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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1952)
Ex-Sgt. Turner Gets Bronze Star Medal CHAMBERS — Ex-M/Sgt. Rob ert M. Turner, son of Mr and Mrs. William Turner, of Cham bers, has been awarded the bronze star medal for meritorious achievement in ground operation in Korea February 10 to Septem ber 28, 1951. Turner, a World War H veteran, was recalled to active duty as a reservist in October, 1950. He served as chief clerk of opera tions in regiment headquarters. 24th infantry division. He arrived home last December and now re sides in Grand Island where he is employed as an architect in the Frank McNett office. Other Chambers Newt Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spann drove to Bassett Friday to visit his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Spann, and to attend memorial day services. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McKay and Vickie drove to Atlantic, la., on Saturday and brought their daughter, Lynn, home. Lynn has spent the school year in Atlantic, staying with her sister and hus band. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cava naugh. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pruss, of O’Neill, spent memorial day with his sister, Mrs. Louise Crandall. Miss Theda Leahy, of Grand Island, and her sister, Mrs. Ray Kapusitka, and her daughter, Pa tricia, of Broken Bow, called at the Louis Nelson home on their way to O’Neill Thursday morning where they were going to attend commencement exercises at St. Mary’s. Their niece, Shirley Leahy, was valedictorian of the graduating class. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neilson and Mrs. Holloway visited in the Edith and Mable Kinney home near Elgin Sunday. Other guests were the Les Jenkins family and Mrs. Edna Carter. Robbie an Stevie Corcoran vis ited from Monday until Tues day evening in the Clarence Grimes home. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hubbard entertained the following guests to a “fish fry” Sunay evening: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Porter, Mrs. Eugene Porter and daughter, La donna and Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Eason, of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hubbard, and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik, Myron and Pamela, all of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell and Mrs. Charlotte Honeywell, of Chambers, attended the wedding rites of Mr. Honeywell’s niece at Neligh Sunday afternoon, June 1. Mrs. Floyd Anderson and son, of Lincoln, were visiting friends and relatives at Chambers on me morial day. Mrs. George Hodgeson and son, Donnie, of Chugwater, Wyo., spent several days last week with her father, Walt Richards. On Wednesday evening, May 28, a group of friends gathered at the Richadds home to surprise them. Rev. and Mrs. L. R. Hansberry returned Saturday from Grand Island, where they had been at tending the annual conference of the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wink and family drove to Neligh Thursday evening to attend the Neligh high school alumni banquet that eve ing and memorial day services on Friday. They visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hous ton, returning Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Whitaker visited friends and relatives at Pleasanton and Kearney, May 24 and 25. , rreaericK uenart was nere from Grand Island for the mem orial day weekend. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. L V. Cooper drove to Lake Andes, S.D., Friday and spent until Sunday fishing. Mrs. H. G. Edwards retuned on Tuesday from Waynesville, Mo., where she had accompanied her son and wife, Mr. ana Mrs. Del bert Edwards, and children. They visited the former’s grandson, Clyde Primus, wife and daughter. Primus is in the medical division of the army and stationed at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Leo T. Adams moved their furniture from At kinson to their property in Cham bers. They are assisting their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christianson, with some remodeling. They are undecided as to where they will locate. Miss Patricia Olson, of Nor folk, spent May 24 and 25 in the Vernon Elkins home. Mrs. Vernon Elkins and daugh ter and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright drove to Creighton Sun day to visit the latter’s daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taggart, and family. Pvt. Don Prill came Friday from Camp Roberts. Calif., to visit his wife and daughter at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gleed. He is enroute to a mew location in New Jersey. He 'Will be here a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards left Wednesday, Mav 28, for Park Rapids. Minn., to visit her par ents. Mr and Mrs. W. H Martin, and family and to attend gradua tion exercises for Zelda Martins. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pichler and mon, Larrv, of Grand Island, were in Chambers Friday for the me '•morial day services. Mr. and Mrs. Welsev Howe and •daughter and Mrs. Jake Howe, of '.l^eawont, and Mr. and Mrs. D. E Wardy, of Blair, spent memorial flav in the Henry Woods home and attended the memorial day services at Chambers. Mrs. Lela Corcoran and Mrs. E R. Carpenter spent Saturday, and Sunday in Sioux Citv. Mrs. Cor coran attended baccalaureate serv ices at Momingside college. Mrs. Carpenter visited her son-in-law and daughter. Mr and Mrs. Ben Medcalf, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ed wards, of Cushing, spent memor ial day with their mothers, Mrs. Edith McClenahan and Mrs. Valo Edwards. Ada DeHart, Joan Beed and Diane Hoffman left Sunday for Wayne to attend summer School at the state teachers college. Kay Eisenhauer went to Lin coln last week to attend Wesley an college during the summer. Gene Primus returned home Saturday from Waynesville, Mo., wher he had spent the school year making his home with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clyed Primus. He plans to return next fall. STUART NEWS Mrs. Joe Timmermans and children, of Sutton, came Fri day, May 30, and spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Edith Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dodd went to Lincoln Sunday, June 1, to spend the night with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Dodd. On Monday they went to Crete to see their son, Lowell, graduate from Doane college. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mulford went to Hastings to be present at the graduation of their son, William, from Hastings college on Monday, June 2. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Grace and family, of Council Bluffs, la, spent the memorial weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Shearer. Mrs. Grace is the former Helen Shearer. jonn rapxe came irom win ner, S.D., on Saturday, May 31, to visit with his sister, Mrs. Edith Atkinson. Mrs. Josephine Timmermans went to Brocksburg this week to spend the summer with the Tom Higgins family Miss Lorraine Coats came home last week from Knoxville, la., where she was music in structor in the public school. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coffman drove to Lincoln Sunday after noon, June 1, to be present when their son, Rex, graduated from state agriculture college on Mon day, June 2. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowles drove to Norfolk Sunday, June 1, and spent the night with Dr. and Mrs- T. Hamilton. On Monday they went to Lincoln to see their daughter, Nanette, graduate from Nebraska university. The Misses Barbara Moses, Faye Moses, Eileen Krysl and Lucille Mitchell went to Wayne on Sunday, June 1, where they will attend summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Seger entertained a group of 40 rela tives and friends at a birthday anniversary dinner in honor of their sons, Pfc. James Seger and Lowell Seger, Sunday, June 1. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Perry, of Fremont, spent memorial day here visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Seger, Geraldine and Bunny, of Grand Island, spent the weekend here visiting relatives. Pfc. and Mrs. James Seger drove to Elgin Saturday, May 31, to visit friends. Miss Ruby Rhodes returned to Lincoln Saturday, May 31, after visiting several days with Mrs. Henrietta Rhodes and other rela tives. mrs. name rox, Mrs. rneirna Wiggins and Mrs- Anna Hum phrey, of California, arrived at the Wilfred Seger home on Wed nesday, May 28. Mrs. Fox spent the past winter in California and will make an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Seger. Mrs. Humphrey will visit her daugh ter’s family, the Lester Stewarts, near Newport, and Mrs. Wiggins will visit at Bellevue before re turning to California. Miss^ Amelia Fox, of Sioux Falls, S.D., spent the weekend at the Wilfred Seger home. John Obermire and Bilie Ru ther, who have been attending school in Lihcoln, came home on Sunday, June 1, for the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Obermire left for a trip to Florida Thurs day, May 29. Miss Maude Johnston, of Val entine, spent Friday, May 30, with her sister, Mrs. F. P. Wil son Pfc- James Seger arrived from San Diego, Calif., on Thursday, May 29, for a 10-day furlough. His wife will accompany him back to camp today (Thursday) where he is attending sea school. Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson’s mother, Mrs. Fan nie Coats, of Sioux City, spent the weekend at their summer home on Spring creek. Miss Carol Johnson, of Valen tine, spent Monday and Tuesday, May 28 and 29, at the F P. Wil son home. Mr. and Mrs. Jameg, Nachtman and family spent manorial day at the Adolph Elis home at Ver del. Miss Velma Bolen accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. Tom Steinbach to Texas City, Tex., dn Saturday, May 31, where she will visit rel atives. Returns From Oregon — Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Van Buren, son, Donald, and daughters, Miss Wilma Van Buren and Mrs. Rob ert Jonas, and daughter, re turned Sunday from a three weeks vacation trip to Monmouth, Ore., where they visited Mr. Van Buren’s sister and brother-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Dalton, and other relatives at Sheridan, Wyo. On their retuipi trip they came by way of Yelfcwstone na tional park. Mis. Vince Engler and Mrs. El win Dyke, of South Sioux City, were Thursday afternoon, May 29, guests of Mrs. Fred Appleby. Entries for Golf Meet Coming In Entries are beginning to come in for participation in the 31st annual dad’s day open golf tour ney which will be held in O’Neill Saturday, Sunday, Monday, June 14, 15, 16. Tournament plans have been set up, and everything is in i readiness for the tee-of on Sun day, June 15, at 9 a.m. This was announced by A. P- Jaszkowiak, who is chairman of the O’Neill Country club tourney committee. Prizes and trophies are on dis play at the Carmel Corner.. This will also be the tradition al homecoming for former O’ j Neillites. Among those who have I expressed their intentions of en 5 tering the tourney are: Ed Camp bell, of Green Bay, Wise.; Gene McKenna, of Cleveland, 0.; Jim Golden, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; Lt. Tohn Lee Baker, of Las Vegas, Nev.; Frank O’Donnell, of Dallas, ! Tex ; John McCarthy, of Scotts bluff, and C. V. Sullivan, of Lin coln. Other entries, thougn not for i mer residents, are: F. G. Dale, Wayne State Teachers college | faculty member; A1 Blessing, of i Ord; Doug Dale, of Ord, who’ll be 1 title won a year ago; Kermit Mortenson, of Albion, the champ in 1949, will be on hand as us ual to compete. Jack Lough, Albion publisher who helps arrange the annual Albion meet, has indicated he will enter at O’Neill. "These men are all golfers of championship calibre,” Jaszkow iak said. Ten unnamed Ainsworth golf ers have signified intentions of competing. 11 Golfers Compete in Albion Tourney Eleven golfers from O’Neill en tered the Albion open golf tour ney which was held Sunday, June 1. They were Max Golden, Joe McCarville, jr., John McCarville, A. P. Jaszkowiak, Henry Lohaus, Jack Everitt, Palmer Skulbor stad, Lawrence Haynes, Marv Johnson, R. V. Lucas and A1 Carroll. Jack Everitt won the first flight. Henry Lohaus won the consolation honors in the first flight. There were 115 entries. The tourney was won by Cunning ham, of York- A1 Mongerson, of Albion, was second. Those in attendance at the tourney as spectators from O'* Neill were Mrs. Lawrence Ha&'rwjs, Mrs. A1 Carroll, Mrs. Marvin Johnson, Mrs. Palmer Skulborstad. Couch Whiffs 12 for Midgets — The O’Neill Midgets won over Stuart in a close game Sunday, June 1, at O'Neill. Couch pitched for O’Neill and allowed only two hits while striking out 12. Engler, of Stuart, allowed five hits and struck out three. LEGION ANNEXES The O’Neill Junior Legion base ball team defeated Bassett, 9-5, Sunday at O’Neill. O’Neill marked up six hits to Bassetts three. DELOIT NEWS Kennth Lee went to Johns town, Colo., after school was out. He became sick while there and on Friday he returned with Mrs. Scott Clow, who is visiting rel atives here. Shirley Bartak attended the wedding of a friend at Madison on Wednesday, June 4. Several from here attended the funeral of Cletus McDonald at Oakland on Saturday- He died following an auto accident on Sunday. He was a brother of Charles and Watson McDonald, of Deloit. Mrs. Huffman and Cathy and Jimmy spent several days at the ranch last week. Joe Thoedel left Saturday for Boys, State at Lincoln from Ew ing. Marlene Reimer and Howard Temple attended the wedding of a friend at Pawnee City on Sun day. Mr and Mrs. Fred Stearns ac companied a shipment of cattle to Omaha the first of the week. Mrs. Louis Reimer, of O’Neill, and Mrs. Louis Reimer, jr., and son, oft Gertna, and Margare Reimer and friend, of Kansas City, Mo., called Saturday at the Henry Reimer and Fred and Glenn Harpster homes. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Rav and daughter, of Omaha, spent the week at Ralph Tomjack’s. Mrs. Maynard Stearns and daughter and Martha Kinney were Norfolk visitors on Wed nesday. The severe wind storm Thurs day did much damage to the corn and small grain. Elayne Reimer and Patty Squire came home from Kearney FHA school on Thursday. Farm bureau met at Schrunks Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harpster and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer and Elayne were Sunday dinner guests at the Remier home in Ewing. Elsie Clow, of Johnstown, Colo., was also a guest Mr- and Mrs. Joe Hupp and three young children, of Norfolk, went to Spencer Saturday where Mrs. Hupp and children will vis it relatives for a time. T ushla, Lindberg Earn Wayne Letters Bob Tushla, of Atkinson, was voted the most valuable fresh man on the Wayne Teachers col lege 1952 track and field squad, and was honored with a trophy presented by the W club. Among the 19 who were a warded letters at Wayne was Ted Lindberg, of O’Neill. Gildersleere Wins at Golf— Dr. H- D. Gildersleeve won the golf championship trophy in the first flight for members of the Nebraska Optometric association at the group’s convention held at Scottsbluff May 26, 27 and 28. The golf tournament was staged at Riverview Country club. Bassett Assumes Loop Leadership STANDINGS: W L Pet. Bassett. 2 0 1.000 Stuart___2 1 .667 Chambers_ 2 1 .667 O’NEILL -- I 1 .500 Ewing_1 2 .333 Bartlett ___0 3 .000 O'Neill 9, Chambers 0 Darrel Graham, O’Neill Rockets hurler, went the full route Sun day against the Chambers Town ers in a North-Central Nebraska baseball league game. He al lowed Chambers only three bin gles and whiffed eight. Gerald Grimes chucked for the losers. Boxscore: O'NEILL (9) AB H H Tielke, cf_5 1 1 Cork, ss-4 1 1 Culhane, 2b_._2 2 0 Luber, 2b_2 0 0 Gorgen, 3b _5 1 3 Appleby, lb . 5 0 1 Siefken, If __3 0 0 Godel, If . 1 0 0 Troshynski, c__2 1 0 Hamik, rf_3 1 0 Bright, rf _0 1 0 Graham, p_4 1 2 TOTALS_36 9 8 CHAMBERS (0) AB R H Harley, cf_4 0 2 Hilligas, ss _4 0 0 G. Oetter, c_3 0 0 Couch, l.b_4 0 1 Maldo, 2b_4 0 0 Grimes, p_4 0 0 Laimbert, 3b_4 0 0 Young, If_3 0 0 Knox, rf_2 0 0 TOTALS _32 0 3 Score by innings: O’NEILL_210 020 04x—9 Chambers_000 000 000 —0 Bassett 2. Stuart 1 BASSETT—The Bassett entry in the North-Central gained the top rung Sunday by romping over Stuart, 2-1, at Bassett. Ewing 7. Bartlett 1 BARTLETT—It was the third successive setback for Bartlett Sunday as league play rounded the third week. Ewing won, 7-1. Mrs. Wayne Bates and children, of Emmet, and Mrs. Maude Bates went to Battle Creek on Thurs day, May 29, where they visited the James Foreman family. Mrs. Dean Reed and Paula are spending two weeks in Hastings visiting relatives. Memorial day visitors at the Leo Schneider home were Mrs. A. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Summers and son, Jimmy, all of Neligh, Mrs. Lawrence Dozier and sons, Jimmie and Larry, of Elgin, and Mrs. Kenny Johnson and daughter, Connie Sue, of Fre mont. Miss Anna and Miss Margaret Joyce, of Omaha, arrived in O’ Neill Thursay, May 29, and spent memorial day and the weekend visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Arbuthnot went to (Neligh memorial day where they met Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Duffy, of Petersburg, for a visit. Ted Heiter, who has been working in Leadville, Colo., came last week and moved his family there to make their home. Mr. an Mrs. Gene Adamson and family went to Butte Sunday where they visited Mrs. Adam son’s mother, Mrs. Mae Brinker. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stewart and family, of Plainview, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Prescott and family, of Laurel and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hamilton and son, of Dixon, spent Sunday with Mr. Prescott’s mother, Mrs. Bertha Prescott, and Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Anderson. ■r ■ - INMAN NEWS Mr and Mrs. Clarence Berg strom, of Omaha, visited rela tives and friends over the week end. Mrs. James Coventry and Miss Faye Brunckhorst took Miss Jo an Coventry, Miss Barbara Brunckhorst and Larry Sawyer to Wayne on Sunday where the three young people are enrolled in the summer session of school at Wayne State Teachers college. Enroute to Wayne they visited Mrs. Kate Fuelberth at Osmond, grandmother of Faye and Barb ara Brunckhorst. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Johnson and children, of Omaha, came Sun day to visit Mrs. Johnson’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs- Charles Mors bach. Mr. Johnson returned Sun day evening but Mrs. Johnson and children remained for a longer visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and family, of Sioux City, were Sunday evening guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton and daughter, Vicki Sue, went to Ainsworth Friday and spent the memorial weekend visiting rela tives. Kicnara tiutton, or iNeugn, spent Sunday visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton. Mr. and Mrs- Roy Tjessem and daughters, Sjpndra and Nan cy, of Maywood, 111., came Fri day to visit Mrs. Tjessem’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark. Richard Krueger and Ronnie Coventry, who are employed in Wyoming, spent the weekend in the Elmer Krueger and Kenneth Coventry home. Dinner guests Friday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Mc Mahan were the following: Mr and Mrs. James Coventry and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coventry and sons and Mr. and Mrs. John Mattson. Merlin Luben spent the me morial weekend with his family. Mr- and Mrs. Dick Clark and family, of O’Neill, visited Mrs. Clark’s mother, Mrs. Violet Sholes, Friday afternoon. Mrs. Ira Watson and son, Sam, returned Thursday morning from Valentine where they spent a few days visiting in the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Slusher and sons. Miss Lynette Stevens, of Bat tle Creek, spent Friday evening in the Kenneth Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sholes and daughters, of O’Neill, spent Friday visiting Mrs. Helen Sholes. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder, of Norfolk, spent a few days last week visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs- Lew is Kopecky, jr., and son, Dickie. Mrs. C. C. Hackett and chil dren, of Wichita, Kans., came Monday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs- Charles Morsbach. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Meckel berry, of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. A1 Slade, of Biloxi, Miss., spent Monday evening in the James McMahan home. They were en route to Jamestown, N D., to at tend the funeral of their mother, Mrs. Hattie Lusk, add to inman Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kelley, of Fairbury, spent the weekend vis iting Mr. Kelley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C- Kelley, and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan left Tuesday for Jamestown, N. D., being called by the death of Mr. McMahan’s sister - in - law, Mrs. Hattie Lusk. Ralph Sholes, who is employed near Kimball with the telephone company, is spending a week’s vacation with his mother, Mrs. Violet Sholes Mrs. Violet Sholes and son, Ralph, spent Sunday and Mon day at Wakefield visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leonard and daughter, Barbara. Pvt. Gordon Sholes, of Ft. Ri ley, Kans., spent Friday visiting his mother, Mrs. Helen Sholes. LeRoy Moore, Harlan Mors bach and Don Lines, who are em ployed near Rapid City, S.D., spent the weekend in the Fred Moore, Dave Morsbach and Dana Lines homes, respectively Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stevens and son, Billy, of Rapid City, S.D., spent the memorial weekend vis iting relatives and friends. They were accompanied to Rapid City Monday by Miss Naomi Ross, who will spend a few days there. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crosser and son, Jerry, of Neligh, spent Sunday in Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore went to Gregory, S.D., Tuesday, May 27, where they visited relatives. Mr. Moore returned that evening but Mrs. Moore remained for a longer visit. Friday Mr. Moore, accompanied by Mrs. Mick Gal lagher and daughter, Janet, went to Gregory where they attended memorial services. Mr. and Mrs. Moore and granddaughter, Janet, returned Friday evening and Mrs- Gallagher remained for a visit with relatives. A youth institute was conduct ed from Tuesday to Thursday, May 27-29, at the RLDS church. Mr. and Mrs. John Darling, of Independence, Mo., were in charge of the services, assisted by Harold Reed, of Royal. Miss Imogene Davis, of Inman, returned home Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dodd, of Stuart, after a week’s vaca tion visiting relatives in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dodd, at Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Dodd, at Crete, and Mr. and Mrs. Leon DeLong, at Ne braska City. Miss Davis attended the horse shows in Omaha me morial day as the guest of the exhibitors, Mr. and Mrs. Leon DeLong and Nancy. She also at tended the Doane college com mencement exercises at Crete where her cousin, Lowell Dodd, was graduated. Alice Young Tells About Club Week By ALICE YOUNG Two carloads of people from Holt county left Sunday, May 25, about noon for an enjoyable time at club week. The group in cluded Caroline Skopec, Benton Mellor, and Mr. Kaup, of the Green Valley Blue Bird 4-H club; Alice Whaley, Melba Dobrovolny, and Alice Young, of the Up And AI It club; Robert Tams and Tom my Christon of the Happy Hol low 4-H club; Joellyn Backhaus of the 212 South Fork 4-H club, and Mrs. Helen Kreymborg, home extension agent. While there headquarters for the girls was the activities build ing on the agricultural college caimpus; the agriculture engi neering building for the boys. All 381 of us ate at the cafeteria there on the campus. We lined up n groups according to our ages and each one took his turn of eat ing and clearing away the table. On Monday we heard the speak ing contest. We had two con i’ * Jf testants from t Holt county, Joel lyn Backhaus and Gary Holcomb, both from 212 South Fork club. Even though Gary wasn’t old enough to attend club week, his folks brought him down for the event and he came out with a red. Joellyn received a blue rib bon. In the afternoon we toured the different buildings of the univer sity of agriculture campus. After supper we had a get-acqpainted party. On Tuesday we heard speeches. The senior choir from the Lincoln city schools, and a talk from two youths who had been abroad through the international farm youth exchange. They also show jed slides. In the afternoon we visited the police and fire departments. One of the highlights was watching he extension ladder truck in ac tion. The truck cost $35,000 and had a ladder that could be ex tended to 100 feet. From there we went to Memorial library and Morrill hall. There the group split and the boys went to the coliseum where they saw a wrestling match and went for a swim. The girls enjoyed a style show at a depart ment store. mat evening we au enjoyea a banquet at Cotner Terrace, spon sored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Wednesday we saw a demon stration given by two boys who had received a purple ribbon at the state fair. We also enjoyed some very cute skits put on by 4-H members. In the afternoon we toured the state capitol, the Plymouth Con gregational church, the city zoo and Antelope park where we had a picnic supper and dance at the Antelope dance pavilion. Thursday we went to Omaha. The first thing we did in Omaha was tour the packing plants. We assembled on the 10th floor of the Livestock exchange building and there we ate our dinner as guests of Omaha live stock interests. Then we went to north Omaha by rail and from there the boys visited Gate City steel mills and the girls enjoyed a style show. We inspected Joselyn memorial and heard a talk and saw slides on the recent flood. In the eve ning we were guests of the Oma ha Chamber of Commerce. Couniywide Picnic— There will be a countywide home extension club picnic today (Thursday)- The picnic will be held in Ford park in O’Neill. 4-H CAMP TO OPEN The 4-H club camp will be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 26, 27, 28, at Long Pine. The camp is open to all. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Prescott, of Stanton, were Sunday evening callers at the Marvin Anderson home. - .—i ■-—-—— - Very Sorry DUE TO LOW clouds and general wea ther conditions the 'Leaflets from the Sky” Memorial Day stunt had to be Ipostponed. Weather permitting, the leaf lets will be dropped about noon on . * - ' anil orr SATURDAY, JUNE 7th WATCH FOR THEM! •v ‘ A J PUBLIC SALE ] - ' t One-half block west of St- Anthony's Hospital site on— I, SATURDAY, JUNE 7 - 2 P.M. If _ ^jh-j !' HOUSEHOLD GOODS p 4-Piece Bedroom Suite 3- Piece Bedroom Suite 1—Day bed 1— 94 Bed with Springs P and Mattress 2— Metal Beds 4— Mattresses, 3 Innerspring 3— Bed Springs 1—5-Drawer Chest 1— Wardrobe Chest 2— Old Oak Chests Davenport and Chair 2— Desks; 7——Odd Tables 3— Rocking Chairs 1—Occasional Chair 6—Matched Dining Room Chairs and Buffet 6—Odd Chairs 1—Dollhouse 1—Medicine Chest Lamp Shades Bedding Small Rugs Curtains African Violets Dishes Baby Bed High Chair Vacuum Cleaner Book of Knowledge 1—Washing Machine Motor 1—Motor Driven Blower Used Building Material — 2 x 4 s; 2 x 6 s; Sheathing; Wainscot; Doors; Windows; Cement Blocks. TERMS: Cash LARRY JOHNSON, Owner COL. ED THORIN;” Auct. A