The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 15, 1952, SECTION 2, Page 10, Image 10

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Mr. and Mrs. Mick Jeffers and
family, of Chambers, spent Tues
day evening. May 6, visiting
Mrs. Jeffers’s mother, Mrs. Anna
Mrs. Myrtle Youngs entertain
ed the Harmony club Tuesday
afternoon, May 6, at her home.
Gifts were given those having
birthday or wedding anniversa
ries in May. The hostess served
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins
left Friday for Omaha where
they will visit in the home of
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Tompkins
and family. They were accom
panied to Omaha by Mrs. Verna
Werner, who has been visiting
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.
L. Watson and Mr. and Mrs. I
L. Watson and family.
Mrs. Anna B. Pierson, of Lin
coln, is visiting in the home of
her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Watson.
Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry
and daughter, Joan, Mrs. Clifford
Sawyer and son, Larry, Mary
Halstead and Barbara Brunck
horst spent Friday in Wayne.
Mr. and Mrs. Harve Renner
and Mr. and Mrs John Ferguson,
of Manhattan, Kans., spent the
weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Art Renner.
Mr. and Mrs. Ercle Renner
and family, of Pierce, spent Sun
day visiting Mr. Renner’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Renner.
Ralph Sholes, who is employ
ed with the telephone company
near Sidney, spent the weekend
visiting his mother Mrs. Violet
Harlan Mnrsbach, who is em
ployed at Rapid City, S.D., came
Friday to spend a week’s vaca
tion with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Morsbach, and his
sisters, Mary and Lois.
Mrs. Anno Youngs and Mrs.
Myrtle Youngs spent Sunday in
Ewing visiting Mr. and Mrs. Art
Kropp and family.
LeRoy Moore, who is employ
ed with the telephone company,
is spending a week’s vacation
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Moore.
Mrs. Kathryn Abbenhaus, of
Portland, Ore., spent several
days the past week visiting her
sister, Mrs. Anna Youngs.
Mrs. James McMahan attended
a special meeting of Atkinson
chapter, OES, and a party hon
oring the mothers on Wednesday
evening, May 7, at Atkinson. She
also attended a meeting of Sym
phony chapter at O’Neill last
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry
and family entertained the fol
lowing guests on mother’s day:
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson,
of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Tomlinaon and daughters, of
West Point, and Mr. and Mrs.
William Turner, of Chambers.
Mrs H. W. Tomlinson and Mr.
and Mrs. Turner remained for
the evening and attended bacca
laureate services.
Mrs. James McMahan left on
Monday for Hastings where she
is spending this week attending
the grand chapter session, Order
of the Eastern Star.
Gene, Lorraine and Leonard
Butterfield spent from last
Thursday until Sunday in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave An
son at Ewing.
Mr and Mrs. Verle David and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
David and family were guests on
Sunday in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. David at Chambers,
the occasion being mother’s day
and in honor of Earl David, who
is on furlough before going ov
erseas. A program given by the
children of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
David furnished the entertain
ment for the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Luben and
daughters and Ray Luben, of
Wisner, spent the weekend ,in
the May Fraka and Charles Lu
ben homes.
Mrs. Harvey Tompkins drove
to Utica to visit her parents, Mr
and Mrs. C. L. Caldwell, Monday
afternoon, May 5, returning the
next day. She drove her parents
to Lincoln where her father, who
has been ill, entered a Lincoln
Friday morning, May 9, a group
of the young adult fellowship
of the O’Neill Methodist church
surprised the Harvey Tompkins
family in their home with a
housewarming. The members and
their families brought a gift of
| an electric compopper a nd
bowls. Lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jackson
and children drove to Madison
last Thursday afternoon to visit
Mr. Jackson's sister and family.
The evening was in honor of Mr.
Jackson’s nephew, Earl Reeves,
who left for the army May 13.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Jarkson on Sunday, May 11,
were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ditter
bemer and son, Newell, and Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Kasik and
Sharon and Ronnie, all of Mad
Merlin Luben, of Leigh, spent
the weekend here with his fam
James Sholes, Charles Youngs
and Bill Sholes, who have been
employed at Cambridge, return
ed home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crosser
and son, Jerry, of Neligh, spent
Sunday here with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark and
family, of O’Neill, spent Sunday
visiting Mrs. Clark’s mother, Mrs.
Violet Sholes.
Sunday guests in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson and
family were Mr. and Mrs. John
Watson and daughters, of O’Neill;
Dr and Mrs. William J. Slusher
and sons, of Valentine, and Mrs.
Anna B. Pierson, of Lincoln.
Miss Delores Nielsen, who is in
nurse’s training at Engleside,
spent the weekend with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Niel
Mrs. Pete Cooper and Jimmie,
of Orchard, spent Sunday after
noon with Mrs, Cooper’s mother,
Mrs. Lottie Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butterfield
, and Mrs. Dana Lines spent from
I Thursday to Sunday at Ft. Mor
gan and Denver, Colo., where
they attended the funeral of Mrs.
Lines’ and Mr. Butterfield’s sister
in-law, Mrs. Thurl Butterfield.
New Fir® Truck
Answers Call—
O’Neill’s new 15-thousand-dol
lar fire truck made its first run
at 7 a.m., Sunday, May 11. But
its modern and elaborate equip
ment wasn’t needed.
An oil heater in the Mode O’
Day store caused extensive dam
age to merchandise. There was
no fire but soot and smoke from
a minor explosion of the stove
created the damage to the stock
and interior of the store.
An employee of the M&M cafe
next door turned in the alarm.
Special Awards to
7 Eighth Graders
Holt county eighth grade pro
motion exercises were held in
the O’Neill high school auditori
um Monday, May 12.
The three grade school chorus
es made up of pupils from Holt
county's schools sang: “Three
Little Kittens,” “Peter Cotton
Tail,” “Daddy’s Little Cowboy,”
“Teddy Bear’s Picnic," “I Love
Little Willie,” “Home on the
Range,” “Down In the Valley,”
“Cindy” and “Skip to My Lou.”
An accordion duet was played
by Joanne Lansworth and La
Donna McNulty. There were vo
cal solos by Richard Truax and
Karen Garwood. Lois Strong
gave a musical reading.
The choruses were directed by
Mrs. Etha Walters.
Presentation of special awards
and diplomas was made by Miss
Alice French, Holt superintend
ent of public instruction. Those
receiving the special awards
were: Carolyn Russell, Myma
Kaup, Karen Garwood, Joanne
Lansworth, Eddie Krugman,
Donald Dickau, and Marilyn
Before presenting the diplo
mas, Miss French addressed the
graduates. She stressed that two
roads lay before them now that
they had finished the elementary
eight grades: U) The road that
leads through high school and
on to college, or (2) the road
without any more formal educa
In either case those receiving
diplomas were reminded by Miss
French that “honesty, sincerety
and fair play are lights that will
The special award gifts were
donated by Coyne hardware,
Pennty’s, Gambles, McDonald’s,
McIntosh Jewelry, Johnson I
Jewelry, and Johnson Drugs.
Members of the class (figure
preceding names denotes district):
1—Velma Crawford. 3 — De
lores Wells. 5—Larry Babutka.
8—Darrell Schollmeyer, Mabel
Thomas. 14—Francis Doty. 15—
Bobby Burival, Nina Burival, Vi
ola Closson.
16—Russell Borg. 17—Beverly
Johnson, Merle Krugman. 20 —
Ronald Murphy, Michael Schaaf.
22—Myrna Alexander. 27— Ar
lene Hood. 37—Charles Pierson.
39—Sharon Boelter. 47 — Doris
Halstead, Larry Halstead.
50—Elmer Blain, Leona Sum
ers. 55—Charlotte Luebeke, Rich
ard Harris, Carolyn Russell. 60
—Jerome Howard, Archie Jur
acek, Eddie Krugman.
65—Lois Strong, Jennie Hal
sey, Marilyn Rasmussen, Ver
gene Rasmussen, 70 — Myrna
Kaup, Kay King, Kent King, Ei
leeen Murphy, Jane Murphy. 73 I
—LaVonne Knox.
76—Eileen Osborne. 77—Del
' bert Rossman. 80—Joanne Lans
worth. 86—Janet Fuelberth. 87—
Robert Loseke. 88—Faye Ruther
ford. 92 — LaDonna McNulty,
Harold Peterson. 96 — Beverly
107 — Cleone Beed, Bernard
Grimes, Samuel Taggart. 110—
Becky Kennedy, Loran Parks,
Lois Saltz, Donald Spangler. 115
—Sharon Harkins. 121— Karon
Mahony. 122—Kay Hibbs.
125—Oscar Eaton. 127—Fran
cis Havranek. 131 — Clarabelle
Mlnarik. 134—Ronald Chipps. 135
—Dale Wood.
141—Mary Tunender. 146—Eu
gene Koenig, Robert Koenig. 148
—Donald Dickau. 156—Anna Mae
Gartner, Carolyn Wintermote.
165—Eileen Carl, Jerry Carl.
52—Garnet Palmer! 89—Her
man Disterhaupt.
168—Edith Ziska, Donald Zis
ka, Marvin Hamik. 173—Linette
Helmricks, Mona Mosel, Sharon
Schmidt. 174 — Charles Boyle,
Rita Boyle.
176 — Audine Ballagh, Lanny
Ballagh. 178—Clarence Sander
son. 180—Kenneth Meyers. 183
—Lavern Krysl. 196 — Leonard
Hawk, Robert Kreiziger, Rita
202—Bob Brown, Beverl Eng
elhaupt. 203—Marilyn Peterson.
208—Lenora Langdon. 209—Don
ald Butterfield. 210—Rudy Dvor
212—Kenneth Backhaus, Jan
ice Menkens, Jimmy Menkens.
216 — Elzene Fisher, Willamae
218—Janice Schmaderer. 226—
Lee DeGroff. 227—Jerome Kall
hoff. 228 — Lois Burge, Connie
Gilman. 233—Dickie Vanek. 242—
Marilyn Raymer. 243— Evange
line Berry, Hale Kennedy.
245—Dale Doolittle, Zane Ed
wards, Karen Garwood, Elaine
Liermann, F.llen Shermer. 246—
Shirley Colfack. 18‘/fe — Mary
Miller, Delano Scholl.
Hollywood Couple,
Visitors Here, Feted —
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Meyers,
of Hollywood, Calif., who have
been visiting relatives here, have
been honored in a series of social
Saturday evening they were
guests-of-honor at a family din
ner party at the hoime of Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Hickey. Those in
attendance, beside the honored
guests were Mr. and Mrs Sam
Fuhrer and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Delbert Robertson and family, P.
V. Hickey and son, Pat Hickey,
all of O’Neill, and Mrs. Joe Con
way, of Pender.
A picnic was held Sunday at
the O’Neill park in honor of the
Hollywood couple. Attending
were Mr. and Mrs. John Hickey
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Fuhrer and family, P. V. Hickey
and son, Pat, Mr. and Mrs. Del
bert Robertson, Edward Murphy,
and the Misses Kathleen Warnke
and Helen McNickols. The
Meyers departed on Monday for
their home in Hollywood.
Try Frontier want ads!
— The Frontier Engraving
5 PIKE — 32 POUNDS . . .
Clarence Farr, veteran Emmet
and O’Neill fisherman, proudly
exhibits five northern pike
snatched from the Elkhorn
river last week. Their total
weight: 32 pounds. The catch
ranged in length from 29 to
33% inches. Farr says his fish
ing place is on the “secret list.”
Meusches Announce
Daughter's Engagement —
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Meusch, Holt countyans residing
on a ranch south of Butte, have
announced the engagement and
approaching marriage of their
daughter, Evelyn Ann, to Vincent
E. Obermire.
Wedding date has been set for
Tuesday, May 27, at Sts. Peter
and Paul Catholic church, Butte
i Kindergarten Picnic —
The OTNeill public school kim
dergarten pupils and their teach
er, Mrs. Harry Peterson, held
their term-end picnic in he O’
Neill park on Tuesday. A lunch
was served at noon, after which
the children amused themselves
with different playground equip
ment at the park.
Richard Stuifbergen Is 3 —
Mrs. John Stuifbergen enter
tained 11 guests on Monday after
noon with a picnic supper in hon
or of her son, Richard, who was
celebrating his third birthday an
Elkhorn Club at Loys —
The Elkhorn extension club
met Tuesday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Loy for a
covered dish dinner.
Miss Helen Martens and pupils
of district 20 attended the eighth
grade graduation exercises held
Monday afternoon at the O’Neill
public school auditorium. The
Emmet pupils took part in the
“sing” which was part of the en
tertainment. Mike Schaaf and
Ronnie Murphy were graduates
from Emmet this year.
Pvt. Donald Rzeszotorski, who
was recently inducted nto the
army, is stationtd at Ft. Leonard
Wood, Mo.
Marks Anniversary—
Mrs. Nick Schwindt was sui
prised by a group of friends on
Thursday afternoon, May 8, the
occasion being her birthday an
niversary. The afternoon was
spent socially. Guests included
Mrs. Carl Schenzel, Mrs. Earl
Farr, Mrs. Ivan Cone, Mrs. Leon
ard Kruger and Mrs. Clay John
son, sr. Refreshments of sand
wiches, jello salad, cake, ice
cream and coffee were served.
Visit Ralyas—
Miss Willa Maria, of Pender,
spent Saturday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ralya and fam
&m m mm: imm mi mtmmm i
with a
High-speed valves, Natural-Drop
seed plates, and sloping hopper
bottoms assure you oi accurate
check-planting at speeds up to 5
miles per hour with a John Deere
Tractor Com Planter.
This faster planting enables you
to get your crop in when ground
and weather conditions are ideal
for quick germination and rapid
growth. You can check-plant up
to 30 acres a day with the No. 290
Two-Row shown at left ... as much
as 60 acres with the No. 490 Four
Row. Both operate with practically
any tractor . . . can be used for
checking, hill-dropping, or drill
ing. See us for complete informa
tion the next time you're in town.
USED TRACTORS Used Com Planters and Listers
1949 A John Deere Model H Tractor Spreader,
1949 B John Deere near new
i ola lj *1°l” ?eere New Planters, Listers, Mowers,
1943 H John Deere t . a *i li
1940 A John Deere _
1937 B John Deere ★ ★ ★
I 936 A John Deere (see our used car ad
' 2—1HC Regular Tractors IN CLASSIFIED SECTION>
Farmhand Stackers — U.S. Royal Farm fires
Harry R. Smith Implements
PHONE 562 4th & Fremont Sts.
• Chlordane kills crab grass seedlings.
Crab grass germinates at 85 degrees.
It’s time to spray your lawn with Chlor
• Fine vermiculite or fine peat moss is
ideal for use as a cover for small seeds
or plants. Holds in moisture, holds down
weeds. There’s not much time left to fer
tilize lawns. We have VIGORO, 1 0-20,
8-32, or 4-1 2-4. Better get some now.
DDT, Lb. Cans_75c
Aramite_ for Red Spiders
Bordeaux Mixture for Roses & Tomatoes
Ra-Pid-Gro, the Water Soluble Fertilizer
Bone Meal_4 Lbs. 50c; 100 Lbs. $6.00
Phone 410 — O’Neill
SMOKE damage SALE!
Entire Stock Must Be Sold This Friday and Saturday, May 16 and 17
I Reg. 3.99 ■ ^
Reg. 5.99 | g fT
I Reg. 6.99__ 3
) Reg. 3.99 mm
I Reg. 5.99 J
I Reg. 6.99_ +
,j Reg. 1.99 50f
Reg. 1.99
Reg. 2.99 1 AA
I Reg. 3.99 . I*WV
| Reg. 2.99 b _ _
I y *** I.5Q
Slips 50t
Reg. 1 99 1 AA
Reg. 2.99 _■ »WW
Reg. 2.99 1
Reg. 3.99 _I *Jw
Perfect and in Original Package jj
Original Price
79c and 89c -Jm
Reg. 1.09 ^F
Reg. 1.19.
Reg. 1.39_M