The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 19, 1952, Page 4, Image 4

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    Golden Wins Tourney
Defeats Doug Dale
in Title Round;
4th Crown
M. J. (“Max”) Golden, manager
of the Hotel Golden, late Monday
was crowned champion of the 31st
annual O’Neill open golf tourney
at the Country club. It was the
fourth time Golden had captured
the tourney honors.
He ousted George Lightner, of
S. Edward, a veteran participant
in the O’Neill meet, during Sun
day’s first round play, and then
in the second round eliminated
Bill Fox, Albion banker, who dur
ing qualifying play on Saturday
established an all-time course rec
ord. In the semifinals, Golden
nicked Charles Burmeister, of
Wahoo, one-up in 18 holes.
Golden's opponent in the title
match was Doug Dale, of Ord,
last year's champion of the O'
Neill tourney and a veteran
University of Nebraska golf
team star. Golden bested Dale,
6 5.
Dale gained the finals in the
championship flight by hitting
Ted Lindberg, of O’Neill; Jim Pa
pez, of Albion, and J. B. Cassell,
of Ainsworth.
There were 81 entries from 13
states — Ohio, Iowa, Missouri,
Kansas, Pennsylvania, Nevada,
Florida, Texas, Colorado, Illinois,
Wisconsin, California and Nebras
Swede Hagestrom was the
sole entry from the Norfolk
Country club.
On Saturday—the hottest day !
of the season—Fox chalked up 30
strokes in nine holes, cracking
the all-time record of 31. On his
seoond round he posted a 36—
one over par, making a total of
66 for qualifying play. Dale
qualified with a 67.
First Round
Doug Dale, of Ord, vs Ted Lind
berg, of O’Neill, won by Dale 7 -
Eld Campbell, of Green Bay,
Wise., rs Jim Papez, of Albion,
won by Papez.
A. P. Jaszkowiak, of O’Neill, vs
J. B. Cassell, of Ainsworth, won
by Cassell 4-2.
Tom Tolen, of Ord, vs Jack Ev
eritt, of O’Neill, won by. Tolen 3 -
Charles Burmeister, of Wahoo,
vb Gus Cadwell, of Rapid City,
S.D., won by Burmeister 6-5.
Ben Grady, of O’Neill, vs Kerm
Mortensen, of Albion, won by
Grady 3-2.
Max Golden, of O’Neill vs.
George Lightner, of St. Edward,
won by Golden 3-2.
John McCarthy, of Scottsbluff,
vs. Bill Fox, of Albion, won by
Fox 3 - 2.
Second Round
Doug Dale vs. Jim Papez, won
by Dale 3-1.
Cassel vb. Tolen, won by Cas
sell 1 up.
W 1
Burmeister vs. Grady, won by
Max Golden vs. Bill Fox, won
by Golden 3 - 2.
Third Round
Dale vs. Cassell, won by Dale
Burmeister vs. Golden, won by
Golden 1 up 18.
Final Round
Dale vs. Golden, won by Gol
den 6-5.
Campbell vs. Lightner, won by
Lightner 1 up.
First Round
Clear Golden, of Tuscon, Ariz.,
vs. Lari harp, of Long Pine, won
oy Golden 2-1.
Sid Sarzman, of Ainsworth, vs.
Dr. Merle Hunt, of Battle Creek,
won by Hunt.
Rev. Ricnard Parr, of Atkinson,
vs. K. V. Lucas, of O’Neill, won
oy Lucas, default.
James Burke, of Ainsworth, vs.
H1. J. Lohaus, of O’Neill, won by
Jim Golden, of Pittsburgh,
Kans,, vs. Swecle Hagestrom, of
Norfolk, won by Hagestrom.
Gale Whitney, of Ainsworth, vs.
Gib Milnitz, of Plainview, won by
Gene McKenna, of Cleveland,
O., vs. Lt. John Baker, of Orlan
.do, Fla., won by McKenna.
Harlan Story, of Plainview, vs.
Joe McCarville, of O’Neill, won
by McCarville.
Second Round
Golden vs. Hunt, won by Gol
den 3-2.
Lucas vs. Burke, won by Burke.
Hagestrom vs. Milnitz, won by
McKenna vs. McCarville, won
by McCarville, 1 - 19.
Third Round
Golden vs. Burke, won by
Burke, 1 up.
Milnitz vs. McKenna, won by
Milnitz, 1 - 19.
Final Round
Burke vs. Milnitz, won by
Burke, 2 up.
Lohaus vs. Story, won by Lo
First Round
Duke Kersenbrock, of O’Neill,
vs. Sam Ely, of Ainsworth, won
by Ely, 1 up.
Dale Masters, of Ainsworth, vs.
Marvin Miller, of O’Neil, won by
R. N. Nelson, of Orchard, vs.
William Meckling, of Ainsworth,
won by Nelson.
Dr. Robert Biglin, of Chico,
Calif., vs. Dr. Williams, of Deca
tur, won by Williams, default.
Jack Harty, of Evanston, 111.,
vs. Keith Gilliland, of Laurel,
won by Karty.
Dale French, of O’Neill, vs.
Roger Thorley, of Ainsworth, won
by French.
William McIntosh, of O’Neill,
drew a bye.
J. Clifton, of Orchard, vs. Hugh
McKenna, of Omaha, won by
Clifton, 1 up.
Diug Dal* (left), who unsuccessfully defended his O'Neill
open golf title, congratulates the new champ. Max Golden.—The
Frontier Photo.
-» + * +
Second Round
Ely vs. Miller, won by Ely, 1 up.
Nelson vs. Williams, won by
Harty vs. French, won by
McIntosh vs. Clifton, won by
Third Round
Ely vs. Nelson, won by Nelson.
Harty vs. Clifton, won by Clif
Final Round
Nelson vs. Clifton, won by Nel
Mrs. Bailey MUler,
Atkinson, Expires
ATKINSON—Mrs. Bailey Mil
ler, 79. died in the Atkinson
Memorial hospital Monday,
June 16, after being ill for about
a month.
The late Mrs. Miller was bom
January 6. 1873, in Kahoka, Mo.,
the daughter of Philip and Mar
garet Hye. She grew to woman
hood in Kahoka.
She was a Rebekah before
coming to Atkinson. She has
been a member of the Atkinson
Women’s Country club since it
was organized in 1917.
In the year of 1873 she was
married to Bailey Miller, of
Gom, Mo. They lived at Gom
for a number of years. In 1905
they moved to Oklahoma where
they lived for four years. In the
fall of 1909 they moved with
their family to Holt county,
living on farms near Atkinson
until 1943, when they retired.
Mr. Miller died July 12, 1951.
Survivors include: Daughters
—Mrs Ivan (Gertrude) Cone, of
O’Neill: Mrs. D. C. (Garnet)
Westlake, of Los Angeles, Calif.;
son—Earl, of Atkinson— sister
—Emma, of Kahoka, Mo.; five
grandchildren and one great
Funeral services were conduct
ed Wednesday, June 18, from
the Atkinson Presbyterian
church, Rev. Orin C. Graff offi
ciating. Pallbearers were Jack
Warner. Ralph Ries, Jesse Do
brovolny, Henry Heuton, Fred
Richardson and Bernard Black
PAGE—Funeral services were
held at the Biglin funeral home
in O’Neill Saturday afternoon,
June 14, for Mrs. Jennie Hollo
way, 85. Rev. George Francis, of
Page, had charge of the services.
Mrs. Grosenbach, of O’Neill, sang
"The Old Rugged Cross” and “I
Must Tell Jesus.”
Burial was made at North Bend
Sunday afternoon.
Jennie Catherwood Holloway
was born October 15, 1866, in Can
ada, a daughter of the late John
son and Mary Catherwood. She
died Thursday, June 12, at her
home in Page.
The late Mrs. Holloway was
i married at North Bend on Decem
ber 23, 1891, to George A. Hollo
way, who preceded her in death
in 1951. The Holloways moved
from North Bend to Kolt county
in 1900 and have resided here
Survivors include: Daughter—
Mrs. Evelyn Pugh, of Los Angeles,
Bill Fox . . . hoi weather.
hoi golfer. — The Frontier
CITY USES 810,000
Residents Asked to Use
Staggered Watering
During the past week’s hot
spell the O’Neill water supply has
been taxed to capacity. Residents
are asked to cooperate in conserv
ing water, especially during hot
Mayor J. E. Davis and City
Superintendent L. C. Anderson
are much concerned about the
city’s water supply. Twice dur
ing extreme hot weather on Fri
day and Sunday, June 13 and 15,
the reservoir was empty as the
pumps were running to capacity.
Mr. Anderson estimated that in 18
hours on these days 810,000 gal
lons were being consumed each
The mayor has suggested that
residents help to conserve the
water supply by following a
plan which many of the large
cities have had to adopt, an al
ternate use of the water for
lawns and gardens.
Those who live on the east
side of Fourth street are asked
to use the water for these pur
poses on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday; those on the west side ol
Fourth street, on Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday.
City officials are asking that
this schedule be adhered to until
further notice.
“If everyone will cooperate,
there will be no serious threat tc
O’Neill’s water supply,” said Mr.
I Davis.
, Calif.; sister—Tillie Diffey; three
brothers—Robert. James and Wil
liam. all of North Bend; three
grandchildren and one great
; grandchild.
Mrs. Holloway was active ir
| Ladies Aid and the Project club
' as long as her health permitted.
Chambers Takes
Loop Leadership
Team W L Pet.
Chambers_4 1 .800
O’NEILL_3 1 .750
Bassett_3 1 .750
Stuart_3 2 .600
Ewing -1 4 .200
Bartlett_0 5 .000
In Sunday’s north-central Ne
braska league baseball play, O’
Neil] Rockets blasted Ewing, 8-5;
Chambers hit Bassett, 14-11, and
Stuart downed Bartlett.
Chambers 14; Bassett 11
CHAMBERS — Chambers
climbed to the number one posi
tion in the loop by knocking Bas
sett from the first place in a game
played at Chambers Sunday, June
15. The score was 14-11.
Cameron 3b_5 1 0
Hilligas, ss_6 3 4
Couch, lb_6 3 4
Tomjack, c_6 2 4
Harley, If_6 2 1
Waldo, 2b _.6 1 2
Grimes, p_5 1 2
Young, rf_4 0 0
Oetter, cf_5 1 3
Totals_49 14 19
R. Fischer, c_6 4 1
M. Bussinger, ss_5 0 3
K. Bussinger, 2b_5 0 1
Richard, lb__4 1 1
Fritz, cf_4 1 1
Doris, 3b_5 1 2
Delsars, rf_5 3 3
McCullough, If_4 0 0
T. Fisher, p_5 0 1
Totals _43 11 13
O'Neill 8; Ewing 5
EWING—O’Neill played with
out the services of its regular
pitchers but proceeded to bop the
Ewing entry in the north-central
league here Sunday, 8-5. Milo
Gorgen and Lloyd Cork pitched
for O’Neill; Clem Schrad and Rich
Bollwitt for the losers. Gorgen
hit a triple.
■ —-,,
Rockets Lose Outsider
The O’Neill Rockets bowed to
Gregory, S.D., 3-1, under the
lights at Gregory last Tuesday
evening. The Rockets could mus
ter only three hits.
Jean Ann Fahrenholz
Weds Francis Holz
A beautiful wedding was solem
nized Monday, June 16, at 2 p.m.
at St. Patrick’s Catholic church
in O’Neill when Miss Jean Ann
Fahrenholz, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Leon Fahrenholz, of Cham
bers, became the bride of Francis
L. Holz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hu
Jgo, Hola, of O’Neill.
Very Rev. Timothy O’Sullivan,
performed the double-ring cere
Given in marriage by her fa
ther, the bride wore a gown of
white illusion net trimmed with
lace over satin. She wore her
sister’s fingertip veil of net which
fell from a tiara of seed pearls
and trimmed with lily-of-the-val
ley flowers. She carried a bou
quet of white daisies and Canter
bury bells and a white prayer
book, which was a gift of the
jyiiss Anna Marie t>cnuue, oi
Denver, Colo., a classmate of the
bride, was bridesmaid. She wore
a light green ballerina gown with
a tiara of white daisies in her hair
and carried a bouquet of daisies.
The bridegroom was attended
by his brother, Arthur Holz. Both
wore brown suits with white car
nation boutonnieres.
Gerald Fahrenholz and Francis
Belzer served as ushers.
Miss Bernadette Hynes was the
soloist and sang, “Tis the Month
of Our Mother” and “Ave Maria,”
accompanied by Mrs. Joseph
The bride’s mother appeared in
a navy blue dress with white ac
The bridegroom’s mother wore
a rose print dress with white ac
cessories. Both wore white daisy
Immediately following the cere
mony a reception was held at the
home of the bride’s parents for
150 guests.
Mrs. Holz wore a sheer black
dress for her going-away outfit.
Following the reception the cou
ple left on a honeymoon after
which they will reside in O’Neill.
Richard Hutton
Takes a Bride
INMAN—Mr. and Mrs. T. D.
Hutton and daughter, Vicki Sue,
attended the wedding on Sunday,
June 15, at the Methodist church
in Neligh, otf their s*n, Richard,
who married Miss Donna Voll
brecht, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Vollbrecht, at a 2
o’clock ceremony.
Rev. Lowell Jones officiated.
Miss Vollbrecht appeared in a
white dress and her corsage was
of red rosebuds.
The couple was attended by
Miss Delores Truax and Gaylord
Cleveland, both of Neligh.
Only the immediate families
were present. Following the
ceremony a reception was held at
the home of the bride’s parents.
Mrs. Hutton is a graduate of
the (Neligh schools with the class
of 1952 and Mr. Hutton is a grad
uate of the Inman schools. Mr. and j
Mrs. Hutton left on a- short wed
ding trip and will be at home to
their friends after July 1 in Ne
Sunday, June 15, dinner guests
at the Clarence Fleener home
were Mr. and Mrs. A- C. Utter
back, of Clearwater, Mr. and
and Mary Ann Metschke, all of
Mrs. Bennie Johring and Freddie,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Gifford,
of Puyallup, Wash., came Satur
day to visit Mrs. Gifford’s sister,
Mrs. Roy Gannon, and Mr. Gan
non. Sunday guests in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Gannon were Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbur Gifford, Mr. and
Mrs. Orin Bishop, of Wisner, Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Baier and family,
of Wayne, and Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Keyes, of Inman. Jimmy Baier
remained in the Gannon home for
a longer visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stuckey and
son, of Grafton, and Mr. and
Mrs. Sid Sharbano, jr., and fam
ily, of Savage, Mont., are visiting
in the home of Mrs. Stuckey’s and
Mr®. Sharbano’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Chudomelka.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baker and
son, of Sioux City, spent last
week visiting Mrs. Baker’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong.
Miss LeeAnn Luben is visiting
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Vrooman, and family at Or
chard. •
Gary Luben returned home
Sunday after spending a few
weeks visiting his uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Luben and
family at Wisner.
Jim Ferris and daughter, of
Leigh, and Mike Stover, of Fre
mont, spent the weekend here
with relatives and friends.
Tommy Slusher returned to his
home in Valentine Saturday af
ter spending a few weeks in the
home of his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Watson.
Miss Deritha Smith, of Norfolk,
spent the weekend visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crosser and
son, Jerry, of Neligh, spent Sun
day in Inman visiting relatives.
Graydon Hartigan, of Missouri
Valley, la., spent the weekend vis
iting his mother, Mrs. Marye Har
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Pyle and
daughter, Barbara, of Oceanside,
Calif., came Friday to visit Mrs.
Pyle’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Miss Mildred Keyes has re
turned from Omaha where she
visited Mr. and Mrs. James Vid
lak and family and Miss Florence
Malone and in Council Bluffs, la.,
with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Burg
strum and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Watson have
returned to Rapid City, S.D., after
spending a week visiting Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Watson here and rela
tives in O’Neill.
John Sobotka, jr., and sons,
Harold and Leo, spent Sunday in
Norfolk visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Sobotka and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ohrmund, of
Atkinson, spent Thursday evening
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Roy Sharp, of Moralla,
Ore., is visiting friends in Inman
for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe and
family, of Amelia, spent Sunday
with Mrs. Walter Jacox. Miss
Glenda Jean Wolfe, who has been
in the Jacox home, returned to
Aimelia and Jeanette Wolfe re
mained with Mrs. Jacox.
Harlan Morsbach, Don Lines
and LeRoy Moore returned to
Rapid City, S.D., Sunday after
spending the weekend here with
their parents. They were accom
panied to Rapid City by Lawrence
Stevens, who will be employed by
the telephone company.
Joan Coventry and Larry Saw
yer, who attend college at Wayne,
spent the weekend in the James
Coventry and Clifford Sawyer
Out-of-town friends and rela
tives here for the funeral of
Charles Morsbach were: Mrs.
Omar Reinke, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Harvey, and Harold Reed,
all of Clearwater; Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Conard and Mr. and Mrs. Dee
Brittell, all of Neligh; Mr. and
Mrs. Fay Brittell, of O’Neill; Mrs.
Montgomery and Mrs. Riley Can
aday, both of Ewing; Mrs. Elsie
Ballantyne and daughter, Faye
Irene, of Page; Mrs. Roy Ries, of
Atkinson, and Roy Morsbach, of
Hosington. Kans.
Thirteen members of Arbutus
Rebekah lodge motored to Pierce
on Wednesday, June 11, where
they attended the 50th an
nual session of district Rebekah
lodge. Inman was on the pro
gram to seat the district officers
for this year and also the new of
ficers for the next year. Mrs.
James Coventry served as con
ductor for next session. Mrs. Jes
sie Smith will serve as warden at
next year’s meeting.
Joseph George (above), O’Neill
public school social science
teacher during the 1951-’52
tei*m, received a master of ed
ucation degree in absentia
at the 114th annual com
mencement exercises held on
June 4, in the Xavier field
house. George also holds a
bachelor’s degree from the Cin
cinatti, O., university. Son of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph George,
sr., of Orchard, he was grad
uated from Creighton high
school, Creighton. He’s a veteran
of army service, having served
three years in the field artillery
during World War II. The dean
of the Xavier graduate school
stated that George had quali
fied for his master’s degree in
record time. Mr. George, who
was not a candidate for reelec
tion to the OHS teaching staff,
has not announced his future
Attorney - at - Law
First National Bank Bldg.
O'Neill t Phone 11
the Nation’s Most Talked About
Atkinson, Nebr.
TICKETS: 1.50 Per Per«on
Sponsored By
Atkinson Volunteer Fire Department
Dairy Sale
8:00 P. M.
O’Neill, Nebraska
| ★ ★ ★
85 Head Dairy Calves
These will be good doing Wisconsin dairy
calves—Holstein, Guernseys, Brown Swiss
15 Head First Calf Springers
Holstein, Guernsey and Brown Swiss
ED THOR1N, Auctioneer
r*. o
The WESTERN UNION office is now in
a new location
Full service has been restored after inter
ruption by the recent strike and other
Phone 284
r *r,r V
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Harmon, Props.
Sun., June 22
75 - HEAD OF HORSES - 75
so we can advertise them. See or call or just bring them in—
Clair McVay—585-J13 O'Neill Livestock Market—Ph. 2
These horses will range from well-broke to unbroke horses
and will be as guaranteed by owner