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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1952)
AID RAY KURTZ. WIFE . . . T) of good neighbors who moved in on the Ray Kurtz farm, north of O’Neill, to aid Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz with a backlog of work. The group in cluded: Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sterns. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Claussen, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Margritz, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ott, Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Hull, Stanley Benson, Earl McClanahan, Marian Woidneck, Walter Sire, Dave Moler, John Jay Donlin, John Grutsch, Francis Rhode, Dan Snyder, Mrs. Robert Larson, Mrs. Charles Cooper and Mrs. Dan Snyder. The latter three are daughters of the Kurtzes. Mrs. Froelicfc Heads Friends of St. Mary's— At the last business meeting of the Friends of St. Mary’s the fol lowing were elected: Mrs. W. J. Froelich, president; Mrs. J. J. Berigan, vice-president; Mrs. Charles Yarnall, secretary; Mrs. T. A. Green, treasurer. Mrs. L. D. Putnam is the re tiring president. A motion to place additional new equipment on the play ground was passed. This equip ment has been installed. A musical program was pre sented. William J. Froelich, jr., sang “Danny Boy” and “Ole Man River.” Miss Mary Ellen Steele and Mr. Froelich sang “Only Make Believe.” Bernard Mohr gave a piano recital. Nyla Jaszkowiak and Jane Petersen presented a tap dance. 'Lights of World Have Gone Out'— The baccalaureate services for •43 O’Neill high school seniors were held in the O’Neill public school auditorium Sunday, May 11, at 8 p.m. Rev. Samuel Lee delivered the sermon, based on II Chronicles 29, 1-11. His theme was “Lights in a Darkened World.” Reverend i_,ee brought out that as the lights on the altar of the Israelite temple had gone out, so today the lights of the world have gone out. He said that it is up to the young people to relight the lights. But in order to do this, they must have the Light Who is Christ. Family Gathering at Van Every Home — Mr. and Mrs. George Van Ev ery entertained at a family din ner on Sunday. All of their sons and daughters and their families were present. They include: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller and family, of Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Van Every and daughter, of Grand Island; Mr. and Mrs. Vir gil Johnson and sons, of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Van Ev ery and family, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fuller and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Van Every. Family Heirlooms Used on Birthday — On Thursday evening, May 8, Mrs. Marie Strube celebrated her birthday anniversary. Several of her Triends came to call. They were Mrs. Pete Fetrow and two daughters, Mary and Nancy, Mrs. Harold Young and Mrs. William Luben. The evening was spent socially. Mrs. Strube served re freshments. Coffee was served in cups that were 65-years-old. They were her mother’s cups that she received when she started housekeeping. Bonney Lawrence Is 10 — Mrs. Ray Lawrence entertained seven girls on Saturday, May 3, in honor of her daughter, Bon ney, who was celebrating her 10th birthday anniversary. The girls attended the theater in the afternoon after which Mrs. Law rence served refeshments consist ing of ice cream and cake. She received many gifts. Birthday Noted — On Saturday, May 9, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Anderson were sup per guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville MeKim, in honor of Mrs. McKim’s birthday anni versary. An angel food birthday cake graced the center of the ta ble. Mrs, Hubbard Hostess — Mrs. A. B. Hubbard, of Cham bers, was hostess to the Merri Myx Bridge club Tuesday after noon wih a 1:30 o’clock dessert luncheon and bridge following __ Mrs. Everitt Hostess — The Just-a-Club met Wednes day, May 7, at the home of Mrs. Jack Everitt. The evening was spent socially. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Chex-a-Marie in Session — The Chez-a-Marie Bridge club met on Mondav, May 12, at the home of Mrs. Marvin Miller with a pot-luck supoer. The evening was spent socially. Mrs. McKenna Hostess — Mrs. Mabel McKenna enter tained two tables at bridge and dessert luncheon on Friday, May 9, at her home. Mrs. William Goggin, of New York City, spent several days last week at the home of her broth er and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. n. C. Schaffer She returned to her home on Saturday, May 10. * Mrs. Alfred M. Kamik, the former Elizabeth Jean Gallagher . . . bride in church rite.—O'Neill Photo Co. ★ ★ ★ Gallagher-Hamik Nuptials Are Read A beautiful wedding was sol emnized Monday, May 12, at 10 a.m., at St. Patrick’s Catholic church in OTNeill when Miss Elizabeth Jean Gallagher, young est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gallagher, of Inman, became the bride of Alfred M. Haimik, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamik. of Stuart. ReV. Kenneth Carl officiated. Terry and Lynn Gallagher, neph ews of the bride, served as altar boys. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a white satin gown fashioned in princess style with a net yoke. Her fin gertip veil of net fell from a pearl studded tiara. She carried a bou quet of red roses and a white prayer book which was a gift from the bridegroom. Miss Betty Hamik, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of^honor. She. appeared in a gown fashioned of shrimp net and satin and car ried a nosegay of yellow roses. Miss Donna Hamik, flower girl, wore a long white satin princes? style gown and carried daisies. Master Kenneth Hamik, ringbear er, wore a blue Eton jacket and white trousers. The bridegroom was attended by Leonard Hamik and James Coker, who wore grey suits with white carnation boutonnaires. Bob Clouse and Fritz Hatze served as ushers. The bride’s mother chose a sheer navy blue dress with white accessories for her daughter’s wedding. Her corsage was of red carnations. The bridegroom’s mother was attired in a navy blue print dress with dark accessories. A wedding breakfast for the immediate families was held at the M&M cafe in O’Neill. The re ception was at the home of the bride’s parents, east of Inman. Mrs- Hatmik wore a navy blue dress with navy accessories for her going away outfit. They left for a honeymoon trip in the East. Out-of-state guests here for the wedding were: the bride’s broth er, Daniel P. Gallagher, Mrs. Gal lagher and daughter, Kathleen Ann; the bride’s sister, Mrs. El win Cronk, Mr. Cronk and daugh ter, Jane, all of San Bernardino, Calif... and the bride’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Chase, of Sheldon, la. 3eckwiths Hosts — Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beckwith entertained at a family dinner on Sunday evening. The guests in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Vem Beck with and familv. of Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Keeney, Shirlev and Bonnie Keenev, arid Paul Sievers. of Norfolk: Mr. and Mrs. t?px Rpr-kwitb, of Bmmet, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harley and familv and Mrs. Millie Seger, all of Atkinson. A „ '* O'NEILL LOCALS Mrs. Loren Nelson arrived home from Omaha on Tuesday morning where she had been vis iting. Mr. and Mrs- Bartley Brennan arrived home Sunday from Nor folk where they attended the fu neral rites of Mr. Brennan’s mother, Mrs. Nell Brennan. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grady mo tored to Columbus Sunday, where they met Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Grady, Mr. Grady’s parents. The Grady’s had been in Baker, Ore., where they have been residing with their daughter, Mrs, Paul Montgomery, and children, since last fall. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lansworth and daughter, Joan, entertained at a dinner party on Sunday at their home. The guests were: John Lansworth, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boshart and son, of Kear ney, Mr. and 'Mrs. Aaron Boshart, Mrs. Opal Hammerlun and fam ily, Mrs. Grace Isberg, Mrs. Charles Manson and Mr. and Mrs C. A. Widtfeldt Mr. and Mrs. W J. Froelich ar rived Saturday, May 10, from Chicago, 111. The preceeding weekend they had attended the Kentucky derby at Louisville, Ky. Mr. Froelich returned to Chi cago on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hovey, of O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Pittack and son, Steven, of Tilden, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mur ray. Ray Kurtz went to Kansas City, Mo., on Saturday, May 10, where he will visit his wife, Mrs. Kurtz, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Kurtz. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser and son, Ivan, went to Atkinson Sunday where Mrs. Kaiser visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kliment, while Mr. Kaiser and Ivan went fishing. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lohaus, ac companied by Mrs. Mary Mac Leod, went to Omaha Thursday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fang man. Mrs. MacLeod remained in Omaha to spend some time with the Fangmans. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Laursen spent Sunday in Allen with Mrs. Laursen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Ellis. Mrs. M. B Marceilus and fatm ilv, Mrs. Billv Marceilus and Mrs. Orville McKim spent Satur day in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brinkman and family spent Sunday in At kinson at the home of Mr Brink man’s father. Aueust Brinkman. Mrs. M. B. Marceilus enter tained at a family dinner on Sun day. Besides the immediate fam ily. the guests included Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Marceilus and Carroll, of Stuart; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R°ntsehlor and family and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marceilus, all of Atkinson, and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Marceilus. Mr and Mrs Arthur Brinkman and family will leave Saturday, 9 May 17, on a vacation trip to the west coast. They plan to visit relatives in California. Mrs. Leland Leib and daughter, Katherine, will arrive from Hast ings this weekend and plan to spend a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dom McDermott. | Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt and family spent the weekend in Omaha Edward McCarthy, of Creigh ton university, Omaha, spent the weekend and mother’s day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George McCarthy and family. Royce and Mervyn Asher, of Sun Valley, Ida-, and Miss Bever ly Johnson, Mervyn’s fiancee, of tidaho Falls, Ida., arrived Sunday and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer E. Asher and family. Royce went on to Michigan the same day where he manages a ski and hunting lodge. Miss John son and Mervyn Asher remained with the Ashers until Tuesday. INASH COFFEE 79c Lb. Can KRAFT 1 Miracle I Whip | 49C Quart : ML _l^iimih i ■ mmmummmmmummmmm I YES WE HAVE i Potatoes » 2 No. 2 Cans. REX LARD 2 U»-.25c i---i Sunkist ■ New Outlaw LEMONADE, 2 Cans 29c | COFFEE, Lb.6gc Kraft I Stokely’s 2 Jars CARMELS, Lb.29c | APPLE JELLY.39c Med. Ivory Snow Pkg. I Trend 2 Pkgs. SOAP POWDER.... 10c | SOAP POWDER.... 37c Blue White 4 Pkg. Deal I Rosedale BLUING .31c 1 PEARS, 1\ Can .... 31c Z __ ___ f STOKELY’S FRESH FROZEN Cl | ORANGE JUICE 2ft»29c ({ WHITE SEEDLESS "If GRAPEFRUIT 10 for .... 45c I Florida Juice Solid Crisp 3 Bun. ff ORANGES lb Tv RADISHES 10c I I VAN CAMP 11 I PORK and BEANS 4 No. 2 Cans... 69c |j 1 STOKELY’S | PEACHES 4303 Cans .79c If ——————_ I 0 I V <3>