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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1952)
_ .vV r* . I liH» i ■ FOR SALE FOR SALE: Glass chick cater ers, only 5 cents at Leidy’s. 5c USED CAR B-A-R-G-A-l-N-S 1—1948 Frazer. 1—1949 Mercury Fordor. 1—1940 Ford 2-dr. “8.” NOW on display: 1952 Pontiacs— 2-dr. standard "6”; Pontiac 4 dr. “8”; 4-dr. hydramatic "8” deluxe; 4-dr. “6” deluxe. Wm. Krotter Co. of O’NEILL Phone 531j>c FOR SALE: Several w e 11 located building lots. — R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, phene 106. 22tf FOR SALE: 8 registered Angus bulls, 18 to 24 months.—Harry Ressel, O’Neill.40tf FOR SALE: Used gas stove, $15 at Leidy’s. 5c FOR SALE: Insurance oi all kinds. — See R. H. (‘‘Ray’’) Shriner, phone 106. 39tf STEP-SAVER shut offs in your hose line save half your steps. Only $1 at Leidy’s- 5c FOR SALE: Trough waterers on stand, only $3.50 at Leidy’s. 5c BUY YOUR MASSEY-HARRIS COMBINES NOW! WHILE they are available ... 10, 12, 14, 16-ft. self-propelled. . . 7-ft. pull type with or without motors. NEW JEEPS and 4-wheel drive Willys pickups in stock again. Good used 1948 eep, priced low. New Massey-Harris and Ferguson tractors and machin ery of all kinds. Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 5c FOR SALE: Used kerosene re frigerator, $25 at Leidy’s. 5c FOR SALE: I have 3 modem , residence properties for sale. Would you like to see them?— R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 50t! FOR SALE: Three horse power Sea-Bee, outboard motor, made by the Goodyear Tire it Rub ber Co., Inc. Used oae season, price $60.—H. V. Rosenkrans, Redbird, Nebr. 2-5c FOR SALE: Seven-room house in country to be moved, in pretty good condition.—R. H. (“Ray") Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. 5c Used Car Specials 1—1950 Comm. Studebaker club coupe. 1—1951 Kaiser 4-dr 1—1948 Mercury, fully equipped. 1—1950 Plymouth, new paint. 1—1948 Kaiser 4-dr. 1—1947 Frazer 4-dr. 1—1938 Buick 4-dr. THESE LATE model cars are all in A-l condition and guaran teed. Come in and see us. We are easy to trade with. SMITH MOTOR CO. PAUL SHIERK. Mgr. Phone 562 — O’Neill 5c FOR SALE ' WE STILL have 10-10-0 and 0-19 0 and will have a car of 21-0-0 this week. J. F. BRADY CO. Atkinson, Nebr. 51tf FOR SALE: Long yearling and 2-year-old Hereford bulls. — E. M. Jarman, Chambers. 51tf FOR SALE: About 900 bu. good, heavy oats, 1950 and 1951.—R. H. ("Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. 5c FOR SALE: Still have some real good yearling Hereford bulls.— —S. R. Robertson, phone 6F11, O’Neill. 4tf FOR SALE: 41% range cake, $104 per ton; mixed fertilizer, $47.95 per ton.—Corkle Hatch ery, O’Neill. 38tf FOR SALE: Servel kerosene re frigerators; 6-cu. ft., $5995; 8 cu. ft., late model, Aladdin burner, $169.95. — Jacobson’s, O’Neill, phone 415. 5c FOR SALE: 2-gal. waterers, only 75 cents at Leidy’s. • 5c F*OR SALE: Used electric refrig erators. Take your choice: Norge, Westmghouse, Philco, Frigidaire, Coronado, all price ranges, all carry our certified guarantee. Inquire for details. —Jacobson’s, O’Neill, phone 415- 5c Fir. D II Thaft K. H. Rents Wind fc Tornado. Truck 1 Liability GENERAL REAL ESTATE, LOANS. Automobile O'Neill —i— FOR SALE: Cottonwood lum ber.—James Sobotka, Inman. 5-7c95 FOR SALE: 2-ton spur gear hoist, at Leidy’s. 5c FOR SALE: One 1936 Ford truck hay sweep with hay buck- Ve ry good condition. Priced to sell. See it and you’ll buy it.— Galyen Motor Company, At kinson. 5c50 FOR SALE: 42 acres hay and pasture land, fenced and com plete set of buildings, at In man, Nebr.—Call 196, O’Neill, Nebr. Ic3530tf SEED FOR SALE Alfalfa - Brome - Clovers Milot - Sudan WE ALSO have early open pol linated corn, good germination. We have new blue grass strip pers for sale. BHC root worm spray.— Koinzan-Jochum Seed Co., Elgin. ltf FOR SALE: Table lamps, $495.— Midwest Fum. & Appl., West O’Neill, phone 346-J. 4c OPPORTUNITY TO BUY INVESTMENT BUILDING IN O’NEILL, Nebraska. Ideal business location. Telephone 113 or write: Ringer & Ringer, Realtors, Norfolk, Nebr. 4-5pl00 FOR SALE: Sour milk feeders, gallon, 50 cents at Leidy’s. 5c HOUSE FOR SALE: 24x30, sev en rooms, built 1922. Located on SE comer of SW’Wi sec 3 31-9.—H. V. Rosenkrans, Red bird. 2-5c FOR SALE: A 1949 model “C” tractor.—O. E. Bishop, Wisner, phone 5044. 2-5pll0 FOR SALE: 5-gallon Jamesway waterers, only $4.65 at Leidy’s. _ 5c FOR SALE: 8 vacant lots next to Catholic church in Atkin son. — Write Box P care of Frontier. 5-6p65 FOR SALE: A 4-room house and garage 14x16, also 30 ft. wind mill tower, 120 ft. 2” pipe with pump, cylinder and water rods. — Lloyd Gallagher, O’ Neill. 5p35 FOR SALE: 1930 model A Ford, 4-door; 1939 Chevrolet 2-dr.— Bernard L- Rickard, Chambers* 5-6p60 FOR SALE: Regis clarinet, practically new; also National pressure canner. — Mrs. Guy Cole, Emmet. 5-6c FOR SALE: Five used solid oak chairs, $12.50 (or $2.50 each).— Midwest Fum. & Appl., O’ Neill, phone 346-J. 5c GET AN End O Pest duster for bugs and fungi, filled with End O Pest, only 98 cents at Lei dy’s 5c FOR SALE: Floor lamps, $8 95.— Midwest Furniture & Appl., West O’Neill, phone 346-J. 4c FOR SALE: 8-ft Case one-way; 4-row International go-devil.— Kenneth Wettlaufer, Page, phone 16-F02. 4-5p60 FOR SALE: 6-inch feeders, only 50 cents at Leidy’s, O'Neill. 5c FOR SALE: Good used mahog any 5-pc. dinette, $39.50.—Mid west Furn. & Appl., West O’ Neill, phone 346-J. 5c MISCELLANEOUS WATCH and jewelry repairing, crystals and Ronson lighter re ’ pairs while you wait. — Clift Jewelry, O’Neill. 29tf L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. Service Phone 399, O’Neill FOR BRIGGS & STRATTON, Lawson and Clinton engines service and genuine parts call at Vic Halva's Electric Shop, O’Neill. 41 tf SEE ME for insurance—the most for your money!—Ed Thorin, O’Neill, phone 454-J, box 64(1 WE NEVER SLEEP , A PHONE CALL brings us on the run. Phone 404-W J. V. MOTOR Jim Atkinson - Vernon Strong Used Car Parts, Car Repairing Acetylene Welding North 7th O'Neill, Nebr. 9c80 SEE Ralph Simpson for your electric wiring. Formerly with Lester Electric. ltf SHRINER „, ££ e Tractor, Personal Pro party NSURANCE Llvaatoch FARM SERVICE. RENTALS Pbona lot Farm Piupaaty HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING FARM & COMMERCIAL American Kitchens White Water Heaters (Next door Asimus Motors) COMPLETE Auction Sales SERVICE! Advertising, auctioneering, clerk ing .. . let us take care of the details. Call or see ED THORIN. O’Neill or LEIGH & VERNE REYNOLDSON, O’Neill, Phone 2 Insurance of All Kinds LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKERS 18tf GIVE YOUR exposed roll films to Elwood Brady, Atkinson, for guaranteed 2-3 day out-of town processing. Kodak film, photographic supplies and cameras. 5tf MONUMENTS of lasting beauty, made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer.— Emmet Crabb, O’ Neill, phone 139-J. 37tf 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS’N O’Neill, Nebr. Lyle P. Dierks, Sec.-Treas. I AM BACK at my office again and if you would like to bor row some money on your farm or ranch or business building or residence. I have money to loan on such properties, and will be glad to figure with you on any loan.—Write to R. H. Parker. O’Neill. Nebr. 43tf EXPERT Body - Fender REPAIRING COMPLETE up - to - date shop, equipped and experienced for all makes of cars. Also paint ing, spot work, glasses install ed. Free estimates. 24 - hour wrecker service. WICH'S BODY SHOP 219 Douglas St. Phone 211-W HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf LET US GIVE you our low dol lar on installations of all kinds of flooring, wall tiling and carpeting.— Midwest Fum. & Appl., West O’Neill, phone 348-J. 2c WANTED WANTED: Blue grass seed. We buy in the rough or will do custom threshing. We also buy, sell and clean alfalfa and clo vers.—Koinzan - Jochum Seed Co., Elgin, phone 132J. 20tf WANTED: Young man to share garage apartment.—Box 414 or phone 427LW, O’Neill. 4-5p60 WANTED: Dragline work, sewer ditch-digging, basements, road raising.—E. J. Shane, Atkin son, phone 6762, or H&M Cafe, Atkinson. 50-9-30tf WANTED: Used 4-yd. gravel box tail gate dump; also hoisting cylinder. State price.—Claude Keller & Son, Newport. l-5c WANTED TO BUY: 2 baby coons to tame for pets. —Box 566, O’Neill- 5p35 WANTED: Blue grass seed. I will strip your blue grass seed for shares and buy your half.—See Roger Rosenkrans, Dorsey, Nebr. 4tf WANTED TO BUY: Bookcase with glass doors. — Box 414, O’Neill. 5-6p50 DIGGING WE DIG water and sewer ditch es, basements, cesspools, and build dams. Also do structural steel setting. Belville Draglines Valentine, Nebr. 4.9tf | J-V MOTOR. O'Neill, buys iron and metal. No. 7th St. 13etf FOR RENT FOR RENT: Unfurnished apart ment, 3 rooms, kitchenette, bath.—Hagensick Ladies Wear. 4tf FOR RENT: Upstairs apt. and ground floor furnished apt. — R. H. Shrincr, O’Neill, phone 106. 5c FOR RENT: A basement apart ment, furnished. Good loea tion. — Box 414 or phone 427LW, O’Neill- 4-5p6< FOR RENT: Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. __47tf FOR RENT: Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co. 47tf FOR RENT: New unfurnished modern apartment. — Gilles pie’s, phone 114. 37tf CARDS OF THANKS TO ALL THOSE who sent cards and letters and the neighbors who helped with the farm work and chores while I was in the hospital, we take this way of expressing our heart felt thanks. We shall never forget your kindness. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart. —5c50 WE WISH to thank everyone very much for the lovely cards, letters, and gifts we received during our stay in the hospital. They were certainly appre ciated.—'Mrs. Bernard Hoffman and Bruce. 5p50 WOULD YOU like to live where there’s always employment and good wages? If so, why not move to Sioux City. I have a 4 room furnished house, 2 lots, some out buildings. Has elec tricity, bu-pane gas 6tove, water, 3 blocks from good busi ness district, bus and school. All less than $3500.00. Might take house trailer as down payment, balance $25.00 per month. Also have large family home in city, best residential district, suit able for 2 families if desired. Price $17,750.00. For particulars write R. E. Thompson, Box 32, O’Neill. 5pl04 LOST LOST: Four head of cattle, in cluding reg. Hereford bull and 3 heifers—Ed Early, O’Neill. 5p40 LOST OR STOLEN: A green plaid jacket from a jeep pick up at the O’Neill sales bam. Return to Ed Thorin or to sale pavilion. No questions asked. 5-6p65 STRAYED: From old Wrede ranch 17 miles northeast of O’Neill 5 yearlings. — Notify Dick Tomlinson, O’Neill. _5-6p60 O'NEILL CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS May 1, 1952 Council met at regular session. Present: Mayor Davis; Council men Jones, Merriman, Johnson, Uhl, Golden. Meeting was called to order by the mayor. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Motion by Golden, seconded by Johnson that the following bills be allowed. • V-UN lilt LtCilNtrtAij if UJND J. E. Davis_100.00 Tony Asimus .._75.00 Norb. Uhl_100.00 M. J. Golden_100.00 Archie Bright_50.00 A1 Sipes__ 200.00 Walter Calkins_181.80 L. C. Anderson_ 302.60 Lloyd Brittell_150.00 O. D. French_20.00 Ed Campbell .. 185.00 Harold Strong .. 24.00 R. H. Shriner_65.00 J. B. Grady, Agent_ 9.25 Foree Tire & Suppy_1.50 O’Neill, Chamber of Com. 500.00 The Frontier .._ 46.53 Island Supply Co. _ 54.00 American Gear Co. _ 15.72 Consumers Public Power _ 477.34 The Frontier . 118.59 C. E. Jones 75.00 L. M. Merriman _ 75.00 Marvin Johnson _„„100.00 G. E. Miles 50.00 H. W. Tomlinson__ 50.00 J. F. Wert 181.80 Howard Newton _ 200.00 Bob Cook _ 192.90 Wm. Griffin ..._ 37.50 Col. Internal Revenue. 109.10 Dora Murphy 20.00 J. B. Ryan Hay Co. _ 18.26 H. J. Hammond __ 19.20 Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co._ 10.64 Andefson Fire Equip. Co. .. 3.75 O’Neill Fire Dept. _ 82.00 Shelhamer Oil & Equip. 7.40 School Dist. No. 7 7.50 Edw. T. Campbell J 49.28 Lohaus Motor Co. 208.72 Consumers Public Power .. 487.94 Earley Oil Co. __ 378.37 ON THE WATER FUND O. D. French 75.00 Mrs. Henry Martin _ 7.50 Clara Carroll 7.50 Mrs. D. C. Schaffer I_ 7.50 Mrs. C. Williams 7.50 Kathryn McCarthy _ 7.50 Stanley Soukup _ 7.50 Rose Minton . ~_ 7.50 Gertrude Streeter ^__ 7.50 Ludi Printing Co. '_ 24.51 Consumer Public Power 94.28 The Frontier 168.07 Ralph Scofield 181.80 Tess Protovinskv 7.50 Mrs. W. W. Waller I ... 7.50 Mrs. C. E. Yantzi 7.50 Mrs. M. F. Schelkopf __7.50 Eileen Greene 7.50 H. B. Burch 7.50 Josephine Clements _ 7.50 N. W. Bell Telephone Co. _ 7.95 Hunts Plumbing Service 5.25 Consumers Public Power 82.16 Earley Oil Co. 160.10 The vote on the above motion was as follows. All Aye. Mo tion carried 1 Motion by Golden, seconded by Uhl, the bonds of the following be approved and accepted: Mayor J. E. Davis; Councilmen L. M. Merriman, J. E. Stutz and Emmett Crabb; City Treasurer John C. Watson, and City Clerk, O. D. French. Motion carried. Motion was made that the coun cil adjourn to May 6, 1952 to the new council. J. E. DAVIS, O. D. FRENCH Mayor City Olerk Haystack Burns, Others Threatened AMELIA—This community was visited by quite a hard rain and electrical storm Monday, May 26. One of a group of haystacks be longing to Vern Sageser was struck by lightning. Ken Barthel used his caterpillar to push the burning stack from among the others. At the Levi Clemens home smoke, created by lightning short ing the refrigerator made con siderable excitement. No serious damages resulted. Other Amelia Newt Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gruenborg and daughters visited at the par ental William Fryrear home Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Darold Baker, of O’Neill, visited at the Arthur Hi att home Sunday afternoon. Pvt. Stanley Thompson left Sunday for Camp Stoneman, Calif., where he expects to be sent overseas. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Anderson are the possessors of a new refriger ator. Miss Raedee Wickham, of Val entine, spent the week visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce. Mr. and (Mrs. Orland Fryrear have moved to their home on the ranch formerly owned by John Allen. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Small, Bev erly and Gary returned home on Sunday from a visit with her sis ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Friedrich, at Alberquerque, N.M. They expected to leave Wednes day for their new home near Marysville, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees, Mrs. S. C. Barnett and Mrs. Julia White were Atkinson callers on Saturday. The ladies attended the iris show. Mr. and Mrs. George Atkinson and family, Miss Carol Burge and Calvin Coolidge returned home Monday evening from McPher son, Kans., where they attended graduation exercises in which Charles Atkinson was a member of the class. Melvin and Charles Atkinson plan to go to Wichita, Kerns., where they will be em ployed this summer. Miss Joan Adair, student nurse at Bryan Memorial hospital, Lin coln, visited her momer, Mrs. Gertie Adair, over the weekend and early part of the week. -a * _] m m TT ITU, auu iUiCJ, T V**i wubv^v*, Mr. and Mrs. Link Sageser, Mrs. Clyde WicLman and Marcia Ruth, went to Manhattan, Kans., last week to attend exercises at the college there in which. Floyd Sa feser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vern ageser, received his master’s degree in history. He also has re ceived his commission as second lieutenant in the air force and will be stationed at March air base, California. Gene Hansen went to Wichita Falls, Tex., Sunday taking his brother, John’s car to him there. Gene will ily back to Omaha and return the remainder of the way home by bus. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chapman, of Topeka, Kans., came to spend his birthday anniversary, which falls on memorial day, with his mother, Mrs. George Withers. Mr. Chapman has never missed spending that particular date with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ed White went to Greeley, Colo., Sunday to visit her brother, Harry Coolidge. Miss Ardene Andersen and Bert Newkirk, of Lincoln, spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mis. Ray Andersen. Miss INorma Andersen returned to Lin coln with them Sunday evening where she plans to find employ ment. Oscar Peterson went to Lincoln Saturday to bring his daughter, Maxine, home from school. She plans to go to the Black Hills again this summer where she will work. _ „ . Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Caulkins, of Monroe, la., spent from Thurs day until Monday visiting their aunt, Mrs. Emma Lindsey. Mr and Mrs. Ed White, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ragland and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coolidge attended memorial day services at Pamer. . Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Johnston accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Silas Johnston, of Atkinson, to Kol drege, to visit relatives and at tend memorial day services there. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Matthauser, of Burwell, visited their daugh ter, Mrs. Bob Rees, and family over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams and son, Donnie, attended a mail car riers* convention at Coiurnbus on Sunday. , ! Mr and Mrs. Cecil Brown and daughters, of Grand Lsland. and Mrs Audrey Carpenter, of Bur I well, visited their father, Charles i Sigman, on memorial day and at tended services at Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilson and son, Larry, of Hot Springs, S.D., and Mr. Wilson, of Valentina, were weekend guests at the Har lan Dierking home. Mr. and Mrs, W. A.Wilson will attend school at Ft. Collins, Colo., this summer, then return to Hot Springs this fall where they will teach again next term. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Doolitle and family spent the weekend visiting at the home of Mr. Doo little’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Doolittle, and other relatives. Their home is at Scottsbluff. Mrs. Julia White returned hotme Tuesday from a visit with her daughter at Rapid City, S.D., and Thursday Star Specials HERE THEY ARE! Each and everyone a real moneysaving bargain for Thursday shoppe rs in O’Neill. Tune in to the “Voice of The Frontier” each Wednes day morning at 9:45 for a preview of the next day’s STAR SPECIALS. Watch The Frontier each week for the page of Thursday Only STAR SPECIALS I I 500 Feeder Pigs Expected • About 500 head of feeder pigs are expected today (Thursday) at the regular weekly sale. Market was weak Monday at the terminals but was stronger Tuesday and Wednesday. Last week our hog prices were on a par with the terminals. • Cattle receipts will number around 300. including quite a few yearling steers and heifers of nice quality received at the yards earlier in the week. There 'will be the usual butcher stock. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET PHONE 2 — O'NEILL MIDWEST FURN. & APPLIANCE Phone 346-J West O’Neill Thursday Star Special • Regularly 59.95 ROOS CEDAR CHEST • Large Size • Level-Lift Tray • In All Styles and Finishes Thursday Only.39.50 f---1 JAMES DAVIDSON & SONS - - * ■* 1 #' •*** ? f Your GE Dealer Phone 264 Thursday Star Special General Electric Refrigerator CLEARANCE SALE * WE MUST make room on our display floor for new ship ments. You can buy the famous GE electric refrigerat ors in 6- and 8-cubic ft. sixes, standard and deluxe models at - • • t U > Uf v. • > . i « * Below Cost Price For example, an 8-cu. ft. deluxe refrigerator and food freez er combination regularly $439.95, has been reduced to $299.95. _ _ .%m Phone 415 ★ Stores in O'Neill ‘ and Norfolk THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL ij \ '-<• i Ideal for June Brides! New SUNBEAM IRONMASTER— Thumb-tip heat control dial, air-cooled handle, large ironing surface. Regular Value_._ 14.95 All-Metal IRONING BOARD— Automatic action, rigid, solid, substantial, folds compactly. Regular Value_ 9.95 t _ Total Value _ 24.90 Combination Offer Thursday Only.SI 8.90 (You Save $6.00)