FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS ENBODY—Mr .and Mrs. Frank Enbody, of Atkinson, a son, weighing 10 pounds 1 Vz ounces, born Tuesday, May 6, at Atkin son Memorial hospital. LOWERY—Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Lowery, of O’Neill, a daugh ter, Marilyn Kay, born Tuesday, May 9, at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. Mrs. Lowery is the former Mary Miles. McCART—Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCart, of O’Neill, a daughter, Sharlene Marie, weighing 9 pounds 13 ounces, bom Saturday, May 10, at the O’Neill hospital. WALLACE—Dr. and Mrs. Ste phen Wallace, of Omaha, a daughter, Ann, weighing 6 pounds 4 ounces, born on Thurs day, May 1. Doctor Wallace is a son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wal lace, of O’Neill. HAVRANEK— Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Havranek, of Lynch, a son, weighing 9!4 pounds, born Wednesday, May 7, at the Saercd Heart hospital, Lynch. Mrs. Hav ranek is the former Miss Arlene Haselhorst. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Havranek, of Lynch, and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Haselhorst, of Bristow. The great-grandmothers are Mrs. J. Havranek, sr., of Spencer, and Mrs. Josephine Bessmer, of Os mond. WILSON — Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson, of Los Angeles, Calif., a son, born April 20. The father is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wil son, of Redbird. WILSON—Mr. and Mrs. Alford Wilson, of Los Angeles, Calif., a son, born Saturday, May 3, Pa ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson, of Redbird. Fix Date for Flower Show — CHAMBERS — The Chambers Garden club imet Wednesday, May 7, with Wanda Lenz, Luetta Dankert, 17 members and six children being present. The presi dent reported on the district meeting held at Atkinson May 6, when Tillie Walers was elected district director. She also report ed that she attended he Beautiful Valley club meeting the evening before and that they preferred the second week in August for the flower show. Wednesday, Au gust 13 was chosen for the day. The place and other details are to be settled bv a committee com posed of members of both clubs. It was also decided to entertain the INorfolk and Winner clubs at the same time, Mable Robertson’s lawn to be gathering place, this affair to occur the second week m July, the exact date to be de termined later. A joint picnic with the two Chambers Garden clubs will be held July 1. It was voted to sponsor Junior Garden club work through the schools. Alma Reirks and Pearl Neilson gave the lesson on “Ground Covering,” defining the terms and listing a number of good ground coverings obtainable from seed companies. Family Gathering— Mr. and Mrs. John Hall had as their Sunday guests all of their family except one son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hall, and family, of Estherville, la. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Hall and family, of Am elia; Mr. and Mrs. Jess Dobrovol nv, of Atkinson: Rev and Mrs. Wayne Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dobrovolny and fam ily, all of O’Neill. TOO LATE TO CIJVSSIFY FOR SALE: 3-piece used bath room set in excellent condi tion, $75. — Hunt’s Plumbing, phone 399, O’Neill. 2c FOR SALE: 1950 %-ton GMC pickup, excellent condition, re movable cover on bed, low mileage, 6-ply tires. — Foree Tire & Supply, phone 480LW, O’Neill. (First pub. May 15, 1952) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 3825 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, May 14th, 1952 in the matter of the Estate of Harriet E. Wetmore, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims a gainst said estate is September 5th, 1952, and for the payment of debts is May 14th, 1953 and that on June 5th, 1952, and on September 6th, 1952 at 10 o’clock A.M., each day I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections dulv filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 2-4c ■■ ..—. ....-- ■ ■ DANCE j j Stuart Auditorium Thursday, May 22 PRESENTING Bob Krcil’s ; Jolly Copper Smiths Sponsored By * KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS • i . i © . G 0 ^ O G © © O O 7 SICK & INJURED O’NEILL—Mrs. Sam Barnard, 94, mother of Mrs. C, E. Yant zie, was removed to Clarkson hos pital, Omaha, Wednesday by am bulance. She suffered a broken hip. Her husbano broke his hip a vear ago. . Mrs. Engene Van Ev ery, Mrs. Deraid Graham, Mrs. Fred Lowery and Mrs. Fritz Yantzie w'ent to Norfolk to visit with Mrs. Robert Lowery and baby daughter at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson and Oliver Hill made a trip to Lynch and Spen -n- on Tuesday, Mr s Tomlinson consulted a doctor in Lynch. In spencer they visited relatives. . . Donald Van Buren left Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Nor folk, on Thursday, May 8. . . Mrs. Dora Doyle and Mrs. Jake Pribil are both “doing well” in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. . . Mrs. Robert Lowery and baby girl and Bonnie Terry are “doing well.” in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. . . . Jenine Jones and Mrs. Earl Bauld left Our Lady of Lourdes hospital on Tuesday, May 13. AMELIA—Gale Bly, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Bly, was a patient in the Tilden hospital recently. He is “much improv ed." . . . Raymond Blv was called to Custer, S.D., Friday night, May 2, by the serious illness of j his father, Louis Bly. . . Richard [ Kaiser was a patient in the Bur well hospital. lie suffered a light stroke Tuesday night, April 29. He is “improved.” . . . Billie Sammons went to Grand Island Tuesday, April 29, to meet his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sam mons, who were returning home from Omaha when1 Mr. Sam mons had been receiving medical care. . , Miss Nancy Watson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Watson, was able to return home Sunday, May 4, after being in the Atkinson hospital for several days. . . Mrs. Oscar Peterson re turned home Sunday, May 4, from Our Lady of Lourdes hos pital, Norfolk. . , Mrs. Harold Waldo has been a patient in the Methodist hospital, Omaha. . . Miss Doretta Butterfield, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Dale Butterfield, underwent a tonsil lectomy at the Tilden hospital on Friday, May 2. EMMET — William Grothe is recovering from his illness but is still under a doctor’s care. . . . Word was received by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kloppenborg that their daughter, Mrs. George Pier son, having recovered rrom an accident in January when she was struck by a truck, is now in the Santa Margueria hospital in California with yellow jaun dice. Her home address is box 42, star route, Orange, Calif. . , . Mr. and Mrs. Grant Peacock spent Thursday and Friday in Lincoln where they entered their son, Carroll, in the orthopedic 1 hospital. He will receive skin grafting on his hands which were burned some time ago. He will be there for several weeks. . . . Henry Kloppenborg has been in bed the past week because of rheumatism in his back. LYNCH—Mrs. C. L. Haselhorst is improving at the Sacred Heart hospital. . . Walter Wesche un derwent surgery at the Sacred Heart hospital Saturday after noon. . . Jerry Kaplan, of Verdel, was brought to the Sacred Heart hospital Friday with a hip frac ture suffered in a fall from his hayrack. . Dr. L. S. Campbell, a bone specialist, of Omaha, was called to the Sacred Heart hospi tal, Lynch for emergency surgery . . Mrs. L. I Hines, of Spencer, was brought to the Sacred Heart hospital Saturday. She is improv ing. ATKINSON—Mrs. John War ner is ill in Omaha. She and Mr. Warner have an apartment near the hospital where she is under a doctor’s care. Those who went to see her Sunday were her two sons, Freddy and Wilbur Warner; her sister, Mrs. Charles Tasler, and son, Charles, Mrs. Ralph Res and Mrs. Mae Hanel, all of Atkinson. . . Joe Roche has been "quite ill” at his home. EWING*—Mrs. Ceceha Rickard, of Rockford, Wash., is near her father, R. B. Crellin, whose con dition is "critical” in the Veter erans hospital, Grand Island. . . John Wunner returned from Ro chester, Minn., on Thursday where he had gone to get Mrs. R. J. Drewlou, of Stanton, who had undergone surgery a few weeks ago at the Mayo hospital. She is a sister of Mrs. Wunner. INMAN—Mrs. Kathryn Abben haus, of Portland, Ore., left Sat urday for Norfolk where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Mary Al brecht, who is "quite ill.” PAGE—Mrs. Myrtle Coon went to Orchard Friday, May 21, for a medical checkup and spent the day visiting at the homes of sev eral relatives. CLEARWATER—Mrs. Sylves ter Venteicher and baby girl left Our Lady of Lourdes hospi tal, Norfolk, on Tuesday, May 13. VENUS—Zimmary Butterfield is in ‘“satisfactory” condition at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital, Norfolk. CHAMBERS— Nadine Sexton had her tonsils removed at a hos pital in Norfolk Thursday, May 8. Mr. and Mrs. C R. Kill drove to Grand Island Sunday where they met Mr. Hill’s mother, Mrs. C, W Hill and his brother, Ralph Kill, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bors man and Mrs. Harry Thomas, of Hebron. They enjoyed a picnic dinner together. P. B. Harty, 62, Dies Suddenly (Continued from page 1.) J. Harty, of Skokie, 111.; Michael j Harty, of Colome, S.D.; Patrick i London, sr., and Mr. and Mrs. i Patrick London, jr., and Mr. and ; Mrs. John London, of Colome, S. | D. ; Mrs. Daniel Greek and Jo seph Harty, both of Winner, S.D.; James Harty, of Scottsbluff; Jack : Harty, of Evanston, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kocina, of Creighton; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cronin, of Grand Island; Miss Geraldine Cronin, of Los Angeles, Calif. Among the out-of-town friends were: John and Dr. Joseph Gillespie, Edward Pringer, Harold Shoe maker, Harry Johnson, all of Norfolk; J. G. Brewster, of Stu- | art; James Merriman, Paul Mul len, Jeremiah Murphy, Francis Frost, Henry Heulskamp, Bill Holthouse, Allan Martin, John Wachter, all Creighton universi ty students; Mrs. P. J. O’Donnell, Sister M. Eugene, Rev. Gerald Kelly and Pvt. Edward Hynes, all of Sioux City; Fred Pedersen, of Council Bluffs, la. HOSPITAL NOTES O'NEILL HOSPITAL Admissions: May 7—Mrs. Owen Parks, of Page, medical, condition good. 8—Ed Gallagher, of In man, medical, condition good. 10 —Mrs. Fred McCart, of O’Neill. 12—Elsie Peter, of O’Neill, ton sillectomy, condition good. Still in hospital: Baby Pamela Belzer, of O’Neill, condition good; E. J. Porter, of Chambers, medi cal, condition good. Dismissals: 9—Mrs. John Lam ason, of Page; Mrs. Dale Perry, of O’Neill. 10—Mrs. Owen Parks, of Page. 11—Ed Gallagher, of Inman; Mrs. Joe Gokie and daughter, of O’Neill. 14—Elsie Peter, of O’ Neill. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admissions: May 6—Mrs. Frank Enbody, of Atkinson, obstetrical. 7 — Jim Murphy, of Atkinson, medical. 10 — Mrs. Clara Mae Woodruff, of Atkinson, medical; Mrs. Roy Forbes, of Atkinson, medical. 12—Master Bobby Tun ender, of Atkinson, surgical. Hospitalized: Mrs. Josephine Urbanski, Joe Heeb. Dismissals: May 6—Mrs. Max Hamik and son, of Atkinson. 9— Mrs. Clem Cleary, of Atkinson. 10—Mrs. Frank Enbody and son, of Atkinson. 12—Mrs. Roy Forbes, of Atkinson. STUART COMMUNITY Admissions: May 9—Mrs. Mary Wallinger, of Stuart; 13 — Mrs. Max Karo, of Stuart. Dismissals: May 9—Mrs. Eu gene Poessnecker, of Atkinson; Mrs. Victor Snyder and baby girl; Mrs Mary Wallinger, of Stuart. 10—Mrs. Thomas King and baby girl, of Stuart; Mrs. Dorothy Pueppke of Newport. Eagle Thin-CIads 2d in Regional Meet O’Neill high school finished second in class B in the regional track meet at Ord Friday, May 9. The Eagles collected 27 Ms points, finishing behind the tal ent-studded Broken Bow team, which amassed 8814. Other en tries were Ord, Fullerton, Bur well, Valentine, Ainsworth and Loup City. Eagles who placed in the track events were: George Kilcoin, tied with Murphy, of Valentine, for fifth in the 44'0-yard dash. In first place was Gaukel, of Bur well, time: 55.4. Warren Seger placed second in the 880-yard run. In first place was Spencer, of Broken Bow, time: 2:06.8. Bob Carroll won the mile run, time: 5:01.1. Bob Eby ranked fourth in the 120-yard high hurdles. In first place was Hamel, of Fullerton, time: 16.7. The Eagle relay team won second in the mile relay. In first was Valentine, time: 3:44.3. Those who placed in the field events were: Don Godel, tied for fourth place with Wolfe, of Ord, in the pole vault. In first place was Croseley, of Ord, height 10’ 4”. Bruce McElhaney tied with Cartwright, of Broken Bow, in the high jump. In first place was H o p w o o d, of Fullerton, height: 5’ 6”. Don Godel won the broad jump. Distance: 17’ llVi". Duane Booth finished fifth in the 12-pound shotput. In first was Coleman, of Broken Bow, distance: 136’ 5”. Ronnie Bazelman was fifth in the discus throw. First place was ! won by Francis, of Broken Bow, ! distance: 316’ 5”. * Learn Details of 'Cowboy Vacation' — CHAMBERS— Happy Home makers club met at Mrs. Gordon Harley’s Tuesday, May 13, with Mrs. Bernard Hoffman, cohostess. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Hoffman with 12 members present. We welcomed a new member, Mrs. Stanley Lambert. The recreation leader led us in an interesting questions and an swers game and the reading lead er told on the Atkinson project of giving a small boy from Michi gfan a “cowboy vacation.” The committee responsible for making the “safety blooms” poster which was displayed in the drug store window were congratulated for their work. Reports on families we could help were given and this will be considered further at the next meeting. Committee re ports were given for our special meeting in June. ^k ' « of SHELHAMER FOOfib Grocery Phone 56 O’NEILL Produce Phone 173 ff Just as good fun and relaxation are a part of good living, so is good living a part of our community. Small wonder then that our market has become a popular shopping place for thrift-minded, good-living neighbors. You’ll find the nationally known brands that add so much to good living featured during our “Don McNeill Week”—and while you’re planning your shopping list, relax and listen to what Don is saying about these products Monday thru Friday over the full ABC Network. PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS.. FRI.. SAT. | PREMIUM CHICKENS “Some Chickenl” ^ 55c f , , . hh SWIFT NlNG Swift’s Premium Sliced Bacon smoke taste” “99 different baked treats from I . one 'Make-Your-Own Mix'!1* Swift’s Brookfield Pork Sausage 3-Lb. Can “the Sausage with the just right seasoning!" Swift’s Premium Franks "tender beef, juicy pork!" ^01 I Wicklow Sliced Bacon, Lb w # % A "NATIONS IY KNOWN % BRANDS ARE MY SHOPPING * GUIDE” —says Pafsy Lee BLUE SEAL Hear Don McNeill | PREM oleo BREAKFAST CLUB I ® lllil 11 mm ji Every Morning "the one with tender 5 . 89 C GOLDEN VALLEY TOMATOES 2 No. t\ Cans... 49c fiew y%uit& & 'l/eqefaMet j GRAPEFRUIT 10 for 45c 1 GREEN ONIONS 3 for 23c \ RADISHES 3 Bun IQc | GOLDEN VALLEY GOLDEN VALLEY \ SLICED TOMATO ' PEACHES JUICE \ 4 NO-2* OQr o 46 °z- \ V CANS UWl im CANS _ JJ 11 52 OUR FAMILY OUR FAMILY 5 PEAS CATSUP ‘ 3cH:;°349c_2 r 35c - - -— ' m ■ GROCERY DEPT. Golden Valley Orange 2 46-Oz. Cans JUICE.53c Curtiss 2 10-Oz. Pkgs. ; Marshmallows... 33c Our Family 4 No. 2 Cans PORK-BEANS. .. 49c - Our Family 2 2-Lb. Jars GRAPEJAM.81c Our Family 3 No. 2 Vi cans Fruit Cocktail $1.00 G. N. Navy 5-Lb. Cello BEANS.59c Our Family—Red Tall Can SALMON . 89c FAB. L?e. Pksv.. 97c Golden Valley 3 No. 2Vi Cans PPARS.Me