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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1952)
future subscribers I JANSEN- — Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Jansen, of Atkinson, a daughter, Bonnie Renee, weigh ing 6 pounds 8 ounces, born Thursday, May 29, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. WIGENT—Mr. and Mrs. Ver non Wigent, a daughter, Rornona Renee, weighing 5 pounds 5 ounces, born Sunday, June 1, at Atkinson Memorial hospital. SCHAFFER — Mr. and Mrs. Zack Schaffer, of Mobridge, S. D., a son, Ronald Zack, weigh ing 6 pounds 15 ounces, born Monday, May 26. Mrs. Schaffer is the former Myola Perry, of O’Neill. THIELE—Mr. and Mrs. August Thiele, of Clearwater, a son, bom Tuesday, May 27, at Tilden. HEISS—Pvt. and Mrs. Richard Heiss, of Page, a son, Alvin Dar rell, weighing 8 pounds, born Thursday, May 29, at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. Pri vate Heiss is stationed at Ft. Bel voir, Va. BROWN—Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brown, of Chambers, a son, Bruce Edward, weighing 7 pounds, born on Wednesday, June 4, at the O’Neill hospital. MEYER — Mr. and Mrs. Don Meyer, of O’Neill, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 7 ounces, bom Monday, June 2, at 9:20 p.m., in a Norfolk hospital. WYANT—Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wyant, of Emmett, Ida., a son, Stephen Lee, weighing 7 pounds 12% ounces. Reports Change in Attitude of French Cpl Donald Boyle, of O’Neill, recently arirved in La Rochelle, France, where he is serving with an armored truck unit. Corporal Hoyle sailed for France on the VBS General Longfelt with 3,500 In a recent letter to his moth er, Mrs. Gladys Boyle, the corp oral remarked that he thinks the attitude of the French has chang ed considerably from what it was during World War II. “Formerly the American troops were wel «med, but now they tell us ‘go home’,’’ said Corporal Boyle, who was in France during World War II. He indicates, how ,sfver, that most of this feeling is , OBmmunist-inspired. He witnessed a French com *munistic riot in the vicinity near * 4hc camp and was called out on ,%uard duty. The territory where ^e is stationed is strongly com munistic, says Corporal Boyle. The French are rebuilding from the rubble of war, and ma ny new and modern homes are in evidence, he writes. The people are raising crops much like are seen here, and ma ny are already eating from the small home gardens. Guests at the Guy E. Young home decoration day were their son, A/2c Stan E. Young, of Okla homa City, Okla., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Houston, of Kansas City, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs.Carrol Sum mer, of Ewing. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT: Two-room upstairs apt.—Inquire The Frontier. 5c40 FOR SALE: John Deere tractor binder with roller chain drive. This binder is reconditioned with all new canvas.—John J. Dvorak, 3 miles south of Atkin son. 5-7p95 Used bargains 1—Outboard Motor, 7% hp, Firestone . .$90.00 1—Wood Handle Lawn Mower _____ 5.00 4—Steel Handle Lawn Mowesr, each 12.00 3—Kerosene Cook Stoves, Each 15.00 1—Used Bike .. 12.00 I 1—Used Bike . 13.50 1—5-cu. ft. Elec. Refrig erator 25.00 1—6-cu. ft. Elec. Refrig erator __ 30.00 3—Used Elnec. Wash. Machines, each __ 35.00 1—Apt. Size Gas Range _ 45.00 1—6-cu. ft. Maytag Deep Freeze, used.—.150.00 1—Small Elec. Stove 15.00 1—Used 8.25x20 Truck Tire 25.00 GAMBLES . . O’Neill WANTED: Used house trailer, 20 to 30 ft. long. Must be priced reasonable. — Tony Asimus, O’Neill. 5c FOR SALE:"1500 bushels of Na 1 good heavy oats.—Ed Claus sen, phone 1F21, O’Neill. 5c FOR SALE If—Dempster No. 100 lister, on rubber, near new. 1—2 IHC plow, 2 14-in. pull type. 1—Hay sweep, used one season, for tractor or trilck. 1—IHC No. 25 mower, good con dition. 1—Pair used 11x38 6-ply tractor tires. Good. Brown Motor & Impl. Chambers, Nebr. I WISH to thank all my friends and relatives for the nice cards and letters that were sent to me while I was in the hospital. Q They were very much appreci ated. Thank you. 5c50 —JENINE JONES HOSPITAL NOTES O'NEILL HOSPITAL Admissions: May 30 — Al phonse Beelaert, of Orchard, med ical, condition good; Mrs. John Arey, of Gregory, S.D., accident, condition fairly good. June 2— Virginia Burrell, of Chambers, tonsilectomy, condition good. 3— Agnes Kocian. of Bristow, tonsil j lectomy, condition good. Robert and Gary Murray, of O’Neill, ton sillectomy and adenoidectomy, condition good. June 4—Mrs. Ralph Brown, of Chaimbers. Still in hospital—Mrs. Dan Per kins, of Chambers, improving; Mrs. Hannah Dalton, of O’Neill, medical, condition unchanged. Dismissals: May 31 — Al phonse Beelaert, of Orchard; Mrs. | John Arey, of Gregory, S.D.; Mrs. j Ray Nemec and son, of Spencer; ! Mrs. William Artus and son, of O’Neill. June 1—Mrs. Leonard Tiele and daughter, of Spencer. 3 —Virginia Burrell, of Chambers. 4—Agnes Kocian, of Bristow; Gary and Robert Murray, of O’ Neill. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admissions: May 27 — Edger Peterson, surgical. 28—Mrs. Ed ward Jansen, obstetrical; Mrs. Roy Forbes, surgical; Rosemary Chace, surgical. 30—Mrs. Joseph Krska, medical. June 1 — Mrs. Vernon W i g e n t, obstetrical; Charles Richard, medical; Theo dore Kubart, medical; Mrs. Clar ence Wright, medical; Mrs. Ed ward Rezac, medical. Dismissals: May 27 — Mrs. Francis Mohr and daughter. 28— Danny Doolittle. 30—Rosemary Chace. 31 — Mrs. Cora Tasler. June 1—Mrs. Elmer Slaymaker and daughter; Mrs. Clement Cleary and daughter. 2 — Mrs. LaBem Cadwallader and daugh ter; Mrs. Kathryn Papke; Mrs. Josephine Krska; Jim Murphy. Hospitalized: Mrs. Josephine Urbanski, Henry L u t h, Baby Charlotte Mildred Chace. SICK & INJURED O’NEILL—Carlyle Washecheck returned from, Bryan Memorial hospital, Lincoln, on Thursday, May 29. Miss Irene Uehling, a nurse from the hospital, accom panied him home. She returned to Lincoln Friday. . . . Virgil Laursen was taken to Our Lady 1 of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk, late Tuesday, with a heart ailment . . . Mr. and Mrs. ltoy Winter returned to their home in Lin ocln after visiting over the weekend with Mrs. Winter’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Valla. Mrs. Valla returned with them for a medical checkup. LYNCH—Mrs. C. L. Haselhorst was dismissed from the Lynch hospital Sunday, June 1, and is convalescing at the Lorie Mican ek home. . . Mrs. Mary Gallop is getting along well at the Sacred Heart hospital, having been ill with a heart conditop for several months. . . Mrs- George Barta was taken seriously ill Wednes day, May 28, and was taken to the local hospital where she un derwent major surgery Thursday morning. EWING—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tams returned on Saturday from Omaha where they had spent the week with their daughter Caro lyn, who is a patient at Chil dren’s Memorial hospital. Caro lyn is “improving" and expects to be home within a week. INMAN — Charles Morsbach, 81, a pioneer resident of this com munity, was taken suddenly ill on Friday afternoon and has been confined to his home since. His condition remains “unchang ed’’ EMMET — Henry Leith, who suffered a stroke some time ago, is improving at this time.. . Mary Lou Foreman who has been ill the past week is improved. DELOIT—G. A. Bauer was a patient at a Norfolk hospital for several days last week. He is to return for another checkup this week. AMELIA—-Edgar Peterson has been a patient in the Atkinson Memorial hospital the past week for minor surgery. CHAMBERS — Mrs. Bernard Hoffman and infant son have re turned from Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. STUART — Sam Norton re turned from the University hos pital, Omaha, on Saturday, May 31. LIBRARY NOTES The summer loan of books from the Nebraska Public Library com mission arrived last week. ' If you mission came last week. If you’re looking for romance, adventure down and pick yours now. Sev enty-five books, a regular wind- I fall for teenagers. Hurry or the , ones you want may be “out.”—By Bernadette Brennan, (J r a 11 a n i township librarian. O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Billy Klinctobe and family, of Tilden, were Sun day, May 25, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Menkens and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hiatt and daughter, Carolyn, and Miss Ruth Hoffman spent Sunday and Monday in Lincoln in the F. D. Anderson home. Jack Harty, of Forest City, 111., and Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kocina and family, of Creighton, were weekend guests at the home of Msr. W. H. Harty. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman were Sunday afternoon, May 25, vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Menkens and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wells and Dennis, of OlNeill, were Monday, May 25, visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Menkens, and family. , EWING NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Claus Sievere and granddaughter, Betty Zane, re I turned Sunday to their home at j Gillette, Wyo., after spending memorial day with relatives in Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrfey Wood were overnight guests on Thurs day at the home of his aunt, Miss Vina Woods. They returned to their hocne in Lincoln Friday eve | ning. Joe John Thoendel, a member of the junior class in the Ewing high school, was chosen by the Sanders post 214, American Leg ion, to attend boys’ state this month. He enrolled at the college of agriculture campus on Sunday for the weeks activities in the study of government. In Ewing high school, Joe has participated in athletics for three years, one semester of band, two years in chorus and boys’ quartette. On county government day in O’Neill, he filled the office of county at torney. This year he was presi dent of the junior class. Miss Lois Ann Bergstrom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Bergstrom, was one of 47 Nebras ka high school juniors chosen to be a representative at girls’ state, June 3, but was not accepted be cause of lack of facilities. Lois j Ann was sponsored by the Amer ican Legion auxiliary. During her high school years she has par ticipated in three years of chorus, two years in girls’ glee club, president of her class in the fresh man year. She is a member of the FHA and attended the FHA con vention held at Lincoln this year. Lois Ann has also been active in Sunday-school work at the Ewing Methodist church and is at pres ent a teacher in the primary de partment. Since entering high school she has been employed at the Eldorado theater. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bohn and faimily spent memorial day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies. Charles Boies, of Carroll, la., spent the holiday weekend in Ew ing visiting relatives. r*_i__if:.. . vo uc»]vli v iiviuv. v* .*»**»3D Ai>u Bennett on Friday were Mrs. Flora Young and family, of Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett and family, of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Young, of Omaha. After the worship hour and Sunday-school, the Presbyterian members served a dinner in hon or of their new pastor, W. J. Bo ner, and family, who recently ar rived in Ewing and are now at oome in the church parsonage. The Misses Fern Pruden and Ina Bennett were hostesses at a party at the Pruden home Sat arday evening, honoring Miss Donna Rudisil. Members of the Drder of the Eastern Star were present and also Mrs. Frank Van iersnick with whom Miss Rudisil tias made her home while in Ew ing and Mrs. Agnes Bartak. A new card game, “Korea" was played. Miss Pruden presented Miss Rudisil a going-away gift. Miss Rudisil has completed two terms as home economics instruc tor in the Ewing school. Twelve members and one guest were present Wednesday evening, May 28, at a meeting of the junior missionary society, of the United fh*esbyterian church, held at the church. Devotions and lesson were conducted with Mrs. Willie Shrader, Mrs. Ralph Shrader, Mrs. Web Napier and Mrs. Verl Tuttle, sponsors in charge. A weiner roast and games followed adjournment. Miss Dixie Rick ert, of St. Paul, was a guest. Bobbie Tams and Tom Christon returned home Friday from Lin coln where they had enrolled on Monday at the agricultural col lege for 4-H week activities. On Thursday they spent the day in Omaha visiting places of interest. At noon they were luncheon guests at the livestock exchange and at 5:30 they were guests of the Chamber of Commerce for a banquet. Memorial day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Arch er were their son and daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Archer, and family, of Grand Is land. Mrs. John Archer, accom panied by her daughter, Mrs. C. F. Smith, of Denver, Colo., were O’Neill visitors on Thursday, May 29. i • r> n r» . __ uucaib cu tur ivwavj home on (memorial day were Mr. and Mrs. William Stanton, of Her rick, S. D., and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hall, of Orchard. Miss Almira Rapp, of Cheyenne, Wyo., spent the holiday weekend at the home of Mrs. Leota Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cary and family had as their overnight guests Thursday Mrs. Jack Sta ples, of Butte. Mrs. Staples also attended the alumni banquet on Tuesday, May 27. Visit Chambers — Mrs. F. D. Anderson and son, .John of Lincoln, spent from Thursday, May 29, until Saturday visiting in the A. A. Hiatt home and also in Chambers at the Ray I Hoffman home. They attended memorial day services in Cham* bers. EMMET NEWS Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dailey left Saturday for North Platte where they will spend a few days visit ing their son and family, Dr. and j Mrs. Arthur Dailey. They ex pected to arrive home Wednes day, June 4. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Strong and family, of Omaha, spent a few days last week visiting Mr. Strong’s mother, Mrs. Cecil Mc Millan and Mrs. Strong’s parents, at Stuart. Mrs. Cecil McMillan accompanied the Strong’s to Om aha Saturday where she will spend a week visiting relatives Mr. and Mrs. Mike Troshynski and family were Thursday eve ning visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murphy, and family. District 20 will hold its annual school meeting at the school on Monday, June 9 at 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. James Foreman, Byron and Craig, of Battle Creek were Sunday dinner fleets of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bates and fam ily. They were afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foreman, and family. Among those from Emmet at tending the iris show at the At kinson auditorium Saturday aft ernoon were: Mrs. Agnes Gaffney, Mrs. Paul Newton and family, Mrs. Frank Foreman, Mrs. Geor gia McGinnis and Mrs. John Con ard. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hannus, of Omaha, spent the weekend vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler and. Bob and other relatives. Mrs. Hannus is the former Leona Winkler. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Perry and family were: Mr. and Mrs. Dale Perry and family, Mrs. Raymond Calkins and daugh ters and Mrs. Walt Calkins, all of O’Neill, and Mrs. Guy Beckwith. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murphy and Ronnie were Friday evening vis itors of D. N. Murphy and Clar ence. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler and Bob were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Han nus,of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weichman and family, of Stuart; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winkler and family, of Atkinson, and Henry Winkler. Mrs. Geary Enbody accom panied Mrs. Donald Wagnon to Tennessee Sunday morning where Mrs. Wagnon will remain with her parents and Mrs. Enbody will return home after a short visit- mum % Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murphy, Maureen and Ronnie, attended a birthday anniversary supper Sun day evening at the Mike Troshyn ski home in honor of Ronald Mur phy and Michael Troshynski. Mrs. Frank Foreman was a Sat urday morning caller of Mrs. Claude Bates, at O’Neill. Michael Troshynski is spending a few days visiting at the Jack Murphy home. OUR FAMILY — Crushed No. 2 Can* PINEAPPLE.2 for 55c OUR FAMILY ORANGE JUICE-2 46-0z. Cans 59c OUR FAMILY No. 2 Can* PORK-BEANS ...4 for 49c OUR FAMILY PEAS 3 No. 303 Cans 49c G.N. NAVY BEANS.... 5-Lb. Cello 59c ROZELLA TOILET TISSUE.4 Rolls 29c CASH FOR POULTRY EGGS We Make Country Pickup on Poultry OUR FAMILY FRUIT Cocktail3 ? ,z 99c SOUTHERN MAID OLEO 6 Lbs.for 95c '* . - BEK VANILLA Ice Cream ONE-HALF QQf* GALLOJM_ OUR FAMILY TOMATO JUICE-2 46-Oz. Cans 57c DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIX 3 Pkgs. $1.00 OUR FAMILY RED SALMON. ... Tall Can 69c HARDING'S CREAMERY Butter Lb. . 67$ NASH COFFEE Lb..79c POST 18-Ox. Pkg. I TOASTIES.25c POST GRAPE NUT i FLAKES ..12-Oz. Pkg. 20c POST GRAPE NUTS ...Pkg, 19c WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 10 fa 43c MEDIUM SIZE ORANGES .41* 25» CELERY HEARTS «.Pkg.25c FRESH CRISP RADISHES 3 Bm lQc USE PET MILK IN ALL YOUR COOKING i WILSON'S MINCED HAM ’’.Lb.57c CUDAHY'S SLICED Baton Ends 2,25$ Pork Liver u.25* NUTRENA HOGPOULCATTLE FEEDS I CHICK STARTER — GROWER SCRATCH —EGG & BALANCER CRUMBLES CALF STARTER MEAL, PELLETS CALF GROWER PELLETS 24', SOW & PIG MEAL, NUGGETS “CREEP 20” & "SHOAT 40” TANKAGE — MEAT SCRAPS — BONEMEAL — LIMESTONE — BUTTERMILK — TERRALAC — BRAN — SHORTS SOYBEAN MEAL & PELLETS — CUD AHY MINERAL — SALT — O. SHELL m SHELHAMER FOODS £TTs. O’Neill, Nebr. Ph™“7? CASH FOR YOUR CREAM