The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 12, 1952, Page 7, Image 7

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    Lai 12, Travels
from Arizona
CELJA—Lonnie Bellman, 12
year old nephew of Alex For
sythe, arrived Friday evening,
June 6, by auto from his home in
Nogales, Ariz., to spend the sum
mer with his uncle. He came
with a teacher from the Nogales
school, who was on his way to
Minnesota for a visit.
Other Celia News
Jim and Hans Lauridsen and
family spent Monday, June 2, at
the Louie Lauridsen home.
Mrs. D. F. Scott has been work
ing in the Homer lumber com
pany office the past week.
Mrs. O. A. Haimmerberg at
tended the meeting of Women’s
Society of Christian Service at the
Methodist church Wednesday af
ternoon, June 4.
Mrs. Bennett Smith and daugh.
ter, Marilyn, were Saturday af
ternoon visitors at the Ray Pease
Emil Colfack helped Duane
Beck two days recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Staples
and son, Wayne, of Lynch, were
Sunday afternoon, June 1, sup
per guests at the Joe Hendricks
Mrs. Mark Hendricks, Mrs.
Lawrence Smith and Mrs. Joe
Kendricks attended Wesleyan
Methodist misionary meeting at
the Leonard Chaffin home Tues
day, June 2.
bunnyside 4-H ciuDDers ana
families held a picnic in Hen
dricks school district Saturday,
May 31. Several other visitors
were present. Basket lunch was
served at noon. Several demon
strations were given in the after
noon. Home agent, Mrs. Helen
Kreymborg, and son, Fritz, were
visitors. It was decided to have
a community picnic every two
weeks in the Hendricks grove
west of the schoolhouse, and 4-H
regular meetings will be held at
that time. Next meeting will
be held on June 14. Forty-nine
persons were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chaffin
and family attended the circus in
Atkinson Monday afternoon, May
26, and were supper guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Omer
Poynts that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks
and Mr. and Mrs. Omer Poynts
visited the Henry Dobrovolny
home Thursday forenoon, May 29.
Ray Alder started remodeling
the big porch at the Mark Ken
dricks home Thursday, May 29.
It will be enclosed with windows
when completed, A new cement
floor has already been laid.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dobrovol
ny and family were supper guests
at the Duane Beck home Tuesday,
May 27.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chaffin
and family were Wednesday fore
noon, June 4, visitors at the Law
rence Smith home.
Mrs. Paul Nelson, of O’Neill,
| was a Thursday, J une 6, visitor at
the Connie Frickel home.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lauridsen
and family also Jim Lauiidaeii
were Thursday, June 5, dinner
guests at the Hans Lauridsen
O. A. Hammerberg attended the
Methodist men’s council meeting
at the church Thursday evening,
June 5.
Thursday evening, June 5, vis
itors at the Ray Pease home were
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schlotfeld and
family, also Alec and Herman
Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg, ac
companied by Mrs. Claude Hum
phrey, left Monday, June 9, by
auto for Wichita, Kans., where
they will visit their daughters
and their families, who live in
that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease held a
gathering at their home Sunday,
June 8. Guests were members of
the family of Mrs. Pease’s mother,
Mrs. William Spann. Present
were: Mr. and Mrs. George Reed,
of Loup City; Mrs. Virginia El
rod and four children, of Kear
ney; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ben
nett and two sons, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Johnson and two children,
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feldman
and son, all of Litchfield, and Mr.
and Mrs. William Spann, of At
Mrs. Charley Smith had a fam
ily gathering at her home for sup
per Saturday evening, June 7,
honoring her daughter and hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Keiser, of Lincoln, who came on
Thursday for a visit with rela
tives and friends. Other guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Merrill Smith and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Garwood and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Heiser and family.
Monday evening, June 2, vis
itors at the Paul Johnson home
were Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Ham
merberg and Alex Forsythe.
Mary Catherine Kilmurry vis
ited her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. P. W. Kilmurry, from Wed
nesday, June 4, to Sunday, June
Visitors of Mrs. nay Peases
“reading public,” who visited her
home this week were: the Robin
son family, of Tekamah; Roy E.
Larson family of Bradshaw; Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Burne and family
and Lee Norall, all of Overton.
The Celia Homemakers club
met with Mrs. Clarence Focken
Thursday, June 5, with 11 mem
bers present. Lesson on glass
etching was given by Mrs. Mark
Hendricks. Next meeting will be
with Mrs. Frank Kilmurry, lesson
on textile painting, on June 24.
Mr. and Mr. Archie Constable,
of Worthington, Minn., arrived
Friday, June 6, for a few days vis
it with the D. F. Scott family.
Connie Frickel took his sister
in-law, Mrs. John Sutherland to
O’Neill by plane Friday, June 6,
where she was to visit her sister,
Mrs. Paul Nelson, and family un
til Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith
and family were Wednesday eve
ning, June 4, visitors at the Ed
ward Heiser home.
Warner Poessnecker was a
Monday morning, June 2, visitor
at the Hans Lauridsen home.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schlotfeld
were Sunday evening, June 1,
visitors at the Milton McKathnie
The Misses Gloria, Joyce and
Bonnie Dobrovolny visited their
sister, Mrs. Duane Beck, and Mr.
Beck from Tuesday, June 2 un
til Saturday, June 7.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith
and family were Monday evening,
June 2, visitors at the Merrill
Smith home.
Robert Hendricks flew his plane
over to visit his aunt, Mrs. Con
nie Frickel, and family Thurs
day, June 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Disterhaupt
and family were Sunday evening,
June 1. visitors at the Hans Lau
ridsen home.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKath
me visited the Herbert Rouse
home Wednesday, June 4, and
Mrs. McKathnie atended the al
umni banquet at Inman that eve
Supper guests at the Lawrence
Smith home Friday evening
June 6, were Mr. and Mrs Clar
ence Heiser, of Lincoln, and her
mother, Mrs. Charles Smith.
Tu?f^ay. June 3, visitors to see
Mrs. Edna Henricks were a car of
women from Atkinson who had
attended missionary meeting at
t h e Leonard Chaffin home
They were Mrs. Asa Wood, Mrs!
Jim Fullerton, Mrs. Bob Cearns,
Mrs. Adam Tindell and Mrs Ray
R. M. Pease, of O’Neill, helped
his son, Ray, put up alfalfa on
Thursday, June 5.
Whan You It I War* Young. .,
Young Atkinson
Physician Visits
50 Years Ago
Miss Lizzie Cain has resigned
her position as “hello girl” at the
central telephone office and th<i
position is now filled by the
Misses Clark. . . E. Bacon, who is
working on the T. V. Golden
ranch, met with a painful acci
dent. Having some repairing to
do in the pasture, he gathered up
the necessary tools and jumping
on a horse without a bridle or
halter, he started to ride out to
the pasture. While alongside the
fence the animal sided up close
to the fence and before he could
stop it, his leg was badly lacer
ated. . . Dr. W. J. Douglas, of
Atkinson, one of Holt county’s
young physicians, was a visitor
in O’Neill.
25 Years Ago
The old tourist park opposite
the Presbyterian church has been
discontinued. Arrangements are
being made for equipping the
city park in the northwestern
part of the city for a tourist park
. . . Miss Kamilla Uhl, Miss Mary
Dunn and Miss Loretta Shaw
drove to Wayne to begin summer
school in the state normal.
10 Years Ago
Miss Elaine Streeter will leave
for Sioux City, where she will
enter nurse’s training at St. Vin
cent’s hospital. . . John Watson
went to Washington, D. C., for a
two weeks vacation. . . Pvt. Leon
ard Bergstrom, of Orlando Air
Beach, Fla., will spend a 15-day
furlough visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Bergstrom. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson cele
brated their silver wedding an
On* Year Ago
Mr. and Mrs. J E. Wiley, of
Dorsey, celebrated their golden
wedding anniversary. . . J. M.
Langan has purchased the Night
and Day cafe and filling station
in Columbus. . . Pat Boyle re
turned from Lincoln after attend
ing 4-H club week there.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earley left
Sunday for their home in New
York after visiting in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. James Earley and
other relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Bridge
in the Neligh park on Sunday,
in he Neligh park on Sunday.
This is an annual affair and a large
crowd of relatives was on hand
to enjoy the picnic dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Brittell and
daughters visited Sunday evening
in Neligh with Mr. and Mrs. C.
D. Brittell.
Mrs Edna Coyne left Tuesday
for Denver, Colo., where she will
visit her son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Bautsch,
and family.
Mr. and (Mrs. Joseph Earley, of
Omaha, spent the weekend in
O’Neill visiting relatives.
Miss Patty Ann Allen, who had
spent a week with her auni and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stew
art, at Center, arrived home Sun
Mr. ana avirs. rvoy v,uie ana
three children spent from Friday,
May 30, until June 1, at the Wal
ter Cole home in Glenwood, la.
Marvin Anderson spent the
weekend fishing at Lake Andes,
S.D. He brought back the limit..
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lohaus
made a business trip to Omaha
Mrs. Edwin Hull and daughter,
Shirley, of Sioux City, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
Baker. Mrs. Hull and Mrs. Baker
are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Banks and
daughters were Sunday callers at
the home of their son and daugh
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James
Banks. _
Mrs. Elden Butterfied and chil
dren attended a Spar family re
union, an annual affair, at the Ne
hgh park Sunday. A large
crowd attended the picnic din
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cava
naugn, sr., received word from
tneir son, Quentin, who is sta
tioned in Korea. Quentin states
he has been transferred from en
gineering to personnel work.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Allen
and family went to Center Sun
day where they visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Snyder, and famiiy.
Herman Meyers and son, Ivan,
were Thursday afternoon, June
5, callers at the Marvin Ander
son home.
Miss Beverly McCarthy re
turned to Omaha Monday af
ter spending the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Mrs. C. H. Fisher and family*
who have been visiting the Fred
Bredehoeft family, returned to
California Sunday accompanied
by Miss Leah Iler. Mrs. Fisher
will rejoin her husband at Red
wood, City, and Miss Her will
visit her sister, Mrs. Snow, and
family, in Richmond.
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll MeKay
and children, of Atkinson, were
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Babl.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCarville
have as their houseguests Mr.
McCarville’s sister, Sister M.
Felicitas, and accompanion, Sis
ter M. Verissima, of the BVM or
der, of the Sacred Heart parish,
Lincoln. Other guests are Mrs.
Reginald Donlan and daughter,
Regina, also of Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bates and
their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bates, of
Emmet, motored to Pickstown,
S.D., Sunday.
Mrs. Dean Reed and daugh
ter, Paula, returned from Hast
ings Sunday where they had
been visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. James Banks and
daughter were Sunday afternoon
guests at the home of Mrs. Banjul
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Da
Mr. and (Mrs. J. C. Bazelnm
spent Sunday at the Leo Vander
sniek home at Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Siandon and
family, of Denver, Colo., are vis
iting Mrs. Saindon’s mother,
Mrs. Claude Hamilton.
Mrs. Lyle Benda and daughter,
Marlene, who spent last week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Pete Kratochvil, in Kimball, re
turned to her home in O’Neill on
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Biglin drove
to Omaha Wednesday where they
met Dr. R. F. Biglin. of Chico,
Calif., and brought him to O’
Neill for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rouse
and son, Wayne, were Thnniliw
afternoon, June 5, luncheon
guests at the home of Mrs. Car
rie Borg. Rev. and Mrs. Wil
liam Hubby, of Neligh, were Sn
day afternoon luncheon guests at
the Borg home.
Try The Frontier Want Ads.
Legion Ballroom
BHtte, Nebr.
Tuesday, June 17
You Ara Inrited
to Our Party
" , »
Every Tuesday
Starting at 12*30 PJ1
“Your consignments
Sell Them Where They Have
The Buyers
Atkinson Livestock
Atkinson, Nebraska
Phono 5141
Make Pop Happy
with a
Father’* Day
Gift from
Father’s Day Candy —
Three different kinds of summer candy,
especially boxed for Pop.
Pipes — Wallets — Traveling Kits
Toilet Sets —
Old Spice, Early American
Thermos Jugs —
Sure to please him ... at home, at work,
on fishing trips.
, CARA NOME^J lu*|["?4#"ri a
»*•«. $150 y
Cara Nome's distinctive floral fra- I
grance in this increasingly popular I 100 Sin8le shea's of exquls
non-spill, no-waste form. Marvel- I ,lf v«Hum writing paper
ous for traveling .. . perfect for Jk 50 matching enve
your purse. s/\ l0p**‘Tru,y *istinctive.
Dainty Mist RaadytoUsa
In Plastic Squ**z*-Bcttl* , ****'»?r
So quick and easy fb use ... ViV'V* ■
so dependable for day-long §
daintiness. The up-to-the- £Q£ I
minute deodorant! Vv I
SMNTV CRUM deodorant.«w ■ The only adhesive band
tA*TY DEODORANT STICK.S9< aBeS made with less- ’
■ Adhesive Tape.
Green Stamps
Attorney - al - Law
First National Bank Bldg.
O'Neill : Phone 11
Phones 316 and 304
First National Bank Bldg.
O'Neill, Nebraska
Complete X-Ray Equipment
Vx Block So. of Ford Garage
> 2.23
(81" x 108")
* Truly luxurious! Come
’ run ycur hands over
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42" x 36"_46c
Cannon Towels
In Sparkling
(22" x 44")
You’ll like the way the
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(Pink, Gold, Lime, Green
Rose and Blue)
12" x 12" Matching
Wash Cloth_15c
15" x 26" Matching
Face Towel_33c
Soft, velvety chenille,
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new warmth to your bed
host of exciting colors!
4” matching fringe
paints up the value!
Twin or full size!
Two Sanforized covers with one pad for your ironing board.
Waffle knit bound pad. White Goods Special. Only^|
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Slack Socks
Choosefrom a big selec
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mercerize dc oton for
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MENS TIES -98c-$L49 New Low Pircel
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Athletic Short* _ 49c-79c
BRIEFS_59c-79c NOW $7.50 - $8.50 - $9.50
Rayon Tropical
Extra cool lightweight
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Only 2.98
You stay cool and fresh
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Others $1.98 - $3.98
Fine quality nylon, band le gstyle, colors white, blue and
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% 1 [■
Combed cotton puckerette, lace trim, tabs for detachable
garters, colors pink and white. S-M-L. 79c