Joe Slechta New
School Custodian
LYNCH—Joe Slechta, sr., is the
new custodian of the ^ynch pub
lic school, Jack Darnell having
resigned that position.
Other Lynch Newc
Mrs. George Lee and Douglas,
of Sunshine Bottom, spent Mon
day at the William Stauffer
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalkowski
spent Sunday, May 4, at the
Dale Barta home at Walnut.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Sedivy and
family, of Scottville, spent Sun
day at the James Maly home.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tejral and
Henry Maly, of Spencer, were
Sunday visitors at the J. Maly
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Gelhsen, of
Gross, visited relatives here Sun
Mr and Mrs. Ernest Sixta vis
ited relatives in Spencer on moth
er’s day.
Shirley Campbell, of Wayne,
spent the weekend here at her
parental G. 1* Campbell home,
and was a guest at , (he junior
senir banquet here Saturday.
Billy Dick, Lorelle and Douglas,
sons of Mr. and Mrs. William Al
ford, came frum< Omaha Saturday
to spend mother’s day at home.
Jerry Carsten is assisting at the
France store on Saturdays.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Alford and
Mrs. Kate Fitzpatrick spent moth
er’s day at the Art Parkhurst
home in Creighton. Mrs. Alford
and Mrs. Parkhurst are daughters
of Mrs. Fitzpatrick.
Mrs. Hannah Sreit left Monday
for Portland, Ore-, for an extend
ed visit at the Albert Streit home,
also to make the acquaintance of
a new granddaughter, who was
bom January 12.
Mr and Mrs. Clarence Kolund
and family were Niobrara visitors
Wednesday, May 6.
Mrs. Elmer Blackbird, of Win
nebago, came Friday to visit her
husband and to attend the junior
senior banquet here.
Mrs. Inger Levi returned Satur
day, May 10, from a week’s visit
with her daughter, Mrs. Ching
Davey and husband in Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris, of
Norfolk, spent mother’s day with
the former’s mother, Mrs. Lois
Little Douglas Moody spent
last weekend with his aunt and
uncle, the Lorie Micaneks. His
mother was a patient in the hos
Mr and Mrs Alvin Havranek
and famly, of Spencer, spent Sat
urday, May 10, at the Joe Halva
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoiser and
family spent mother’s day at the
Hladovcak home in Brunswick.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanslik, of
Creighton, attended the James
Maly 25th wedding anniversary
open-house at the Maly home on
Sunday, May 11.
Mr. and Mrs. G E. Fenster
maeher returned to their home in
Nebraska City Monday, May 5,
after a few days’ visit at the par
ental C. W Christensen home.
Stanley Bjomsen, of the navy,
Mr. and Mrs. Rav Peters and Bon,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Paxxstein and
son, and Mr. and Mrs Carroll
Bjornscn and family, of Page,
soent the weekend at the Nata
B.iornsen home.
Mr. and Mrs Joe Halva called
at the Bernard Webber home on
Sunday. Mav 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer
soent Sunday, May 11, at the Wil
liam Stouffer home.
A huge crowd attended the
Crawford-GeLsen wedding dance
held in the Lynch ball roam on
Thursday, May 8.
Mrs Henry Vonasek, of Wal
nut, visited her mother, Mrs. C. L.
Haselhorst, at the hospital Sun
Visitors Her*—
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Ryan, of
South Sioux City, spent Sunday
with their son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs- George Ham
mond. They were accompanied
by Rev Francis Price, also of
South Sioux City, who visited his
parents, (Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Price.
Lawn Mowers Sharpened
Tho Factory Way
Toull like the war your
mower eaaes through heavy
•graaa when it'a been
aharponed on our pre
cision machine. A few.
miautaa here will aavot
you houra in the aun.
Hand $2.00 — Power $2.50
Pete’s Saw Shop
Phone 49 Iw O’Neill
Mr. Keaiing . . . resident
since 1905.
Rites Held for
P. J. Keating, 58
ATKINSON — P. J. Keating,
58, implement dealer of Atkin
son, died Saturday morning, May
3, in the Atkinson Memorial hos
He was a resident of this area
since 1905. He had been associat
ed with one of Atkinson's earli
est businesses since 1925.
Survivetrs include: Widow; sons
—Robert, John and Patrick, all
of Atkinson; daughter — Sister
Mary Jarloth, of Atchison, Kans.
Funeral services were held in
St. Joseph’s Catholic church,
Monday, May 5, Rev. R. J. Parr
officiating. Burial was in St. Jo
seph’s cemetery.
Pallbearers were Francis D.
Lee, T. G. Slattery, Dan O’Con
nell, Walt Ries, J. J. Carroll and
Alex Cleary.
Among those from out of town
attending the rites were: Sylvester
Keating, of Dunning; Leo Wabs,
of Fremont; Francis Wabs, of
Spencer, and Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Reed, of Spencer.
Garden Club Meet—
ATKINSON—At a district Gar
den club meeting held in Atkin
son on Tuesday, May 6, Mrs. J.
W. Walter, of Chambers, was
elected president of the fourth
district to replace Mrs. C. V.
Roberson, also of Chambers, who
has held the office the past two
years. A large group of ladies
from Chambers attended the
I ^
Large Crowds See
Play, ‘Whiz Kids’
EWING—The “Whiz Kids,” by
Jay Tobias, a three-act play was
presented by the Ewing senior
class on Thursday and Friday
evenings, May 8 and 9, before
large audiences at the high school
auditorium. Mrs. L. H. Ewing di
rected the cast which included
Jerome Tuttle, Mary Alys Dierks.
Jackie Mosel, Vernon Rockey,
Joan Mlnarik, Neva Tucker, Don
ald Ruroede, Shirley Hawk, Nick
Sojka, Robert Knapp, Audrey
Henderson, Marcella Sisson and
Marcus Pierson
Solo numbers between acts in
cluded "The Loveliest Night of
the Year,” sung by Donald Ern
esti, and “Swing Low Sweet
Chariot,” by Marcus Pierson.
Other Ewing News
Gerald Chalupa, music director
in the Ewng public school, mo
tored to Chambers with the Ew
ing high school band on Monday
afternoon. They were guests of
the Chambers school for the eve
ning meal which was served cafe
teria style. The Ewing high
band gave a band concert at the
school auditorium later in the
Mrs. Daisy Miller was a guest
of Mr. and Mrs. John Wunner on
Mrs. Harold Harris returned
home Monday evening from a 10
day visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. C Shaffer, at Castana,
la. A family gathering at the
parental home was held Sunday,
honoring Mrs. Harris's mother for
the day and her 80th birthday
anniversary, which fell on May
13. Mr. Shaffer, who celebrated
his 80th birthday on March 4, is
“much improved” after several
I months of illness.
Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard, Mrs. R. G.
Rockey, Mrs. Grace Briggs, Mrs.
Maud Brion and Mrs. William
Spence spent Wednesday and
Thursday, May 7 and 8, at Hast
ings, where they attended grand
chapter of the Order of the East
ern Star. Mrs. Earl Billings ac
companied the party and was a
guest at the home of her daugh
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Dunaway, and children.
Mrs. Mae Gemmill, who has
spent the winter months with
her daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Rex Minshall, and son,
David, at Lander, Wyo., arrived
in Ewing on Sunday, May 4, to
spend a few months at her home
in Ewing. She was accompanied
by her son, Fay Gemmill, who is
employed at Lander.
On Tuesday, six large boxes of
clothing were sent to the Pine
Ridge Mission, S.D., bv the Altar
society, of St. Peter’s church.
Charles and Marline Kirsch
ner. of Clearwater, were over
night guests at the home of Mr
and Mrs. Kimes on Friday. They
joined Dali, who was celebrating
his 11th birthday anniversary
which fell on May 6.
James Ruby CS2/c accom
panied bv his wife, left for Nor
man. Okla., on Friday. Their
children. Marvin and Susan, re
mained in Ewing with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ev
erett Ruby, while their parents
are house-hunting.
On mother’s day, Mrs. Leota
Rutler was the guest of honor at a
familv dinner at the home of her
| daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and
! Mrs R. G. Rockev. Others in at
*°ndance were Mrs. Vera Anson,
Mr. and Mrs. Ruford Carlson and
Danny. of Orchard, and Mrs
Ffank MacNeill, of Omaha
Mr and Mrs. A1 gene Krioter
and Mrs. Norma Price are guests
' at the home of the ladies’ mother,
Mrs. Martha Hill. Algene Krieter,
of the navy, recently returned
from Korea where he has been
on active duty in the armed
forces for the past nine months,
has a 30-day leave. He will be
stationed at San Diego, Calif.,
when he returns to the naval
base. Cpl. William Price is sta
tioned at the Clark air base in the
Philippine Islands. Mrs. Price will
stay with her mother until his re
turn to the States. Mrs. Krieter
and Mrs. Price have both been
employed at Roy, Utah, for the
past several months.
Mrs. Martha Hill had the pleas
ure of having her family together
for the first time in four years on
mother’s day, May 11. Dinner
was served at noon and the after
noon was spent visiting. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. Er
nest Rank and family, of Red
bird; Mrs. Anna Lindquist, Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Lindquist and
family, Mr. and Mrs- Nels Lind
quist and family, Oliver Hill, all
frovrr O’Neill; Leonard Hill, of
Ewing- Mrs. Wm. Price, of Roy,
Utah; Algene Krieter, of the navy,
and wife, Anna Mae.
Miss Minnie Neiderheider was
the honored guest at a birthday
anniversary party given at the
William Wulf home on Thursday
by Mrs. Verge Cratty, of Clear
water. Those present were Mrs.
George Wright, Mrs. Alfonso Bee
laert, sr., Mrs. Hans Peterson,
Mrs. Verge Cratty, Miss Minnie
Neiderheider. Other members of
the Birthday club were unable to
On mother’s day Mr. and Mrs.
William Wulf were guests of their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Mark Maben, and fam
Mrs. Wilma Daniels and chil
dren spent mother’s day at the
country home of Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Daniels.
Mrs. Richard Finwall and
daughter, who have been guests
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Daniels, left for their home in
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sutherland
and son, Terry, of Alliance, were
calling on Ewing friends on Sat
urday. The Sutherlands formerly
owned and operated the Eldorado
theater in Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. John Archer left
Tuesday for Lincoln where they
will visit at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Miller, former resi
dents of Ewing. They were ac
companied by Miss Frances Ro
therham and Mrs. William Lof
ouest. Sister Marion, formerly
Rita Rotherham, now on the staff
of the Scottsbluff hospial, was
joined by Mrs. Lofquest to attend
a medical convention being held
;n Lincoln this week.
The Pinochle club was enter
tained at the home of Mrs. John
Archer on Thursday evening.
Score winners were Mrs. Perry
Saiser and Mrs. Leota Hintz.
Guests were Mrs. Earl Billings
and Mrs. John Miller. The hostess
served refreshments after the
The Roy Rotherham family
had a get-together on Sunday at
*he home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Wood and family, of Page. Mrs.
Roy Rotherham, the honored
guest on mother’s day, was join
ed bv Mr. Rotherham and grand
daughter, Mary Jo Wood, who
were celebrating birthday anni
versaries on this date. Dinner
was served and the afternoon
sn«nt informally.
Mrs Katherine Boies and
daughters had as their dinner
guests on Sunday, Mav 4, her
mother. Mrs. Rose Fridelv, and
'Tr- find Mrs Robley Sisson, jr,.
and Roblev III.
Mrs. Willis Rockey accompan
ied her mother, Mrs. Louis Po
j ' abl. to Bartlett on Friday where
I they attended a mother-daughter
festival, which was sponsored by
the WSCS of the Bartlett Metho
ist church.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tuttlo
were hosts at a wiener roast on
Monday evening when they en
tertained a group of friends.
Later pinochle was played for
amusement. Guests present were
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Welke, Mr.
and Mrs. R. H. Shain Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Dierks, Mr. and Mrs.
Vance Anson, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Edwards, Mr. and Mrs.
Willis Rockey, all of Ewing, and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacNeill, of
Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle will
move to their farm home near
Page this week.
Mrs. William Spence and Mrs.
Everett Ruby drove to Atkinson
Friday evening to visit with their
mother, Mrs. Anna Newton. Mrs.
Newton came Monday to Ewing
and is a guest at the home of
her daughters. •
Dinner guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rockey on
mother’s day were her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pofahl, of
Ewing, and her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Pofahl,
of Norfolk, and Miss Joan Ly
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kusik and
family, of David City, spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Kimes.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Filsinger
and family entertained at a fam
ily party on mother’s day, hon
oring her mother, Mrs. Roy
Kimes, and his mother, Mrs. Dan
Filsinger, of Clearwater. Guests
present were Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Filsinger, Dean Filsinger,
Mrs. Dan Filsinger, all of Clear
water; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kimes
and son, of Ewing; Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Kusik and children, of David
City; Mr. and Mrs. Waltar West
erhoff and Barbara, of Elgin.
A festive occasion took place
at the Green Lantern cafe Tues
day evening, May 6, when Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Rotherham enter
tained a group of 24 boys and
girls at a three - course fried
chicken dinner honoring their
son, Vincent. Later in the eve
ning the party went to O’Neill
to attend the theater. Vincent
left Wednesday, May 14, from
O’Neill going to Omaha where
he will be inducted into the
armed forces.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kimes
were weekend guests at the
home of their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bill
The Woman’s Society of
Christian Service held a regular
meeting on Wednesday, May 7,
at the parlors of the Ewing Meth
odist church. Mrs. Leland Welke
and Mrs. Waldo Davis were
hostesses. Mrs. Earl Billings op
ened the meeting with the devo
tionals. Mrs. William Spence
presided at the business session.
The father and son banquet to be
held on June 5 at the church
parlors was discussed and plans
were made. Mrs. Perry was ap
pointed chairman for the menu
and Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard for the
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lamb spent
the weekend with their son, Rob
ert Lamb and family, of Dixon.
They attended the mother’s day
services at the Dixon Nazarine
church in which Mrs. Lamb re
ceived a prize for being the old
est mother present—a Princes Al
oha orchid shipped by air from
Hilo, Hawaii. Dinner was served
at the home of Mrs. Tillie Ander
son in Laurel, mother of Mrs.
Robert Lamb.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boshart
and son, of Kearney, came Friday,
May 9, to be with Mr. and Mrs.
Aaron Boshart
Making of Calf
Haller Discussed—
The Calf club met Saturday,
May 3, at the Clarence Young
home. The meeting was called
to order by the president with
17 members and one visitor
present. Minutes were read by
Secretary Darlene Grimes and
Mr. Fullerton, our leader,
taught us how to make a calf
Our next meeting is to be with
Don Withers, of Amelia.
After the meeting a lunch was
served by Mrs. Young.—By Cle
one Beed, reporter.
CHAMBERS — The combined
bands of Chambers and Ewing
gave a concert in the Chambers
high school auditorium Monday
May 12. Gerald Chalupa, of Ew
ing, who has been instructing
°?th, bands, was the director.
Members of the Ewing band were
entertained after the concert by
the mothers of the Chambers
group. Refreshments were served.
J- E. Stutz spent Tuesday and
Wednesday in Hastings on busi
Rev. Ankney Gives
Baccalaureate Sermon
CHAMBERS— Over two hun
dred persons attended the bac
calaureate service for Chambers
high school seniors which was
held Sunday, May 11, at 8 p.m.
Rev. C. D. Ankney, of St.
Paul’s Lutheran church, deliv
ered the sermon. The theme was,
“The Escape from Godlessness”
based on Ephesians II, 11-18.
Hymns sung were “The Lord
Ts My Shepherd,” “Blest Be the
Tie That Binds” and “Prayer
May 24 Poppy Day;
Poster Winners Named—
Discussion of poppy day activ
ities and a report of the gold
star tea highlighted the regular
May meeting of the American
Legion auxiliary of Simonson
post 93 held Wednesday evening,
May 7. The poppy chairman,
Mrs. Dean Streeter, reported
that poppies are on hand and her
committee is ready to handle
the poppy sale in O’Neill on Sat
urday, May 24.
On Monday evening, May 26,
auxiliary members will ' meet
with Mrs. Streeter* to prepare
poppy wreaths for veterans’
graves. The wreaths will be dis
tributed on memorial day. A
poppy window display will be
prepared by Mrs. John Stuifber
gen and Mrs. D. E. Nelson to be
opened during the week preced
ing the poppy sale.
Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka, who was
in charge of poppy posters, dis
played the winners of first and
second places during the meet
ing and advised that they will
be displayed to the public in the
window of the Apparel Shop next
week. The poster prepared by
Janice Holzclaw, of the O’Neill
public school, was awarded first
prize of $5 and the poster of
David Lee Schaffer, of St. Ma
ry’s academy, won the second
place award of $3. Mrs. Edith
Clark, junior activities chairman,
reported on the junior activities
during the past month.
Mayor J. E. Davis has pro
claimed Saturday, May 24, as of
ficial poppy day. He urges all
citizens to wear memorial pop
Mrs. Charles Paxson,
Formerly of Star, Dies—
STAR—Mrs. Charles Paxson,
long time Star resident, died
Sunday, April 13, at the home
; of her son, Earl, in Escondido,
Funeral services were held in
Valentine, and the burial was in
Survivors include: Seven chil
dren, 21 grandchildren, and 16
Nuptials at Winner —
Lewie Christensen, of Lynch,
and Mrs. Mildred Moran, of Win
ner, S.D., were married Saturday,
May 3, at the Catholic rectory at
Winner. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pet
ersen, of Winner, were attendants.
The couple is residing in Lynch.
On Tuesday, May 6, Mrs. Arlan
Kirk, of Spencer, came to help
her father, Thomas Donlin, cel
ebrate his birthday anniversary.
She brought a birthday cake and
ice cream. Other guests were
Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Simon
Frontier for printing . . prompt
.. DANCE ..
American Legion Auditorium
Saturday, May 17th
^ tl&l. .
• }
Admission: Adults 75c, Students 50c
Opening Baseball!
North-Central Nebr. League Game
Sunday, May 18th — 2:30 P.M.
ADMISSION: Adults 50c; Children 20c
9 • * t -