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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1952)
3 Events Noted at Church Dinner 0 # CELIA — The Clarence Pock en, Emil Colfack and Connie Frickel families and Alex For sythe attended a threefold cele b r a t i o n at the Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon, June 1. It was the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Atkinson church, the 10th wedding anni versary of Rev. and Mrs. Orin Graff, and a farewell for Mr. and Mrs Fred Kohlschmidt, who are leaving to live in Missouri- There was a basket dinner at noon and in the afternoon visiting with pictures being viewed showing past events of the church. A round 65 persons were present. Other Celia News Monday, May 26, visitors at the Emil Colfack home were Connie Frickel and son, Donnie, also Alex Frickel. Several from this community attended the iris show in Atkin son's public school building Sat urday, May 31. Mrs. D. F. Scott won several ribbons for flowers shown. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck, Emil Colfack and son, Denton, and George Beck were Tuesday morning. May 27, visitors at the Henry Dobrovolny home Mrs. Milton McKathnie and son, Darrel, and Mrs. Emma Mc Kathnie were Thursday after noon, May 29, visitors at thQ Paul Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks and family and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Omer Poynts were din ner guests at the Leonard Chaf fin home Sunday, June 1. Marvin Strong, of Chambers, and Miss Elvie Turner, a teacher at the Miltonvale, Kans., Wes leyan school, came as far as O’ Neill with the Mark Hendricks family and Mrs. Asa Woods when they came home Tuesday, May 27- Miss Turner, a sister of Mrs. Keith Cunningham, went to Lynch where she will visit her sister and family and teach in Bible school. Leon Hendricks ac companied his parents home but Robert Hendricks had five hours of flying instructions yet to take and will fly his own plane home when that is completed. Sunday, June 1, dinner guests at the Henry Dobrovolny home were Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heiser and son, Gferald, and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Masters and Mrs. S. W Masters, of Wood Lake. Supper guests at the* Omer Poynts home Wednesday eve ning, May 21, were Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks and family. Mrs. O. A- Hammerberg visit ed the Vincent Allard family on Tuesday morning, May 20, at the P. W. Kilmurry home. Mrs. D. F. Scott and Mrs. Ralph Kelly went to Lincoln on Saturday morning, May 24, to attend the iris show Dr. and Mrs. John Sutherland were Saturday afternoon, May 24, visitors at the Mark Hend ricks home. Doctor Sutherland returned to Wichita, Kans., Sun day while Mrs. Sutherland re mained to care for her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel and family were Sunday, May 25, dinner guests at the Ray Pease home. Mr- ana Mrs. kj. a. nammer berg were O’Neill visitors Friday afternoon, May 23. Wednesday, May 20, visitors at the Hans Lauridsen home were Mrs. George Syfie, jr., and daughter, Judy, Mary Coleman and Carl Damero. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chris tiansen were Thursday evening, May 22, supper guests at the Clarence Focken home. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chris tiansen were supper guests at the Joe Hendricks home Monday night, May 19 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schlotfeld and family, also John and Jim Johnson, of Lyons, were Friday evening, May 23, visitors at the Paul Johnson home. John and Jim spent the night with the Paul Johnson family. Dr. John Sutherland, of Wich ita, Kans., was a breakfast guest at the Joe Hendricks home Fri day morning, May 23. Doctor Sutherland came for a weekend visit with his wife, who is caring for her mother, Mrs. Edna Hend ricks, at the Connie Frickel home. Sunday, May 25, guests at the O. A. Hammerbergs’ were Mr. and Mrs. Fay Puckett, of O’ Neill, also their 6 - year - old granddaughter, Betty Marie Mayhem, of Seattle, Wash., who is spending the summer at the --, Puckett home. In the afternoon the Hammerbergs and their ' guests visited the Ray Pease ! home, also Mrs. Edna Hendricks and the Connie Frickel family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bausch and father, Steve Bausch, were Sun day, May 35, dinner guests at the Paul Johnson home Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chris tiansen were Wednesday eve ning, May 21, visitors at the O. A. Hammerberg home. John and Jim Johnson, of Ly ons, spent several days the past week with the Earl" Scnlotfeld family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Arp and family were Wednesday evening, May 21, visitors at the Emil Col fack home. Mr- and Mrs. Bob Reiser and family, of But e, spent Thursday, May 22, with her sister, Mrs. Joe Hendricks, and family. Supper guests at the Frank Kilmurry home Monday evening, May 19, were Mr. and Mrs. Vin cent Allard and daughters, Patty and Carol, of Rapid City, S.D., and Mr. and Mrs. P. W Kilmur ry. The Allards left Wednesday, May 21, for their home in South Dakota. Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg was an O’Neill visitor Tuesday, May 20. Clarence Focken wras a Sunday « afternoon, May 25, visitor at the Connie Frickel home Herman Frickel was a Sunday afternoon, May 25, visitor at the Hans Lauridsen home. Clarence Focken and son, Bud dy, were Friday morning, May 23, visitors at the Leonard Chaf fin home. The Marvin Focken home was connected with REA Saturday, May 24. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Focken and children were O’Neill visit ors Friday, May 23. Mr. and Mrs. L. P- Mathio wetz, of Portland, Ore., stopped recently to see the various Hend ricks families. They had been visiting in Minnesota. Mrs. Math iowetz is a niece of Mrs Edna Hendricks. Her father is Westlake Cannon, who was born and rais ed on the plaee now occupied by the Frank Kilmurry family. He will be remembered by a few old time residents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilmurry and Mary Catherine and Patricia were Sunday evening, May 25, visitors at the Emil Colfack home. The Joe Hendricks family and the David Rahn family had a picnic dinner at the Rahn home Sunday, May 25. Sunday afternoon and evening, May 25, visitors at the Milton Me- . Kathnie home were Mr- and Mrs. ' Herbert Rouse and Mildred ! Keyes, of Inman. They returned ; home Monday. Mrs. Emma Mc Kathnie came out on Saturday, May 24, and is spending the week at the McKathnie h°me. John and Jim Johnson, of Ly ons, returned home Saturday, May 24. They helped their uncle, Stanley Johnson, move his sister, Mrs. Alpha McKathnie, and daughter, Ellen, to Wayne, where both are enrolling in school. The Hans Lauridsen family attended the school picnic in dis trict 53, better known as Kirk land school, Sunday, May 25. Arlis Wayman taught the school the past term. Mr and Mrs. Bill Storjohann and daughter, of Spencer, visit ed the Jim and Hans Lauridsen homes Sunday afternoon, May 25. Alex Forsythe and Clarence Focken attended the Presbyter ian men’s meeting in Stuart on Sunday evening, May 25, when the “God’s herd” animals from Cleveland, Stuart and Atkinson communities were dedicated. “Voice of The Frontier” . . 780 kc-, Mon., Wed., Sat., 9:45 a.m. FAME KNOWN Fame of Donna Mae Fuhrer, 19, well-known O’Neill polio vic tim who last week received her high school diploma without hav ing been inside a classroom, is spreading. At Manson, Wash., the chairman of the board of educa tion made a few remarks to the Manson high 1952 graduates. His subject: “Donna Mae Fuhrer.” By coincidence in the audience was Mrs. Senseney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ressel, of O’Neill. Mrs. Senseney was familiar with the Donna Mae story through her parents. Try Frontier want ads! RUPTURE Rupture Appliance Specialist, Harry G. Higgins, will give a free demonstration of his "Guar anteed Rupture Shield" for men, women and children, in— O'Neill. Nebr., at Hotel Golden, on Monday, June 9 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. I have fitted thousands of sat isfied customers in the middle west and southwest. Let me prove to you that your rupture can be firmly held in complete comfort without belts, buckles or straps When skillfully fitted and molded to the body according to individual requirements, your rupture troubles are over. DO NOT EXPERIMENT LONGER, and become a cripple and burden to your family. If you want the complete relief you can obtain, come in for free demonstration: or if unable to see me at this time, write for future appoint ment, to: HARRY G. HIGGINS Rupture Appliance Specialist 225 S. 5th St. Minneapolis 2, Minn. I MONEY TO LOAN ON AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance Corp. C. E. Jones, Manager O'Neill : Nebraska F i w «* III Slecttical ... One good thing leads to another! 1 ■ So AUTOMATIC! So SAFE! So ACCURATE! So CLEAN! Those features sold me on cooking electrically! It didn't take long for my electric range to prove that better, more positive results were added benefits that l could take for granted! Naturally, when our old water heater needed replacing, it was a fully automatic, electric water heater that replaced it! And so, step by step, our home is becoming an all electric home! It’s the CAREFREE, WORRY-FREE, greater EFFICIENCY and over-all ECONOMY, along with SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE that convinced me that in Electrical Living, one good thing leads to another! I # '■ | For totfor Living — Electrical Living, See Your Favorite Electric Dealer or, Q O , '■« “ •' • *' O o r. o o o o o g Edward T. Gerin, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Complete Shock - Proof X-Ray Telephone 165W miwiipi You Can Have ANY SIZt-ANY STYLE ANY FLOOR PLAN You Want in a ^• WADSWORTH HOME Make your dream house a reality — and beat the high cost of building — with a precision-built Wadsworth Home. These beautiful modern homes can be designed and finished •— inside and out — with all the features you’re ever dreamed of. Their heavy conventional construction and top grade materials give you a house that will last a lifetime! Better Materials — Better Construction Most conventional homes are constructed aection-by^aection at the building, site where there is no control over weather, time, quality of lumber, etc. Your Wadsworth Home is constructed the same way—section-by-section . But the work is done in a modern factory, under ideal conditions, where complete control of all materials and workmanship is assured. Each unit is mill-finished and jig-assembled right in the factory — assuring greater strength, tighter fit, longer life than ordinary houses. Erected in Weeks-Instead of Months Assembling the units of a Wadsworth Home is 60% faster than ordinary building procedures . . . requires less labor. Your home is erected in a streamlined but conventional way by your builder without the usual delay. It can be ready fo^ occupancy in as little as 30 days. y WADSWORTH HOMES Give You More Real Living For Your Money All These Quality Features! I -- -1—I— FormVI Xovngitown All-Stool KMioir— Here'1 the dream kitchen you're alwaya wanted — modern, efficient, complete! And tor economical heme heating, an efficient furnace la the ha cement or utility room. Beautiful Picture-Book Interiors Graciou* living at it* finrat I It'* your home — planned and decorated by you for all the beauty and comfort you dralre. 2-3 or More Bedrooms d 15*,?m“. f**tare generous clothes cioseta with sliding doors. Rooms can be placed •nd sUed for maximum family convenience. ^ / \\ \ ARCHITECTURAL SERVICE \ b>r Ik thrill of oroatlvo work ^y\\ \ --,1a titular rwr tmn home. <4^ \ 1 Wade worth MlaUiiu • tuff I" . u t •* rtflturti architect! to \ mL —4 "* hot* you adapt oao •/ th* I f .__ J ••■■••tog !<•« <• rwr 1 My**1* . aoogo — o/ to dot ion a \ _ *,d!W’r* J/t oootplotoly different etyle \ JS* T H, JU *>""»• that will awt 1 Pi roqulrertmt o»- poor Mm aag M«*oo< I <or **" "*?-• Uoao. Their tervieea I ,a* loor- The* *. are available to pow 1 5ff and °°!l —at ao eoti when. I *° build®** yoo buy your homo, ^urcom^.itr. _ oce Ijowi Jjtcat 'Emm !ine vraaswortn Homes Builder _ xou* »UUDf# in W community will be glad fO* '' • ^°„hvlp you plan your home. ♦ y C*ll him now. HALES & BOWKER O’NEILL & NELIGH O’Neill Phone; 52_ Neligh Phone; 457