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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1952)
Explosion in Home; Occupants Away CHAMBERS—The home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thomson was the scene of an explosion Thursday, May 8. It occurred about 6:30 in the evening. The pilot light on the gas furnace had gone out and fumes were ignited by the fire on the hot water heater. No serious damage was done, but it raised the ceiling a couple inches. A fire started in one of the bedrooms, but a neighbor, Clair Grimes, discovered it in time to put it out. The Thom ' s°ns were in Omaha when the explosion occurred. Mr. and Mrs. Thomson oper ate Bill and Billie’s cafe in Chambers. Retiring Teacher Is Honored— A party was given for Mrs. Al ice Fritton on Thursday, May 8, at the Town House by the grade school teachers of the O’Neill public school. Those present be sides the honored guest were Mrs. Leona Shoemaker, Mrs. Harold Donohoe, Mrs. Leo Mul len, Mrs. Florence Schulz, Mrs. Harry Petersen, Mrs. A1 Fritton, Mrs. Loretta Enright, Miss Hilda Gallagher, Mrs. Ray Bettenhau sen, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Nelson and James Bastian. J ames Atkinson went to Creighton Sunday where he vis ited relatives. PAINTERS If you would like to buy Paint at wholesale prices, write for my latest wholesale prices and catalog. LYMAN PAINT COMPANY, Ridge Building, Kansas City, Mo. PAGE NEWS Paul Singleton drove to Bruns wick Saturday to bring his grandmother, Mrs. May Lichty, to his home here for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Taylor and daughter, of North Platte, came to Page Wednesday evening, Ap ril 7, to spend a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Taylor. The Get-to-Gether club met on Friday afternoon with Mrs. Earl Parks. The afternoon was spent with needlework. Lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert and daughter, Becky, A. B. Mc Clure, Mrs. Emma Oorr, Mrs. Melvin Lamason and Mrs. Mel vin Carson were Sioux City vis itors Thursday. Capt. and Mrs. W. W. Johnston and family came from Houston, Tex., Monday evening, May 5, and spent until Firday evening visiting Mrs. Johnston’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heiss, and other relatives. They were enroute to Sacramento, Calif. Mrs. Raymond Heiss entertain ed a group of relatives and close friends la9t Thursday afternoon, honoring her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Johnston, who was a house guest in the home of her parents, and her niece, Mrs. Duane Dorr, of Cameron, Wise., who is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French, sr. Among the others present were Mrs. Al len Haynes, Mrs. Jennie French, Mrs. O. L. Reed, Mrs. Leonard Heiss, Mrs. Merwyn French, sr., Mrs. Harold Heiss, Mrs. Harry Harper, Mrs. Richard Heiss, Mrs. Ivan Heiss, Mrs. Richard Asher and children, Mrs. Donald Heiss and children, Mrs. Kenneth Heiss and daughter, Mrs. Marvin Stauf fer and sons, Mrs. Elmer Trow bridge, Mrs. Edgar Stauffer, Mrs. Icie Rost, Mrs. E. E. Wilcox and Mrs. Bill Fink and children. The Help U club m^t with Mrs. Clarence Finch Wednesday, Ap ril 7, for an all-day meeting. A no-host luncheon was served at noon. Ten members were pres CONTRARY TO RUMORS I AM doing dirt work in Holt county. Your patronage appreciated and solicited. Good equipment and experienced operators. SOIL CONSERVATION WORK A SPECIALTY { BENNETT SMITH Butte, Nebr. Phone 54W Pictu re Vourseff JT With the range that gives ^ you COOLER cooking at — (4 jRtP WATCH SPEED' //s«Wesfiiujhouse4 All Electric Range! With the truly automatic, cooler cooking Westing house all electric range, ^ summertime cooking in sweltering kitchens is a thing of the past! Tests prove that an electric range keeps kitchens thir teen to eighteen degrees cooler than other types of fuels! With the Westing house Speed Electric Range modern Homemakers en joy COOL, CLEAN, SAFE summertime cooking at •— i' lillllillll|i||||(^^ ... Stop Watch Speed! Over 9,000,000 modem 7 Homemakers are now en / r\L r / J°ytnff the superior nj' / 0/ Course.. / ««£. •/ It's ELECTRIC! L Why Now on Display at Your ent. The afternoon was spent do ing needlework for the hostess. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Kenneth Waring. The Page Improvement club met Monday evening, May 5, with Mrs. Melvin Roach with 14 members present. Plans for serv ing the alumni banquet were discussed. The hostess served a lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach ?nd Larry visited relatives at Osmond Sunday, May 4. Allen Zempel come from Mon tana Thursday, May 1, to spend several days visiting his mother, Mrs. George Fink, and brother, Billie Zempel. He plans to stay until after commencement, May 13, when his brother is one of the graduates. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Stevens and family, of Lincoln, spent from Tuesday, April 29, until Friday, May 2, visiting Wendell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ste vens. Thursday afternoon, May 1, they all went to Orchard where they visited with Mrs. Roy Waring, who is a sister of C. M. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stauffer and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer and two sons spent Wednesday, Ap ril 30, at Sioux City. Miss Effie Stevens, of O’Neill, spent Wednesday and Thursday, J April 30 and May 1, visiting her aunt, Miss Maude Martin, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eby and two sons, of O’Neill, visited Sun day afternoon, May 4, and were supper guests of Mrs. Eby’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen. The group called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Nissen and family during the afternoon. Conrad Benner and children, of Grand Island, spent Sunday, May 4, at the home of Mr. Ben ner’s son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brostrom. and son. Mrs. Benner, who had spent the past two weeks here, returned to her home. Mrs. J. O. Ballantyne was in charge of 8th grade examina tions which she gave in Ewing on Tuesday, April 29; Page on Wednesday, April 30, and O’Neill on Thursday, May 1. The follow ing is a list of those taking the examinations at Page: Sharon Boelter, Walter McIntosh, Elmer Blain, Leona Summers, Charlotte Luebeke, Richard Harris, Caro lyn Russell, Helen Haggemeyer, Faye Rutherford, Becky Kenne dy, Loran Parks, Lois Saltz and Donald Spanger. Among those from away who attended the services of Chris afternoon, May 4, were: Mr. and tian Sorensen at Page Sunday Mrs. Emil Strom and Elda and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Black, of Marshalltown, la.; Mrs. Ove Nel sen, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nelsen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Finke, Mary Sorensen, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sorensen, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sorensen and daugh ter and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ja -————' . cohson, all of Creighton; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nelsen, of Norfolk; Mrs. Tillie Zerbe and family, of Center; Mr. and Mrs. John Son der and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ruzicka, Mrs. Lura Sonder, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Al der, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Foster mann, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Son der, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Prokop, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Dvorak, Mr! and Mrs. Vernon Sonder, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sonder, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sonder, Mr. and Mrs. Dervey Woods, Mr. and Mrs. August Boelter and Mrs. Dolly Hall, all of Verdigre; Mrs. Mar tha Hill and Mrs. Josie Elston, of Ewing; Mr. and Mrs. John Cleve land and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cleveland, of Orchard; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Larson, of Bruns wick; Mr. and Mrs. Nels Lin quist and Mrs. Anna Linquist and Alfred, all of O’Neill. Mrs. Honeywell at 85th Milestone CHAMBERS — Mrs- Charlotte Honeywell celebrated her 85th birthday anniversary Sunday at her home. The following guests arrived to surprise her: Addie Batie, Ber nice Hodge, Mr. and Mrs. Her man Carlson and daughter, of El gin; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Koney ' well and family, of Neligh; Mr. and Mrs. Seymore Harkins Mr. and Mrs. John Harkins and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Knox, M. and Mrs. Lloyd Knox and daughter, Mr. and Mrs- William Knox and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Urban and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Sumanerer, ail f Ewing. Other Chambers News Mrs. Marjorie Fagan, of O’Neill, spent mother’s day with her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Fa 1 gan and family. j Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brion and family, of Neligh, and Mr. and j Mrs- Lyle Walters and family, of Chambers, were Sunday guests of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walters Mr. and Mrs. Claire Grimes and Mrs. Sarah Adams drove to Fullerton Sunday to attend the wedding of Marilyn Weir and Richard Bennet at 2 p.m. at the Presbyterian church. The Kellar Presbyterian aid met Wednesday, May 7 at the home of Mrs. L. W. Taggart with 12 members present The presi dent, Mrs- Elmer Wondersee, con ducted the business session. Mrs. Ray Hoffman presented the les son. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. William Lehmann and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leh mann spent mother’s day with the former’s daughter and hus band, Mr- and Mrs. Bernard Mo sel, and tairrily at Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Turgeon and children, of Moody, Mo., spent two days last week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Taggart. Their daughter, Delaine Leffler, remained for several weeks’ visit. The Taggart’s daughter, Mrs. William Alday, and daughter, Theresa, accom panied the Turgeons to Missouri for a visit. Mrs. Anna Albers had mother’s day dinner with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harley, and children. Gale and Maria Elena Stevens, son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs Laveme Stevens, of O’Neill, spent the weekend with their grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Cava naugh. Mr. and Mrs. Cavanaugh and family took them home Sun day and attended the saddle horse sale at the Max Wanser place east of O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harley left Wednesday, May 7, for Biloxi, Miss., to visit their son and wife, M3/c and Mrs. Richard Harley. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Medcalf and children, Bobby and Kathy, of Sioux City, came Friday, May 9, to spend the weekend with their parents, Mr- and Mrs. E. H. Med calf and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Car penter. Ronald Whitaker left Monday for Rck Island, 111., where he will be employed in engineering work after spending a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Whitaker, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Medcalf and children, of Sioux City, Mrs. Gen evieve Bell and Mr. and Mrs- E. R Carpenter, of Chambers, spent mother’s day with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens and children at At kinson. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cava naugh and daughter, Pamela Kay, took Mrs. Cavanaugh’s mother, Mrs. Heeb back to her home at Atkinson Sunday. Mrs. Heeb had spent several weeks with her daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Covey and Mrs Kertel had the following guests for mother’s day dinner. Mrs. Lowell Anderson and chil dren, of Illinois, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hertel, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Hetel and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bus Clausen and family. Mr and Mrs. Theodore Strong went to Bonesteel, S.D., on Sun day where they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mick Hal verson. Mrs. Strong and Mrs. Halverson are sisters. Edward T. Gerin, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Complete Shock - Proof X-Ray Telephone 16SW ; REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS DEED—Katherine P Kunz to Paul H Kunz 4-30-52 $1- H Int in SEVi 32-30-15. DEED—Leona M Krueger to Paul H Kunz 4-30-52 $1- %Int in SEV4 32-30-15 QCD—George Bixler to How ard V Kanouff & Raymond W Moody 4-2-52 $1- Wy>NEV4 4-32 13 w^swy4 35- WHNW*/4- S»4 34- All 31 except NW^NWVi All 32- All 33- SVz 28 E^NW’A 27-33-13 , WD—Zedona Knoell to Gretch en Stella Knoell 3-29-45 Love & affection- NEy4 11- NWy4 12 30-11 WD—Lois Hyland et al to Wil liam Seger 4-17-52 $12,000- Lot 2 Blk 22- Bitney’s’ Add- Atkin son WD — Leon R Hickerson to ) - -- — ■ Louis Kliment 5-5-52 $1200- J^ot 6 Blk 46- Pioneer Townsite Co Add- Atk WD — Harley Fox to Archie Tuttle 5-6-52 $18,500- SWft 23 26- NE-14 27 Twp 29- R 10 QCD—A J Scholz to Martha H Scholz 4-15-52 $1- SWV4 20-25-11 Johring Home Scene of Picnic Dinner— A picnic dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johring on Sunday in honor of their little son. Freddy, who was 2-years-old. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. Victor Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Anson and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. David Jensen. In the late afternoon re freshments of cake, fruit salad and coffee were served. Mrs. Donald Martens and Mrs. James Mullen spent Sunday in Sioux City, la. Earl Wrede, of Branson, Mo., spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Addie Wrede, and other rel atives. W. F. FINLEY. M.D. O'NEILL First National Bank Bldg. OFFICE PHONE: 28 It’s time to fill your needs for easy-to-take-care-of cottonsl Comparel Dress Festival Feature: COTTONS Exciting styles in cool sheers and sunbacks . . . at one value price * H_ They’re all here .. . new styles in sheer cottons nd sunbacks with boleros. New Everglaze taffetized piques, tissue chambrays and ginghams, blister criskays. Prints and plain colon in junior, missy and half sizes. Choose now. cotton A//' petticoats I98 A flouncy 6-inch eyelet em broidery highlights this sum mer petticoat. Perfect-fitting 4-gore in cotton nainsook. Sizes S-M-L. White. Fruit of the Loom shorts in popular elastic-waist boxer style. Sanforixed broadcloth with reinforced stitching. Bright stripes. Men’s, with Grippers ..-. 69c 298 Shapely sport shirts of Sanforized cotton in double print houndstooth check pat* tern. Long sleeves. Sizes S-M-MJ--L. Real value. R •member: \ 1 It'* what you get for K* what you pay that counts. Goy, thirsty Cannon TOWELS 20x40.39c What value for Cotton Week! 15x25 .25c At one price group or another Wash cloth—10c among our big selection you’ll 20x40.59c find super quality Cannon 15x26.35c bath towels and matching face Wash cloth....15c towels and wash cloths in rich 22x44.79c solid colors and checks. Now’s 15x26.45c the time to stock up. Savel Wash doth....19c Our sturdy MONEY BAK SHEETS No finer type 12S sheets model Compare Peppered pillow tubing, type 128. 42" wide. Yd...S3* Introducer blenched muffin, soft finish. 31" wide. Yd...33* Unbleached mus lin, 80-square. 36" wide. Yard .Me 81x99 Made to our strict standards by a famous maker. Depend able, full-bleached muslin sheets, firmly woven for long wear. Wide, even hems. You’ll Save at McDONALD’S . ®