The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 05, 1952, Page 5, Image 5
Wyoming Guests Are Entertained — Mrs. J. A. Devine and daugh ,er, Jane, of Cheyenne, Wyo., and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ankney and son, of Cody, Wyo., who had spent the weekend in O’Neill vis iting friends and relatives, left on Tuesday for their homes in Wyo ming. While in O’Neill they were en tertained at different family gath erings. Sunday morning Mrs. F. J. Biglin and Mrs. C. E. Stout en tertained at a breakfast at the M&M cafe. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Froelich, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froelich and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Birmingham gave a steak fry Sunday evening in their honor at the Froelich home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campbell en tertained Monday evening at a 7 o’clock dinner at the M&M cafe. Talking Books for the Blind— Since 1931 the library of con gress has been supplying “Books for the Blind” to those afflicted. Now they are available through the Nebraska public library com mission in Lincoln. To make application for the record players address: W. C. Mc Millan, Supt., Nebraska School for the Blind, Nebraska City. The players are sent free and may be kept as long as used. For a list of “books” a catalog may be consulted at the Grattan public li brary. Those services are free to the users. Library hours: Wed nesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 2 to 5:30 p.m. and Wed nesday and Thursday evenings, 7 to 9 p.m. —————— • Delegates to Convention at Miami, Fla.— Dr. and Mrs. H- D. Gilder sleeve were elected as delegates from the Nebraska Optometric association and auxiliary to the American Optometric association convention to be held June 8, 9, 10 and 11, at Miami, Fla. They had attended the Nebraska Op tometric association convention in Scottsbluff May 26, 27 and 28. Mrs. Gildersleeve was elected second vice-president of the aux iliary. The Gildersleeves are leaving by auto today (Thursday) for Miami. Return From Southern Trip — Mr. and Mrs. Elden Butterfield and children, Miss Ellen, LeRoy, Merna Fae and Verna Mae, re turned last Thursday, May 29, from a 2,000 mile trip. They left Tuesday, May 20, for Lincoln, where they visited rela tives. Then they went to Mon ette, Mo., where they were the fuests of friends, Mr. and Mrs. red Carey and family. The Careys acompanied them on a trip through the Ozarks, and parts of Oklahoma and Arkansas. Miss Leora Weyhrich, Bride-Elect, Feted — Mrs. Roland Weyhrich enter tained Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Emil Weyhrich, in honor of Miss Leora Weyhrich, who will be (married Sunday, June 15, to Pat Gallup. The bride received many gifts. Refreshments consisting of ice cream, cake and coffee were served. Bowden-McKenney Rites June 16 — Mrs. Audrey Bowden an nounces the approaching mar riage of her daughter, Miss Helen, to Frank McKenney, son of Mrs. Clifford Harding. The marriage will be solemnized at 9 o’clock, June 16, at St. Patrick’s Catho lic church, O’Neill. Bridge Club Meets — The Bridge club met Tuesday evening, June 3, at the home of Mrs. Palmer Skulborstad. Mrs. Amie Dorening was the high score winner. Mrs. A. W._Carroll received low. Amateur Contest — A tricounty arfiateur contest finals will be held at the O Neill public school auditorium on Fri day, June 6, sponsored by the Lions club. Moffett - Johnson Huptials Read — LYNCH—Ardith Moffett, the youngest daughter of Mr. and . Mrs Wallace Moffett, of Lynch, and Donald Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson 'Johnson, of Monowi, were married at the First Methodist church in Lynch Sunday, June 1. Rev. Charles Mitchell, officiated. Mrs Johnson is a graduate of the Lynch high school and at tended Wayne State Teachers college She has taught for sev eral years. Her husband is also a graduate of Lynch high and is •now manager of the Lynch the ater They will make their home in Lynch after a short wedding trip. Wed in Verdigre — Edward Vlcan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vlcan, of Monowi, and Elsie D. Vakoc, daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. J. Vakoc, of Verdi gre, were married at the St Wen ceslaus Catholic church of Ver digre, Wedensday, June 4. Rev. Charles Oborny officiated. _ I '■ .. Mr. anl Mrs. H. E. Godek, of Omaha, arived Thursday. May 29. and spent the weekend in O Neill visiting relatives. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Godek and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Baelman went fish ing at Lake Andes, S.D. The Past Noble Grands club, of Eden Rebekah lodge, will sponsor a food sale at Ralya s store, Saturday, June 7, at 2 p.m 5c35 O'NEILL LOCALS Memorial day dinner guests at the Fred Carey home were Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Carey and family, of York; Mrs. Robert Young and family, of Wood Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilkenson. Mr. and Mrs. L- J. Brau, of Omaha, came Thursday, May 29, to spend memorial weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jay DeGroff. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wade, of Santa Monica, Calif., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Glea Wade. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wallace spent Friday and Saturday, May 30 and 31, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Connors in Sidney. Mrs. Connors, their daughter, and her two children, Eddie and Mike, returned with them for a week’s vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Psotta, son, Pvt. Charles Psotta, of Maryland, who is spending a 10-day leave with his parents, and daughter, Miss Shirley Mae, of Pilger, were Saturday evening, May 31, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bazeiman. Mr. and Mrs. John Shipman, of Minneapolis, Minn., arrived Fri day and spent the weekend with Mrs. Shipman’s mother, Mrs. De lia Ernst and Mrs. Mary Vitt. Fri day evening, Mr. and Mrs. Ship man, accompanied by Mrs. Ernst and Mrs. Vitt, drove to Amelia where they visited relatives and friends. Memorial day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Allen were Mrs. Allen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Farran, of Meadow Grove. The two fam ilies took a picnic lunch and went fishing on the Niobrara river. (Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schenzel spent memorial day in Norfolk. Mrs. L. D. Putnam and son, Bil ly, and Jerry Wheeler visited in Spencer Sunday with Mrs. Put nam’s mother, Mrs, Ella Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Carroll, of El gin, were Sunday guests at the hotme of Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gross in Albion on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Putnam and son, Billy, spent one day last week in Dallas, S.D., with Mr. Putnam’s mother, Mrs. Mary Put nam, and his brother, Horace Putnam. Mrs. Nina Hayne, of Neligh, and Mr. and Mrs. William Ander son were Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Timm and Ronnie. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Timm and Ronnie spent Sunday in Nor folk visiting Mr. and Mrs. Louis Timm and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Timm. Miss Deanna Peterson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Karold Peter son, went to Lincoln, where she will spend a two weeks vacation with relatives and friends. Memorial day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Van Every were their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller and family, of Norfolk, and their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Van Every and daughter, Carolyn, of Grand Island. Supper guests included Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Van Every and son, of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Van Ev ery and Carolyn, of Grand Island, went to Stuart Friday evening, after spending the day with Mr. and Mrs. George Van Every. In Stuart they visited at the Andy Johnson home until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Rice and son, Steven George, of St. Joseph, Mo., and Mrs. Kenneth Hogan, of Marysville, Mo., spent the week end with their grandmother, Mrs. Amanda Pace, and Mrs. John Q Mr. and Mrs. E. IN. Flood and son, Francis, and Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Hansen spent Sunday in Norfolk with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wolfe. , , „ _ . . Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald, of Omaha, accompanied by Mrs Marie McDonald and Mrs. A1 Fritton, will drive to Washington, D.C., Saturday to spend two weeks with ^Jrs. ^^cDonald s daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Preston. Mrs. Bridget swansun a«« daughter, Ann, spent Monday in Grand Island visiting Mrs. Swan son’s brother, John Liddy, who is in the Veterans hospital. Romaine Saunders, 82, of Lin coln, former O’Neill newspaper man, spent memorial day in O - Neill. He spent a portion of the weekend with friends at Neligh. Mr Saunders is author of “Prai rieiand Talk,” a regular feature of The Frontier. Mrs. Marvin Krueger, of Schuyler, called on Mrs. George Janousek Monday. Mrs. Krueger is a schoolmate of Mrs. Janousek. She went on to Atkinson to vis it relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kelley, of Fairbury, were Saturday, May 31, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore and Mrs. Ray Eidenmiller. Mrs. Thomas Semlak, of Nor folk, visited Thursday and Fri day, May 30 and 31, with her fa ther, Thomas Enright, and sister, Miss Loretta Enright. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bullard and Tommy Wilkinson, of Ful ton, Mo., arirved in O’Neill on Friday, May 23, and were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Foree. They returned to their home Monday, May 26, accom panied by Mrs. Foree and daugh ter, Karen, who spent' a week with them and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilkinson. On Saturday, May 31, they were met in Kansas City, Mo., by Dale Foree. They returned to O’Neill Sunday. j fcivsrsid* 4-H Club — I The Riverside 4-H club met at the Matt Beha home on Sunday, May 25, for a regular session. Two members were absent. The main discussion topics were our picnic, which we plan to have at Long Pine on June 22; and some !of the members signed up for the new project, "Keep Well." After the meeting the song leader, Charlene Boyle, led the group in singing. Lunch was served. We have had ball games almost every Sunday afternoon. On Friday night we attended a dance at the Bernard Pongratz home. This was a benefit dance for the St. Anthony’s hospital. We will hold our next meeting on the way to Long Pine in the truck. — By Mary Ann Boyle, news reporter. Band to Play First Concert The O’Neill municipal band is scheduled to play its first concert of the summer season Saturday evening, June 7 at 8 p.m., at the bandstand. The program will include a good selection of marches by Sousa, King and Fillmore, acord ing to Charles B. Houser, director of the band. A variety of styles of music will be played to suit every taste. Following the wishes of Major Landis, “dean” of bands in the imidwest, each program will include a familiar twmn. Two rhythmic numbers planned are Malaguena and Si Trocadero. Renearsals are held Tuesday and Friday evenings at 7 p.m., in the sigh scnool band rootm. Per sonnel of the band includes adults and college students from the community as well as young peo ple from the concert bands of the O’Neill public school and St. Mary’s academy. Kouser urges all adults in the cofnmunity to take advantage of this opportunity to play with this irr.unicipal organization if they have had previous band playing experience. Dig your horn out of the attic, oil it up and come to the rehearsal for an evening of musi cal pleasure, Houser says. PAGE NEWS The household goods of Mrs. Howard Brumimet have arrived from California and she will soon be located in the Mrs. C. A. Townsend residence, west of the telephone office. Mrs. Brummet and two daughters have been staying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Holliday, since her husband, M/Sgt. Brummet, has been stationed on Puerto Rico. Miss Helen Wegman returned frami Tilden Wednesday, May 21, where she has been teaching the past 6% years to spend some time at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wegman. Miss Wegman will leave Friday for Billings, Mont., to visit friends and then go to Yellowstone park, where she has a contract for sum mer employment at Lake Lodge, A surprise farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. Lester Riege, who will move to O’Neill, was held at their home Sunday, May 25. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Held, Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Copes, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Reige and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray. The eve ning was spent playing pitch. Mrs. Lorenz Reige and Robert Gray were high score winners and Mrs. Robert Nissen and I. O. Wood held low. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Held, Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Lorenze Reige. A family get-to-gether was held at the Page park Sunday, May 25, with 63 honoring Asa Harvey, of Madera, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wright and son, of Glendale, Calif. Those attend ing were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wehenkle, Mrs. Jennie Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. John Harvey and sons, of Orchard; Mrs. Jim Has kins and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. David Milne and family, of Creighton; Mr. and Mrs. Bud Raff and family, of Battle Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Asa Cannon and Adeline, of Carleton; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bice and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thayne Taylor and fam ily, of Lewis, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Green and daughter, of Chalrribers; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harvey, of Brunswick; Mr. and Mrs. William Morseback and | Elaine, of Clearwater; Mr. and Mrs. Ed McDaniel and Marilyn, , Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bridges . and Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert ' Harvey, of Page; Asa Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wright and Eldon. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Har ding and grandsons and Mrs. Lois Hartman and daughter, of O’Neill, were also present to recall school days together. Larry Roach returned from Bonesteel, S.D., May 26, after a week’s vacation. His friend, Tom my Bruce, caffne with him to Page. rr*_ ST. JOHN'S NEWS Miss Margaret Theile and Mrs. James Thramer and children, of Little Rock, Ark., arrived on May 25, at the_home of their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Theile, and family. Louis Theile met them in Olmaha. On Tuesday LoutS Theile, Miss Margaret Theile and Mrs Thramer and chil dren were visitors at Pickstown, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Theile ac companied by Miss Margaret Theile and Mrs. James Thramer and children drove to Dodge on Thursday where they visited at the Clarence Boyers home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scheuth have had their small grand daughter, Della Mae Hoefer, of Elgin, for the past two weeks as their daughter, Mrs. Hoefer, has been ill. Mr. and Ms. Ferdie Hupp and and children and Mr. and Mrs. Walnofer and family,of Orchard, were Sunday, May 25, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thramer. If STOKELY’S CANNED APRICOT 4 =. ss I SALE 3 ~5? ISUNK1ST—Concentrated ORANGEADE „ 2 Cans 29c SARDINES.... 3 Cans 29c FROZEN STRAWBERRIES Can 33c APPLE JELLY...... li-Lb. Jar 39c STOKELY’S GRAPE JELY 2 Jars 39c CLOSE OUT SPECIAL CHASE CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES 39c Lb. Box CHASE and SANBORN COFFEE 79c Lb. _ VEIVEETA CHEESE 2-Lb. Box 89c BEE BRAND PEAS.2 Cans 25c KOOLADE.... 6 Pkgs. 25c SHEDD’S 2-Lb. Jar PEANUT BUTTER.69c SWIFT’S CLEANSER.... 3 Cans 25c FANCY PEARS.. 2 303 Cans 39c 1 GALLON FANCY ’ l 1 CHERRIES C I 89c Gallon f ronrH’Q FLOUR 10-Lb. Sack 79c KREMEL PESSEBT 4 ftgs, 25c if PORK 1 ICHORS U»4» 1 (NECK 2 Lbs. ( BOWES 35c I 1 All Meat Ring Lb. | 1 BOLOGNA 47c I m Meadow Gold Lb. g I Cottage Cheese.. 19c ( I BACON Lb! ( {SQUARES 13} _ ._4 | TABLE 2 Lbs. I 1 CABBAGE 15c 1 I SOLID CRISP 3 Bun. | | RADISHES 10c I I FRESH Lb! 1 I CUCUMBERS10c I BON-TON FLOUR 3.39 50-Lb. Sack STOKELY’S PINEAPPLE JUICE 3 46-0z. Cans $ 1 Plus 1 46-Oz. Can FREE STOKELY’S CATSUP 2 14-0z. Btls. 37c WOODBURY 1 SOAP - - 4-Bar Deal 29c I ^^P GALLON I PRUNES Gal. 59c i BLUE WHITE 1 BLUING 4-Pkg.Dtal 29c 1 ASSORTED f CANDY lb. Pkg. 19c i NEW OUTLAW C COFFEE Lb. 69c I ARMOUR 4 Cans 1 PORK and BEANS 39c 1