Page for awhile
before moving to Plainview. They
returned to Page and lived here
for several years before moving
to Upton, Wyo. From there they
went to Rapid City where they
have made their home for a num
ber of years.
Survivors: widow; one daugh
ter—Mrs. Lynn (Arlene) Barnes
of Puyellup, Wash., and a daugh
ter, Lois and a son, Elvin, both
of Rapid City; five grandchildren
and two sisters in St. Louis, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Swain had
planned to celebrate their golden
wedding anniversary next month.
Mr. Swain is a brother-in-law of
C. A. Townsend of Page.
Private Burgess
on 14-Day Leave —
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Burgess of
Emmet went to Washington, D.C.,
Friday, July 11, where they met
their son. Pvt. Darius Burgess of
Ft. Belvoir, Va. He had just com
pleted his basic training. He
spent a 14-day furlough with
On Saturday, July 26, Mrs. Bur
gess son, Lloyd, and daughter,
Norma, took him to Omaha where
he boarded a plane for Camp Kil
mer, N.J., where he is being trans
ferred. Enroute to Omaha they
stopped in Schuyler to visit rela
Joe Madura of Scottville was
a Lynch visitor Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Vomacka, sr., of
Gregory, S.D., visited at the Mrs.
Tillie Novak home Wednesday,
July 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spencer of
Rapid City, S.D., spent Sunday,
July 27, with their daughter and
family, the Veldon Lees. They
returned to their home Sunday
evening. Mrs. Gene Harris and
baby accompanied them for a
short stay there.
Mr. and Mrs. Alford Davy left
Sunday, July 27, for Ft. Knox,
Ky., where Alford will take up
10 more weeks training.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Spencer
called at Veldon Lee’s Sunday,
July 27.
Mr. and Mrs. William Stouffer
picnicked at the Ft. Randall dam
Sunday, July 27.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCarville,
jr., and sons departed Sunday
for a week’s vacation in Leaven
worth, Kans., where they are vis
iting relatives.
Hear Mission Talk —
CHAMBERS—The Missionary
society of the Baptist church met
Thursday, July 24, at the home of
Mrs. Andrew Gilbert with 18
members present. Mrs. Ward
Smith gave an interesting talk of
their missionary work in Hon
duras. Lunch was served by the
Saddle Club
WE WILL meet at
the grounds east
of O’Neill on
Sunday, August
3, at I P.M.
WE make this Change
YOU get thousands of safer EXTRA
miles from your present worn tires with
• Applied by factory trained experts using Goodyear
approved methods.
• Same top grade materials found in new Goodyear
• Sams tread thickness found in new Goodyear tires.
|J^9 9 P9|9^H &j^‘«4Mi:,''^#li v *w * '\'*'^^-^fcl>^%'iP,s; ?v\' ft» SjR #i ^ ‘^Gak f "rtfe- 4 l\/ a ? ;-;
■Hm^raB9SK%iHa ' S HBUnErKS- ra£9H3toB5Ki&&.
Use a Double-Duty
You can do better work at low cost
on any number of jobs with a versa
tile John Deere Disk Tiller. You can
prepare seedbeds . . . till and seed in
one operation . . . weed . . . work fal
low . . . mulch stubble , . . disk . . .
replenish humus . . . and cut stalks.
What's more you can build terraces,
fill in gullies or ditches . . . build
levees. This double-duty value makes
a John Deere Disk Tiller one of the
most profitable implements you can
See us about a John Deere Disk
Tiller. Order yours early!
1—1943 H IHC 1—1937 B JOHN DEERE
1—1943 B JOHN DEERE 1_F 20 IHC
1— 1942 H JOHN DEERE
New Farmhand Stackers and Loaders
Harry R. Smith Implements
“Home of JOHN DEERE”
PHONE 562 4th & Fremont St*.
© fjj